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  • Thread starter zer05ive
You can use the engine limiter.

Tried that with the Tesla and it would not let me in. I will try again setting it below 450PP, but I remember the requirement saying you could only do this if the car did not go way over too high over the PP limit.
Congrats Gumball!

Just to chime in on the name debate, I really like having my real name on the screen for offline mode. Maybe it's narcissism haha, but I feel it really adds to the immersion. If only PD would let me, I would have no problem changing it whenever I wanted to race online, but I won't shell out cash to do so.

I think, as a social networking tool, it's pretty awesome to have the option to use our real name online. But I also recognize the challenge it will present from a bureaucratic standpoint. I'd like to be able to use my real name when racing with the league, but if it's too much trouble i'll probably just run as J.Ross (RF78). Is that easily identifiable enough? I'm lucky to have a short enough name to pull that off.
Yeah, I read it, at least as much as Dabs did. I just wanted to point out, in response to his post, that forcing new people coming into the league to change their name, probably won't bring a lot of new people into the league. That said, I think somewhere, we do need to keep track of all three ID's.
Are you sure you read it? If so, why are you still under the impression that we will be "forcing new people coming into the league to change their name"? Here's what I said in that previous post to address this concern:

One suggestion is to ask all existing members to chance their last names to their PSN ID and ask the same of new members as well. If a new member refuses to do so (or simply would rather not), then we could just use his GT6 name in all the data fields where we use PSN ID's for existing members.

Now I will say this, are we to pull a double standard then? (Yes zer0, I'm tracking your meaning, no worries) Are we to say "Hey you new guys, make whatever name you want, but all you veteren SNAILs, you guys cannot."
It's not a double standard because there is no comparison between the two groups. Existing members have their PSN ID's deeply linked into the most comprehensive compilation of race data on GTPlanet. New members do not. It's really as simple as that.

Screw all of that, Drop the PSN ID, and lets roll with just the GT6 ID, we don't track anything anyone does outside of GT6 anyway. Anything that already has a PSN ID we can put under a "legacy" title, and going forward we can run GT6 ID's. This way, cheebs work load won't be crazu with him crying in the corner. Just some field titles that will need updating. And we can create a cheat sheet so people can figure out whos who when looking at things in the legacy system. Nothing in the past will need revising.
Easier said than done, especially when you're not the one who will have to do all this. I have a better idea than most regarding how much work cheeb does behind the scenes, and it's already way more than you can imagine. I'd rather not have him spend a single second dealing with PD's latest gaff, especially when..

In the end I hope, but doubt, that Joe is right. BUt I don't think any of the new online options will really do much to fix this specific issue. Knowing PD, it will probably make things harder.
I think we can all agree on this. Let's hope PD fixes this in an update. And if/when they do, I'll be glad that we didn't add any more to kcheeb's plate for nothing. In the meantime, existing members of the league should change their GT6 name to resemble their PSN ID's in some way so that our directors/hosts and scorekeepers don't have to spend any extra effort trying to identify drivers. It's such a simply request that I don't see any of our members making a big deal about it. If anyone has run our of free name changes already, please let me know and I'll pay for you to change your name one more time.
Are you sure you read it? If so, why are you still under the impression that we will be "forcing new people coming into the league to change their name"? Here's what I said in that previous post to address this concern:
absolutely. As I said, I was respoding specifically to his post, which it appears he missed the same sentence I did. Hence the very first sentence.

It's not a double standard because there is no comparison between the two groups. Existing members have their PSN ID's deeply linked into the most comprehensive compilation of race data on GTPlanet. New members do not. It's really as simple as that.
I think we have different concepts of a double standard. The only difference being one has some data logged and the other doesn't? I'm not talking about this from a data stand point anyway. At least not this particular point. data aside, what is the logic that new guys can use whatever they choose, but us vets get the proverbial shaft? Especially if we end up having some sort of PSN/GT6 cross reference sheet? Wouldn't we need that anyway, since we wills till want to track PSN/GT6 ID's? I'll even volunteer to do this duty, and to update the scoresheets with GT6 ID's.

Easier said than done, especially when you're not the one who will have to do all this. I have a better idea than most regarding how much work cheeb does behind the scenes, and it's already way more than you can imagine. I'd rather not have him spend a single second dealing with PD's latest gaff, especially when..
I don't think legacying all of the old data is that tough, since it pretty much already there.

I won't argue that going through and revising EVERYTHING, wouldn't be, or adding another field to add a GT6 ID to all of the forms would be easy, though I am not sure it's really all that hard either. Espeically in google docs, since feilds in a form often auto populate the conjoined spreadsheet. However, I only know a small portion of the whole picture, the directors scoresheet, and my own color form and sheet.
However, taking all of the previous info and making it legacy, and simply changing all "PSN ID" field titles to "GT6 ID's" can't really be that complex. A little bit of work, but certainly not egregiously so.

