What is your morality and where does it come from?

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It's a simple question. But is the answer so simple?

With all the talk of smoking, immigration and everything else in the opinions forum lately, let's have a discussion on morality.
I'd have to say morals are taught to you by your parents and as you grow up, you learn a bit more about them from friends and your environment.

It's more or less your definition of right and wrong and how you apply it in life.
Well, indeed it is not that easy to find a proper answer.... I certainly have some sort of "morality" : I try to be fair to everybody, I don't want to harm anybody...
I think that sums it up pretty well.
Where it comes from ? Certainly not from religion ( at least not directly), more or less from my cultural surrounding, society so to say, which is influenced by christianity of course...
My morality is based on the concept that no man is fundamentally superior to any other. From that premise, from the need to have a functioning society, and the concept of fairness or justice, you can draw a basic set of rights.

I think all men have rights to their property, to their bodies, and to expression.

If I violated those rights, I would prove myself unworthy of them.
The more I learn that reality is real, that my existence exists, that I am entitled to what I make of that reality, the happier and more at peace I become. And each individual on the planet is entitled to that same freedom - each person must be allowed to make his way through his existence. That's the basis of my morality; it comes from within, not from above. I gain strength from the knowledge that I am the final arbiter of what I value, and of what I am willing to trade to gain that value.

I am strong in direct proportion to the extent that I refuse to fake reality. That's where my morality comes from. If I steal, I am faking the reality that I have earned that money. If I lie, I am faking the truth. If I live with the goal of a supernatural 'heaven' and a set of rules handed down from above, I am faking the idea that I do not have to determine my own morality.

The more I do these things, the more I fake myself, and the weaker and unhappier I am. The more that I acknowledge reality, and my right to a place within reality, the stronger, happier, and more moral I become. I feel my morality is all the stronger and more valued because I choose it myself rather than having it handed to me – or dictated to me. Are not more thought and care and discipline required to CREATE a consistent, logical set of rules rather than there is in simply following a pre-determined set?
"Do unto others, as if they were to do unto you."

My morality just comes from my own thoughts, my understanding of life, and probably my personality.

I'm a "do unto others" guy, myself... but I think it's a misquote... it should really be "Don't screw someone because they might screw you back."

My morality is "Work for what you want and need... don't step on anyone's toes without good reason... do good when you can... speak the truth when appropriate." Don't ask me to define "need", "toes", "good reason" or "good". :lol:

My morality comes from a lot of trial and error. Mostly error. :lol:
I... have no morality.
Ok, seriously?
Well, my morals are
1. Be honest
2. Be kind
3. Use good discretion (working on it)
4. Its ok to mess someone up if they mess with you or are just total idiots, but for NO OTHER REASON.
5. DONT SCREW WITH ME, because I WILL mess you up.

Those morals are a mix of my own (2, 3, 4, and 5), and the ones my parents taught me (1, 2, and 3), as well as the ones that my friends/teachers have taught me or I have learned on my own (all of them).

My morality is "Work for what you want and need... don't step on anyone's toes without good reason... do good when you can... speak the truth when appropriate."

So what do you mean by "need", "toes", "good reason" and "good"?
My morality isn't from what I feel a so-called religion of set rituals and beliefs I must follow in order to be "accepted" or "right"

A lifechange occured to me when I saw the light, when my eyes were open. As the morals taught by Jesus Himself 2000 years ago, all that He taught, but Him being nailed to the cross, the ultimate obedience of commitment to His heavenly Father.

At work if someone asks why I may be doing something weird, I say "I do what I'm told" I do what the Bible teaches. I feel that prayers and requests are answered in my heart and it tells me what to do.

You can call me delusional or psycho, but when you go through a lifechange that I went through (I was suicidal) I can't help but fall in-head over my heels for my Savior.

Plus the morals I believe in keep me out of trouble and healthy. I believe they promote a safe, healthy, and productive lifestyle that is completely helpful and suitable for where I work and how I treat others. My morals help me alot, they keep me safe and happy.
To me morality means consideration of the consequences of your actions, both for others and for yourself.

