◆ SNAIL [Spec] Racing - Join now to win an Almeida Motor Racing Checklist enrollment!!Open 

  • Thread starter zer05ive
we race for fun two nights a week. we have full time jobs, families and this GAME is a way to unwind. wed, fri and sun are Gtp olr enforced. tues..well I have another series on that day so I'm not sure but at worst it's 3/2 toward clean. No one it's forced into any activities if they don't wish to participate, but we do ask that if you are there, enjoy yourself. If anyone finds it hard too do that on a particular night, park it or find something else to do. Nothing but sunday is mandatory to maintain standing with the league. If you do choose to not partake and open a room elsewhere, this forum is always available add a place to post your whereabouts (lobby / lounge) and what it's happening there.
As a new member of Snail spec racing, i want to say the reason i joined was because of several factors.
1. Sunday spec races and the breaking in process required.
2. the high level of comradeship and fun the posts reflected.
3. a variety of races offered with different styles, use the selected cars, to "find the limits". also having tons of fun along the way.
As i have not participated in a Sunday spec race yet, i will be in division 3 this Sunday. Having properly broken in my cars, painted them, and practiced the tracks, I AM SO EXCITED!!! Had lots of fun with c&m last night and look forward to Sunday.

i am ChuthuluGoat

Amen to that too! :cheers: I love the energy and excitement Goat is bringing with him..

If the primary focus for the SNAIL Group is the Sunday races then it should spend more time promoting that than "other" racing. As it stands now, I see more of the "other" racing judging by the group's own weekly scheduling. That, by itself, says a lot about the group as well.

Please take a look at the original post and let me know what we're promoting more than anything else. To me it looks like 95% or more of that post is about our our Sunday races. The "other" racing is only mentioned at the very bottom of the post as an afterthought. As cheeb explained earlier, we used to only race on Sundays and practice one day a week on Wednesdays. The rest of the days featuring "other" racing was simply an attempt to mix things up and and offer variety to our league members because who would want to practice more than one day a week? At least that was the initial mindset lol. :lol:

A group of friends playing games under the group name of SNAILS send a potentially wrong message to newcomers as well, but yet that's okay? :rolleyes:

I feel like a lot of the differences of opinion and mindset that you have with other members of the league is primarily due to the fact that you only recently joined and may not realize how we only recently evolved. If you had seen our thread only days before you joined, you would know why most of us don't take racing as seriously as you do. Thankfully, I make a copy of our original post before I make significant changes to it and I've pasted below what the beginning of our original post looked like right before you joined. If you take note of the thread title, the name of the league shown at the bottom of the picture, and the introductory paragraph, I think you'll better understand why many "snails" have a different mindset than as you do and why only recently did the name "SNAIL" potentially send the wrong message to newcomers:

S.N.A.I.L. (beginner-friendly SPEC RACING w/ Promotion and Relegation)‏

Welcome to S.N.A.I.L.
As our name implies, we're intermediate-level racers who live in the U.S. and race every Sunday night (10pm EST / 9pm CST). The acronym for our league is no coincidence. It's an acknowledgement that we're not the fastest drivers and never will be. However, we don't feel like that should stop us from enjoying clean and competitive races. If you're in the same boat and live in the lower 48 states (to minimize lag), we might be the right fit for you. However, if you're an elite driver or you're looking for elite competition, you should probably look elsewhere.


Anyways, I only wanted to show you that so that you could have a little more background on the origin of the league. Please read this post to see how I announced this change to the league. You joined the league just six days after I made the decision to open the league to all skill levels. Don't get me wrong, I'm very happy with the decision to open the league up to elite drivers such as yourself, but I thought by showing you what our thread looked like less than a week before you joined, you'd understand why maybe we don't take this game as seriously as a former professional driver like you might hope or why we don't want to practice all the time and instead want to goof off and just have fun from time to time. The beautiful thing about our format of Promotion & Relegation is that it allows for all different levels of skill and commitment to race in the same league, and that's one thing hopefully all of us can agree on. 👍
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This is a forum. You can speak openly, but remaing courteous is paramount. If you're feeling is that you were wrecked for a particular reason, please state it. We are not characters in a Dan Brown novel.