I think we can all agree on this. Let's hope PD fixes this in an update. And if/when they do, I'll be glad that we didn't add any more to kcheeb's plate for nothing. In the meantime, existing members of the league should change their GT6 name to resemble their PSN ID's in some way so that our directors/hosts and scorekeepers don't have to spend any extra effort trying to identify drivers. It's such a simply request that I don't see any of our members making a big deal about it. If anyone has run our of free name changes already, please let me know and I'll pay for you to change your name one more time.
To this, well, time will tell. The hosting and running of rooms, I undoubtly feel will become easier. The name issue, will undoubtly remain the same.

Regardless, I think hoping for a smooth, easy, no work involved transition to gt6 was a pipe dream that did't come to pass. I don't wish hard work on anyone. But that doesn't mean it shouldn't be expected either. Schools out for winter, and I work for the governement, if you guys need a hand with something, I got plenty of free time currently during the day.

Please, don't take my debating with you disrespectfully zer0, it's just that the horse is still breathing...
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absolutely. As I said, I was respoding specifically to his post, which it appears he missed the same sentence I did. Hence the very first sentence.
Okay. I'm glad you understand that new members will not be forced to change their name if they don't want to.

I think we have different concepts of a double standard. The only difference being one has some data logged and the other doesn't? I'm not talking about this from a data stand point anyway. At least not this particular point. data aside, what is the logic that new guys can use whatever they choose, but us vets get the proverbial shaft? Especially if we end up having some sort of PSN/GT6 cross reference sheet? Wouldn't we need that anyway, since we wills till want to track PSN/GT6 ID's? I'll even volunteer to do this duty, and to update the scoresheets with GT6 ID's.

I believe I have a solid understanding of what a double standard is, and this situation is not a double standard. Is that fact that boys use the boys' bathroom and girls use the girls' bathroom a double standard? No, it's not. They use different bathrooms because boys have a penis, girls have a vagina. Think of all the data that we already have tied to you PSN ID as your penis. It's just hanging there between your legs and detaching it would be a very painful process. Now, think of the lack of data for new members as a vagina. Nothing is is hanging between their legs. It's just an empty space, completely void of any "data". Simply put, everyone with penises will use the boys' bathroom, and everyone with vaginas will use the girls' bathroom. There is nothing "double standard" about it.

I don't think legacying all of the old data is that tough, since it pretty much already there.

I won't argue that going through and revising EVERYTHING, wouldn't be, or adding another field to add a GT6 ID to all of the forms would be easy, though I am not sure it's really all that hard either. Espeically in google docs, since feilds in a form often auto populate the conjoined spreadsheet. However, I only know a small portion of the whole picture, the directors scoresheet, and my own color form and sheet.
However, taking all of the previous info and making it legacy, and simply changing all "PSN ID" field titles to "GT6 ID's" can't really be that complex. A little bit of work, but certainly not egregiously so.

Again, I don't see how any of this is worth doing, when it would take you but 30 seconds to change your name to resemble your PSN ID in some way.

To this, well, time will tell. The hosting and running of rooms, I undoubtly feel will become easier. The name issue, will undoubtly remain the same.

Regardless, I think hoping for a smooth, easy, no work involved transition to gt6 was a pipe dream that did't come to pass. I don't wish hard work on anyone. But that doesn't mean it shouldn't be expected either. Schools out for winter, and I work for the governement, if you guys need a hand with something, I got plenty of free time currently during the day.

Please, don't take my debating with you disrespectfully zer0, it's just that the horse is still breathing...
You know as well as anyone that I welcome debate on this thread. It's healthy for eveyone to express their feelings, if not sometimes frustrating. I just think that this is more about you not wanting to change your name than it is about the benefits of adding GT6 names to the list of all the other things we already keep track of.
Not sure what Rally is fussing over, since the last time I saw him in a room he was listed as M. Rallywagon. Which I reckon, unless he's changed it again, means he using McHaggis Rallywagon as his GT6 driver name.

As discussed back here and here
Just to chime in on the name debate, I really like having my real name on the screen for offline mode. Maybe it's narcissism haha, but I feel it really adds to the immersion. If only PD would let me, I would have no problem changing it whenever I wanted to race online, but I won't shell out cash to do so.

I think, as a social networking tool, it's pretty awesome to have the option to use our real name online. But I also recognize the challenge it will present from a bureaucratic standpoint. I'd like to be able to use my real name when racing with the league, but if it's too much trouble i'll probably just run as J.Ross (RF78). Is that easily identifiable enough? I'm lucky to have a short enough name to pull that off.