There is a definite trend these days to make everything someone else's fault. "If he hadn't done that, I wouldn't be in this position." "She did it first, so I thought it was OK." Accept responsibility for yourself.

There's also, "I had a bunch of hours built up, so I thought I'd take today off. You guys can cover for me, right?" Even though they have no notice, no details, and no time to prepare. Don't dump on your friends, even if it is a great day for the beach.

And to yourself: "I couldn't take that job, even with the money, because they still need me here." So it's OK with your family to keep eating Ravioli or Pork-n-Beans, just because you were to too chicken to take a leap?

Do nothing without consideration of what others will see in you for it. That's my definition of morality.

Also, to have integrity. Mean what you say, do what you promise. If you don't have your word backing you up, what use are you to anybody?
I believe in absolutes, there is a yes and a no.

It is not okay to mess someone up if they are total idiots.

Help someone out if you feel compelled to...you never know what may become of it.

I don't believe in karma, but the principle I think is good.

There MUST be a reason to be moral, morals is what keeps our society from going into complete utter chaos.
Thats not what I meant, and by mess up I mean publicly humiliate. I am against violence.
I mean if they are trying to mess with you first and act like idiots in the process.
Be honorable . Treat others the way you want to be treated . Dont kill / hurt anyone unless they need it . Dont screw other women besides your own wife / partner...unless of your wife / partner wants you to .
"Morality" is based uppon your childhood, but for the most part, it is formed as you grow older.

My "moral compass" is very different from other folks', as my lack of religious feelings allow me to see beyond the "Jesus Blinders" as I like to call them, and see things for what they are.

...Yes, yes, I am a GOP guy... But that doesn't mean that I am a crazy right-wing Christian. And yes, I'm going to a Catholic College despite the fact that I am not religious in any way, but hey, a good education is a good education...

It is a hard topic to completely define, but I think it all greatly depends on what you as a person deems important/not important in your life. Quite frankly, the quibbling between Democrats and Republicans on the Immigation thing and the "morals" of it are just plain stupid. They need to do what is RIGHT for America, not what is right for their own political game. I look at someone like the Governator himself and how he backed down from the immigration issue, and I am discusted. If this was not an election year, he probably would be supporting the President...

Unfortunately, it has become the church and the political parties that decide how your morals should be founded these days. I may walk the line of a Christian GOP member, but that doesn't mean that I am completely anti-abortion and anti-taxes.

...Being a moderate is a good thing sometimes, but unfortunately, not everyone grows up the same way that I did.
Here is mines:

"If someone is trying to put you down to their level. Just continue working hard and rub it all in when the time is right." 👍

Some life I have with cousins who do poorly in school. I am fortunate that my parents push me hard to do good in school and all I get is other family members talking so much S*** about me. I can't WAIT to rub it all in when I am done with UTI and get my new car.

I wish I can have some good life like some of you guys. :nervous:
My morality comes from my belief that doing the "good thing" keeps myself and society in best working order, so it's really my wanting to carry out that ideal. When I act immorally, it's because I (at the time) see a benefit greater than the benefit of doing the moral thing.
My morality is "Work for what you want and need... don't step on anyone's toes without good reason... do good when you can... speak the truth when appropriate." Don't ask me to define "need", "toes", "good reason" or "good".

So what do you mean by "need", "toes", "good reason" and "good"?


Errh... need=anything you need in order to survive or to ensure your family's survival. That's food, protection and education. Everything else=wants. That includes coffee, clothes, a nice house and a nice car. They're lower on the order of priorities, but if you've got enough money for the basic three... heck, go crazy.

"toes" and "good reason". Don't upset another person's worldview or prevent them from doing things if the only person they're hurting is themself... errhh... elves? If their actions are needlessly harmful to others (now that's a whole new kettle of fish...) by all means, kick their asses.

