The Land Rover fan club!


Wymondham, Norfolk

Welcome to the Land Rover fan club, THE place on GTP for you to come and talk about Land Rovers, your likes, your dislikes and everything about them.

Also can someone tell me some info on the insurance of them? particularly the pre 1970s models, i heard it was free to insure them and tax excempt or something..



Thanks to Jon for the Banner.
I'm In!

We have a freelander. It's alright. I love the current Discovery and RR, though :D

Had a discovery before that, too :)

Gotta love the discoverys:D Which version do you guys like most? The new on or the older styles?

Gotta love the discoverys:D Which version do you guys like most? The new on or the older styles?

I like both. The new one is a big step up from the old one, but the classic is ...a classic :D
I do like the new one but i don't think it looks quite as, i dunno, the older one just looks more meaty, more off roady..
Yeah. I like the not too old versions, say the version that was on sale before the new one, or even the one before that.
I've got an old Landie out front: it's from before they invented springs. One of my friends said it looked like an extra from Emmerdale.

I've always liked them, but ownership is, well, different. But it makes a handsome sculpture in the front garden.... I'll see if I can find any pics.
I've always liked them, but ownership is, well, different. But it makes a handsome sculpture in the front garden.... I'll see if I can find any pics.

Indeed :)

Can we take it that you're in?
series II

those are landies.
i dont much like the new fancy land cruisers either if you care. give me the rugged appliance they use in the outback and in africa and i'll take it anyday.
That is true. I like the new landys A LOT, but it's a little frustrating when you see 3 in a row parked outside argos without a speck of mud on them.
As much as i love Landys, i have never seen one with dirt on it. I mean SUV's are ment for off road, not putting "DUBs" on them. Or around here, they buy them, along with 3 Mercedes just to show that they have alot of money. But when they go off roading, they can be alot of fun :) Count me in this club, i loved the old Landys. The new ones don't see anything but tarmac.
I'm in, as a memeber of a family with a long history of Land Rover ownership.

My dad has had all manner of Landies and Range Rovers, his wife currently drives an early Disco and my sister has a Freelander.

Pride of place goes to the Land Rover Carawagon conversion that my dad and I are currently getting back on the road, don't have any pictures of the actual one to hand, but this should give you an idea. The roof section is normally stowed for travel and folds flush with the roof, but 'pops' up for living in.


Our one is in desert colours however, as soon as I can I will get some shots up. Hoping to get some camping trips done in this later in the year.


Scaff, those are the ones i love so much! You have any pictures?

Not at the moment as its getting a bit of welding done at the moment, but as soon as I do they will be up here.


As much as i love Landys, i have never seen one with dirt on it. I mean SUV's are ment for off road, not putting "DUBs" on them. Or around here, they buy them, along with 3 Mercedes just to show that they have alot of money. But when they go off roading, they can be alot of fun :) Count me in this club, i loved the old Landys. The new ones don't see anything but tarmac.

In a 2003 issue of TopGear they had an article entitled "Mud Sweat and Tears" that was all about a major off-road excursion with an older Landy and a Jeep. Lots of winch use there.
Last weekend I slept in one of these:

It's a Forward Control Land Rover 101, ex army, converted to a caravan. My Uncle bought it 10 years ago to go to India in, and got as far as Somerset... Sadly it hasn't run for some time.

Oh, and yes, I'm in.


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Right update on my Dad's Landie.

Its now passed its MOT and just waiting to sort a few other bits out before its first trips on the road.

Here are the pictures I promised, mixture of shots and some with the roof up.

Keep in mind that this has been off the road and in storage (well a barn) for nine years and still runs wonderfully. The only thing missing is the spare, which would normally sit on the bonnet (hood over the water).

And just in case any members of Greenpeace are reading, here's my dad's two other cars.

So thats three 4wds, two full size off roaders (Landie and Disco) and one a twin turbo estate car (Legnum VR-4 - and yes it is bloody fast).


That Landy is a classic! You guys should put a new engine in it, and go off roading.

Nothing at all wrong with the engine thats in it :), it may now be 33 years old, but its in generally good condition (don't let nine years of grime fool you) and runs very well.

Don't worry about the off road bit, its done it in the past and most certainly will be doing it again in the future. It may be slow on the road, but once it gets muddy very little can better it.


Can't believe I hadn't seen this club before. I'm in.

Living near a good few farms with muddy fields aplenty there's a good LR following round here.

My favourite though has to be the Hard Top Defender 90. With a sorkel and in Rimini red it just looks badass.