- 5,255
- Hillsdale
- Oshawa-Joe
This list is no longer maintained.
Updated as of 12:15 am, April 27th, 2014

Updated as of 12:15 am, April 27th, 2014
Division 1 aka Area 51 - 9:30 P.M. Eastern Start Time
Full Time Drivers

Part Time Drivers

Division 2 - 9:30 P.M. Eastern Start Time
Full Time Drivers

Part Time Drivers
@d3uc3_dropp3r / x3n0-asx - Moved to D2 March 9th
@DrKronin / DrKronin - Steward
@JTB10000 / Way2gd4u956 - New Driver requested to join March 5th
@CodDemon101 / CodDemon101 - New Driver requested to join March 9th
@Michelin / GTP_Michelin9960 - New Driver

Division 3 - 9:30 P.M. Eastern Start Time
Full Time Drivers

Part Time Drivers

Division 4 - 9:30 P.M. Eastern Start Time
Full Time Drivers

Part Time Drivers

Division 5 - 9:30 P.M. Eastern Start Time
Full Time Drivers

Part Time Drivers

Division 6 - 9:30 P.M. Eastern Start Time
Full Time Drivers

Part Time Drivers

Division 7 - 9:30 P.M. Eastern Start Time
Full Time Drivers

Part Time Drivers

Division 8 - 9:30 P.M. Eastern Start Time
Full Time Drivers

Part Time Drivers

West Coast Division 1 - 9:00 P.M. Pacific Start Time / (12:00 A.M Eastern)

Part Time Drivers

Handy S.N.A.I.L. Information Links
S.N.A.I.L. Race Complaint Process (Tell someone that cares)
S.N.A.I.L. Advance Notice Policy (Keep the herders happy)
S.N.A.I.L. League Responsibilities (Who's who in the zoo)
Car Color/Number Choice Selection Process (Optional S.N.A.I.L. program)
***New*** please read>>>S.N.A.I.L. Driver Status Policy***
Inactive S.N.A.I.L.s (have not raced on Sunday recently, contact @JLBowler if you are interested in racing again)

Benz-27 / GTP_Benz-27

DownStyle / DownStyle

EAO-HarleyMan / EAO-HarleyMan
the2armedmen / the2armedmen
SoCalRacer310 / socalracer310
zstovall / zstovall - requested to join September 10th post 35951 - starting in Division 2 September 15th
zegrated / zegrated
albteman015 / albtifosi
LondonDTM / VAG_star
amh1499 / amh1499 - requested to join August 17th post 34514 - starting in Division 5 August 18th
diehard racer / COL_KLINK01
georgeleo99 / georgeleo99
Whitlock9mm / RJ_Whitlock_9mm
kikoe / kkoe
JESter82178 / JESter82178
jmoneykillaz / jmoneykillaz09
calden592 / BRSbeckett
nerf058 / nerf058
XxMalteriusxX / Assassinater93 - requested to join June 20th post 30861 - starting in Division 5 June 23rd
Mpss / smith-michael - requested to join June 20th post 30792 - starting in Division 5 June 23rd
TommyGunSkS / TOMMYGUN-SkS - requested to join June 19th post 32622 - starting in Division 5 July 21st
skyf1re11 / steppenwolf111
otakukid96 / otakukid965
GTX-323 / RUNIN-3D - requested to join July 6th post 31988 - starting in Division 4 July 14th
GTSuchiiyaSan / GTSuchiiyaSan
cheechoo777 / cheechoo777
Edwin42 / edwin1017
FaelForna / FaelForna
TheSonRises / TheSonRises - requested to join June 29th post 31404 - starting in Division 1 June 30th
AMWeaver47 / weaver-2009_
Turbo91stdcivic / Turbo91stdcivic
paulmac2k9 / GTP_PaulMac
GTXf_Flat6fun / GTXf_Flat6fun
RickyBobbyV8 / RickyBobbyV8
gmraces / gmraces - requested to join June 24th post 31039 - starting in Division 2 June 30th
WingZeroCustom / ND_4_SPD_Naruto
Torino / Torino-IKA