(The following relates to C/M or dirty shuffle race. I follow strict OLR to the letter in clean races)
Side note: I will wreck a person who displays a poor attitude 10/10 before I go after someone who I perceive to be better than I. I will not accept having a 'fun' activity spoiled because of ones attitude. My lobby, public lobby or open. Second, its tactical. If you wreck someone talented, then they're behind you and you've lost an advantage. If you follow them, you learn their weakness, however faint, so planning ahead so they have no room to catch back up is simpler. I used a similar tactic here till Bowler joined. I rarely pass anyone. Ever. I just follow them until they make a mistake. I curse myself for touching other cars, even the computer driven ones, so I'm very cautious which is often my undoing against class drivers. I've mentioned that more than a 1/2 dozen times these 99 pages


The host is the host for a reason. By showing up to their room, or any room for any host, you owe it to them your attention and respect towards action taken. If you dont like it you have two options that are acceptable. State its not for you and leave or play along and keep quiet. The host's thoughts and words arent the end all be all, but their direction should be respected and not met with resistance constantly. When changes are made on the fly, rooms tend to fall apart. Last night felt tedious for the first half rather than fun and that I just cannot accept. Its not fair plainly. The host is....the Host. They are hosting you. They have the plans and you're there to enjoy them. Have you ever been invited to dinner and a nice couple opens the door as hosts and asks, "Okay, where are we going?"


I'd like to add that should anyone feel the need to banter negatively toward another member, I ask you keep it to PMs or preferrably to oneself. I only host Friday, but the sardonic commentary and general poor sport attitude will not be tolerated while I'm hosting. I will boot you. On Sundays, I will race you fair and as equal, but aside from that, I consider you an unwelcome guest IF you arrive in poor spirits.

The point of games is to have fun and I guarentee you everyone who wanted to play C/M had some. It was a blast. There was laughter, taunting in jest and a grand time had. Ego is not meant to be a part of it.
EX: Doughboy and I were terrible together. We did our best but were quite outclassed, but I pushed him, then chased down leaders. Blocked for a miunte bringing my partner back up to the pack, pushed him for a couple minutes than left him again to try and stop I think bronco and zero and faded back caught him on the straight and pushed us to only losing by 29 seconds. (Not bad huh Doughboy! 👍 You were 1:30+ back and I wasn't going to leave you until you insisted it was neccessary. You were right. We'd have finished WAY behind!)
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Isn't this the part of the comic book where us normals discover diabolicwyvern is really a mutant and we must destroy him to save humanity?

I just saw this from Space_Echo. Its directly under the post zer0 references above citing our name change. Thumbs up and a belly laugh from me Space. This is classic. In fact, if you don't mind, I'd like to use it in my signature.
I'm not going to jump into the middle of any debate over the validity of cat and mouse. My opinion is that it could serve as a nice diversion for a race or two but it's really not for me.

I would like to make a suggestion that these types of races be run in either a private lobby by invitation only or in a public room that is named in a way that it has nothing to do with S.N.A.I.L. My reasoning for this is that the main objective of this group is to encourage clean racing. If we were running cat and mouse in a public room that was advertised as a S.N.A.I.L. room, it would give someone just passing by the wrong idea about the group.
Great fun tonight! Wish you could of been there Diabolic! :D
We started about 45 mins later, due to waiting for more ppl but thats ok because it made it interesting!

Nice post Diabolic, totally agree with you.

:) Cya Sunday.
Hello guys! I'm rofajole or you can call me by my real name, Fabio. I'm an university student majoring in Mechanical Engineering. I have questions to how you guys participate in races and how everything goes down and what not since I'm actually really interested in participating in racing in a friendly, yet competitive environment. I have been REALLY busy lately ever since I started going to college last year, so I haven't had much time to play GT5 therefore my skills are really going downhill. And on top of that I work two jobs as well so I'm sure you can understand I don't have much time for games. :lol: However, I will soon start to have more time, specifically in May when my semester finishes, and I want to start racing competitively in GT5 and I would like to get to know who (hopefully will be) my new racing partners and friends! 👍
Wow. You take a day off of the thread and have to spend an hour catching up on everything!

