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  • Thread starter zer05ive
If anyone is interested, I opened a friends only tuning room. Send me an invite if your not already friends with me if you would like to join. Rallywgn81
Like cars... I'm working on an rx500 right now. Leading the room open, but I'm stepping out for a moment.
I'm not overly concerned with finding a solution to the room issues. We've got a few good options lined up by a bunch of smart people 👍 And PD will eventually get things stabilized, online wise. Online GT5 was also a little fragile at inception, it's just frustrating as 🤬 until they do. We'll work with what we've got and use the best procedures we know of to keep the rooms as stable as we can.

So here's why I was rocking in the corner :lol:

To change everyone's names would require me to manually update the:

Drivers List
Qualifying Times Spreadsheet
S.N.A.I.L. History Spreadsheet
Monthly Results sheet
Dec. 1st's Results sheets
Buttkicker results page
All the November Sheets in the Buttkicker spreadsheet.

Granted there's search and replace but, I'd still need to do that for 80ish different names.

The new GT6 Time Trial form has a field for GT6 Name, so it can be captured there, but at present there are only 36 entries, with a few duplicates. We can get the names without too much trouble, it's populating them everywhere they need to go and not 🤬 anything up.

Another option would be to populate the Directors sheets with the GT6 names. That would make it much easier for the scorekeepers, something I'm all for. When I run the script to populate the history spreadsheet, I'd have to cross reference the GT6 name with the PSN ID so the rest of the data flowed as it should. Problem is you'd be looking at historical stats as PSN ID and current data as GT6 id.

Option 1 - update from PSN ID to GT6 ID - lot's of work in lot's of places, easy to mess something up.
Option 2 - stay with PSN ID for historic numbers and GT6 ID's for weekly documents. A little work altering the script to cross reference GT6 and PSN ID's. Less risk to mucking the data up.

Both options require we get everyone's GT6 names, which we're roughly half way to now.

EDIT: And then Handlebar chucks a monkey wrench into the whole thing. Reporting Incidents would have to be done with GT6 id, no other way to deal with it. Looking more like a switch to GT6 ID's is the only way to keep things sane for everyone.

The brooms are very hard to stop, once you start them up.
Wouldn't it be a little easier to just add everyone's GT6 in game name to the drivers list that is linked on the first post and let that serve as a master list for everyone to translate GT6 name to PSN name? Maybe I'm missing something here because it seems almost too simple. If you wanted to file a complaint, you would just have to look up their psn id from the list.
Hey guys- a bit off topic - but I don't have SpikeTV: I've been following the episodes when they post a day or two later on the SpikeTV website, but I'd like to catch the finale tonight- anybody know a way to do it? PM me if you've got ideas. Thanks!
If you promise to join the conversation on Twitter, I'll give you access to my Slingbox. :)
I can't believe nobody has blamed the connection issues on Obama yet.

But in all seriousness, I've raced in a couple leagues that have voice chat deactivated for their races. Seems to keep the lag to a minimum on track. Just have the host direct people on and off track through text. Also, randoms joining the room will affect the connection no matter what.
I think if they spent more time on the online section of the game as opposed to the stupid moon missions and idiotic cone-smashing coffee breaks...maybe we'd be having a more fun and consistent online experience.

Just did the moon thingy...what a waste of time. Cones...same thing.

Rant over....for now...
EDIT: And then Handlebar chucks a monkey wrench into the whole thing. Reporting Incidents would have to be done with GT6 id, no other way to deal with it. Looking more like a switch to GT6 ID's is the only way to keep things sane for everyone.

So... Do I get a Banana?
Regarding the GT6 names, I think it's an absolute joke that we even have to deal with this. As I pointed out on launch day, GT6 is the first game in the history of the PSN where you can't see the PSN ID's of the people you are playing/competing with. PD is making history for all the wrong reasons! :mad:

That being said, I'm not sure why everyone is so attached to their first initial and last names in GT6. Considering all the work and anguish that will be required to address the issue, I don't see what the big deal is about changing your last name to you PSN ID (or at least changing it so that it's instantly recognizable as to what your PSN ID is).