patriot1123 / patriot-1128
WestCoastNFL / WestCoastNFL
SGPracing / GTP_SGPracing
aznboi2000 / aznboi2000
tommy2dollaz / tommy2dollaz
Robroychi530 / Robroychi530
xMALONYx / xMALONYx - requested to join April 4th post 25931 - starting in Division 2 April 7th
wrxsilver / g-MachineREX
nateral00 / nateral00 - requested to re-join via pm - starting in Division 5 March 3rd
the tank / the_tank07
Lilkobe2 / Lil_kobe2
codeblue11 / codeblue111
saxplayer1998 / tnogumbo - will race when time permits
dudeondacouch / dudeondacouch - can't catch a break
Apmaddock / Apmaddock - real life getting in the way for now
gatordaryl / gatordaryl - unable to race
patmanattack / patmanattack
spooble / spooble
CarBastard / GTP_ARP93
tickaz / nom876
quade420 / GOINDYCOLTS
ferny / mxpwr_-baja
MentalSlasher / MentalSlasher
arditmorina / blOody_Alb21
covasquez / covasquez
Nathanflys / NATHANFLYS
Jfin / Jfin07
bluewheel / primarywheel
slowbaltss / slowbaltss
Quetzal KnightI / A109-30 - can race from time to time.
Sirhankysur / Sirhankysur - will race in January
Sojo2600 / Solbergg
luckyluc93QC / luckyluc93
mhlas7 / mhlas7
dlmnf4 / dlmnf4
who4real / who4real
leadbedr / leadbedr
KuulKrinne / Kuulkriine
Count 210 / zxxCOUNT210xxz - on hold
K1LLD0z3R / DudeTuna
UphighDownlow / NashNGW
bug1623 / bug1623
pporshahidy / paymon11980
mike46and2 / GTP_mike46an2
wackylatino / wackylatino - has not raced in a while
Forcednduckshn / Forcednduckshn - unable to race, more real life stuff
moutonguerrier / Maxime0911
BeRandom / GTP_BeRandom
OUTLAW---666 / OUTLAW---666
Subbielov3r / jboy32
iceandspice / iceandspice
ynot / Obi-Tonobi
mikeymillman / mikeymillman
GranTurismo916 / atongo619
Jahgee1124 / Jahgee1124
yermama904 / yer_mama904
ZohsixGT5 / ZohsixGT5
AP1 Driver / RidgelineDiv
NateD29 / NateD29
Naptown25rs / NCemtB
moi_2212 / moi_2212
astrias / Astrias
ravy / ravy1316
pilmat / GTP_pilmat
Whitey093 / Whitey093
Reude108 / Reude108
Jonsey80 / mrjones_80 - unable to race
doodlemonoply / doodlemonoply
dsgerbc / dsgerbc - will let us know when he can race - notified via pm
bdubclub / bdubclub - will notify when he's able to race
paddycars1 / howyakeeping1 - unable to race for a while, notified via pm
Dragonwar233 / ADR_BRONCO - taking a break from GT5 post 11859
Millerhd / Millerhd - unable to race
sunnypuff / sunnypuff - has not raced in some time
DSM4G64AyoManny / AyoManny1 - has not raced in some time
llNovall / II-NOVA-II - has not raced in some time
donconater / donconater - has not raced in some time
Soren535 / Soren535 - has not raced in some time
ImToLegitToQuit / ImToLegitToQuit - unable to race Sundays
carracerptp / carracerptp - not racing Sundays
Wambo626 / Wambo626 - has not raced in a while
eagle123vick / eagle123vick - has not raced in a while
Rainmakesars / Rainmakersars - has not raced in a while
pvtlapdance / pvt_lapdance - has not raced in a while
Ponpasertmark / Ponpasertmark - has not raced in a while
hoodrich902 / hoodrich902 - has not raced in a while
ANFD / ANFD - has not raced in a while
sethfraz22 / sethfraz22 - has not raced in a while
Wolfiex33 / Wolfiex33 - has not raced in a while
eLove / eLove_ - has not raced in a while
bloodredsky / bloodredsky - has not raced in a while
keepitsteady / carboneyes - has not raced in a while
TSRKOSMIC / TSR_KOSMIC_CAN - has not raced in a while
SPIDERMANLOL1 / SPIDERMANLOL1 - real life interfering with fun and games
Hazzbinn / Hazzbinn - doing something useful, hmmm school
SPOLTY / SPOLTY - back in school unable to race Sundays
RIP_Welsh_Don / RIP_Welsh_Don - unable to race Sundays post 12426
dylansan / GTP_dylansan - unable to race Sundays post 11216
sudmanster / sudmanster - unable to race on Sundays
EpicGonzago / EpicGonzago3 - unable to race, real life impinging on play time
KingBestJr / KingBestJr - unable to race fulltime due to other commitments
imtomtomim / imtomtomim - will let us know when he can race
BlacqueJacques / GTP_BlacqueJack - unable to race Sundays - post 8596
sharkie / M1SS-D3V10US - unable to race Sundays - notified July 7th post 8033
Bye Ya / Bye_Ya * - unable to race Sunday nights - notified via pm
GianDoe / GianDoe * - unable to race Sunday nights - notified via pm
Psycho Tuber / Psycho-Tuber - unable to race Sundays - notified June 19th post 7243
rperez915 / bullseye915 - unable to race Sundays - notified June 18th post 7177
fastzxr / joshp305 * - requested to join June 13th post 7054 - new to online racing
Hogster-iR - HogsterGT - unable to race full time - notified Apr 30 post 4519
driftmunkey / driftmunkey - contacted via GT Planet.
