Resident Evil 5

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Inland Empire SoCal
Since Resident Evil 4 was such a big hit for the PS2, I'm guessing this title will be no different. So, with new info available, and a video from long ago, I'm making this RE5 thread. Put whatever you want in it so long it's RE5 related. Speculation is welcome.

New Info!

Capcom plans to release its latest horror-survival game on two consoles at once, a first for the series.

In an interview published in Xbox360ism (a special edition of Dorimaga), Capcom Research & Development division chief Keiji Inafune said he expects Resident Evil 5 to be released simultaneously on the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 if possible.

"We want to grow the Resident Evil series into a multi-platform franchise, so we hope to release it simultaneously [on the two next-generation consoles]," Inafune told Xbox360ism. "But since we don't know the launch period for the PS3 yet, so it's hard to say [if we can]."

Inafune also revealed that Resident Evil 5 will feature online elements, although he did not elaborate.

In other zombie-related Capcom news, Inafune said that his first project for the Xbox 360, Dead Rising, is slated for release after summer 2006. Inafune explained that the game could be released earlier, but he's taking the time to polish it as much as possible.

Inafune also revealed that Microsoft initially asked Capcom to make an original Xbox 360 title catered toward the taste of the Japanese consumers, but the third-party publisher declined. Inafune stated that Capcom's aim is to release games that will be a global hit, regardless of whether it's for the Xbox 360 or PS3.

Resident Evil 5 Teaser
Oh I'm very much looking forward to it! Online options sound interesting. It'd be nice if you could play through the whole game with, say, one other person online but in a different area on the map and communicate with each other etc. But perhaps the online mode will be more like Outbreak or the Mercenaries sub-game in Resi 4.

This was interesting
Inafune also revealed that Microsoft initially asked Capcom to make an original Xbox 360 title catered toward the taste of the Japanese consumers, but the third-party publisher declined. Inafune stated that Capcom's aim is to release games that will be a global hit, regardless of whether it's for the Xbox 360 or PS3.
Microsoft really are desperate to break into the Japanese market!
Hmmm... The guy in the RE5 clip can be either...

Billy Cohen


Chris Redfield


Carlos Olivera



New Guy?

I reckon it's Chris Redfield. Then again Capcom have a variety of story threads going this way and that. What's happend to Claire Redfield after Code Veronica? Or Jill "master of unlocking" Valentine or Barry "I have this!" Burton? And the other one..what's her name...the Medic?

It'd be nice if they all featured in the same game, maybe play different characters.
I did feel that "Resi 4" was kinda out of step with the earlier games, though I never played "Resident Evil 0". Any chance of that one and the Resident Evil 1 re-make getting a PS2 release? Highly unlikely I guess...
Anyway, I wonder what happens next?
It's a possible chance it may be Chris Redfield OR Carlos Olivera from RE3. I think it's a great idea if RE5 releases in a multiplatform with the addition of the new XBOX 360. The teaser scared the hell out of me when I saw that shadow of zombies running on their way to get whoever that is. :nervous: Just kidding!
RE5 is one of the games, I am so getting for the PS3. But I,m just glad the Zombies can run now, so people will have to use there ammo right.

And if they need to reload, they will have to reload at the right times folks.
RE5 is one of the games, I am so getting for the PS3. But I,m just glad the Zombies can run now, so people will have to use there ammo right.

And if they need to reload, they will have to reload at the right times folks.
In RE4, the Grenados run all the time. They stop when they get near you. In normal mode, they stop sooner than in pro level mode.
But wasn't there no Zombies in RE4 at all.
Not really, because they were only referred as "Grenados" but they don't seem like normal people to me. Zombies, yes, but not like the previous RE zombies.

There have been plenty of developments since the last time this thread was active. Heck, it's been two full years. :lol:
As some guessed from above, Chris Redfield is the main player this time around.
Other than that, I'm not really looking to confirm or supply info in this reply (almost anyone can do that any way). :sly:

I'm looking to address a concern I have...
Does growing intelligence in the enemies (no longer just zombies) contradict the nature of the gameplay?
I look at RE4 and think the enemies were good, just smart enough to be trouble, just zombie-like enough to have fun killing. :mischievous:
However, if the enemies get any smarter, wouldn't it be natural for them to pick-up weapons like GUNS!

Resident Evil has always been about zombies, mutant, and monsters. The connection for all of them was blood-lust. RE4 got away from that a bit by using fewer enemies who would actually eat you. Now RE5 looks to use the same theme with smarter enemies... How long will it be before RE games have super smart knife-fighting enemies? Or, will RE fall into the trap of arming the enemies with guns? More over, will RE ever make a return to true zombies (as the villagers in RE4 definately didn't eat you in a cut-scene animation after death like in past RE games)?

Thoughts on contradictions in enemy tactics and intelligence as well the nature of RE enemies are welcome. I hope many of you will be interested in discussing the topic, RE is one of my favs and I'd love to see what you guys think of RE's future. :cheers:

btw, I'll try to come up with info and video later but for now it's just this post. :D
There's a new trailer, few days ago at most, for this game at Gametrailers. I didn't like what I saw. It looks too much of a mimic/gimmick of RE4. I've almost lost complete interest in this game.

