◆ SNAIL [Spec] Racing - Join now to win a Digit Racing EDGE Masterclass enrollment!!Open 

  • Thread starter zer05ive
0-60 and 1/4 mile times:

1993 Chevrolet Cavalier Z24 8.3 17.3

2003NissanSentra SE-R Spec V 7.3 15.6

and just for fun...

1991 Ford Mustang GT 7.3 15.6

DGAF, I can't wait to find out which SNAIL racer won gt academy!
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0-60 and 1/4 mile times:

1993 Chevrolet Cavalier Z24 8.3 17.3

2003NissanSentra SE-R Spec V 7.3 15.6

and just for fun...

1991 Ford Mustang GT 7.3 15.6

DGAF, I can't wait to find out which SNAIL racer won gt academy!

I hope a SNAIL racer gets to take home the Red Helmet, can't wait to watch on tv!!
Good luck at practice, watching my Redskins with some friends tonight.

Threw a broken in TC R-33 onto share. Remember, setting B is for SNAILs.
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Good Luck everybody. I'll get some practice tomorrow. I'm just leaving work. Gonna spend some time with the GF when I get home.
May I suggest that we just go to D-1 for practice tonight ?
I am a twit... And I feel a little bit dirty too now...

That's better than what I used to call it... I made an account so I could twit one thing so I could say I ****.

The users are twits (twit in single form)
And when you update your "status" it is said in these two forms - I twit (present tense) and I **** (past tense).

I still can't figure out how that little blue bird fits into this business plan, but I have a few leads.
Thanks Rally! Who's next? C'mon SNAILs, this will be fun I promise!! Follow @SNAIL_Racing!! :D

Awe man.... A special kind of darkness has fallen upon the Exo homestead... I am now a Tw@t and am now following of all Twert-like SNAIL activities~ :nervous:

The idea of becoming a Twinker was about as plausible as me just throwing away all of my old vinyl records and buying a Prius. SNAIL has converted me. I am kind of excited to have a look. I have never been disappointed when it comes to SNAIL and this looks like it it going to be pretty cool!
Awe man.... A special kind of darkness has fallen upon the Exo homestead... I am now a Tw@t and am now following of all Twert-like SNAIL activities~ :nervous:

The idea of becoming a Twinker was about as plausible as me just throwing away all of my old vinyl records and buying a Prius. SNAIL has converted me. I am kind of excited to have a look. I have never been disappointed when it comes to SNAIL and this looks like it it going to be pretty cool!
We gotta keep up with times! Grand kids are a great source of info!
Awe man.... A special kind of darkness has fallen upon the Exo homestead... I am now a Tw@t and am now following of all Twert-like SNAIL activities~ :nervous:

The idea of becoming a Twinker was about as plausible as me just throwing away all of my old vinyl records and buying a Prius. SNAIL has converted me. I am kind of excited to have a look. I have never been disappointed when it comes to SNAIL and this looks like it it going to be pretty cool!
We gotta keep up with times! Grand kids are a great source of info!

Thanks for the follows, guys! Keep 'em coming! Even @TEX36 created a Twitter account for this, so no more "this is kid stuff" excuses please! Create an account and follow @SNAIL_Racing!! :D
iv been reading a few pages back ad thought id leave my input on gt6.... im all hyped up for it and cant wait for release but i also feel a little disappointed with the amount of new circuits, although they're going to be fun i can see them becoming pretty tedious after a couple of months especially if PD back track on their monthly DLC like they did with gt5. For a game/sim of its stature there should be many more circuits involved, codemasters created race driver 3 in 2005 and it has 4-5times the amount of real life circuits on a game from 8years ago! so for me i hope PD pull there finger out and keep to the DLC schedule so we have new circuits to race on each month :)

this is the circuit list for race driver 3... http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/news081205toca3

also sorry for failing to notify that im not racing for a while only just got to a pc as my phone doesnt like logging onto the new website for some reason :crazy: i won tbe back this sunday however 50/50 for sunday the 17th as im going wales to watch rally GB for the weekend so it all depends how tired i am when i get back sunday night.
Sorry that I haven't got the new lineup posted yet. Was planning to do that while you guys were practicing, but had some other league matters to attend to. I'll come home for lunch and get it done.

Speaking of practice, how was it last night? kcheeb and I were pondering some changes to the practice format. Perhaps make it a little less formal so that everyone can focus on learning the tracks with others, instead of racing and competing without really knowing the combo yet. Thoughts?
Sorry that I haven't got the new lineup posted yet. Was planning to do that while you guys were practicing, but had some other league matters to attend to. I'll come home for lunch and get it done.

And if anyone has lap times that would be good to have too :)

Speaking of practice, how was it last night? kcheeb and I were pondering some changes to the practice format. Perhaps make it a little less formal so that everyone can focus on learning the tracks with others, instead of racing and competing without really knowing the combo yet. Thoughts?