I noticed that there were at least two posts acknowledging that there are more than 16 drivers currently in Div 3. What happens if we all show up?
I have to agree with Bowler. It's difficult to put myself in the position, but were I just passing by in the public lobby, I would draw a conclusion about the group that is incorrect. People in general form opinions very quickly. I suggested having a snail games account recently. if we used our own lobbies or the d1/2/3 lobbies we'd all to be friends with everyone else here. The games account may be a solution

I'll be online sporadically throughout the day, open to invites for any type of racing.

As long as we're civil, the forum it's always open to opinions. If you have a differing opinion, just let us know. The goal is a positive and fun experience for all things S.N.A.I.L and that includes conversation. :)
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Hello guys! I'm rofajole or you can call me by my real name, Fabio. I'm an university student majoring in Mechanical Engineering. I have questions to how you guys participate in races and how everything goes down and what not since I'm actually really interested in participating in racing in a friendly, yet competitive environment. I have been REALLY busy lately ever since I started going to college last year, so I haven't had much time to play GT5 therefore my skills are really going downhill. And on top of that I work two jobs as well so I'm sure you can understand I don't have much time for games. :lol: However, I will soon start to have more time, specifically in May when my semester finishes, and I want to start racing competitively in GT5 and I would like to get to know who (hopefully will be) my new racing partners and friends! 👍

Hi Fabio, thanks for your interest. It sounds like you have a really hectic schedule, but one really convenient thing about this league is that you really only have to play two hours per week (preferably on Sunday night). You mentioned that you had questions about participation and how everything goes down, but you didn't say specifically what your questions are. Most questions of that nature can be answered by reading the original post, but let us know if you have still have questions after reading it. We look forward to getting to you know you. Heck, we're still getting to know ourselves! :cheers:
I was under the impression (and maybe I'm to blame for this impression) that this SNAIL group is about fair play and clean racing. I mean that is why the cars are locked to Tuning Prohibited and everyone racing clean, right? So I'm left wondering why a group of drivers who seem to be all about clean racing with little or NO racing contact would promote more dirty racing rather than clean racing throughout the week ?????

The first letter in S.N.A.I.L. stands for Sunday, that is because the serious racing and competition happens on Sunday in this league, that is Zero's. Using some of that fancy brain power you were talking about, I figured out that Monday Mayhem, Tuesday Night Terror, and Diabolic Friday are not part of the official Sunday spec racing. Mostly because of the words Mayhem, Terror, and Diabolic. If you are only here for the clean racing and competition then Wed. and Sun. are you nights and perhaps you should aviod the other activities.

I read all 52 pages of this thread before I joined this league so I knew exactly what they were about. I did not just jump in expecting them to be one thing, and then when they aren't, trying to make them conform to what I want them to be.

You're right, I didn't learn to race over night, it took me months to learn and I wasn't undermining my efforts by doing things like dirty racing. The tactics for clean racing and dirty racing are not the same at all. This is why I feel my efforts are being wasted when the group promotes dirty racing more than clean racing throughout the week.

First of all, dirty racing has never been promoted in this league. C&M is a game type, not a race type. If you don't like the fact that after you spend an hour or two with someone and they are not gods gift to racing, don't blame it C&M like it erased all the good you did. If you feel your time is being wasted during your school sessions, then don't do them. Please don't "teach" someone and then come in the forum and complain about them afterwards. That fills this fun and easygoing forum with a bunch of unnecessary negativity.

If someone comes into the middle of a conversation they have no context and will most likely get the wrong impression. They should have the brain power to realize they have come into the middle of a conversation. Maybe this is just using my brain, but if I were the person coming in the conversation in the middle I would do research about the questionable passage by, I don't know, reading the thread or by send the person who wrote the passage a PM to get the much needed context.

This is the internet, do you really expect people to do some research before commenting ?:rolleyes: I noticed that if you replace the word "conversation" with "league", it reinforces my above argument.

As for Cat & Mouse, you do realize there are ways to play that cleanly. Armed with that knowledge and by the process of elimination, the Cat & Mouse games played by this group must be .....

Did you realize that there are ways to hold a destruction derby cleanly as well ? But that would just be..... well you know the answer. I would advise that it is not wise to talk **** about the group that you are a part of.

