My 1337 Racing Wheel-Now with pics. AND a video!

  • Thread starter Tornado
Ah, yes. I was in a gameshop today and I picked up this awesome racing wheel. Its so rad, it blows away the "Logitech G25." DFP? Meh.
It has great pedal travel, good feedback and an awesome shifter mounted right on the side of the wheel.
Cower in fear, fools, as your about to get Thrustmaster'ed:


Logeitech G25? More like, um, Il-Logitech, um, F25. The "F" is for, um...failure.
It came out in 1997. Thrustmaster Formula T2 FTW! And I bought it for $3 at a Gamestop (and by "Gamestop" I mean the "Salvation Army" store. Which, ironically, has clerks who know only know slightly less about videogames).
:dopey: Could've told me this before I got my DFP for $40. Does that wheel work on ALL systems unlike the DFP which I found out isn't compatible with a 360. :dunce:
:dopey: Could've told me this before I got my DFP for $40. Does that wheel work on ALL systems unlike the DFP which I found out isn't compatible with a 360. :dunce:
Even if it had the appropriate hook ups (which I don't think it does), think about it: 1997. The Saturn wasn't even dead in 1997.

Are you 1337 enough?

I'm totally driving that Skyline. In an X-TREME WAY!

But seriously, this wheel is awesome. It feels so much like a Daytona USA/Sega Super GT arcade wheel that it isn't funny. Not funny, just awesome. And all for 3 bucks.
Nice wheel! (seriously, I'm jealous) but I think you're missing a pedal. :lol:
That's what I thought at first. The manual (this bad boy was in the original, unopened box) said it only came with two. The Formula T2 used the shell of the next step up controller, which had a clutch.
Either way, Daytona USA didn't need no steenking clutch.
That's what I thought at first. The manual said it only came with two. The Formula T2 used the shell of the next step up controller, which had a clutch.

Oh, then you got a good deal at $3 man. 👍

I REALLY need a wheel. Hopefully, come Monday, I'm as lucky as you. :)
Even if it had the appropriate hook ups (which I don't think it does), think about it: 1997. The Saturn wasn't even dead in 1997.

I was being half sarcastic... seriously though. WTF is up with buying one wheel per system!? that's retarded. :rolleyes:
You should have sold it on ebay for 50 bucks. Some guy sold his gameboy (sealed) for 334 dollars. Just think what you have done.

ps, try and see if you can break any new records with that wheel, id love to see you use it:D
I remember playing that game, and I remember that exact track. San Fransisco FTW! I thought the graphics were better than that though. Ah, well.
I remember playing that game, and I remember that exact track. San Fransisco FTW! I thought the graphics were better than that though. Ah, well.

EVERYONE thinks the graphics on old games rocked until they look at them after playing more advanced stuff.

I LOVED Midtown Madness, though. I used to play online and drive around SF with all these buddies I met. I had so many custom/downloaded cars and everything-- it was ridiculous.