- 3,425
IMO you were hasty in closing the thread. The subject is worthy of discussion outside of the ..everyone is a bumbling idiot and Bush sucks threads RE Katrina that already exist. Race in the US is still a subject of debate and as you can see in a competitive media market IS USED FOR RATINGS by the press and to draw attention to ones politics...even if they are has beens or never was .
I for one was glad to see that the thread was there and was getting very usefull information . If anyone was paying attention especially to this post about the " sound bites " .
Now how exactly would this have been brought to your attention ? And how many would have just excepted the sound bite ?
The storm brought out the best and the worst in ever person and every agency and government oficial and the media .
I simply do not feel that the thread was degenerating and like I said ..it actually had value unlike some I could mention .
Or even a majority of them .
Racism needs to be brought out into the open under the light so that the simply ignorant or uniformed will be either " cured " or the vermin that preach it forced to scurry back under their rocks .
I for one was glad to see that the thread was there and was getting very usefull information . If anyone was paying attention especially to this post about the " sound bites " .
JACK CAFFERTY, CNN ANCHOR: It could happen. And with a couple of days' notice, as you suggested, it was taking shape and drawing a bead on the city, and we knew it was coming. And yet, the poorest and the neediest and the most helpless of those in New Orleans, well, they're still there, aren't they?
Despite the many angles of this tragedy -- and lord knows there've been a lot of them in New Orleans -- there is a great big elephant in the living room that the media seems content to ignore.
That would be until now. Slate.com's Jack Schafer wrote today in his column that television coverage has shied away from talking about race and class. Schafer says that we in the media are ignoring the fact that almost all of the victims in New Orleans are black and poor. And he's right. Almost every person we've seen, from the families stranded on their rooftops waiting to be rescued, to the looters, to the people holed up in the Superdome, are black and poor.
Many of them didn't follow the evacuation orders because they didn't have the means to get out of town. They just couldn't do it. A lot of them are sick. A lot of them don't have cars. A lot of them just didn't have the means to leave the Big Easy. And they're still there.
So here's the question: What role have race and class played in the Gulf Coast crisis? You tell us. CaffertyFile -- one word -- @CNN.com.
Wolf, we got something like 7,500 letters in the first hour of the program today. I thought we got a lot yesterday. We got about 6,000 letters over the course of the three hours yesterday. Seventy- five hundred e-mails poured in, in the first hour.
One of them suggested I could be tied up in IRS audits for years after the things I said about the federal government in the first hour.
BLITZER: That's all right. You have nothing to hide, Jack.
CAFFERTY: Okay, Wolf.
BLITZER: All right. Jack Cafferty.
I want to show our viewers some pictures that are just coming in. We're getting multiple feeds. These are live pictures you're seeing over here from the airport, New Orleans Airport, individuals being brought in by helicopters or planes. They have got an emergency medical facility unde rway right now. And New Orleans Airport has become a major source of attention.
These pictures over here, look at this. Individuals continuing to do what we've been seeing for days now, simply walking through the water -- we have to assume it's disgusting water, and rapidly becoming disease-filled water -- just trying to get to some location with what meager possessions they have. We see that picture over and over and over again.
As much as you see that picture, though, you simply get chills every time you see these poor individuals. As Jack Cafferty just pointed out, so tragically, so many of these people, almost all of them that we see, are so poor and they are so black, and this is going to raise lots of questions for people who are watching this story unfold.
We'll take a quick break.
More of our special coverage right after this.
Now how exactly would this have been brought to your attention ? And how many would have just excepted the sound bite ?
The storm brought out the best and the worst in ever person and every agency and government oficial and the media .
I simply do not feel that the thread was degenerating and like I said ..it actually had value unlike some I could mention .
Racism needs to be brought out into the open under the light so that the simply ignorant or uniformed will be either " cured " or the vermin that preach it forced to scurry back under their rocks .