If the primary focus for the SNAIL Group is the Sunday races then it should spend more time promoting that than "other" racing. As it stands now, I see more of the "other" racing judging by the group's own weekly scheduling. That, by itself, says a lot about the group as well. A group of friends playing games under the group name of SNAILS send a potentially wrong message to newcomers as well, but yet that's okay? :rolleyes:

Who are you to be here a week and tell Zero how to run his league ? I think the group you were looking for is O.S.N.A.I.L. cause they Only worry about the sunday night race and nothing else. They Only run laps every other day of the week so that they can hopefully win this bunch of virtual 1's and 0' that means nothing in the real world. Having fun with a few friends in a competitive environment means nothing to them, only winning..... and I thought Diabolic was the Cyborg.

When some of these guys might be playing on a 19in. TV, with a bunch of distractions in the background, dodgey internet connections, varrying skill levels, the entire gas and brake pedal relegated to this 1.5 inches of articulation with the stick (or worse with the shoulders or buttons), there are going to be some mistakes. None of it is on purpose. When millions of dollars are on the line, proffesional drivers with years of experience trade paint and wreck their cars, we will too. Suck it up and keep racing or quit. I really don't care, but please stop whining constantly after it happened in the race and then come and whine about it in the forums too. You have single handedly made this league not fun for me. If it continues to stay that way, I will leave. Maybe you should consider the same.

That being said... I believe that if you have the skill to run away from the pack, then you should be able to do so. I do not like boost racing either. The whole reason I made contact with you was because the game can change your cars performance on the fly in the middle of the race and that made it very hard to judge where to brake. I said I was sorry, that's all that can be done. It didn't even take you out of the race, it didn't even take you out of first.

If my being real is frowned upon, i'm sorry, but being nice for the sake of being nice is just enabling the person that you are talking to. I'm not trying to start an argument or anything, but this is how I feel. I would bet a lot of money that I am not the only one either. I am not suggestiong that Someone should be kicked out of the league or anything like that. I just want everyone to take a step back and realize what this VIDEO GAME and league should be about.

All the bickering takes away from the good racing way more then C&M ever could...
Hi Fabio, thanks for your interest. It sounds like you have a really hectic schedule, but one really convenient thing about this league is that you really only have to play two hours per week (preferably on Sunday night). You mentioned that you had questions about participation and how everything goes down, but you didn't say specifically what your questions are. Most questions of that nature can be answered by reading the original post, but let us know if you have still have questions after reading it. We look forward to getting to you know you. Heck, we're still getting to know ourselves! :cheers:

You're right, I should have been more direct with what I meant. Primarily, it's just how we all get together and how do we find out in which Division we participate in. My guess is, since I'm new to this I'll be put in Division 3, am I correct? And thanks for the warm welcome, zer05ive!
You're right, I should have been more direct with what I meant. Primarily, it's just how we all get together and how do we find out in which Division we participate in. My guess is, since I'm new to this I'll be put in Division 3, am I correct? And thanks for the warm welcome, zer05ive!

I depends on when you're going to start racing with us. If you started right away, then yes you'd be in Division3. However, if you started in May after your semester is finished, then it's possible that we may have expanded to more divisions. If that's the case, then you would start in whatever the lowest division is at that time.

So the real question is when do you want to start? If you want to start tomorrow night, then I'll add you right away. If you want to start in May, we can just wait to see what the lowest division is at that time. Just let us know what you want to do.
I depends on when you're going to start racing with us. If you started right away, then yes you'd be in Division3. However, if you started in May after your semester is finished, then it's possible that we may have expanded to more divisions. If that's the case, then you would start in whatever the lowest division is at that time.

So the real question is when do you want to start? If you want to start tomorrow night, then I'll add you right away. If you want to start in May, we can just wait to see what the lowest division is at that time. Just let us know what you want to do.

I could race tomorrow since testing is done and I have pretty much more no homework or papers to write, however, this is a very exclusive weekend. After this weekend, I won't have time to race again until May. :indiff: That brings me to my next question, would it be okay if I participate tomorrow in a race, but I don't race again with you guys until May or earlier if I have another easy weekend?
EDIT: On second thought, if we all need to be friends with all three Snail_Division lounges so we can drive in them. We'll all have 2 extra friends.

If we do the Snail_FreeRun1 or whatever we only need 1 extra friend.

