I just lost the Rome 2-hour Enduro!

Parnelli Bone

United States
Columbia, MD.
Please allow me to drown my sorrows! :( for I just lost the 2-hour race at Rome!!

I entered my trusty black Nissan Silvia K's, gave it full Stage 2 turbo parts (311 hp @6,100 rpms with 292 ft-lbs @4,100), slapped some T4s in the rear and T3s up front and had a blast..the entire race was a constant battle between me and the TVR, with the Renault Clio also taking the lead occasionally!

Then one of my housemates came down to chat with me. :ouch: To be polite, I made a pit stop with the TVR so I could talk :ill: I was about 105 minutes into the race so I thought "no harm in a chat"

...after a 10 minute chat I started my game again, but my RHYTHM WAS DESTROYED! I just couldn't keep up with the TVR anymore for some reason and I frickin' lost the race by like 4 seconds! DOH
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Poor Parnelli. If its any consolation, I have yet to do the Rome 2 Hour, so I very well may lose it the first time I attempt it.
Man, I feel for ya. I haven't done any enduros yet myself. I'm up to that point, but am playing GT4 because I can't seem to find larger chunks of playing time. Then I messed up my GT4 game by shutting off the PS2 while it was saving. It's pretty easy to start over when you're only at 5%. Glad I learned that lesson early in the game.
It's like the old Elvis movie, Speedway, where the dude falls asleep in the back of the car, and out goes Elvis with a stowaway. Talk about destroying rhythm. Only difference here is Elvis pulled into the pits and threw him out... (My mother in law has the movie. Don't ask.)

It's all about revenge, Parnelli. Now it becomes a quest to crush old Trevor and his creation. Then there is the pleasure of making him choke on your virtual tyre smoke during your victory burnout! Mwa ha ha... Er, ahem. Does anybody have a spare straightjacket I can borrow?
Man, what a bummer Parnelli. 4 secs,eh. I might have to go back and give the race a go in the car you used, just for the hell of it. I know what you mean about losing rhythm though, just taking one little stop can throw you right out when you been driving a while.

Good luck on the rematch.
TO give a few points of encouragement, I love the Rome 2 hour. My quest was in a well worn MR2, to slowly but surely take away power until I was literally racing for a win by mere seconds.

Now to take it a step further, I develop Carpal Tunnel syndrome from racing the Tokyo enduro in the Calsonic Skyline. I was competing against a racer in Texas. I'd race and post a time, he'd come back and beat it by 45 seconds. I'd beat his time back down by 15seconds, he'd come back with a 7 second win over me. And so it went. I ended up racing that nearly 12 times in one week. On a DS2 controller.

Any ability to grip anything with my right hand became impossible due to pain. I finally gave in with him 3 seconds ahead of me.
Please allow me to drown my sorrows! :( for i just lost the 2-hour race at Rome!!

I entered my trusty black Nissan Silvia K's, gave it full Stage 2 turbo parts (311 hp @6,100 rpms with 292 ft-lbs @4,100), slapped some T4's in the rear and T3's up front and had a blast..the entire race was a constant battle between me and the TVR, with the REnault Clio also taking the lead occasionally!

Then one of my housemates came down to chat with me. :ouch: To be polite, i made a pit stop with the TVR so i could talk :ill: I was about 105 minutes into the race so i thought "no harm in a chat"

...after a 10 minute chat i started my game again, but my RHYTHM WAS DESTROYED! I just couldn't keep up with the TVR anymore for some reason and i frickin' lost the race by like 4 seconds! DOH

Yeah isn't it amazing what a difference a small break does to your rhythm. That happened to me a while ago on a 20 lap race. The competition was perfect and very even, enjoying every minute. I took a quick break and when i got back 2nd place overtook me and then starting pulling away a second a lap!!
The funny thing is, half the time I was taking small breaks during pitstops! Mostly, I pit with the TVR cuz my tires would last about 5 laps before they were toast. I went 6 laps once and the TVR somehow managed to get way ahead of me...showed me! But when I pit WITH the TVR, not only did I keep up with him, but the race was more exciting. I decided to keep pitting with him and it took major effort and concentration to get any sort of lead.

But the point is, I was having such a constant buzz thruout the entire race. I would pit, take a leak, a bonghit, or a bite of cookie, then I'd be back in the race. I firmly believe that when you start chatting, your brain goes into a different, more relaxed wavelength, know what I mean...and that messes up your evilness! :grumpy:

Anyways, I already did Rome last week in an RUF 3400S, which wasn't as close a race as the Silvia. In the Silvia, I literally had to pay attention and keep up...I was never bored. :)
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Small pitstop breaks aren't a problem - usually for a drink, snack or to visit the bathroom - because you find you're not really taking your mind off what you're doing. When you completely take your mind off it - like having to concentrate on a conversation as you did - then it can throw you right out of whack.

