Favorite car to drive in GT2

  • Thread starter Randy
Could it be? The RANDY? OMG! ahhh haha HI Randy. I don't know what my favorite car is. Ii registered so you should start posting at Ana Maria's board....you know from EDEN'S CRUSH! Yeah Eden's Crush rules!! Ok that's all. Bye Bye
gt one has good control. i like escudo the most definently followed by gt1 & then by s2000
i like scudo because of the speed. Control is pretty good to.:smile:
Quote: from squadjot on 6:26 pm on Aug. 11, 2001[br]the Calibra has ENCREDIBLE handling, not he fastest car though, but still my all-time-favorite!!!!!!!
i like tha Calibra, but I also Like The Altezza LM, S2000 GT-1(?) and the Cerbera LM etc.
Quote: from Saleen Man on 7:38 pm on Aug. 11, 2001[br]
Quote: from squadjot on 6:26 pm on Aug. 11, 2001[br]the Calibra has ENCREDIBLE handling, not he fastest car though, but still my all-time-favorite!!!!!!!
i like tha Calibra, but I also Like The Altezza LM, S2000 GT-1(?) and the Cerbera LM etc.
:thumbsup: sure sounds like some good picks to me :smile:
Post your favorite cars, non-hybrids and hybrids.
My favorites....
hybrid: GT-One Race Car '99
non-hybrid: don't know, sold all of them  :)

What about you guys, what are your favorites?
Favorite hybrid=the GT350 and '96 Corvette Grand Sport I made for a short racing series a long time back.  I think those were two of the best quality hybrids I ever made.  2000 hp, 1800 lbs, handled perfectly, could go around 90 degree turns at 190 mph.  Top speed around 440 mph.  Steady as a rock too.  It wasn't easy to screw up when you drove those cars.

Favorite non hybrid=Speed 12 with s.s. tires, Racing Vipers, GT40, GT90, Elise GT1, etc.
I just remebered that I made a hybrid once, it was my first ever. It was a GT90 and it have about 900hp because of the displacement code I had in. It hit 200mph in about 6 seconds, and it handled like a dream. I took it to I forget how many enduro races and destroyed the competition. But I deleted my GT2 file that had the GT90 on it, I was so pissed.

Your cars sound great skynyrd, do you have them posted on your website? Maybe I can check them out later.
I'll probably be hosting skynyrd's files on GTPlanet pretty soon, so you can get them that way.

Now for my favorite car, I'll have to go with the Altezza 280T.  I had a bright yellow one and loved it to death!  That car was my baby, then my memory card got deleted and I lost it forever...  :(
I definatly like the altezza's, all models, they're just a great car, ecspecially the lm model, I was screwing around and made a 2000hp Altezz lm, the yellow one and it handled like a dream, outrageous accelration, but I sold it. :(
Ah, 2000hp hybrids are dime a dozen in my garage. What I like are the wheelie hybrids, they're awesome, great replays. I wish I had a Dexdrive, I've got some killer cars and replays.
well lets see here.... my favorite car .....  how about any car that wins the race whether it be a hybrid or non hybrid id have to say though that the fastest non hybrid that i had was the escudo it did 270.00 and had tach left never touched the redline on the test track  but lost in when i had the same garage problems as you guys after i filled the record slots in max speed bye bye garage :(
That has to suck.... :( all those cars gone, Ive lost 100 cars once, it was a garage I put aside for EVERY special model in EVERY color in the game, it took me about a month to fill. Then I went to drive one and instead of a list of carsa it said  N/A I was sooooo mad.
it does suck thats why i went out and bought a dex drive put the playstation next to the computer and everytime i won a new car saved it on the memory card then the dex drive till i sent it in to sony then they fixed it and i havent had any problems since :)
That's cool. I have 4 memory cards and I do this thing to where I have the same garage on two memory cards. I get all my cars and tune them and do what I have to but I never race them. I save it and then save it on a nother memory card. So I have two memory cards with the same data. Then I take 1 memory card and test the cars and fine tune them. When I get a car the way I like it, I save it. I load the other memory card and delete that car, and trade it from the other memory card. So I have all the cars, fine tuned on two memory cards. The only difference is the number of day. On one it says 264days and the other is still at 0days. The process is long and conusing but it saves alot of agravation.
yep thats what i did until i got the dex and the new fixed copy of the game but you still gotta do what you gotta do   no matter how time consuming it can be i do the same thing now even with my dex save it on two cards and always fine tune one at a time but sometimes i forget what card im tuning and accidently delete all of my best cars like my escudo opps i didnt write it down or dex it and i lost the settings :(  been trying to tweak it back out ever since the closest ive come is around 262-265 but even then still to slow :(
I used to be like WOW 200mph now, 200mph is just like a check mark, so is 300mph. I'm used to about 400mph now. It's great, no tuning is really involved.
the joy of gameshark and hybrids 400 max speed is around 655 but even then thats tooo slow for me maybe i should be playing some flight simulator :lol:  😈
I don't know, I like auto racing games. I myself love the GT series but I would like to drive them cars in a Driver type game, where you do missions and you get to roll the cars and totally beat the cars. Ya know, I love those games, that's why I hve every twisted metal game made thus far.. 😈

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