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  • Thread starter zer05ive
The S.N.A.I.L. OLR

This is, in many respects, identical to the GTP OLR, with the new parts highlighted in green. Some parts have changed, but the general tenets of racecraft have not.

Read it. Learn it. Live it.

Green text highlights the differences between this and the GTP OLR.

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01: S.N.A.I.L. OLR General Rules:

These rules are subject to change as there are constant updates/changes coming out for GT5, it is your responsibility to update yourself on the changes. The Stewards will post in the thread when a change has been made and what the change entails.

All drivers are expected to make themselves familiar with the racing rules before entering any race or competition. If you stumble across a rule that is unclear to you, make sure you fully understand that rule before you enter the race or competition. You can post your questions in the S.N.A.I.L. thread.

You are expected to compete in a fair and honest manner. Fair and honest means according to the S.N.A.I.L. online racing rules, not according to your own interpretation of fair and honest.

You are expected to drive responsibly in a way that’s not likely to ruin the racing enjoyment of your fellow drivers.

You are expected not to submit to bad general behaviour under all circumstances.

Try to maintain a generally affable nature with the rest of the group; both in the thread and on the game. Some friendly rib-jabbing is expected. This isn't church.

You are expected to behave like sporting gentlemen and women at all times.

The position of other drivers must always be respected.

Aggressive driving is strictly prohibited.

Cutting the chicanes or "shorting" the track at any point is strictly prohibited on all parts of the track, including the asphalt-areas in behind out-of track-lines. Track specific boundaries will be clarified for certain tracks if it is not generally obvious.

If a driver wants to retire from a race, the driver concerned must not exit the race. The driver must find a position on the track where the driver will not endanger other drivers, park their car by coming to a complete stop and turning on the emergency brake and wait for the race to end. If you do not come to a full stop and turn on the brake your car may drive on by itself

No careless driving. Always show respect for your fellow racers. Be careful. Show some patience. Understand the limitations of your car and yourself and drive accordingly. Driving online in a racing sim is NOT exactly the same as real life racing in every respect. Familiarity with the car and track is expected. Do not go into a Sunday night without having practiced and expect to be able to late brake or make other aggressive maneuvers without incident.

If you are found guilty of any of these rules, the behaviour will be evaluated and penalty assessed by the Race Stewards as per the penalty system..

When racing or entering a S.N.A.I.L. Sunday night race, all racers are expected to have fully broken in cars with a fresh oil change. All racers' cars should have the same horsepower, PP and tires.

02: Event Participation:

If for any reason you know prior to a race you’ll be unable to attend, please advise by posting on the thread as soon as possible. An advanced notice of 24 hours is expected. Notices inside of 24 hours are still expected. If you fail to note your absence at all, you may be putting yourself first in line for relegation.

As a general rule, if there isn’t a stated rule, then the rules as they are within a program will apply - both intentional and coincidental. I.e. the way a matter is handled by a racing program is the way that it will be interpreted by the Race Stewards.

03: Pit Etiquette:

Cars on the race track have right-of-way over cars entering the race track from the pits. You have to take care not to interfere with other drivers on the track. Swerving in front of upcoming cars is not allowed.

04: Rules Governing Car Contact:

Contacts and collisions must be avoided at all costs.

Pushing other cars in turns or pushing them off the track is strictly prohibited.

Leaning on other cars is strictly prohibited in any situation.

Some contact through a corner or through a pass may not be avoidable and may be deemed "incidental" should it not appear to affect the likely outcome of the section in question

05: Running into the car ahead of you:

The behind driver must take all necessary care and responsibility not to run into an ahead driver.

In case you brake too late for a corner or partially lose control of your car, you must do your best to avoid making the loss of control into a bigger incident. Some contact may be avoidable in these situations, but you are expected to minimize the impact of it to the best of your ability. Accidents may happen.

The ahead driver must not do any malicious or inappropriate braking or slowing. Leading cars MUST NOT EVER 'brake check' the car(s) behind them because they are following too closely. The ahead driver IS entitled to be slower or use longer and earlier braking zones than others. They are also entitled to turn in earlier or later and/or apex earlier or later.