The one that gets me the worst is when the kids come up seeking attention in the middle of an enduro - even before I pause it my rhythm is destroyed... But, kids are more important, so onto pause it goes.
Small pitstop breaks aren't a problem - usually for a drink, snack or to visit the bathroom - because you find you're not really taking your mind off what you're doing. When you completely take your mind off it - like having to concentrate on a conversation as you did - then it can throw you right out of whack.

The one that gets me the worst is when the kids come up seeking attention in the middle of an enduro - even before I pause it my rhythm is destroyed... But, kids are more important, so onto pause it goes.

That's probly why I game so much (or half the reason)...I don't have kids. My sister's nephew has a couple, but the 11-year old boy doesn't seem all that interested in my racing game.
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I guess the AI isn't that bad anymore?--) You'll get them next time PB, Those AI's seem to have pretty hard tires and they just don't pit much during close races!
That's probly why i game so much (or half the reason)...i don't have kids. My sister's nephew has a couple, but the 11-year old boy doesn't seem all that interested in my racing game.

My 8 year old son just likes to buy cars with my money. Then he takes them to the beginner race at the Superspeedway for no-challenge wins. Everytime he sees me racing the Mustang, he reminds me that that's "his" car.
This guy at work does that...just races sunday cup over and over 'cause he can't get any further. I have a feeling he never fiddled with stability controls cuz he always complains about "too much understeer".

Well I just did Rome a third time...drove a Mustang instead. I shoulda done the race with sports tires, but instead I used a combo of T3s up front and sports in rear (this way I could use less power, see?) Anyways it was fun but not as competitive as in the Silvia! :D I actually shoulda tried it with MORE power, but on sports tires all around (the front tires last about 5 laps) so the race would be more even. Ah what the hell, I won :D
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PB, Go backto my "passage" thread, and try some of the cars mentioned therein.
I found the Toyota MR-S to be an "interesting" car for it.
If you can run steady 1'35's you'll win by a little, but not so much to bore you.
For he Silvia, with some rear camber dialed in and soften the rear suspension a bit the tail stays planted. The T-3/T4 combo is probably the best for real competition. If you can pit the lap after the Griffith every time, your lead will grow and shrink and the adrenaline will keep you going. Keep in mind you only need a 16 sec lead to get in the pits and come out still leading, or right on the next closest car's tail.
PB, Go backto my "passage" thread, and try some of the cars mentioned therein.
I found the Toyota MR-S to be an "interesting" car for it.
If you can run steady 1'35's you'll win by a little, but not so much to bore you.
For he Silvia, with some rear camber dialed in and soften the rear suspension a bit the tail stays planted.

Yeah but where's the fun in that? :D Actually, I gotya there. I'm all about what you say....I probly had just over a degree of rear camber + a softer rear suspension. I'm also in the habit of lifting the front 10 mm or so higher than the rear. Silvy is still tail-happy...but not to the point that you break your steering mushroom trying to straighten out. That's how I like it.
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I started GT3 a couple of weeks ago in in the prof league, but not done any enduro's yet. Have you tried using simulation tyres for enduo's? any good?
I started GT3 a couple of weeks ago in in the prof league, but not done any enduro's yet. Have you tried using simulation tyres for enduo's? any good?

I wouldn't dare! :ouch: I have tried stock (normal) tires, though. They have a fair amount of grip but it wears out pretty unreliably in just a few laps. Like one tire will be red, the other 2 will be lemon-yellow, and the 4th tire will be completely cold. Sports have better longevity and seem to withstand more punishment, and don't wear out so unevenly..

Personally, I never use sim tires..I don't find them enjoyable. I remember trying them in the GT2 Trial Mountain enduro on the '71 Datsun 240Z...I went a few laps, said "this sucks" and restarted the race on stock tires.
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Dude, that's rough. I don't know how else to say it. I saw the title of your thread and stopped for train-wreck carnage.
When you lose a race like that it kills... I spent 10 minutes on a honda race yesterday and was bummed out by the loss. Two hours of racing to lose. 👎 :(

Sorry to hear about the trouble but just keep on truckin.
You'll get 'em next time. :cheers:
Dude, that's rough. I don't know how else to say it. I saw the title of your thread and stopped for train-wreck carnage.
When you lose a race like that it kills... I spent 10 minutes on a honda race yesterday and was bummed out by the loss. Two hours of racing to lose. 👎 :(

Sorry to hear about the trouble but just keep on truckin.
You'll get 'em next time. :cheers:

Tell you the truth, I wasn't all that bummed. The race was so good I looked forward to doing it again.