To add to that, your PSN ID cannot be changed (unlike your GT6 name, which can be). I can easily see people deciding to change their GT6 name just because they thought of something better or funnier. One suggestion is to ask all existing members to chance their last names to their PSN ID and ask the same of new members as well. If a new member refuses to do so (or simply would rather not), then we could just use his GT6 name in all the data fields where we use PSN ID's for existing members. Unless I'm missing something, this would alleviate the nightmare that's causing kcheeb to be curled up in a corner rocking back and forth. :lol:
I know you cant see it when someone joins a room but if you go on the members list on the menu screen and click on the persons gt6 name it will show you there psn name.
@kcheeb I'm willing to help with any of the reformatting/recoding.

Thanks wumpushunter, will keep that in the front of my mind. I know you've mentioned it before :)

Wouldn't it be a little easier to just add everyone's GT6 in game name to the drivers list that is linked on the first post and let that serve as a master list for everyone to translate GT6 name to PSN name? Maybe I'm missing something here because it seems almost too simple. If you wanted to file a complaint, you would just have to look up their psn id from the list.

This would work, and me speaking in absolutes has bit me in the butt again :lol: but would still be a pita for the scorekeepers. It can already be a bit of a pain to match up the spreadsheet with the results, adding another lookup into the equation could increase frustration as well as some time to the evening. We would need as close to a complete list of GT6 ID's as possible.

The list would probably be best kept as a Google Spreadsheet, making it reasonably simple to have it available in a number of places. Could even have a lookup in the weekly sheet for an unknown name. Type it in and see if it comes back with a psn id.

If not already noted, I am "I. Flatlines"

If you do the GT6 Time Trial we'll kill 2 birds ;)

So... Do I get a Banana?

Absolutely, and a sundae beneath it :lol:

Regarding the GT6 names, I think it's an absolute joke that we even have to deal with this. As I pointed out on launch day, GT6 is the first game in the history of the PSN where you can't see the PSN ID's of the people you are playing/competing with. PD is making history for all the wrong reasons! :mad:

That being said, I'm not sure why everyone is so attached to their first initial and last names in GT6. Considering all the work and anguish that will be required to address the issue, I don't see what the big deal is about changing your last name to you PSN ID (or at least changing it so that it's instantly recognizable as to what your PSN ID is).

To add to that, your PSN ID cannot be changed (unlike your GT6 name, which can be). I can easily see people deciding to change their GT6 name just because they thought of something better or funnier. One suggestion is to ask all existing members to chance their last names to their PSN ID and ask the same of new members as well. If a new member refuses to do so (or simply would rather not), then we could just use his GT6 name in all the data fields where we use PSN ID's for existing members. Unless I'm missing something, this would alleviate the nightmare that's causing kcheeb to be curled up in a corner rocking back and forth. :lol:

This is by far the easiest in terms of administration for S.N.A.I.L. but if the will of the S.N.A.I.L.s is to use different GT6 ID's, it is what it is.

I can't believe nobody has blamed the connection issues on Obama yet.

But in all seriousness, I've raced in a couple leagues that have voice chat deactivated for their races. Seems to keep the lag to a minimum on track. Just have the host direct people on and off track through text. Also, randoms joining the room will affect the connection no matter what.

We have tried this before and had some very mixed results. It reduces banter in the room and changes the 'feel' from a club type atmosphere to a more business like one. It can also be problematic for the director when people don't pay attention.

No doubt, it would reduce the amount of traffic and perhaps we need to do that til PD get's their poop in a pile ...
Going to a wired connection for you means drilling a hole just large enough to get an Ethernet cable through the wall unless your router is strictly wireless.

The PS3 has garbage for a wireless connection. A possible work around for this is to use a switch to receive the wireless signal and then run a cable from that switch to your PS3. The PS3 will recognize it as a wired connection and in turn won't be limited as it is when it detects a wireless connection. This scenario still isn't as ideal as a full wired connection but it's a step up.

Does anyone know what type of connection method GT6 uses in lobbies? If they are using a mesh network setup then everybody is connected to everyone else and one bad connection can cause all sorts of problems and it would be very hard to isolate the cause of the problem.

I found this in the GT6 online manual.