06: Contact Concessions:

If there is contact between drivers that results in the guilty driver making up places on the innocent driver, the guilty driver should immediately allow the innocent driver to pass freely to re-establish their position. This rule should be observed, even if it means the guilty driver has to allow drivers not involved in the incident to pass while waiting for the driver they contacted.

If the appropriate contact concession is carried out by the guilty driver then they may avoid or reduce the severity of any penalties that might otherwise apply as per the S.N.A.I.L. penalty system.

If the appropriate contact concession is not carried out by the guilty party then greater penalties would apply.

If you have to slow down to let the other player through, move out of the racing line first before you slow down. Coming to a full stop is not allowed, just continue at a lower pace out of the racing line until the other driver passes you again.

07: Corner Rights:

When approaching the turn/apex of turn, the car which "holds" the inner side of turn has entrance-advantage and other driver(s) must refrain from endangering him by his actions.

You must establish substantial overlap with the car ahead before they reach the corner’s turn-in point to have the right to drive up their inside, or to expect them to leave inside room for you. At least the front of your car should be up to the driver’s position in the ahead car. The ahead driver has the right to be fully committed to the racing line of their choice without any interference if there was no substantial overlap before he turned in.

If sufficient overlap is established before the turn-in point, then the behind driver has the right to sufficient side room. The ahead driver must also leave sufficient side room for the behind driver. This means that each driver has a right to their respective "line", or side of the track, right up to the exit point. Neither driver should squeeze the other toward the inside or outside of the corner during the apex or exit.

The turn in point is the point at which the leading car begins their turn into the corner–this may vary from the point at which you turn into the corner.

If an ahead driver has clearly made an error to warrant a passing move, a behind driver may attack their position, with due caution and care, regardless of whether there was any pre-existing overlap. However, the overtaking driver must still avoid contact. Small errors by the ahead driver may not necessarily justify a passing move. The ahead driver getting a bit out of shape at times doesn’t give you an automatic right to force a pass. You still have to pass safely and without undue contact.

Drivers are expected to set buttons up for side views as "I didn't see you" is not an excuse if you collide with another driver when racing.

08: Standing Start Guidelines:

Additional caution and care must be taken when beginning a race with a standing start. All of the above rules in regard to contact apply during the start and first corner of the race.

Be Patient. Begin the race at a normal pace that will not cause you to run into cars in front of you. Don't begin by steering to one side and attempting to barge through the pack. Conversely, don't begin at a slow pace that will make you an obstruction or barrier to cars behind you.

Your goal on turn 1 should not be to get to the front, but rather to continue racing cleanly picking up one spot at a time. Look ahead more than one car. Due to field compression, a compact field will run slower through the first few turns than a spread out one. Leave some extra space, but not too much. Drivers behind you won't be expecting sudden braking. If you are behind a few cars in line, be prepared to brake extra early for a turn, as each car will be braking a bit farther back on the track than the one in front of it in order to avoid contact.

A racer who runs into you may have been punted. Don't automatically assume malicious intent.

All of the rules in regard to contact concession apply if you knock a racer off track during the start of the race. If you cause a wreck, you are required to wait for all players who go off track as a result, regardless of whether you contacted them directly or not. If you are involved in a wreck which you did not cause, you are not required to wait

9: Defensive Driving:

Leading cars have the right to choose their own line down a straight. They can change their racing line once while driving down a straight (Move from the outside line to the inside, or vice versa). As they approach the next corner, they can return to the racing line of their choice. However, they are not allowed to change their line when the behind driver is directly behind and changes his line to try and make a pass. If your movement causes an accident, you are responsible.

Leading cars have the right to take their line of choice through corners. I.e. they may drive a defensive line around the inside of a corner to protect their position, thereby forcing an attacking driver to try to pass around the outside. This is not blocking and is part of normal racing etiquette. In fact, apart from the restrictions of rule 10:A, a leading driver can drive any line which they feel is the most inconvenient for any following car to try to pass them.

Drivers that are about to get lapped have to make sure not to interfere with the lapping cars. The driver being lapped should stay on the racing line but slow down just enough to allow the lead driver an easy pass. Keep your racing line predictable and try to stay out of the way.

10: Group Battle:

When approaching a battle with 2 or more cars, be extra careful since those cars can change driving lines quickly when trying to defend/overtake. The cars in front will already be driving close, so finding a good overtaking spot is much harder. The same rules apply as when overtaking a single car.

