TUTORIAL - Xlink Kai How to connect to a game

  • Thread starter dking
Thread title says it all....I see many requests and maybe this can sort things out. YOU MUST CHAT WITH OTHERS ON KAI.

First off ONLY look here once your kai has CONFIGURED your ps2.(if not detected connect in arcade< multilan, until waiting for connection screen appears. Kai should configure=blue or fail to configure=red) If you need help configureing please look at the other thread.

1.So your Kai has succesfully configured your ps2 what now?
Kai needs communication in order to know when to connect...Make sure your main chat window is open. Not sure if its open? Click the "?" in kai, it should be a blue bubble on the top. Congrats your main chat window is now open.

2. TALK to people that are in the arena and arrange a game. Being nice and respectful will get you help a lot faster then being an @$$

3a. So you are joining a game....In Gt4 go to options and lan settings...make sure traffic=light and host=no. Save game in main menu. (if you do not have a favorites list please make one....arcade<time trial/single race<course select...@ car select up on dpad) SAVE GAME. Reset ps2

3b. So you want to host....in Gt4 go to options and lan settings...make sure traffic is light and host = yes....As a host you need to set the #of players as well...and yes the # matters. SAVE GAME Reset ps2.

4a. TALK to the host of the room you're joining. ASK if you could join in on the fun. The host will/should give u instruction on when to connect. Before you join though...RESET PS2. (why reset? Its because the ps2 thinks its in a LAN game and therefore you only get one chance at connecting per start. Be prepared to reset your ps2 a lot if you plan to xlink.)

An example of what host will ask "rdy?" this simply means that your ps2 is reset and you are idleing in arcade ready for further instruction.

The host should tell you when to connect. Once given the ok to connect do so. In order for the host to know who is connected, you will need to tell him you are at the waiting for connection screen. THis is done by saying "wfc".

4b. As host you have control on when to connect. Ask others when they are"rdy." when everyone is ready tell them to connect. Once you see a person type wfc you as host can connect.

5. IF you are set up and host has connected, you should go to a course selection screen. DO NOT pick a course until everyone has decided where to go, at that point the host should pick a course...(though it is not necessary and you can screw everyone by picking whatever you want. I dont' recomend that because it can piss the host off enough to ban you from the arena....best bet is to agree and choose)

6. So the course was picked...you should be in your favorite list now. Choose yer drift machine, turn the aids off , arm yer car with your prefered tire, and have some fun....

I hope this helps....this is from the top of my head...and yes I am tired of rewriting it everytime someone needs to learn how to connect. And yes this has gotten countless # of people on and playing.

comments welcome.....

Please POST if you have used this guide.
Drift Dojo
good job dking:tup:
this is great for the new people on kai, now everytime they say "how do I connect, I've been waiting for connection for an hour" Ill just send this link.:)

Also good job explaining the difference between "rdy and "wfc", I've had alot of trouble with people thinking that being "rdy meant being "wfc"
RDY= Ready

WFC= Wait for connection
Even I haven't played Xlink in awhile because its too slow for me...

but nice job DD I wish I can play you guys sometimes and lose again.
RDY= Ready

WFC= Wait for connection
Even I haven't played Xlink in awhile because its too slow for me...

but nice job DD I wish I can play you guys sometimes and lose again.

anytime. and there is no win or lose man, its just all about improvment.
to all those that think xlink play is weak because of lag....
find people under 50 ping if you want a fast game....
people up to 110 ping will give u acceptable game play with a lilttle lag

If you can't figure the lag out....think ahead....
If you hate lag and it makes you not drift.....your NOT supposed to react to the car....your supposed to direct it to places...aka yer thinking too slow..think ahead.

With my experience lag helps drifting...as long as u know what to do I suppose....countless people say that drifting in lag is easier then drifting without...why? because you can make tiny corrections to your overcorrections...plus the cars are stock so if you want to drift you really learn how.

Hope to see more people on kai now. And why complain....we aren't supposed to be able to drift with other people online...until gthd comes out...(online beat test of gt4 doesn't count, cause that is over)
to all those that think xlink play is weak because of lag....
find people under 50 ping if you want a fast game....
people up to 110 ping will give u acceptable game play with a lilttle lag

If you can't figure the lag out....think ahead....
If you hate lag and it makes you not drift.....your NOT supposed to react to the car....your supposed to direct it to places...aka yer thinking too slow..think ahead.

With my experience lag helps drifting...as long as u know what to do I suppose....countless people say that drifting in lag is easier then drifting without...why? because you can make tiny corrections to your overcorrections...plus the cars are stock so if you want to drift you really learn how.

