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  • Thread starter zer05ive
Will I be hosting D2 on Sunday in my lounge since you are D1? I already understand that I'll keep score.

As for tonight's practice session, the first hour will be spent on the combos for this Sunday (usually 2 races on each track). For tonight, the 2nd hour will be more focused for us D2 guys. Since someone mentioned in this thread earlier about pointers for novices, I figured we could do some racing in some much lower pp cars so as to simulate certain race situations and to talk while racing. So, you D1 guys who want to practice in the first hour, I'll post the room number here in time for 9pm CST. D2 guys should also show up at that time too but I just wanted the D1 guys to know that Sunday's combos will be done in the first hour (max 12)
Someone mentioned last night about not being able to do the enduro races yet for b spec. Add me on psn and I'll b spec your guys while I'm at work when I can. This will get your b spec guys exp up along with earning money while you're doing nothing.
Question: Last night the most balls-out drivers were going 2-wide at the Bus Stop at Daytona RC. That seems pretty dangerous to me so I usually give up the line for fear I'll spend some time in a wall. What do you guys think?

I think that the driver who doesn't have the 'right' to the line needs to back off.. There's no way anyone should be trying to take the Bus Stop two-wide! As is protocol, the driver on the inside has the right to the line, as long as he's pulled up alongside or ahead of the driver on the outside. In other words, don't think you can pull your front fender along side the rear fender of the outside car and have the 'right' to the line because you don't. You need to be pretty much all the way alongside the outside driver or ahead of him by the time you reach the braking zone to establish the 'right' to the line. If you're on the outside and someone has established position alongside you or in front of you by the time the braking zone has arrived, you have been overtaken and you need to back off and allow him to take the Bus Stop first. On the flip side, if you're trying to overtake on the inside and can't quite pull alongside the outside driver, then YOU need to back off or else you are divebombing!. Not conceding the line when you don't have the 'right' to it is dirty driving IMO. However, I'd like to hear what others have to say about it..

I can tell you for sure, I found out the hard way that doing that in the ZR1 is a BAD idea...

I think pretty much ANY car we've driven in this league so far would be a bad idea to take into the Bus Stop two-wide. In other words, we haven't driven a car slow enough yet where a two-wide entry could be reasonable. The Bus Stop is simply too fast of a chicane because it's at the end of a long and banked straightaway. The first and second apex come too quickly in succession to be able to 'give room' to another driver as you would typically do in a slower corner during a two-wide situation. In my opinion, taking the Bus Stop two-wide is the same as taking Eau Rouge two-wide. Both are BAD ideas. Thoughts?
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I think that the driver who doesn't have the 'right' to the line needs to back off.. There's no way anyone should be trying to take the Bus Stop two-wide! As is protocol, the driver on the inside has the right to the line, as long as he's pulled up alongside or ahead of the driver on the outside. In other words, don't think you can pull your front fender along side the rear fender of the outside car and have the 'right' to the line because you don't. You need to be pretty much all the way alongside the outside driver or ahead of him by the time you reach the braking zone to establish the 'right' to the line. If you're on the outside and someone has established position alongside you or in front of you by the time the braking zone has arrived, you have been overtaken and you need to back off and allow him to take the Bus Stop first. On the flip side, if you're trying to overtake on the inside and can't quite pull alongside the outside driver, then YOU need to back off or else you are divebombing!. Not conceding the line when you don't have the 'right' to it is dirty driving IMO. However, I'd like to hear what others have to say about it..

I think pretty much ANY car we've driven in this league so far would be a bad idea to take into the Bus Stop two-wide. In other words, we haven't driven a car slow enough yet where a two-wide entry could be reasonable. The Bus Stop is simply too fast of a chicane because it's at the end of a long and banked straightaway. The first and second apex come too quickly in succession to be able to 'give room' to another driver as you would typically do in a slower corner during a two-wide situation. In my opinion, taking the Bus Stop two-wide is the same as taking Eau Rouge two-wide. Both are BAD ideas. Thoughts?

I'm not saying I didn't concede, but rather I had the right to the line and, say, Rallywgn (not to pick on him... others did it too, I just happen to specifically remember Rally) was behind me entering the chicane, however at a greater speed (which I didn't match because I didn't want to go in the grass). Rather than brake and pass me after the chicane he drove to my outside at the crest of the entrance and moved across my nose quickly at which point I applied braking because I didn't have the nerve to go two-wide with a white-knuckler like Rally.

Just to be clear: Rally is awesome and a driver with a lot of speed and control... I've loved racing against him. He charges hard which is what folks should be doing.
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Echo stop picking on me:grumpy: lol, just playin, I was going to comment on that. In a real race, I wont be doing such daring feets of awesomeness :cool: But it was a practice, and I just couldnt help myself. I had to know it could be done, you know, just in case.
That said, I also do drifting and togue racing. My next "league" is going to be joining up with LotS on this forum. And so some of my "bad" habits spur a bit from that. But thats why Im racing leagues like this, so I can improve on my behaviors on the course.
Now, I would like to say.I understand that its a race, and the goal is to be first. And I want to also point out that clean racing isnt just not bumping another racer, but also about getting the person in front/behind off their line to create passing opportunities. Some people though need to pay attention, like the guy in the rx8. When you know your slow, and you see someone coming up quick, take an outside line and let the faster driver past (Im not talking about creeping, I mean, hes really coming up on you fast).
Hey who's hosting tonight? is it you zer0?

dvdoughboy is the designated host on Wednesday nights. See his post above for details on the format he's decided on. He'll post the open lobby room number a few minutes before we begin. If there are any connection issues like we had last night, we'll all just jump into my lounge again.
When you know your slow, and you see someone coming up quick, take an outside line and let the faster driver past (Im not talking about creeping, I mean, hes really coming up on you fast).

