Not all American cars are suited for English people, but by the same contrast, not all English cars are suited to Americans. At the end of the day, more Americans will preffer American cars in much the same way that more British people will preffer British car, more French people will preffer French cars and Poverty will preffer German cars.
I'm not a big American car fan, but since I haven't driven many American cars myself, I'm limited to not being much of a fan based on reports and styling. But I do know tht there are some good American cars, just because I don't like car does not automatically make car A a bad car, it just means it doesn't make me tick or it doesn't meet my requirements.wants in a car. There's simply no denying that cars like the C6 Corvette are great cars, and fantastic value for moeny if your in te market for a two seater sportscar, however UK sales are deal a big blow by them being lhd only. You haev to remember not all cars are built to go around a track, some are actually built to make your journey as pleasent as possible. No not all American cars are good, or close to good, but I'm sure plenty of people can name plenty of European and British cars that arn't good, or close to good as well. The bottom line is that there are some good cars in America.
I'd also like to point out that saying "If America ever makes a car that beats an M3, I'll eat my hat" is stupid, everyone knows that the M3 is the best at what it does, well some may argue that the RS4 is up there, but it's the M3 with the attention so we'll use that for now. To say another country is no good at making cars unless it makes a car that can do what the M3 does, but better is frankly ridiculous, firstly, you can make a pretty damn good car and have it not be as good as an M3, secondly the M3 isn't the definitive saloon car, it's much more of a niche, you don't see M3's produced in the tens of thousands, so what if 90% of car manufacturers decline to try and get a slice of the M3's pie.
In America a lot of European cars don't make sensible purchases mainly due to price, you see we can get a European car for £30k over here, a similarly specced American car will cost maybe £30-£35k over here, but $30k in the states, now when our £30k car get's imported to America, it still costs £30k, no, not $30k, but £30k which is roughly $50k, and there's the problem with a lot of European built cars being sold in America.
vectradriver, your no better than thoes people who go around calling every car with any mod what-so-ever a ricer, regardless of the mods purpose or effect.