Zoo Pix ::: by Sejtur

  • Thread starter sejtur
I got to go to the zoo in rotterdam (holland) for free and decided to shoot some pics. They're only 800*600 because when enlarged they don't look so nice anymore. I edited em a little in contrast and added a gradient to some to give em that scary look. I guess you can figure out which those are! Enjoy. :)


Visit my GT4 gallery (link in sig) for more of my pics, but only GT4 pics obviously.
Really good stuff sej. You should look into getting a deviantart account. Its free, I think you would enjoy it there.
Thanks people. :)

@ Jondot: Thanks man, but that's the only pic in here thats not mine. :P My dad made that one, and I thought it came out too nice to put it not on here. So props to my dad for the crocodile. :dopey: 👍 The butterfly was pretty hard to get so close, I was only like 3 centimeters away from it, because I couldn't use any zoom when close. I'm particularly proud of that one. I'm pretty proud of the spider too. Noone could see it but I saw some hairs under a tree kinda thing, and decided to use a flash and it came out really nice.

@ garnettrules21: Thanks. But I don't know about making an account there. I haven't got too many pics and I don't know if I will make more. But I'll think about it.

@ franz: Thanks man. I'd love to see some of your reallife work too if you have. 👍

@ LGforce: Hmmm ik wist niet dat jij nederlands was... maare ik woon niet in rotterdam maar in arnhem. ;)

@ JTSnooks: Thanks for the compliment! :D

@ Law93: Thanx. But it's not a falcon... it's an owl. :)

If someone wonders, I used an olympus c-2100uz, a very old but digital camera, 3.0 megapixel. XD