Fixed Room Ownership (star type network model)
If room ownership is fixed, the race will be suspended if the current owner suffers connection problems or leaves the race. However, the fixed room ownership model means that a race can take place as long as there is a connection between each player and the room owner. Races are therefore less likely to be disrupted by individual players' network environments or network equipment. (Compatibility problems with network equipment such as routers will only occur between each player and the room owner.)
This is known as a star type network model. In this model, the player who created the room is the owner, and they host up to 15 other players. If your network's NAT type has been determined as 3, please play in rooms with fixed ownership.
In the star type network model, the room owner is required to have high network bandwidth. This means that not all players can become room owners. In the event of a player with low bandwidth becoming a room owner, cars may display signs of unnatural movement during online races.
Unfixed Room Ownership (mesh type network model)
If room ownership is not fixed, room ownership will automatically be transferred to another player if the current owner suffers connection problems or leaves the race.
Unfixed room ownership means that, in order for online racing to take place, up to 16 players need to be connected with up to 15 other players. This type of network, in which every player is connected to every other player, is known as the mesh type network model.
The mesh type network model is less likely to produce lag than the star type network model, making it suitable for high-quality races. However, if there are compatibility issues between any player's network environment or network equipment, it is more likely that errors will occur during the race.
There are times when players whose network's NAT type has been determined as 3 will not be able to participate in races that use the mesh type network model.

Basically, the mesh type network should yield a better quality race IF you have a room full of high quality connections but one low quality connection can cause issues with anyone in the room because the individual with the problem is connected to everyone. The star network requires one really high quality connection and you run the risk of the entire room dumping if the host has a problem.

As long as we have enough hosts that can support the high bandwidth needed and we allow racers with subpar internet to race, I feel it might benefit the overall quality of the connection to go to a fixed host connection.

Excellent writeup. I would expand on one thing: The section you quoted says, "The mesh type network model is less likely to produce lag than the star type network model." Here's what that means: While the "star" or "fixed" room ownership model does isolate a problem connection from infecting the rest of the room, and uses less bandwidth per node (except for the host, of course), it does introduce a bit of latency for everyone. In the "mesh" model, if I change direction in my car, the packet reflecting that change is sent directly to all other drivers near me (ideally, anyway). Add my upstream latency to their downstream latency, and that's the time it takes to get to their PS3. The star model, on the other hand, requires the pack to go to the host and then to each driver. This effectively doubles the latency drivers will experience with each other.

Given the problems we had yesterday, I'm completely fine with that. I just though I should put it out there, so no one is surprised.
Everybody's psn name is visible on gt6! Its not a big issue.. If there is any question as to whether or not someone belongs in a certain lobby just click on there name and there psn name is right below it. Just sayin
Maybe I should plop a PS3 into the server room at work...
I would like to thank Dragon for representing D2' s views, at least the ones that could get back in the room, last night. If you missed it, click here. I read a lot of posts today regarding star types and mesh types and my head is spinning. I just wanted to say something regarding running the races in an open lounge. This past Sunday is the only time in almost 2 yrs I've been in Snail, that I can remember, we ran Official Sunday races in an open lobby. I have to say that the first 5 minutes of opening the room I had to boot 4 people to let snails in and by accident, I booted a new snail, Troggy. Again, very sorry for that. I was concentrating more on making sure the settings were correct and that snails could enter, I oopsed. In GT5, when a new snail finished their time trial, he was sent a friend request to which room he/she would be starting in. Being a host/race director, I have no issues in having all the D2 participants send me a friend request and hold the races in a 'friends only' lounge, for the time being. fastfox said he will be the back up host/director and will except D2 friend requests also. I would like to try this next Sunday with zer05ive's and kcheeb's blessing. Dragon has already started a PM conversation with all the D2 racers regarding sending friend requests. We will make sure that all D2 racers have access. I'm friends with most of D2 anyway and will send out friend requests to those who are not. As new people join and will be in D2, that person will get a friend request.

In regards to everyone using their PSN name, come on guys! Do you really expect kcheeb to reconstruct all the documents after all he does and the hours he put in creating them? We're snails and we're better than that. It's easy and should be done. I don't think zer05ive and kcheeb is asking for much.

I also was listening to someone in D2 last night taking about how your Ping is important to online gaming. I looked into it and not to say I'm a computer geek like some here but Ping has a lot to do with it. Under 100 is prime and the lower it is, the better. I wanted to share these tests I did, from five different parts of the country and have some of the computer guys tell me what they think.
I think everyone should take this test and see where your Ping is at.

I usually don't make long posts like this but I thought I'd way in.