I know it's an extra account to create, but it could be done on a user request basis, versus a push from the account. Anyone that foresees racing in it could request the friendship, if not do nothing.


Oops, I didn't see your edited second thought until just now. I don't think we all need to be friends with all three SNAIL_Division accounts. Not requiring that would eliminate the need for two extra friends to be added to everyone's PSN lists. I think we all agree that the less accounts that our league requires to be added, the better. 👍

That being said, what if we just used the SNAIL_Division3 account as the FreeRun account? Basically, everyone would add that account so that it would serve the purpose that my zer05ive account serves now. That way, nobody would need to add a non-divisional SNAIL account such a SNAIL_FreeRun etc.

There are two reason why I think that SNAIL_Division3 would be the ideal candidate for this type of "universal" account. First, it's currently out lowest division and therefore has the most friends invited right now. Secondly, given the fact that we could probably support four divisions as it is, it's conceivable that we might eventually get to five divisions in the long term. If that does eventually happen, SNAIL_Division3 would be the "middle" division and would therefore have the highest number of different drivers passing through its ranks over time. Therefore, it would only make sense that it serve as our "central hub" account because many of our drivers will eventually need to have access to that account on Sunday nights anyways.

During the weekdays, we could have our unofficial races nights in the SNAIL_Division3 account and anyone who wants to partake in training or practices could just add the SNAIL_Division1 account if they wanted to. It's also conceivable that the SNAIL_Division2 account be used during the week as well (perhaps for overflow), but that's not a pressing issue right now. Thoughts?
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Oops, I didn't see your edited second thought until just now. I don't think we all need to be friends with all three SNAIL_Division accounts. Not requiring that would eliminate the need for two extra friends to be added to everyone's PSN lists. I think we all agree that the less accounts that our league requires to be added, the better. 👍

Absolutely agree. Keep lag to a dull roar!

That being said, what if we just used the SNAIL_Division3 account as the FreeRun account? Basically, everyone would add that account so that it would serve the purpose that my zer05ive account serves now. That way, nobody would need to add a non-divisional SNAIL account such a SNAIL_FreeRun etc.

There are two reason why I think that SNAIL_Division3 would be the ideal candidate for this type of "universal" account. First, it's currently out lowest division and therefore has the most friends invited right now. Secondly, given the fact that we could probably support four divisions as it is, it's conceivable that we might eventually get to five divisions in the long term. If that does eventually happen, SNAIL_Division3 would be the "middle" division and would therefore have the highest number of different drivers passing through its ranks over time. Therefore, it would only make sense that it serve as our "central hub" account because many of our drivers will eventually need to have access to that account on Sunday nights anyways.

During the weekdays, we could have our unofficial races nights in the SNAIL_Division3 account and anyone who wants to partake in training or practices could just add the SNAIL_Division1 account if they wanted to. It's also conceivable that the SNAIL_Division2 account be used during the week as well (perhaps for overflow), but that's not a pressing issue right now. Thoughts?

Sounds good to me. Simplifies and keeps the number of extra accounts down 👍
Whats been said has been said, lets all get along and let this blow over. I think we have all learned something, and since then, appropriate actions will be taken (not joining if you dont like it, dont cry instead PM someone if you have a problem with someone ect). this is going to be a new week, lets clean the Slate. :)
Im not a fan of tire wear either, and advocate against it in this kinda of race. to me its as pointless as having damage on. I don't run my C&M events with tire wear on. My nights are ran on a different format. you should try this Mondays event. Rally racing! then Rally C&M. then the week after that will be LM racing on a custom Eifel track with hopefully my new C&M Team racing.

I learned my lesson on Thursday night. Going forward, Cat & Snail races won't have tire wear on. If someone's able to spin you out, you're going to need to catch up. There's no point in making catching up even harder by letting that spin make your tires go bald as well. :crazy:
Wow. You take a day off of the thread and have to spend an hour catching up on everything!

I noticed that there were at least two posts acknowledging that there are more than 16 drivers currently in Div 3. What happens if we all show up?