This is something I definitely try to do, especially for qualifying! Hotlappers gonna hotlap!
Will I be hosting D2 on Sunday in my lounge since you are D1? I already understand that I'll keep score.

No, you'll be hosting in my lounge. If you hosted in your lounge, everyone would have to add you to their friends list. I don't want us to be like some of the other leagues on gtplanet that require you to add a bunch of PSN ID's to your friend list in order to participate. It's pretty well known that the more friends you have on your list, the more likely you are to lag. 👎

As for tonight's practice session, the first hour will be spent on the combos for this Sunday (usually 2 races on each track). For tonight, the 2nd hour will be more focused for us D2 guys. Since someone mentioned in this thread earlier about pointers for novices, I figured we could do some racing in some much lower pp cars so as to simulate certain race situations and to talk while racing. So, you D1 guys who want to practice in the first hour, I'll post the room number here in time for 9pm CST. D2 guys should also show up at that time too but I just wanted the D1 guys to know that Sunday's combos will be done in the first hour (max 12)

I believe the post you're referring to is Esotic's post from Monday. I think it's a great idea too. In fact, here are three videos that I highly recommend everyone watch before tonight's session:

Understanding Race Craft

Passing Technique

Passing Etiquette

When we get to the second hour of tonight's session, we can practice difference scenarios and apply concepts that these videos teach. I like these videos so much that I'll probably end up putting them in the original post so that we can find them easily anytime we want a refresher. It'll also be a good way to let potential newcomers know that we put a major emphasis on clean driving in this league. 👍
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well dang, I usually stick to the inside line to let the car behind me have the racing line and pass me easier, sounds like I need to switch my lines.
Wel, when you consider that most people will take the apex low, being high will let them have the faster line. To that effect, if Im coming in on someone, I like to take come in high out of their brake zone, then try to keep the position coming into the next corner to get the inside.
I feel kinda different about what is the acceptable distance you need to be to have the line, if your front wheel is past their rear wheel, then the outside driver should concede the inside line. Two things happen here, one is that there is more then one line for every corner to match another, and one ultimate line to take for best lap time. So the car on the inside run has to slow down more to hold his line, but has less distance to travel, the driver on the high line can turn faster, but has a further distance around the corner. in the end, most of these lines will pan out even. and when your racing with a tail, or being the tail, the trick is to mess with each others lines and see who is the first to slip, if the lead slips up, you get the pass, trail messes up, lead gets to pull away and start running what I line to call a time trial line.
Now with what I just said, the issue arises for drivers like me who use the bumper cam, or for drivers who use the cockpit view. You can't really see beside you like you can IRL. So in that aspect, my point is moot, and its best to say that if your not already nose to nose, so you know the other driver sees you, then concede the inside.

Am I soap boxing here? Sorry about that if I am.
oh, I wasn't talking about going into a corner side by side, I meant that if I know someone's faster than me, I'll give them the racing line on the straights and not challenge them in the braking zone....figure both of us will lose less time that way :)
IDK, I was just exampling for the purpose of staying high or low, then got lost in a tangent. On my way in.
In fact, here are three videos that I highly recommend everyone watch before tonight's session:

Understanding Race Craft

Passing Technique

Passing Etiquette

👍 excellent references Zer0. Well worth the listen, especially:

'It is the responsibility of the overtaking driver, meaning the car that is attempting to execute the pass, to make sure that the pass is made cleanly and incident free.'

Front and center in my brain now, seems to have taken a back seat for me in the last couple of races.
That was super fun. It's easy to see why more and more people want to join. You guys are the most intense and yet considerate dudes around.

See you guys at the next practice/Sunday.
Sounds like you guys are having some good practices. Those iRacingVideos are just perfect. You might want to put them on the home page to educate drivers. Nothing bad can come from everyone learning good racecraft. Heck I think I knew almost everything he said, but hearing it and seeing it in an instructional way really hits home. Looking forward to Sunday!
Can I just say that a C12 on sport tyres at Laguna Seca is a bad idea :lol:
Word! Ive seen cruise ships turn sharper! its a good car to try and work on neutral steer drifting though, really the only way to get it to turn any kind of reasonable.
Spent over an hour yesterday breaking in the 380 super, then when i went to enter practice last night i was prohibited due to tuning.Car comes new tuned.WTF? Any ideas?
screaming chief
Spent over an hour yesterday breaking in the 380 super, then when i went to enter practice last night i was prohibited due to tuning.Car comes new tuned.WTF? Any ideas?

Body kits or you messed with downforce
Spent over an hour yesterday breaking in the 380 super, then when i went to enter practice last night i was prohibited due to tuning.Car comes new tuned.WTF? Any ideas?

Body kits or you messed with downforce

I concur with djx....that happened to me with the RX7 and it was down to me cranking on more downforce for the b-spec enduro which got pointed out to me by, I think, zero :)