◆ SNAIL [Spec] Racing - Join now to win a Digit Racing EDGE Masterclass enrollment!!Open 

  • Thread starter zer05ive
I am finally ready to get back in the fray! And it looks like I was put into division 4, which seems like a good idea to me. Though on the driver list page I see my name in division 3 still.
Hi everyone. I would like to join S.N.A.I.L if it's possible. I want to better my skills and I like the fact that you run with no tuning. I've been a controller user since the beginning of GT1 to GT5. I purchased a G27wheel a little over a month ago and I'm getting better.
My time zone is on the West Coast (PST).

I was wondering if what the hp is for the Mini Cooper? It's not posted on the front page. I have purchased all 3 cars and did the oil changes.
Thank you,
T-n-T-2000 (PSN ID)
@Troggy Banner Pictures











Hi everyone. I would like to join S.N.A.I.L if it's possible. I want to better my skills and I like the fact that you run with no tuning. I've been a controller user since the beginning of GT1 to GT5. I purchased a G27wheel a little over a month ago and I'm getting better.
My time zone is on the West Coast (PST).

I was wondering if what the hp is for the Mini Cooper? It's not posted on the front page. I have purchased all 3 cars and did the oil changes.
Thank you,
T-n-T-2000 (PSN ID)

Welcome ....... someone will be along shortly to respond to your inquiry. It will have all the details about the process. Look forward to seeing you on the track.
This post has been replaced and is no longer valid 12/2/2014

All Sunday Night Lobbies Should be Friends Only

With the way the GT6 treats friend requests and the way that drivers accept them at the last minute, here is a schedule that should be followed by the hosts of the division rooms. It will be up to the drivers to handle the business of friend requests BEFORE the room is opened for the night.

What the host should do:

1. All hosts should have JLBowler on their PSN friends list. If you don't already, send a request right now.

2. At 8:50 Eastern time the host should exit the game and check for any outstanding friend requests and accept them. No earlier than 9 pm Eastern time the host should open a friends only room for that night's racing. This room should be set to the first track from the time it is opened. The reason for this is that occasional glitch that doesn't allow drivers to see a friends only room in the room selection screen. Having the track set to the first track will make it possible to search by track and find the room.

3. The host/director should continue to watch the main thread, refreshing often, until they see a message from JLBowler that it is clear to start racing for the night.

4. Before starting qualifying or any race, the host/director should have all drivers gather in turn one and ask if everyone can see the same number of drivers listed in the upper left corner of the screen. Drivers must be on the track for this and not sitting in the pits. If all drivers don't see the same number of drivers the host should ask those drivers to leave and rejoin while the host waits to start the night. Drivers should not be using this time to run laps or go and drift other parts of the course. Just go sit in turn one and let everyone count so we can get started.

5. The host/director is responsible for handling any lag issues during the night. If a driver is lagging, the host/director should ask them to leave the room, clear their cache, and re-enter the room. The host/director should allow 3 minutes for the driver to take care of this. If the lag is still present, the host/director should ask the driver to leave for the night. If the host/director doesn't make the lagging driver aware of the issue and give them the chance to rectify the issue then the fault lies with the host/director. Most of the time, the driver that is lagging will not know it. Other cars will appear to have slight jittery movements to them. Meanwhile, the driver lagging will be flying all over the track with tires smoking.

6. If the host is disconnected from the friends only room that he created, he will not be able to rejoin. (thanks PD). In the instance of a host disconnecting, the rest of the room should finish that race and record the results as normal. The host should create a new friends only room and every other driver should exit the first room and join the new room. If a host disconnects a second time in a night, the rest of the room should finish that race and record the results as normal. At this time the back up host should make a friends only room and all drivers, including the original host, should join that room. This procedure is to be followed for the rest of the night if the current host disconnects.

7. If a driver shows up that is not listed on the drivers list or in the results sheet, they are not allowed to race. As a host, you do not have the authority to add drivers to a division. The only exception to this would be if a driver was moved from one division to another at the last minute. In this instance, the host of the room would have been contacted by JLBowler, Dragonwhisky, or zer05ive and given instructions on how to handle the new driver.

What the driver should do:

1. Make sure you have a friend request in place with the host before 8:45 pm Eastern time. The earlier, the better. If you don't have a friend request in place before 8:45 pm Eastern time, don't expect to be able to race that night. It is the drivers responsibility to send the friend request to the host and any back-up hosts listed for their assigned division. If you are a part time driver, it's a good idea to have a the host and back-up hosts of the division above your assigned division just in case you need to move up due to a full room. Be aware that both parties involved in the friend request will have to exit the game to the XMB before the game will recognize the friend request is in place.