Hogster, you bring up a valid concern. It's hard to say exactly how many Division3 drivers will show up because at the moment it's our lowest division and we don't require advance notice from anyone in our lowest division. Based on what's happened in the past, I'm pretty sure there will a few invites who don't show up, but then again, I wouldn't have sent an invite to anyone if I didn't think there was at least a decent chance they'd be racing with us on Sunday night.

cheeb, what's your take on this. You're the official snail herder, so do you want to herd a few snails into different pens to make more room in Division3? After re-reading your list, I noticed that I made a mistake with the numbers. I actually was intending to have twelve drivers in both D1 and D2. However, I forgot that g-MachineREX was out and I included him in my D2 count for this week. Therefore, we technically have another spot in D2. Not to mention that ckoerner210 is out this week so that could potentially make room in both D1 and D2 since he's a Division1 driver.

What would you say to promoting whatbadgerseat back up to D1 to make a total of 12 active drivers in Division1 this week, then promoting MLR_SPARCO and The__Reaper up to Division2 to do the same thing in that division?

If we made both of those moves, it would free up two spots in Division3 and make it less likely that Division3 will be over capacity on Sunday night. Thoughts?
Hogster, you bring up a valid concern. It's hard to say exactly how many Division3 drivers will show up because at the moment it's our lowest division and we don't require advance notice from anyone in our lowest division. Based on what's happened in the past, I'm pretty sure there will a few invites who don't show up, but then again, I wouldn't have sent an invite to anyone if I didn't think there was at least a decent chance they'd be racing with us on Sunday night.

cheeb, what's your take on this. You're the official snail herder, so do you want to herd a few snails into different pens to make more room in Division3? After re-reading your list, I noticed that I made a mistake with the numbers. I actually was intending to have twelve drivers in both D1 and D2. However, I forgot that g-MachineREX was out and I included him in my D2 count for this week. Therefore, we technically have another spot in D2. Not to mention that ckoerner210 is out this week so that could potentially make room in both D1 and D2 since he's a Division1 driver.

What would you say to promoting whatbadgerseat back up to D1 to make a total of 12 active drivers in Division1 this week, then promoting MLR_SPARCO and The__Reaper up to Division2 to do the same thing in that division?

If we made both of those moves, it would free up two spots in Division3 and make it less likely that Division3 will be over capacity on Sunday night. Thoughts?

That works nicely, we'll have to jig the promotion/relegation when ckoerner and g-MachineREX return, but we'd have had to do that anyway.

I updated the driver list to reflect the current situation.

Div 1 - 12 active drivers - one on sabbatical
Div 2 - 12 active drivers - one on sabbatical
Div 3 - 17 active drivers :nervous:

If all Div 3 drivers show up, perhaps we can move aDirtySpic- up to Div 2? Just so we have a plan going into it.
I have to agree with Bowler. It's difficult to put myself in the position, but were I just passing by in the public lobby, I would draw a conclusion about the group that is incorrect. People in general form opinions very quickly. I suggested having a snail games account recently. if we used our own lobbies or the d1/2/3 lobbies we'd all to be friends with everyone else here. The games account may be a solution

Okay, what if we just stop using our league name whenever we are doing anything like Cat & Mouse or Cat & Snail in an open lobby? Another solution would be just to stop using the open lobby altogether and just race in our private lounges.

I know you suggested a SNAIL games account, but how would that account be any different from any of our divisional accounts? Wouldn't we all have to be friends with that games account too? I'm probably just misunderstanding your concept, so please clarify when you have a moment. I suggested in another post that we just use the SNAIL_Division3 account as our FreeRun or Games account. What do you think of that?
I had a great time last week! Count me in for Div 2 Sunday night!

Excellent, glad you had fun! Have more fun tomorrow :)

I trust you've seen the posts about the SNAIL_Division2 psn id, whose Lounge you'll be racing in? Zer05ive should have the friend situation all setup. Let us know if there's any issues. We'll get them straight asap.
...you suggested a SNAIL games account, but how would that account be any different from any of our divisional accounts... I'm probably just misunderstanding your concept, so please clarify when you have a moment... What do you think of that?

Removing the association S.N.A.I.L from the room name or using a particular division would accomplish the goal I think we're both after. Just to have a place for SNAILS that is unmistakably for games. I'd like for any SNAIL to, if asked, be able to immediately idetify (fill in the blank) with games. If it's not Sunday and people are in whatever place we come up with, you'll know they're playing games.
No surprises.
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