Hope to see more people on kai now. And why complain....we aren't supposed to be able to drift with other people online...until gthd comes out...(online beat test of gt4 doesn't count, cause that is over)

yeah thats true. Everytime I go from playing single player to xlink it feels so wierd, but in an easy good way.

and Honestly, GT4 is the best online racing/drifting game I have when it comes to lag compared to others such as NFS, and automodellista which are just dumb to play sometimes compared to GT4 ( which under good conditions can almost have no lag what so ever
to all those that think xlink play is weak because of lag....
find people under 50 ping if you want a fast game....
people up to 110 ping will give u acceptable game play with a lilttle lag

If you can't figure the lag out....think ahead....
If you hate lag and it makes you not drift.....your NOT supposed to react to the car....your supposed to direct it to places...aka yer thinking too slow..think ahead.

With my experience lag helps drifting...as long as u know what to do I suppose....countless people say that drifting in lag is easier then drifting without...why? because you can make tiny corrections to your overcorrections...plus the cars are stock so if you want to drift you really learn how.

Hope to see more people on kai now. And why complain....we aren't supposed to be able to drift with other people online...until gthd comes out...(online beat test of gt4 doesn't count, cause that is over)


Lag hasn't bothered us. :) especially for the benefitual reasons you've described.

On that note about stock cars....drifting with stock cars really helps to understand the different dynamics of each car in the game. Modifying/tuning the cars to drift longer sweepers is the next level to extracting more out of drifting, but drifting stock in my opinion is the first step to learning. I do enjoy and have fun drifting tuned, but still prefer stock for reasons of playing on xlink.

Good guide dking.
Well,its not that I hate the lag, it just hurts my eyes because I get really focused if someone is behind me. like I would get a few headaches because Im so use to fast gameplay with 2player drifting. Like its just me and I get very tired and fall asleep during the race.
You can only use stock cars in xlink? Ive been meaning to go out and buy the damn crossover cable i need, but have been too busy. If they only alloy stock only, that kinda ruins some fun... some. :)
You can only use stock cars in xlink? Ive been meaning to go out and buy the damn crossover cable i need, but have been too busy. If they only alloy stock only, that kinda ruins some fun... some. :)

you dont need a crossover cable(unless your doing it the weird way without a router). read the setup guide before you go out and buy things you dont need.
and no, stock only doesnt ruin any fun, if anything it makes it more fun because itll show you what stock cars can actually do. i dont think many people ever drift 100% stock cars(well not good anyway). thats what seperates the boys from the men.
Thank you. This will definitely help out a lot. Easy and straight forward instructions. Be patient and the connection will work. Again, the connection information posted is indeed of great help.
I just got my xlink to work and found my ps2 but i have know one to play with ive never been online. so if you want to race pm me when to go on xlink so i can have some fun thanks.
Recently I have noticed an explosion of new users...So I thought I would post to bring this to the front of the forum so people can easily see it...

To people that want to play but notice no one is on.....If you wait they will come.... AND A REMINDER....PLEASE OPEN MAIN CHAT SO THAT YOU CAN COMMUNICATE. You can do this by clicking the "?" in the top right of xlink. If all goes well I hope to be playing with you guys soon!
I did stuck in step two:(B) Multi-LAN Race
when I enter in Multi-LAN Race the screen not shown the step(c) create new network config

note: I have ADSL Gateway (U.S.Robotics) with 4 ports and
I connect my PS2 to one of these ports ,is that wrong step?
Or do I need to buy a switch or hub?
and there is another note
I used that gateway to connect two PCs and it working correctly with no any mistake
my speed lan is 470 kbps (I think)
I did stuck in step two:(B) Multi-LAN Race
when I enter in Multi-LAN Race the screen not shown the step(c) create new network config

note: I have ADSL Gateway (U.S.Robotics) with 4 ports and
I connect my PS2 to one of these ports ,is that wrong step?
Or do I need to buy a switch or hub?
and there is another note
I used that gateway to connect two PCs and it working correctly with no any mistake
my speed lan is 470 kbps (I think)

that is correct with your set up no need to buy a switch or hub.
try setting auto connection to no, in order to create new network config
same thing , the screen showing (clock loading),I don't know what is wrong?
I have another Q: do I need make forward ports on my gateway?like some PC games or not?

thanks alot for try helping me ,but belive me I bought a router just to for play online.
same thing , the screen showing (clock loading),I don't know what is wrong?
I have another Q: do I need make forward ports on my gateway?like some PC games or not?

thanks alot for try helping me ,but belive me I bought a router just to for play online.

yes forward port to 30000 for the program XlinkK1

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