Hosting for videos

  • Thread starter pergatory
For those of you who want to show us your videos but don't have any way to do it, you can upload them to an ftp site and make them available. You'll need an FTP client (Internet Explorer or Network Places won't work if that's what you currently use). If you don't have one, you can get a relatively basic one at the following site:

When you have an FTP client, connect to the following site:
Port: 21 (almost always the default)
Password: dorifto

People can view uploaded videos at the following site:
Feel free to link to the videos but only in posts on forums please.

I must ask everyone to use this space responsibly. I can't place restrictions on this site, so people will be able to fill up all my available webspace quite easily. I will delete the videos eventually but only if I need to in order to free up space or avoid extra charges on my account (if the bandwidth per month is exceeded which doesn't seem likely at this point). So anyway, what I'm getting at is that if this account is abused it will be terminated. By abuse I mean things like repeadedly uploading files that I delete, or uploading rediculously large videos (15MB is not big, 50 is pretty big, anything over 100 I won't even bother to look at before deleting).

Now the fine print:
NOTHING IS TO BE UPLOADED EXCEPT DRIFT-RELATED MEDIA. This account is provided as a public service and so nothing inappropriate or illegal should be uploaded, including copyrighted material. I will not resist disclosure requests from law enforcement on my domain's access logs. If such things occur often the account will be deactivated immediately.
Ftps... Preg, a reminder - make sure that you cannot allow them to download ANY of the files on the list. You can make them download ONLY when you permit the file is legit, or you're gonna have serious bandwidth issues. All other directories cannot be written, as well...
I don't think bandwidth will be a problem, and I know security won't be. Thanks for the concern though =)

Although it would be appreciated if people didn't view the videos from the site. Instead, save them to your computer and open them from your hard drive. It will play much smoother on your side and will save me bandwidth, so it's worth it. Thanks much!
That is... if anyone uploads videos. Hey moderators, do you think I could get a sticky on this? Or maybe create a new thread for people to list available webspace on?
I'll first test this service by uploading sny_pher's video to you. Honestly, I don't think they know much regarding FTP uploads.

I think a video creation service from replay files might also be a good idea, but it's too much work and not worth it without having them paying.

Edit: Finished. I didn't zip it (forgot).

In this case the bandwidth of each vid will be four times the size. Upload vid (me) -> Download vid (you) -> Upload zipped (you) -> Download zipped (users). It should be the user's responsibility to zip it.
I'm not too worried about bandwidth at this point. If a user wants to zip their movie though, I will certainly give it priority over normal videos when I do clean-up.

I think you're right about FTP. I'm not sure what other format to provide the service in though.
Who uploaded that RX-7 challenge video... just want to let you know that I'm downloading that song in KaZaa :lol: You REALLY want the FD to have misfiring-system huh
I can now also host videoes through FTP:

Port: 21
Password: dorifto

View files:
Main site:

I already tried the HTTP method... ipowerwebs does not support asp, while PHP has a default limit of 2MB and cannot be changed unless I contact for help. That leaves to CGI...

In addition, people can upload drift IMAGES on the main site (mind the broken links for the moment). Instructions are pretty much self-explanatory. I've only started making this site 2 days ago so bear with it.

It's already up to 10GB though just in under one day so I'm going to be deleting a few videos tonight just to make sure that it doesn't go over next month.
Not a bad idea. Either that or if people would start actually using yours too instead of putting every single video on mine :P
Hey perg, the bandwidth got reset today, please send a screenshot for Aug 2003... hope you didn't went over 30gb


  • bandwidth.jpg
    44.7 KB · Views: 383
Nope, actually I didn't even break 1/3 of my bandwidth yet. See the updated screenshot above (I just overwrote the old one).
Well folks, at the current rate I will exceed my bandwidth this month so I've decided that I'm going to make my site for competition use only. I'll probably turn of the access sometime around the 15th so you guys can serve it up for a few more days. As I run out of space (which I'm not far from) I will delete videos to make room for competition videos. Sorry I couldn't provide more bandwidth but I'm poor. Drifting is expensive. :(

Luckily with the competition videos having a dedicated host, you guys can probably use the other web space that others have made available with little impact on those users' bandwidth.

Also, I will be saving local copies of all the videos in case anyone doesn't have the original. If you want your video, e-mail me or PM me (include the name of the file) and I'll upload it to whichever site you want.
I do not think he has enough bandwidth to do both competition and general use... i think he is going to make several password protected directories and use them for different competitions to keep everyones vids confidential until they are judged
About bandwidth... I haven't been kinda low on funds as of late :) But I am getting a domain with hostrocket. Since I was hosting the videos for the few and 2nd competition I totally understand your bandwidth troubles :) So I will definately be helping out w/ the competition videos. I was actually thinking of making a little something for it too, but I need to talk to people about that. But anyways, I will have an account very soon to help you guys out ^_^. (Pstt.... this stuff costs money guys :P I suggest one of the more hardcore drifters start buying some space too from like racknine or hostrocket :P, Just a thought)
i would be willing to do something... but i would not be able to devote all of the space i purchase to drifting... i need at lesat a few megs for photos for ebay !!!
I'm really sorry everyone, I removed the GTP account and it automatically deleted all the videos so... they're all gone. Even the competition videos... :(

Anyone with videos of the past competitions please get ahold of me and I will arrange a way for you to upload them again. Thanks!