If you cause a crash in a group battle wait for all the effected drivers who were in front or/and driving next to you and let them get past. This doesn't include affected drivers who were driving behind you.

When a crash occurs in a group battle, it’s vital to minimize risks for additional crashes. Slow down if needed, and try to drive on the clear side of the track. Overtaking is still allowed, but only under 1 or more of these conditions:
• The risk of hitting other cars is minimal.
• You overtake to avoid crashing into cars in front of you.
• Slowing down would make you a mobile obstruction for other cars.

When you get 'locked up' in a group battle on the straights, you are not allowed to bump the driver in front of you in order to free yourself out of that situation. Stay behind that driver or move sideways as soon as there's sufficient room to do so. This rule does not restrict bump drafting.

11: Initial Fault:

If you make a significant driving error and another driver or drivers attempts to capitalize on it, they have the right to do so. Do not try to collide or retaliate because of your error.

For Example: If you go wide at a corner and a close behind car tries to take advantage of this by moving up the inside, you should leave room for them, whether or not they had overlap going into the corner. They must also leave you room. This rule doesn't apply to small errors that don't affect the speed, direction and outcome. This is a bit of a grey area and requires good judgment on both parts.

You can always protest after the race if you think you’ve been wronged by notifying the Division Steward and the other racer/s via Private Message ONLY. Do not flood the forum with he said, she said business or we will throw out your protest.

12: Ghost Cars:

A ghost car is any car that is transparent and/or flickering transparent.

If your car is a ghost car, you take on the responsibilities of the following "Recovering from an incident" and "Re-entering to the track after running off" topics as you are at fault. You also give the correct driving line to the non-ghosted cars (taking a turn wide so others can pass on the inside). Do not return to the driving line if possible until your car is back to the normal state. This may be hard to tell if you use bumper cam, but do your utmost to determine your state. Naturally, if you are serving a penalty, assume you are ghosted.

If you are approaching one or more ghost cars on the track, you must avoid any contact with them at all as they may return to a normal state immediately. Then the contact would be your fault and in turn you may become a ghost car and have to make room for others while you car slows due to the penalty. Passing through a ghost car that is not entirely out of control in an effort to pass them will bring a penalty.

If your car becomes a ghost, you are not permitted to overtake other non-ghosted cars. If you happen to overtake a car while being a ghost, you must return to your original position safely.

If your car is a ghost you are not allowed to intentionally drive through other cars, just as they are not allowed to drive through you. In short, all cars on the track should be considered solid, no matter what state the game displays them.

13: Recovering from an incident:

It is the responsibility of the driver recovering from any incident to take all necessary care to not interfere with any cars still on the track and not part of the incident. A relevant incident may include, but is not limited to -
• Being spun out
• Facing the wrong way,
• Perpendicular to the track
• Going abnormally slow for where you are on the track.
• Getting penalized for any amount of time by the penalty system

If you are off the track then the rules on "Re-entering to the track after running off" apply.

In the event that your car turns to a 'ghost car' you assume the responsibility of avoiding hazards at all costs, refer to 13-B.

14: Re-entering to the track after running off:

It is the responsibility of the car returning to the track to ensure there are no collisions so that no other drivers have to maneuver or brake suddenly to allow you to resume racing. If there's a chance of a collision, wait and be patient as other drivers have the right of way.

An off track incident includes:
• Being stuck or pinned to a wall or railing.
• More than two tires leaving the track at any one time
• Any situation where the car may lose control and create cross traffic

Do not reverse back onto the track unless it is necessary. If you are backing up away from a wall first look around you to avoid a collision and as the collision would be your fault.

Re-enter the track parallel to the road, slowly and gently, and always with great care. This gives you the best opportunity to see what’s coming up the track behind you, and it also gives drivers coming up on you the best chance to orientate themselves to your situation.

15: Track Boundaries:

Colliding with or using walls, fences or other obstacle is forbidden, whether time is gained or not.

Two wheels (except when airborne, where the vertical projection of the car onto the track counts) must be in contact with the track/circuit which includes the rumble strips and footpaths, but not grassed areas.

All green areas are not part of the track unless otherwise stated by the Stewards prior to the race.