I also noticed how 'zombies aren't zombies' in the latest trailer. They look like regular Africans but with an octopus shooting out of their mouth. Silly and repetitive. RE4 was fresh and new with less-than-zombies and RE5 is looking like like the same but with almost-non-zombies. At least the dogs still go for your jugular.

I'm not liking the way it appears to be heading. I have doubts right now if I'll get this game, but that could change. I haven't completely thrown in the towel on this game, just yet.
I just pre-orderd this the other day at the Mall. Does anyone have any information on the collectors edition? The guy asked me if I wanted to add the pre-order to that edition, but I refused because it was set at 90$! heh >.<
Yikes! Anybody else play the demo? Still the same frustrating controls, and 'not enough ammo' scenario, which got old two versions ago. I guess some people just don't like change, even when it's necessary.

I played it to, the controls are terrible and it really ruins any fluid motions and makes everything feel as clunkly and slow as the slowly advancing villagers. Not impressed.
I forgot to post in here about the demo.

This demo surprised me and ended up consuming 2 straight hours of my life last night. Actually very fun and I will be renting this for sure. Teamwork and communication are a must or you will die. The more we played the more we found and also the easier the enemies were to kill. Those close up execution moves are very helpful for conserving ammo. I love how you can exchange items with your partner like herbs, grenades, and ammo. Plus you have to interact with each other to survive attacks and to get from level to level.
***Very important!!!****
Make sure you watch the control settings because sometimes they change the default for some reason. I was playing with the D control settings for most of the night. Then I went to play another game and somehow the controls were not the same. Luckily after a few minutes I looked at the default and somehow they switched to B. So make sure you pick control settings you are comfortable with. There are 4 different control settings D works the best for me. It even allows you to speed run with the left click button which is exactly like COD4 and CODWAW.

The demo is actually very good and I recommend it to everyone. These 4 hints will help you enjoy it even more.
1. The controls have 4 pre-set settings. A B C and D. "D" setting is usually the best for most people and even allows you to speed run with by clicking the left analog stick. Similar to the COD series. Or you can hold A to speed run similar to GOW.
2. You can also turn up your turning sensitivity to very fast which helps a lot.
3. Plus you can hotkey weapons and items with thE D pad
4. It also allows you to trade ammo, health, and grenades with your partner.
so, they didn't go with the RE4 style setup?

the only rumor I'd like substantiated completely is one that's been floating around for quite a while. that the rescuee that Chris is supposed to be going after is a brainwashed adult Sherry Birkin. this is wishful thinking on some people's parts, but would tie up the last loose end from RE.

RE4 was designed, I believe, to get around the weird swapping camera angles that people complained about in the 32 bit generation games. I'd rather see the RE4 camera usage. it works with the PS version, but I think I heard complaints about the interface for the Wii version. hopefully, they'll specialize a bit better between platforms this time (they may change things from the Demo that some of you played)
Jesus christ, I can't get passed the chainsaw guy. THis game is so much harder then RE4, Its insane... I have to play online Co-op yet though. I only played solo...
Jesus christ, I can't get passed the chainsaw guy. THis game is so much harder then RE4, Its insane... I have to play online Co-op yet though. I only played solo...
He is tough. Took me quite a few tries with a co-op partner. You need to use the explosive barrels to your advantage and keep running around. Do not ever sit still by him. As soon as he is stunned make sure to have you or your team mate do the close up melee attack on him. Thats very important.
Did anybody ever purchase and play this game? I just rented it and I have some questions.

1. Does it benefit me to purchase and upgrade Sheva's firearms? I've already done so, but don't know if I should continue.

2. What weapons should I upgrade or just ignore until I get something better to upgrade?

3. What general tips do you have to help me enjoy the game more?

4. Do I need to keep the treasures I find to keep track what I already found, or can I just sell what I've already found? So far, I have the $2,000 broach and the $2,000 clock.

I have completed level 1-1 and I'm on level 1-2. I read how I can find the treasure chest by jumping across by a door to find $1,000 and then quit the game but save my inventory. Then, I can reload the game and collect all the ammo and the $1,000 from the treasure chest again. In fact, I spent 3 hours doing just that and have earned over $80,000 with tons of shotgun and pistol ammo, half dozen grenades and a few green herbs.
What the hell happened to Resident Evil?. Bought it and Dead Space together second hand for a measly £15 since I hadn't played any survival horrors on my PS3 yet.
Started Resi 5 and thought "Oh my god. This has gone so wrong."
Why did they have to change everything? Admittedly in this day and age you couldn't get away with static screens, so the full 3D isn't the problem.
The problem is that it is no longer a survival horror. It is a 3rd person action game with zero atmosphere, annoying controls, and frustrating gameplay. The co-op element is just a hindrance.
The last one I played was Code Veronica on the PS2. That dumps on Resi 5 from a great height. Even Nemesis on the PS1 was better. I never actually played number 4 in the series, although I heard it was good.
Perhaps it has something to do with Resi Evil creator, Shinji Mikama, not having anything to do with the new one.
In fact, I think I read somewhere that he himself was unimpressed.

Suffice to say, Resident Evil 5 didn't stay in my PS3 for very long.
Straight on to Dead Space. Now that has to be the best survival horror on the PS3 bar none. Not to mention one of the best Sci-Fi games, and probably the scariest game I have ever played.
That's how it sould be done, Capcom.

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