All green areas are not part of the track unless otherwise stated by the Stewards prior to the race.
Which is contradicted by...
Any kind of rumble strip made of concrete, stone etc are part of the track unless otherwise stated.
Two wheels (except when airborne, where the vertical projection of the car onto the track counts) must be in contact with the track/circuit which includes the rumble strips and footpaths, but not grassed areas.
One can easily assume "otherwise stated" means "otherwise stated by the stewards prior to the race" as in line C. If the change in paint color is the demarcation point and all of the "physical" rumble strip is not usable then it should be more specifically stated and lines B. and F. should be amended. I assumed that the physical rumble strip was good and "green" referred to the green area beyond the strip as shown...

Which by the way if anyone is still uncertain, according to Bowler would indeed be a penalty. If 2 tires were on the red/white checker it would be ok.
I personally think that it makes it harder for the driver by saying half of the strip is unusable. If the whole strip was good then I would know I was in the rules as long as my controller was vibrating. As is, I wouldn't really know unless I review my own replays. Another reason why I personally think it best to use the white lines any way. Its very easy to put that white line in the center of my screen and know I'm safe from penalty. The change in paint color is much harder to eyeball at 100 mph, for me anyway. If I'm not mistaken the game also assigns penalty based on using the entire strip. Where getting all 4 wheels inside the physical strip gets a penalty. That being the case, turning on penalties and letting the game penalize people seems easier and less taxing on the stewards who could then focus more on bad passing and contact issues.
But, all that's beside the point. At most all I think should really be done is to amend the OLR to clarify, without contradiction, that the change in paint marks the edge of usable rumble strip. Simply add... "and as stated in line C." to the end of lines B and F.
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