"good"=anything you'd like another person to do for you, personally, if you were in their situation. Give a decent but poor guy a job, help an old person across the street, administer euthanasia for a terminally screwed cancer patient... that sort of thing. :lol:
Delirious XVII
You can call me delusional or psycho, but when you go through a lifechange that I went through (I was suicidal) I can't help but fall in-head over my heels for my Savior.
💡 And all of a sudden, I understand your desire to display your faith as openly as you do, and that's cool with me.

I frankly don't care if someone believes the moon is made of blue cheese, if their beliefs can bring them back from the brink of suicide, then that's a good thing.

As an aside, I am not really sure what I believe in. As I am a non-practicing Christian/agnostic, I feel that my personal morals are partially a reflection on my religious upbringing as well as my personal observations on the world.

In general my morals contain many "grey areas" that people with more traditional views would see as either black or white. In a way I respect that, but I believe that there are certain areas where a 2000+ year old book is simply not relevent any more. This is where I see grey. I'd elaborate but it's 1:10 am and I have class at 8 am. :nervous:
My morality is based on a christian upbringing, then twisted and perverted with my sense of logic, disregarding what makes no sense, and including what does.
through life experiance, more than anything, I believe we all have a choice, everyday, in everything we do. and I take this to the very literal point that it is.
Yes, he has 2 kids, a dead-end job, and needs money. but he didnt have to make those kids, or drop out of school, and he could still find another job.
Yes, bad things happened to her in her childhood, but she needs to move on with her life, and stop using these things as excuses, not for my benefit, or yours, but her own.
I have a very harsh, straight outlook on people, their actions, and can be very judgmental at times. and yes, I apply this to myself as well, but it can be depressing.

I don't have time to decribed the detail of which I mean right now, but in short, EVERYTHING you do, you chose to do. including going to that gas station, getting that coffee, going that much faster than the speed limit. just everything.
My morals are basically that I treat others with respect. Part of that respect means that I must always be honest with them, even if it hurts them. Some people find it offensive to be told an honest opinion when it is negative, but I would be lying otherwise.

Another part of that respect is to treat everyone fairly and equally.

I also believe that I must earn my way through life. Everything I have I must earn. I work for the things that I have and believe there is no other way to do it.

My morality comes from a desire to have self-respect. If I am unjustly rude to someone I find I don't like myself, and the idea of taking financial assistance of some form (not loans, although I avoid those too) gives me heartburn. If I don't follow these rules I can't respect myself and don't feel that I deserve all that I have.

I have a good life with a wife, home, and vehicle and I can look at everything and honestly tell myself I came by them fairly and no one can justly take them away.
Since this thread is going to get boring without more follow-up questions, I feel obliged to ask:

My morality comes from my belief that doing the "good thing" keeps myself and society in best working order, so it's really my wanting to carry out that ideal. When I act immorally, it's because I (at the time) see a benefit greater than the benefit of doing the moral thing.

Altruism defeats the concept of justice. How do you reconcile that?
Doing what is in others' best interest often means ignorning what is just. Does your morality include a concept of justice, or only what is best for those around you?
My morality is contingent; self-servingly pragmatic; consistent as best as my innate tendency toward that standard, and pragmatism, allows.

Machiavellianism is both good and bad. It transcends.

Fa la la la. La la la.
Doing what is in others' best interest often means ignorning what is just. Does your morality include a concept of justice, or only what is best for those around you?

I think it's more centered around justice. Of course some concessions are made if I decide that the value of doing what's best for someone outweighs the value of the "just" thing to do, but that usually doesn't happen as I'd say that justice is usually what is best for those around me anyway.

I wouldn't say that a poor person robbing an extremely rich person is a 'moral' thing to do, even if it benefits the poor person more than it hurts the rich person.
I wouldn't say that a poor person robbing an extremely rich person is a 'moral' thing to do, even if it benefits the poor person more than it hurts the rich person.

What if there are a lot of poor people and only a few rich people?