This is by far the easiest in terms of administration for S.N.A.I.L. but if the will of the S.N.A.I.L.s is to use different GT6 ID's, it is what it is.
I think everyone needs to ask themselves if it's fair to ask you to do all that work when changing their GT6 name to resemble their PSN ID take all but a few seconds. It's not like we are asking them to make it exactly match their PSN ID. I think it would be sufficient as as long as a scorekeeper could quickly and easier tell who is who. Let's call it the "one second rule". If someone can't tell what your PSN ID is within one second of reading your GT6 name, it needs to be changed. Some examples:

When I read "T. Crash", I can tell that's tcrash15 rightaway

When I read "I. Flatlines", I know that's intoflatlines without any effort

Even when I read "J. Owens", I recognize that immediately as OwensRacing

However, if read "R. Griffin", how can I possibly know that's SnailRacer123 without exerting time and effort??

Doesn't GT6 limit you to 3 name changes? If so what if someone has already used all 3?
It's my understanding that you get two free name changes once you're set it. After that, it costs money (I'm guessing a buck or so). Does anyone know what Sony/PD charges once you've used up your free name changes?
Everybody's psn name is visible on gt6! Its not a big issue.. If there is any question as to whether or not someone belongs in a certain lobby just click on there name and there psn name is right below it. Just sayin
Are you sure about that? I just tried that and wasn't able to do it. Even if that worked, wouldn't that take more than a second to check? We try to keep league night moving, so let's try to avoid asking our scorekeepers to take extra steps just to get the results entered.
In regards to everyone using their PSN name, come on guys! Do you really expect kcheeb to reconstruct all the documents after all he does and the hours he put in creating them? We're snails and we're better than that. It's easy and should be done. I don't think zer05ive and kcheeb is asking for much.
Agreed. I'm really don't see why anyone would be more attached to their GT6 name after only a week, when they've been using their PSN ID for years. Again, all we are asking is that everyone's GT6 resemble their PSN ID in some way. For new members, we wan simply ask them if they want to go by their PSN ID or their GT6 name.
Okay, let's not turn the GT6 name pita into a make or break thing. Here's what I propose.

For people that have an easily identifiable GT6 name, cool. We'll run with the differences and keep your PSN ID as your 'data name'.

For people that don't have an easily identifiable GT6 name, we'll change your ID and data to your GT6 name. This will cut down on the amount of work needed to make the transition. And will make identifying you for the scorekeepers much easier.

To do this I'll really need to get your GT6 name, right now the easiest way to get that to me is to do the GT6 Time Trial.

All new S.N.A.I.L.s will be put in the Spreadsheets with their GT6 name.

How does that sound?

@wumpushunter, you'll be called in to action very soon ;)

Never Mind
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Well my GT6 name is my name and I've been using it for 41 years now so you could say I'm attached to it.

Yes ok. You have us there. But for all the time you've been racing with SNAIL, you've been known as Skills or Skills_19657. We, meaning the rest of us, recognize you as Skills. Very few people in my online life know my real name. That is not by accident. While I agree, choice is better than being told how a thing should be done, there is more than an individual's freedom to consider here. Recoding every sheet, and every script that uses those names, will likely take as long as building them did in the first place. Forcing the scorekeepers to make that extra lookup in the lobby and once again in the driver's list, will only add to the time it takes to finish a race night as well as getting all the scores, data and IR's done.

kcheeb has already suffered one episode of "league fatigue" that I know of. I'd rather not he feel compelled to take an extended break again or worse yet, exit the league, just to preserve his sanity. I'm not sure just how much the rest of the league realizes how much we rely on his behind the scenes wizardry to keep this machine from grinding to a halt. Yes folks, he's that indispensable. Although in a different way than kcheeb, zer05ive is equally indispensable, as much as he may wish to deny it, and I would trade many things to get him back on the grid on a regular basis. I just don't know what I have, or could get, that he would take in trade for those other 2-3 hours he'd add to what is already on his plate, both in his life and in service to SNAIL.

I'm going to take a page from Appmaddock's, JLBowler's and whomever else calls it like they see it book. Get over yourselves and make the change for the league. If you're unwilling to do this very small thing, don't complain when the results sheet is inaccurate where you are concerned.

An oh, here's my ping test results. Not a patch on several others in the league but not absolutely horrible either.




And even one to Canada
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