GT World Championship (Professional)

I have searched the threads for a question I have but I still came up empty. My question is on the GT World championship race in the professional events. It keeps telling me that I need to win all beginner and professional events before entering. Well, I have. Every race in beginner and professional are gold. I even looked close to see if maybe one was bronze. Do I need a certain % done or something. I can't figure this one out. If anyone can help I would greatly appreciate it.
This has been covered many, many times before, the stickied FAQs above even cover it.

Now you may not like the following answer, but you have not completed every race to Gold. Keep in mind that the series races have to be won as a series, not raced as single races and that all races must be gold and you will be OK.

I know you may reply that you have done this, but you will not be the first (and I doubt the last) to say as much. However in every case that such a claim has been made in the past, a race had been missed. Try checking you diary for the wins as well, as that can be easier to check that the bronze cups that look a lot like gold.

Regards and welcome to GT Planet.

Even on the first page of GT4 forum, there were 3 other threads that deal with almost the same issue, when you posted your thread.
Can't get into "Extreme Events"...?

along with this:-

More GT4 FAQs

As Scaff said, this is probably the singly most asked question on GT4 section of GT Planet, and as much as everyone is convinced they've checked everything, without fail you'll find every one of them has come back and said "Oh yeah I missed ...... race which had a bronze trophy!" or "I hadn't completed ...... championship as a series, just the individual races!"

Take a look at that second link, read through all of the posts, most are very helpful with regards to this issue, especially post#3, post#14, post#27, post#28 & post#30.

Hope that helps and you find your error soon. :cheers:
Please do us a favour and post here what you found though, not so anyone will make fun of you, but because there's been so many of these threads, it's interesting to see what's been missed by each person. If it turns out to be the same thing over & over again, then we can make a link in the FAQ section to point out the most common causes (or commonly missed races) for people not getting into GTWC. Thanks in advance for your help. ;)