İnternational B licence

  • Thread starter CMGMS
No matter what I do, the car hits the second wall, if I don't hit it, this time it slides. What kind of tactic is needed for this? TSC 2 - ABS default. Steering wheel TM-T128

No matter what I do, the car hits the second wall, if I don't hit it, this time it slides. What kind of tactic is needed for this? TSC 2 - ABS default. Steering wheel TM-T128

View attachment 1373439
No replay ?
Not sure whether my memory serves me right so it's a bit of a guess and I assume we talk about the chicane :
Is it possible that you are too fast into turn 3 ( the lefthander ) and then have to compromise your line ?

TCS 0 / ABS default
Be precise, be close to the walls as much as possible
Slow into turn 3, then accelerate out to the line.
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Go slow without crashing to start, then do it over and over and get faster as you get more skill.

Think about where you keep crashing. You need to slow down in those areas. You need to brake earlier in those areas. You need to remember where the critical braking areas are and pay attention.