Curbs, sidewalks/pavements are not part of the track unless otherwise stated.

Tarmac/Asphalt or any other kind of surface mentioned above that are situated beyond the normal limits of the track, Run-off areas for example, are not part of the track unless otherwise stated.

Any kind of rumble strip made of concrete, stone etc are part of the track unless otherwise stated.

Tarmac/Asphalt partially covered with dirt or sand are part of the track unless otherwise stated.

You must not use any cheats or bugs in the game. The use of cheats or bugs affecting the cars performance is forbidden.

The use of external cheats is forbidden.

The use of shortcuts which are based on bugs in the game is prohibited. The fact that the game will allow you to take shortcuts does not account for a valid run.

Any other way of cheating we haven't thought of is forbidden.

16: Qualifying:

Qualifying is not racing. Drivers should space out amply early on their out lap to completely avoid other racers and the effects of them.

Drafting during qualifying is forbidden.

If you have an off or are slowed during qualifying, it is your responsibility to maintain proper distance from the car behind you or pull over and wait for another gap before continuing on.

In short, it is the ahead driver's responsibility to make sure that they are not so close to the behind driver that they can draft off of you.

17: Complaints:

All complaints relating to a racing incident must follow this procedure:
1. Contact the driver concerned and the Division Steward through PM.
2. Discuss in a manner that is constructive.

3. Name PM subject title 'Racing Complaint'
4. Supply Members PSN_Tag
5. Supply Round and Race of the incident
6. Supply Lap, Turn, and race time of the incident

7. Supply Details and any other relevant information relating to the incident

A driver has 24 hours to bring up a racing incident. The Stewards will review the incident and make a final decision no more than 48 hours after the race.
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D4 Pics - Still from my "Ghetto mode" - I need to learn to do this the correct way.

Grand Valley Reverse






Guys im in a different location then im usually am and i keep getting disconnected when i play. When i get back to usual location i will play but until then im holding off racing. I was in 1st place last at gp and was 4.031 secs infront of my opponents on the 4th lap and then i get disconnected...i felt like kicking a damn whole threw my tv. Freaking wifi sucks

Sorry to hear about your disconnect. I know first hand how badly that sucks, especially when you're in the lead. The easiest solution is to not use wi-fi when you race - ever. As dabneyd said on the S.P.E.C. thread, "You should always use a wired connection."
Yeah. I had clear sailing for the win in D2 a few weeks ago. I DCed in, I think, the fifth race and couldn't get back into the room.

I did not take the win.

Why, Racing Gods? Why?
So whats this monday night thing about

First of all, it's the only event of the week that's not run clean. It's opposite, to some extent.

Team vs. team.

Teams have a 'mouse' - a car of about 306 PP. The first team to have the mouse finish the race wins.

Each team has 'cats' - these are SNAIL/Untuned cars usually, at 450 PP.

Well - cats either attack other teams mice, or they want to keep their mouse for their own (victory dinner).

Almost anything goes - just don't forget to go after the LEAD mouse, not the mouse in the back... It's quite silly and a real hoot. Think of it as the Mystery Science Theater 3000 response to Downton Abbey's buttoned up attitude but in cars.
So looks like another complaint
Figured this would happen being pushed from d2 to d3 really doesn't make for the best racing ppl from d2 breaking points and driving styles differ from d3 here there a lil slower jazz will agree both of us were ahead of the pack most of the time....
I was bumped every race even spun out but I didn't send A complaint that's Just racing
I ran with spec div 1 didn't get any complaints there .... Ohwell
First of all, it's the only event of the week that's not run clean. It's opposite, to some extent.

Team vs. team.

Teams have a 'mouse' - a car of about 306 PP. The first team to have the mouse finish the race wins.

Each team has 'cats' - these are SNAIL/Untuned cars usually, at 450 PP.

Well - cats either attack other teams mice, or they want to keep their mouse for their own (victory dinner).

Almost anything goes - just don't forget to go after the LEAD mouse, not the mouse in the back... It's quite silly and a real hoot. Think of it as the Mystery Science Theater 3000 response to Downton Abbey's buttoned up attitude but in cars.

