Proposed engine building

  • Thread starter opendriver
Like it say in the title
I know its a bit of a strech but you should be able to build your own engines and set your own tolerences(valve lash, timing, ring clearence,ect.)you could get maybe another 100hp from a motor like that. The main thing that would be really hard to do is see if the engine will last (if you remove your rev limter and melt down engine)

that pretty much it,if anyone has anything to ad-go ahead:sly:
i think its a good idea! and you could choose what type of layout you want and you could buy different bits to put on and experiment with fuel to air mixture you need!
i say no because it wont workout. in order for this to work and be "REAL" you would haft to know it for each individual car and engine, it wont work universally.
yeah i dont think it'd be a good idea at all. modding an engine and engine swaps would be nice though.
This fits into the "professional mode" thing that i've been thinking up. It's a mode for experienced car people to get technical with their car modifications. Really focused stuff, ya know? Like designing your own suspension layout or, like you said, making your own engines. It should include simulations of wheels weight, unsprung weight, drag coefficients, all sorts of technical stuff that not everybody understands. It would have to be a seperate mode, though, or else the game would become too complicated for 90% of its players. They most likely wouldn't have to make another professional game because they'll have 50 gigs to work with on a disc.

Back on topic, I think your idea is great, though it should include tutorials and teach you about the parts and show you how to design them, what orks, what doesn't. Maybe it could have a bunch of preset stuff and you could start from there and modify the settings. You know, start with a standard engine, bore or stroke it, put in sleeves to decreasse the displacement (for forced induction durability reasons), lower or raise compression, that sort of stuff. But most tolerances on modern engines are already about as close as you can get. You could change the measurements of the engine, but things like ring clearance ar about as close as you can get. I think watching a virtual hand measure, grind, and place the buckets of your OHC motor on the engine is a little too inticate, though. I would go for things like swapping out a carbuerator for EFI would be neat. Or changing a wet sump oil syatem to dry sump for racing purposes.
Overall, I like your idea. But Don't get too technical, you might be spending as much time designing as the engineers do!
German Muscle
i say no because it wont workout. in order for this to work and be "REAL" you would haft to know it for each individual car and engine, it wont work universally.
I never saiad it would work for ALL of the cars but it would be nice to have it on the race cars and then their should be an option called "customized engine(s)"for stock and production cars or someting like that.

Or, just for ****s and giggles, why not have TWO engines?
I dont see why not....:sly:
Yeah, you can't see the engine in the game, anyway, so why not. Basically the game could just add weight to whatever end you added the engine and then give you more power. You could turn a FWD car into an AWD car by putting an engine in the back and hooking it to the rear wheels.
Well.... for just tooting around in a custom car, that would be interesting. I think to the extent you're talking about, you're getting into custom engine design, which could work but be expensive as heck.

And you can only go so far with this anyway. Putting a huge V8 on the front of a Neon requires some clever work or the car might not even handle well enough to make a good dragster.

Not to mention that in racing, there are definite specifications which have to be met, or you can't even enter the race. I don't mean to sayit's a dumb idea. For experimentation it sounds like a blast. But keep in mind that you would only really be able to do something like this to have fun with, not as something you can enter in a race.
I retract all my previous statements and decide to agree with Aloha up there^. That's what I 've been trying to say, I guess, but I always seem to elaborate a little too much. I just want simple, straightforward modifications like he said. Look, I'm doing it right now, this is already longer than his comment and I haven't even said anything!
It'd take out the fun for those who are just in it for the racing and the fun of it...could maybe make it too serious and narrow the audience to only those who know what they're doing.
I was going to post what Aloha62_2 suggested. A dry sump conversion would be cool. Since you can already do things like port polish jobs and engine balancing, dry sumping your engine(better revs and center of gravity) wouldn't be much of a stretch. Lowering the engine for better center of gravity or moving it back for better weight distribution is a good idea too.

Another idea I had was adding/removing variable cam profile or cam/valve timing systems. The systems can help broaden your torque band a bit, for tracks where you use a variety of rev ranges. On the other hand, if you delete the variable cam/valve timing(if your car had one stock), you lose a bit of low-end, but have stronger top-end power for tracks where you are in high revs most of the time.

The nice thing about these changes are that PD can make them simple choices. You either perform the mods, or you don't. There doesn't have to be any adjustment involved, and that would make it easier to include such options in the game.
I would like to see engine rebuilds after "x" amount of miles put on the car. That's if the oil changes aren't enough.