Playstation 3 (PSN-ID) Online Usernames In Profile?

  • Thread starter Robin
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United Kingdom
United Kingdom
I was thinking it would be a good idea to include a Playstation 3 online usernames section in a persons profile on the left hand side when viewing a thread (not public profile mode). It could be under the users location for example...

As you know quite alot of people now have PS3's and because the service is free (as apposed to xbox live gold) alot of people will be using it. With the European launch soon its going to increase in the amount of people registered. Also because this is Gran Turismo related site it means that the members here are predominately Playstation users so it would be nice for them to have a designated spot to put there PSN-ID.

Currently people are having to put them all over the place such as in their signature or in threads with compiled lists. It would be so much easier for people to read someones post and think hey I want to have a game with this person and then just glance across to look at their ID.

I think it would be a nice touch seeing as we are finally entering the real online age for Playstation, it would just simply be another field with text in your user column, so what do you think about this idea?

This is/was going to be included with the next version of the site, GTP9, but I suppose there is really no need to delay it until then.

EDIT: I just tried it out, and on second thought, including the PSN ID field in posts looks very cluttered with our current style and I do not like it at all. Wait for GTP9 to come along and it will look much more graceful. Rest assured the feature it coming, though. :)
I haven't noticed one yet but is there a Xbox live gamertag option to put in your profile as this would be great to see who to look out for on PGR3, FORZA etc
This is/was going to be included with the next version of the site, GTP9, but I suppose there is really no need to delay it until then.

EDIT: I just tried it out, and on second thought, including the PSN ID field in posts looks very cluttered with our current style and I do not like it at all. Wait for GTP9 to come along and it will look much more graceful. Rest assured the feature it coming, though. :)

Thankyou for the quick reply Jordan :), I guess it was a case of so close but so far :sly: .... It would be a nice feature to include and Im glad you considered it and even tested it out and I look forward to seeing its implementation in GTP9.. 👍

Just to show you what I ment I have included this quick mock up I just did..... To be honest I don't think it looks that cluttered, does it?


including the PSN ID field in posts
Question. Will showing the PSN field (for all users) be a toggle option in My GTP? (like turning signatures and avatars on and off)

I don't have broadband, so don't play online, thus showing a bit of info that is be useless and meaningless to me would be redundant.
Question. Will showing the PSN field (for all users) be a toggle option in My GTP? (like turning signatures and avatars on and off)

I don't have broadband, so don't play online, thus showing a bit of info that is be useless and meaningless to me would be redundant.

I am pretty sure that you would have the option to turn it on or off. If you didn't have one then your profile would look as it does now. However Jordan has not implemented it as of yet in may not be included till GTP9, I am just waiting to see what he thinks of my example mock up further up.

Question. Will showing the PSN field (for all users) be a toggle option in My GTP? (like turning signatures and avatars on and off)

I don't have broadband, so don't play online, thus showing a bit of info that is be useless and meaningless to me would be redundant.

It would be like the location field - if you didn't enter anything you wouldn't see it.
I like your format also Robin ///////, I don't think that it looks cluttered.
He probably put "PlayStation Network ID" instead of "PSN ID".
The prototype actually said PSN ID, just like it does now. I'm still not a fan, but I do know you guys are anxious to get this feature and I can understand why.
I like your format also Robin ///////, I don't think that it looks cluttered.

Thanks :) 👍 I think it fits in kinda nicely... and its easy to access...

The prototype actually said PSN ID, just like it does now. I'm still not a fan, but I do know you guys are anxious to get this feature and I can understand why.

I've just noticed that you have implemented it, thank you very much Jordan for taking up my idea :) :cheers:, looking forward to GTP9 ;)

If you are going to do that PS3 ID thing then why not add a PS2 Network username which is more usefull at the moment than a PS3 Network ID for us Brits. Also I would like to know other peoples usernames for that.
If you are going to do that PS3 ID thing then why not add a PS2 Network username which is more usefull at the moment than a PS3 Network ID for us Brits. Also I would like to know other peoples usernames for that.

Because you're going to get your precious PS3 in a month. 💡
I'm still struggling to find a reason why there cannot be an Xbox 360 gamertag box. Surely it's as simple as creating a drop down box and choosing which one you want to display?
Mark T
I'm still struggling to find a reason why there cannot be an Xbox 360 gamertag box. Surely it's as simple as creating a drop down box and choosing which one you want to display?
It would look a little out of place. This is a Gran Turismo forum, and the game is for the Playstation, not the Xbox. A gamertag field for your Gamertag on an Xbox or general gaming forum would be fine, but here, it wouldn't be because it's not either of those.

Then again, it's the Big J's decision to make.
It would look a little out of place. This is a Gran Turismo forum, and the game is for the Playstation, not the Xbox. A gamertag field for your Gamertag on an Xbox or general gaming forum would be fine, but here, it wouldn't be because it's not either of those.

Then again, it's the Big J's decision to make.

I don't see how it would look out of place to be honest. We have an Xbox 360 sub forum so why not let people display there gamertag aswell. I think you should only be able to display one online I.D to keep things tidy.
It would look a little out of place. This is a Gran Turismo forum, and the game is for the Playstation, not the Xbox. A gamertag field for your Gamertag on an Xbox or general gaming forum would be fine, but here, it wouldn't be because it's not either of those.

Then again, it's the Big J's decision to make.

I think you explained it well GT, Basically GTP is about Gran Turismo and although we discuss a wide range of topics and a wide range of gaming platforms it is still primarily a Playstation site, that is why people would have originally found this site or ended up here. As a result I think the PSN-ID is the field which should take priority for now, no one is saying that other ID will be implemented in the future but as GT said, its up to Jordan to decide. I think we are lucky that he has given the time to even give us a field to put the ID in so its better than nothing.

I am pretty sure that you would have the option to turn it on or off. If you didn't have one then your profile would look as it does now.

It would be like the location field - if you didn't enter anything you wouldn't see it.

If you read my post carefully, you'll see I'm not talking about my own, but everybody else's.

I don't (can't) play online (dialup), so showing ALL (not just mine, everybody's!) PSN ID fields in posts is totally pointless for me.

If there was a "[] Hide members' PSN IDs" option in My GTP, or if the ID field was actually like the Skype/AIM/MSN/ICQ fields (an icon you click for the info), I'd have no qualms.

(what about the PSN fields being autohid, and show up as long as you have put your own PSN ID in?)
So are you saying you want an option to NOT see other peoples PSN-ID's?

What big benefit would that bring, its only one extra line?, cant you just not look at them? I understand you say you dont play online, so why cant you just ignore them? I dont get it...

OK, it's just me being picky, but I still don't see any point in showing a bit of info that I have no use for.

edit: Just saw Duck's whatever-you-call-it beside his post up there ^, and the PSN ID doesn't look half bad.
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