I don't see a problem with J.Ross (RF78). I think it meets the "one second rule", but just barely. ;)
@zer05ive, Actually, I did change my name. Origianlly I did Spicy McHaggis. But then, when we first started off this conversation train about a week ago, I switched it up to Mchaggis Rallywagon.
I am certain though that there is at least one vet who hasn't changed their name.
My argument isn't for myself or the single individual, but for the group. And I do see it as a double standard. "Hey new guys, go do whatever you want, the rest of you, suck it up." Even Racefans exemplifies a doube standard as well. Because his last name is short enough, he can abreviate and be fine? (Sorry race, really not trying to pick on people, honest) What of those that have long last names? Once again, shafted? I'm not looking at this so much as a "hard work" stand point mind you, I am taking the fairness stance here. it should be all or none. Everyone complies fully, or don't make the rule. Don't be obamacare. And much like obamacare,
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Think of all the data that we already have tied to you PSN ID as your penis. It's just hanging there between your legs and detaching it would be a very painful process. Now, think of the lack of data for new members as a vagina. Nothing is is hanging between their legs.

You forgot to mention that some people have bigger data than others.
@zer05ive, Actually, I did change my name. Origianlly I did Spicy McHaggis. But then, when we first started off this conversation train about a week ago, I switched it up to Mchaggis Rallywagon.
I am certain though that there is at least one vet who hasn't changed their name.
My argument isn't for myself or the single individual, but for the group. And I do see it as a double standard. "Hey new guys, go do whatever you want, the rest of you, suck it up." Even Racefans exemplifies a doube standard as well. Because his last name is short enough, he can abreviate and be fine? (Sorry race, really not trying to pick on people, honest) What of those that have long last names? Once again, shafted? I'm not looking at this so much as a "hard work" stand point mind you, I am taking the fairness stance here. it should be all or none. Everyone complies fully, or don't make the rule. Don't be obamacare. And much like obamacare,

Who ever said anything about selective enforcement of this rule? If a division director or host doesn't recognize someone's name or see it listed on the list of drivers for that division, then he will be booted. And if a scorekeeper can't tell (within one second of reading your name) which driver you're listed as on the score sheet, then he will not log your score.

Nobody has to follow this rule is they don't want to. They just need to be prepared to be kicked from the room or not have their results logged if they choose not to.

And for asking guys to "suck it up".. Yes, I'm asking guys to get over themselves and help make it easier to run this league. Imagine that! That being said, I don't know of anyone who has stated that they are unwilling to change their GT6 name to resemble their PSN ID in some way. If anyone needs help finding a creative way to do this, then please speak up so that we can help you find a solution.

Rally, I get that you're "arguing for the group", but I honestly don't think that any of our members will be so selfish as to not be willing to do this. In other words, I don't see a point in making this such a big deal. I'm pretty sure everyone will comply without an issue.
Ladies Please! Where's Apmaddock when you need him! Warning NSFW!

While I'm not a C&W music fan, by any stretch, that sounds like a great drinking/singing song. Kinda like "The Rodeo Song" Boy howdy does that bring back some memories from King Salmon AK.
On an unreleated note, will the results from sunday be up anytime soon? Regardless of whether or not they end up counting, I'd like to know how I did on my first week back.
Who ever said anything about selective enforcement of this rule? If a division director or host doesn't recognize someone's name or see it listed on the list of drivers for that division, then he will be booted. And if a scorekeeper can't tell (within one second of reading your name) which driver you're listed as on the score sheet, then he will not log your score.

Nobody has to follow this rule is they don't want to. They just need to be prepared to be kicked from the room or not have their results logged if they choose not to.

And for asking guys to "suck it up".. Yes, I'm asking guys to get over themselves and help make it easier to run this league. Imagine that! That being said, I don't know of anyone who has stated that they are unwilling to change their GT6 name to resemble their PSN ID in some way. If anyone needs help finding a creative way to do this, then please speak up so that we can help you find a solution.

Rally, I get that you're "arguing for the group", but I honestly don't think that any of our members will be so selfish as to not be willing to do this. In other words, I don't see a point in making this such a big deal. I'm pretty sure everyone will comply without an issue.

My real name is awesome and I love how GT puts it... B. White... amazing.
Who ever said anything about selective enforcement of this rule?
You did, right here, "One suggestion is to ask all existing members to chance their last names to their PSN ID and ask the same of new members as well. If a new member refuses to do so (or simply would rather not), then we could just use his GT6 name in all the data fields where we use PSN ID's for existing members."

This essentially says that old members have to use their PSN ID's and new members get a choice. Now, before you go into the whole "Old drivers and their data" ya ya's, and then I go into the whole "but... legacy that old crap and lets move forward fresh and let everyone pick whatever they like for a name" ya ya's, I'll drop it. I just dont like, or agree with the fact that we have this neat new toy to use, yet we are limiting it. But, my hide is thick, and this group is great, so its not a make or break for me. Can't speak for others though. Just not liking it, espeically with solutions to the problem available.
Yes, I will post them soon. Waiting for confirmation from @dabneyd that the D1 results are correct (the GT6 names causes some errors on Sunday nigh).

Race one and two are not correct. I'm going to try to watch the replays again tonight, but the last time I tried, both replays locked up my system. It would help if someone in D1 could post those results here, or send them to me directly, and I'll update the spreadsheet.