I am so in.
I have to say the aggressiveness of everyone was quite suprising to me. Which in turn i started driving really aggressive which in turn i made mistakes. It was almost like if you didnt drive aggressive you would get hit or someone diving in late into corner. There was definetly no sitting back waiting to make a move if you did that you were getting passed.
I have to say the aggressiveness of everyone was quite suprising to me. Which in turn i started driving really aggressive which in turn i made mistakes. It was almost like if you didnt drive aggressive you would get hit or someone diving in late into corner. There was definetly no sitting back waiting to make a move if you did that you were getting passed.

Everyone?! Look at where I finished; I got bumped off in at least once in every single combo.
I have to say the aggressiveness of everyone was quite suprising to me. Which in turn i started driving really aggressive which in turn i made mistakes. It was almost like if you didnt drive aggressive you would get hit or someone diving in late into corner. There was definetly no sitting back waiting to make a move if you did that you were getting passed.

There isn't a whole lot of sit back and wait for a mistake happening. In my opinion, largely a result of the length of the races.

This is one of the reasons we try as hard as we can to get the message out about the S.N.A.I.L. OnLine Racing Rules (OLR) and the GTPlanet Good Racecraft Guide. It may seem like a broken record, but we need that in the forefront as much as possible.

We also need people to report incidents. Unwanted behavior cannot be reprimanded when not reported.

Sorry, too many negatives in that last sentence, go easy AP :)
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Im just not used to driving so aggressive which made me make mistakes and get into a few guys. Im used to being smooth and for cornering slow in fast off but if you go with slow in you get freight trained. I will just have to get used to driving a little more aggressive without mistakes. :)
I have to say the aggressiveness of everyone was quite suprising to me. Which in turn i started driving really aggressive which in turn i made mistakes. It was almost like if you didnt drive aggressive you would get hit or someone diving in late into corner. There was definetly no sitting back waiting to make a move if you did that you were getting passed.

I just would like to say how great it is to have you and the other GTA finalists racing in snail.

I wouldn't say that the other racers are aggressive as they are used to racing with each other in Spec Racing. Doing Timed Trials and tests are definitely different then racing in a pack. There are some who sometimes are overly aggressive but sometimes with your adrenaline pumping through your body that your wanting to win you make mistakes that you wouldn't normally.

When your in D1 , as I was , you can't sit back! If you can make a move , cleanly mind you , do it!

You rocked in GTA and you'll rock here!

Remember practice Wed nights at 10pm ET.
Thanks, you wordsmith you!

Oh yeah, marketing :lol:

By accident though; I support Macs. Language has always come easy for me. I scored an 1140 on the SAT. An 800 on the English section (a perfect score) and, well, you can figure out the rest; I suck at math.
I just would like to say how great it is to have you and the other GTA finalists racing in snail.

I wouldn't say that the other racers are aggressive as they are used to racing with each other in Spec Racing. Doing Timed Trials and tests are definitely different then racing in a pack. There are some who sometimes are overly aggressive but sometimes with your adrenaline pumping through your body that your wanting to win you make mistakes that you wouldn't normally.

When your in D1 , as I was , you can't sit back! If you can make a move , cleanly mind you , do it!

You rocked in GTA and you'll rock here!

Remember practice Wed nights at 10pm ET.

Im used to racing in a pack have raced in the GTRRL for nearly 2 years now. I guess with shorter races is what i need to get use to. Im used to waiting for right oppurtunity to make a move because of longer races. I will get more used to it as the weeks progress. :)
Im used to racing in a pack have raced in the GTRRL for nearly 2 years now. I guess with shorter races is what i need to get use to. Im used to waiting for right oppurtunity to make a move because of longer races. I will get more used to it as the weeks progress. :)

You definitely will , I'm sure! Eundro and a sprint race are totally different!
I've been a snail since March and I'm still learning. LOL!!!
Again a reminder everyone. Cat & mouse is @ 7pm west 10pm East TONIGHT in the d3 lounge. Lets get a full room going.

I might join yall never played it before might be good to relieve frustration haha. Anything new could be fun. 👍
Diabolic! how could you forget about cat and mouse?! For shame! Don't worry though, I'll hand out your punishment on the track tonight.

Everyone, Be there and let Diabolic, and then everyone else feel the smash!!! Be at Cat and Mouse at the time listed above, in the D3 lounge.
This is a BYOHC (bring your own hat cakes) event!