Now the ROUTE 11 enduro on the other hand...that race bored me to tears. I made sure I won there :rolleyes: it wasn't as fun as Rome. I drove a Ford GT40 MkIII (not the race car) and most of the race I was fighting one other car... forget which one.
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Personally, i never use sim tires..i don't find them enjoyable. I remember trying them in the GT2 Trail Mountain enduro on the '71 Datsun 240Z...i went a few laps, said "this sucks" and restarted the race on stock tires.

I know what you mean, they can be really frustrating.
But I always feel guilty :indiff: for not using them since they are meant
to be more realisitic. I've used them in a few races in amatear league
and i find it really tough but its a great sense of acheivement :sly: when you win with them.

Back to the original post though losing that way is a real killer
Similar thing happened to me in GT2 once , when towards the end
of the enduro I suddenly remembered I was late meeting someone.
Had to switch off immediately, with no save! :ouch:
I know what you mean, they can be really frustrating.
But I always feel guilty :indiff: for not using them since they are meant
to be more realisitic.

Ahhh, don't feel guilty! I would use sims if the AI did, but I prefer going on tires that the AI seems to use. Now in GT4...I noticed they have "N" tires...which seem to be radials or all-seasons similar to simulation tires in GT2-3, and I HAVE used these N tires in some of those slower races :D It's like..go....okay now brakes. stop.....stop...PLEASE stop...with sugar on top....and a cherr...SMACK!
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Ahhh, don't feel guilty! I would use sims if the AI did, but i prefer going on tires that the AI seems to use. Now in gT4..i noticed they have "N" tires...which seem to be radials or all-seasons similar to simulation tires in GT2-3, and i HAVE used these N tires in some of those slower races :D It's like..go....okay now brakes. stop.....stop...PLEASE stop...with sugar on top....and a cherr...SMACK!

Actually it does make me feel better now knowing that AI don't use sims.
I've not started my GT4 yet, Just doing GT3 again (Not had access to game for a while).

It's so true about the braking capability with sims (or the lack of)!
What I don't understand is that if the wheels are not skidding, then why do tyres affect braking?
Actually it does make me feel better now knowing that AI don't use sims.
I've not started my GT4 yet, Just doing GT3 again (Not had access to game for a while).

It's so true about the braking capability with sims (or the lack of)!
What I don't understand is that if the wheels are not skidding, then why do tyres affect braking?

Tires affect braking because they are in direct contact with the road. And usually that means if you have a great wide tire, the rubber won't heat up as fast and you'll have more confident braking that lasts longer. 💡

Yeah, the AI never use sims. sims are for grown-ups. :D
what tires do u guys run on the rome euduo, i ran sports tires in a stock bmw and got my ass whoped.

Euduo? :confused: Sports tires should be fine, but you can't go fully stock in a 328ci, ....not in this race...you'll need to add some parts. You should get at least a semi-race suspension, lower it to around 120 mm, and keep the shocks soft so you don't bounce so much if you run over those grids.

And add more power (get it up to about 320-330 hp). If you lag behind in the beginning, keep doing more laps because the TVR usually pits on lap 5 and the Clio goes 6 laps before a pit. Are you driving automatic or manual?
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To win in any car you must be able to run consistent 1'35s, and pit no more often than every 6 laps.
At that, you will still only win by a margin of less than 1:00. Actually, more like 30 sec.
i drive manual,i want a real close race to,ill try puting a turbo on the bmw, and thanks gil,ill try and see if i match that 1'35 and be consistant, gee,ive had this game since 2002 and never did this endurance race,i never really liked this track but reading this thread give me modivation to finish it, 2 hours is nothing.
i drive manual,i want a real close race to,ill try puting a turbo on the bmw, and thanks gil,ill try and see if i match that 1'35 and be consistant, gee,ive had this game since 2002 and never did this endurance race,i never really liked this track but reading this thread give me modivation to finish it, 2 hours is nothing.

The Rome enduro is by far my favorite. Reset your game till both the Renault Clio and TVR show up..that's a 3-way battle guaranteed (here and there). Also, I just realized the Beemer is a bit heavy, so you may need more than 330 hp.
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^ yep i noticed that to, i even tuned it 100% and manages a small lead,im considering another car now, oversteer on this car is over the top.

Try giving it a weight reduction! Otherwise it kinda sucks developing a car, spending time getting it the way you want, doesn't it? Yeah, try getting the weight down just a step...