2. If you can't enter your assigned room because it is full, post in the thread before 9:25 Eastern time and I will make sure drivers are moved. If you wait until 1 or 2 minutes before race time, you run the risk of not being able to get in. We want to start the night on time so that we can finish on time. Do not take it upon yourself to go to a different division and race. Note: a room is full when you can see the room has 16 of 16 drivers in it. A room is not full because you get a message saying the room is full when you can see that there are less than 16 of 16 drivers in the room. That message means the friend request was not taken care of properly.

3. If you can't enter your assigned room because you didn't get a friend request in place in time, wait until next week to race.

4. If you wait until after JLBowler has given the all clear to start racing to post that a room is full, you're too late. We will not move drivers around to accommodate a late arriving driver.

5. If you are told that you are lagging badly and affecting other drivers, please do the considerate thing and leave in the middle of the race. You will receive last place points but you won't ruin the race for another driver. This will give you extra time to try and get your connection sorted and get back for the next race without holding up the room too much. It's better to get last place points for leaving early to get it sorted than it is to miss the start of the next race and get 0 points if you can't get back to the room in three minutes.

6. If you don't know who the host for your division is, use the team SNAIL link. If you don't know what division you are assigned to, use this link and be sure to read the top of the list for the last time it was updated: text only drivers list

Special Instructions for invisible drivers or glitch race starts.

1. In the event that all drivers are not able to see all other drivers on track the host should ask that all affected drivers leave the room and reenter. If this does not fix the issue any driver that can not be seen by everyone else in the room should be asked to leave the room for the night. Example: Driver A can not see Driver B. The rest of the room can see Driver B but not Driver A. Both drivers should leave the room and reenter. Upon reentering, the problem is the same. Driver A should leave for the night as the rest of the room can't see them. Driver B can stay because the only person that couldn't see them was Driver A.

2. In the event that a driver gets "stuck" on the starting grid, everyone will quit the race and we will restart the race with the grid set manually. If the driver gets "stuck" in this manual grid race, they should press start and sit through the race. After that race is over, the room should close and switch to the back up host for the next race. If that host gets "stuck" on the grid, follow the same procedure that is listed above.

Note: Do not spend any more time on these issues than what is listed here. The schedule is very tight as it is and we don't want the night's racing to go on until the wee hours of the morning.

These are not suggestions or guidelines. These instructions must be followed by all hosts and drivers. If you are a host and can't or won't be willing to follow this policy, please let us know and we will work to find a host who can and will follow this policy.
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I am interested in joining SNAIL

You need to change your GTPlanet settings to allow me to start a conversation with you so I can give you your division placement. Please let me know when you have done so.

Edit: Thank you.
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Hi everyone. I would like to join S.N.A.I.L if it's possible. I want to better my skills and I like the fact that you run with no tuning. I've been a controller user since the beginning of GT1 to GT5. I purchased a G27wheel a little over a month ago and I'm getting better.
My time zone is on the West Coast (PST).

I was wondering if what the hp is for the Mini Cooper? It's not posted on the front page. I have purchased all 3 cars and did the oil changes.
Thank you,
T-n-T-2000 (PSN ID)
Thanks for your interest!
We would love to have you in the league. Here's what you need to know and do in order to join:

We run a clean league by enforcing a strict penalty system based on the S.N.A.I.L. OLR (which is a modified version of the GTP OLR). We also expect all of our drivers to know and follow The Good Racecraft Guide.
Please become versed in both if you aren't already. Once that is complete, please follow the steps below to complete your entry into the league:

1. You take the S.N.A.I.L. OLR and Racecraft Test

2. You run the Time Trial and submit your information by 23:59 EST on Saturday night if you want to race this Sunday.

3. @JLBowler PM's you with your assigned Division that we feel will give you the closest competition. You will be added to the drivers list.

4. The Race Director or Primary Host from the corresponding SNAIL Division will send you a PSN friend request. Sunday night you will need to sort the online lobbies by friends and join the lobby named 'snailracing.org Division_(x) based off your Division placement from JLBowler. That lobby will be where you race Sunday.

5. You drive fast and clean on Sunday 👍

The original post has everything you need to know about what to expect on Sunday night and what you will need to have completed in order to be competitive. If you have any questions, please feel free to post your question on the thread.

If you have a preference for car/wheel colour and racing number, please follow the instruction contained here.

During the week we run a number of different events, we encourage all SNAILs to join as many as possible.