I'm all for this (no really :lol:). Attendance has been declining at a rapid pace and as far as practice goes, I don't know if that's the most effective way to learn the combos or spend time. I'd really like to see an environment where I can do a bunch of laps, find out where I'm slow, ask a few questions, share a couple beers ... :sly:

Really get collaborative in terms of finding a way around the circuit 👍 It should do nothing but good for all of us. Maybe that's a pipe dream, but I think we could do it and enjoy it :)
Have the replays from last night - will get lap times after work, if that helps. Not many turned out last night. High of 8 - finished the new Combo with 4.
Practice night combos are run in the sunday format right? Since each combo take roughly 30 minutes, what about cutting one of the races, give 20-30 minutes of practice laps, so people have ample time to turn laps and chat about lines and what not. Then do a normal race and move on to the next combo. Sorry if I am repeating an idea. Got sidetracked by work and didn't get to finish the post.
Have the replays from last night - will get lap times after work, if that helps. Not many turned out last night. High of 8 - finished the new Combo with 4.

We've definitely seen practice attendance decline of the past few months. Word on the street is that guys just don't think it's fun or beneficial because of the high number of incidents that occur due to the wider range of lines and braking points on the tracks, combined with the fact that everyone is pushing hard like is Sunday night without really knowing the combos well at all yet.

Practice night combos are run in the sunday format right? Since each combo take roughly 30 minutes, what about cutting one of the races, give 20-30 minutes of practice laps, so people have ample time to turn laps and chat about lines and what not. Then do a normal race and move on to the next combo. Sorry if I am repeating an idea. Got sidetracked by work and didn't get to finish the post.

No, you're not repeating an idea. This is exactly the type of discussion we need to have. Let's here some thoughts on Rally's suggestion, or post another suggestion if you have one. Together we'll find the best practice format that has the best mix of learning, improving, and racecraft repetitions. 👍
I like where Rally is going. I'd like to see an open practice session on each combo followed by one race to test for number of laps. We really don't need to qualify for a practice race in my opinion.

As far as laps for this week. I only got to run Laguna Seca before my kid got the bright idea to reset our router but the two races we ran were 6 laps. The first ran in 9:55 and the second was 10:05. Use that information however you see fit when assigning laps for Sunday night.
I have found doing 2 lap races much more beneficial than the full stint. It helps people get used to the first lap on cold tires as well as providing more awareness of any first turn issues. 2 or 3 of those in a row can really help. Then maybe a 10 minute race. Do each with a reverse lineup and everyone gets a good chance to start from different positions and see others racing lines and passing points.
Here is how i see it. I forsee a 15min practice with a 5 lap race. That way you have time to try different lines and then have a race to see where you can an cant stick a pass.
We've definitely seen practice attendance decline of the past few months. Word on the street is that guys just don't think it's fun or beneficial because of the high number of incidents that occur due to the wider range of lines and braking points on the tracks, combined with the fact that everyone is pushing hard like is Sunday night without really knowing the combos well at all yet.

I feel that trying to keep up with faster guys, helps me! Shows me better what line works.
Running up on slower guys helps me too!, slows me down and forces me to find a clean pass!
All without the pressure of points racing.
Practice night combos are run in the sunday format right? Since each combo take roughly 30 minutes, what about cutting one of the races, give 20-30 minutes of practice laps, so people have ample time to turn laps and chat about lines and what not. Then do a normal race and move on to the next combo. Sorry if I am repeating an idea. Got sidetracked by work and didn't get to finish the post.

I have found doing 2 lap races much more beneficial than the full stint. It helps people get used to the first lap on cold tires as well as providing more awareness of any first turn issues. 2 or 3 of those in a row can really help. Then maybe a 10 minute race. Do each with a reverse lineup and everyone gets a good chance to start from different positions and see others racing lines and passing points.


All I tried to do was get my point across with a joke and I find the longest link of all time.... EDIT the link does not work, but I kind of want to leave it there as proof such a monstrosity exists.

I like both these ideas and think putting them together would be a great idea. I don't think the lap number should be set in stone, but depending on the track length. Like at Laguna three laps would be great. It's short enough to be a sprint race mostly on cold tires, but long enough to let the pack separate and people find their groups. Then at tracks like Suzuka two laps would be suffice for the same race feel.

Another one would be possibly practicing or qualifying on tires one set harder than we are going to race on for the first couple practices then stepping it up later. Anytime I'm having trouble with a combo that's what I do.
I have found doing 2 lap races much more beneficial than the full stint. It helps people get used to the first lap on cold tires as well as providing more awareness of any first turn issues. 2 or 3 of those in a row can really help. Then maybe a 10 minute race. Do each with a reverse lineup and everyone gets a good chance to start from different positions and see others racing lines and passing points.

I found running several two lap races (or 3-4 laps for those one min or less tracks) set to Reverse Grid is great practice. Those mini-races taught me a great deal about running in traffic, either in the lead or following. Even a group of 2 works, but with 3-4 it is a good prep for general racing.

When I get the chance to do these practices, I do much better than just hot lapping, though that has benefits as well.
I'm with a question and ask for help from the site administration, or someone's technical area. I'm training a bit for the race at Laguna Seca but I think my lap times are bad. My question is whether that part of the pavement right at the end of the pit straight track is considered or not. I can go outside to the tangent to the first turn? Thank you.