Esotic1972 / Esotic1972 - contacted via GT Planet.
Absalom_2 / Absalom_2 - post 2695
celicagt113 / celicagt113 - post 3007
GTP_Aguilar / GTP_Aguilar - International driver - requested to join April 12th post 3486
joehazell / joehazell - International driver - requested to join April 12th post 3512
ffbbs / ffbbsou812
Luv2Coach / Luv2Coach - banned from S.N.A.I.L.
GT5AddictGT5 / GTRacerGTPlanet - banned from S.N.A.I.L.
MrMelancholy15 / MrMelancholy15 - never raced in S.N.A.I.L.
tensor120 / tensor120 - no longer in S.N.A.I.L.
jbica / jbica - nobody knows why, post 12145
1redsox2 / M-Town81
patches0127 / patches_mcfluffy
smrtb0mb / GTP_smrtb0mb
JerseyDriverSS / JerseyDriverSS
rofajole / rofajole - no longer racing in S.N.A.I.L.
shadowingraven / shadowingraven - requested to join August 2nd post 9657 - no response to pm
Madsquirrels / MadSquirrel-EGO - requested to join August 2nd post 9674 - no response to pm
Madsquirrels / madsquirrels-BM - requested to join August 2nd post 9674 - no response to pm
Madsquirrels / madsquirrels_ajc - requested to join August 2nd post 9674 - no response to pm
aubdogg3 / aubdogg - not interested in racing in S.N.A.I.L. anymore post 10368.
Izzyracer97 / no_bull_racin97
Strunz1098 / GTP_STRUNS1098 - was in Division 5
chev46 / chevbacca46 - was in Division 3
God Arm / VTEC_God - was in Division 3
jdogg11985 / j-dogg11985 - was in Division 4 - last race July 1st
GtPrecision / Gt_Precision - was in Division 4
torresdong / torres_dong
captainswan / GTP_CaptainSwan
ProtegeDrifter / LR-L2L-xDriFtZz
dvdoughboy / dvdoughboy - unsure of status
ckoerner210 / ckoerner210 - unable to race for a while as of June 9th, notified via pm.
JeffHarris / jeffandleigh * - unable to race for a month or so, notified June 23rd post 7450
polizei / booch16 - interested in racing with S.N.A.I.L., will advise when able to commit full time.
Infinital-NG / Infinital-NG - out from April 15th, notified April 11th (Life getting in the way, Training new S.N.A.I.L.)
wxyz1234 / epicness491 - requested to join January 1st post 20036
mogpiler / GTRaceking - requested to join February 7th post 22412
Yauma9 / Yauma9 - requested to join November 21st post 17268 - no Time Trial submitted
betsybass / Betsy_007 - requested to join November 13th post 16753 - no Time Trial submitted
SVTKilla / Nautica00 - requested to join November 5th post 16241 - no Time Trial submitted
Theace37 / Theace37 - requested to join October 23rd post 15430 - no Time Trial submitted
HONDO121 / HONDO121 - requested to join September 25th post 13450 - no Time Trial submitted
dari888 / dari_888-agony - requested to join September 22nd post 13165 - no Time Trial submitted
TorqueHappenS08 / jarod336 - requested to join September 7th post 12349 - no Time Trial submitted
easyday1234567 / easyday1234567 - requested to join September 7th post 12316 - no Time Trial submitted
RadStandard / RadStandard - requested to join September 6th post 12175 - no Time Trial submitted
angel camacho / jules_962 - requested to join August 31st post 11658 - no Time Trial submitted
stonej420 / stonej420420 - requested to join August 29th post 11573 - no Time Trial submitted
iamsupernasty / iamsupernasty - requested to join July 19th post 8929 - - no Time Trial submitted
Shigegaki / GTP_Shigegaki - requested to join July 19th post 8921 - no Time Trial submitted
Spaztastic / Spaztastic_01 - no longer racing S.N.A.I.L.
spracing / qwertyuioopggvcds - no longer racing S.N.A.I.L.
greestlightnin / greest_lightnin
Orca1019 / Orca1019
timo_timo666 / timo_timo666
ianjames25 / iceburgeson
TylerGiese / SeattleTyler - DNR June 10th without notice
bigbarnesbefast / bigbarnesbefast - DNR June 10th without notice
tcoffin014 / tcoffin014 - DNR June 10th without notice
Team Ak47 / sand_zaggin * - DNR June 10th without notice
Eat_Lead89 / Eat_Lead89 - DNR May 20th without notice
autoxse-r - DNR May 20th without notice
SmokeyLungz / SmokeyLungz- - DNR May 20th without notice
Justin5447 / Justin5447 - DNR May 20th without notice
JaySin85 / JaySin85 - DNR May 20th without notice
jellis1 / Jellis1 - DNR Apr 29th without advance notice - DNR May 6th.
koreanbro / koreanbro - DNR April 15th without advance notice.
gt5assn / Puddin_Head_
deepsouth - The__Reaper - DNR April 1st. can't find GTP ID.
rahlo142 / rahlo142
SaGaSpeedLab / aDirtySpic- - DNR Mar 25th - DNR April 1st.
djx2391 / djx2391 - DNR Mar 25th - DNR April 1st.
Space_Echo / Space_Echo - DNR Mar 25th - DNR April 1st.
chfslap606 / chfslap606 - DNR Mar 25th - DNR April 1st.
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