I was under the impression (and maybe I'm to blame for this impression) that this SNAIL group is about fair play and clean racing. I mean that is why the cars are locked to Tuning Prohibited and everyone racing clean, right? So I'm left wondering why a group of drivers who seem to be all about clean racing with little or NO racing contact would promote more dirty racing rather than clean racing throughout the week ?????
The first letter in S.N.A.I.L. stands for Sunday, that is because the serious racing and competition happens on Sunday in this league, that is Zero's. Using some of that fancy brain power you were talking about, I figured out that Monday Mayhem, Tuesday Night Terror, and Diabolic Friday are not part of the official Sunday spec racing. Mostly because of the words Mayhem, Terror, and Diabolic. If you are only here for the clean racing and competition then Wed. and Sun. are you nights and perhaps you should aviod the other activities.
I read all 52 pages of this thread before I joined this league so I knew exactly what they were about. I did not just jump in expecting them to be one thing, and then when they aren't, trying to make them conform to what I want them to be.
You're right, I didn't learn to race over night, it took me months to learn and I wasn't undermining my efforts by doing things like dirty racing. The tactics for clean racing and dirty racing are not the same at all. This is why I feel my efforts are being wasted when the group promotes dirty racing more than clean racing throughout the week.
First of all, dirty racing has never been promoted in this league. C&M is a game type, not a race type. If you don't like the fact that after you spend an hour or two with someone and they are not gods gift to racing, don't blame it C&M like it erased all the good you did. If you feel your time is being wasted during your school sessions, then don't do them. Please don't "teach" someone and then come in the forum and complain about them afterwards. That fills this fun and easygoing forum with a bunch of unnecessary negativity.
If someone comes into the middle of a conversation they have no context and will most likely get the wrong impression. They should have the brain power to realize they have come into the middle of a conversation. Maybe this is just using my brain, but if I were the person coming in the conversation in the middle I would do research about the questionable passage by, I don't know, reading the thread or by send the person who wrote the passage a PM to get the much needed context.
This is the internet, do you really expect people to do some research before commenting ?

I noticed that if you replace the word "conversation" with "league", it reinforces my above argument.
As for Cat & Mouse, you do realize there are ways to play that cleanly. Armed with that knowledge and by the process of elimination, the Cat & Mouse games played by this group must be .....
Did you realize that there are ways to hold a destruction derby cleanly as well ? But that would just be..... well you know the answer. I would advise that it is not wise to talk **** about the group that you are a part of.
If the primary focus for the SNAIL Group is the Sunday races then it should spend more time promoting that than "other" racing. As it stands now, I see more of the "other" racing judging by the group's own weekly scheduling. That, by itself, says a lot about the group as well. A group of friends playing games under the group name of SNAILS send a potentially wrong message to newcomers as well, but yet that's okay?
Who are you to be here a week and tell Zero how to run his league ? I think the group you were looking for is O.S.N.A.I.L. cause they Only worry about the sunday night race and nothing else. They Only run laps every other day of the week so that they can hopefully win this bunch of virtual 1's and 0' that means nothing in the real world. Having fun with a few friends in a competitive environment means nothing to them, only winning..... and I thought Diabolic was the Cyborg.
When some of these guys might be playing on a 19in. TV, with a bunch of distractions in the background, dodgey internet connections, varrying skill levels, the entire gas and brake pedal relegated to this 1.5 inches of articulation with the stick (or worse with the shoulders or buttons), there are going to be some mistakes. None of it is on purpose. When millions of dollars are on the line, proffesional drivers with years of experience trade paint and wreck their cars, we will too. Suck it up and keep racing or quit. I really don't care, but please stop whining constantly after it happened in the race and then come and whine about it in the forums too. You have single handedly made this league not fun for me. If it continues to stay that way, I will leave. Maybe you should consider the same.
That being said... I believe that if you have the skill to run away from the pack, then you should be able to do so. I do not like boost racing either. The whole reason I made contact with you was because the game can change your cars performance on the fly in the middle of the race and that made it very hard to judge where to brake. I said I was sorry, that's all that can be done. It didn't even take you out of the race, it didn't even take you out of first.
If my being real is frowned upon, i'm sorry, but being nice for the sake of being nice is just enabling the person that you are talking to. I'm not trying to start an argument or anything, but this is how I feel. I would bet a lot of money that I am not the only one either. I am not suggestiong that Someone should be kicked out of the league or anything like that. I just want everyone to take a step back and realize what this VIDEO GAME and league should be about.
All the bickering takes away from the good racing way more then C&M ever could...