Welcome to S.N.A.I.L. :cheers:

Today, the 8th of May, exactly 1 week after the anniversary of Ayrton Senna's death, marks the 32nd anniversary of the passing of my ever favourite F1 driver - Gilles Villeneuve.

He was only around in F1 for less than 4 years and in that time recorded a modest 6 GP wins and 2 pole positions but for the majority of that time he was driving inferior machinery. He was the most spectacular and gifted driver I've ever seen. Of course, it's impossible to directly compare drivers from different eras but many consider Villeneuve to have been the the fastest ever.

Here's an interesting selection of quotes from people in the know!

Qualifying in the rain at the 1979 US Grand Prix at Watkins Glen, New York

A friend of mine in America sent me a cassette a while ago. On it is the sound of a lone racing car, unmistakably a Ferrari flat-12, and its clearly audible all the way round the lap. There is a lot of wheelspin - you can hear the revs abruptly scream out of every turn - and then the volume builds until the car swishes by in a welter of spray. He taped it during the first afternoon of practice at Watkins Glen in 1979, when conditions were as bad as I have ever seen at a race circuit. In places the track was flooded, and only eight drivers ventured out. One of those was Scheckter, who was fastest behind team mate Villeneuve. Eleven seconds behind ...The tape is of course Gilles, and it revived memories of a day when we forgot the wintry rain until he came in, the Ferrari breathless and steaming. In the pits the other drivers, aghast, had giggled nervously every time he skittered by at 160 mph. "Why do we bother? He's different from the rest of us," Jacques Laffite said. "On another level ..."
"I scared myself rigid that day", Jody remembered. "I thought I had to be quickest. Then I saw Gilles's time and - I still don't really understand how it was possible. Eleven seconds !" "Motor racing was a romantic thing for him, you see." Scheckter went on. "We were close friends, doing the same job for the same team, but we had completely opposite attitudes to it. My preoccupation was keeping myself alive, but Gilles had to be the fastest on every lap - even in testing. He was the fastest racing driver the world has ever seen. If he could come back and live his life again, I think he would do exactly the same - and with the same love."


1981 French Grand Prix Qualifying at Dijon:

During practice at Dijon in 1981, Gilles crashed at the Courbe de Pouas, an undulating, flat-in-fourth right hander, with no run-off worth mentioning. During the lunch break I found him dabbing a cut on his jaw: "Bloody catch pole cracked my helmet and broke the visor ..."
"You overdid it ?" I asked. "Just ran out of road?" "No, no," he grinned. "I ran out of lock! "The car is really bad through there - an adventure every time. Go and have a look this afternoon and you'll see what I mean." I did. I watched the Cosworth- engined Williams and Brabhams droning through on their rails, and waited. At its clipping point, at the top of a rise, the Ferrari was already sideways, its driver winding on opposite lock. As it came past me, plunging downhill now, the tail stayed out of line, further and further, and still Gilles had his foot hard down. As he reached the bottom of the dip, I knew the position was hopeless, for now it was virtually broadside, full lock on, Villeneuve's head pointing up the road, out of the side of the cockpit.
Somehow, though, the Ferrari did not spin, finally snapping back into line as it grazed the catch fencing, then rocketing away up the hill. For more
than a hundred yards, I swear it, the car was sideways at 130 mph. "That's genius," said David Hobbs, watching with me. "Are you seriously telling me he's won two Grand Prix in that?"


Jacques Laffite quote:

"I know that no human being can do a miracle. Nobody commands magical properties, but Gilles made you wonder. He was that quick."


Frank Williams quote:

"I was very proud of Alan that day. We had the best car at the time, without a doubt, and the only driver on the track we feared was that little French Canadian ..."


Niki Lauda quote:

"Gilles was the perfect racing driver who knew where to take which advantage where ..." "Villeneuve had the best talent of all of us. Whatever car that you put him in he would have been quick."


Jackie Stewart quote:

"Oh, I think he's superb, and I believe he'll get better and better. At the moment he still makes mistakes, misses the odd apex, gets up on a curb, uses a little too much road on the way out sometimes, but i'm being hypercritical here. His level of natural talent is phenomenal - there's real genius in his car control."


Gilles quote:

"I love motor racing. To me it's a sport, not a technical exercise. My ideal Formula One car would be something like a McLaren M23 with a big normally aspirated engine, 800 hp, 21 inch rear tyres. A lot of people say we
should have narrower tires, but I don't agree because you need big tyres to slow you down when you spin. And you need a lot of horsepower to unstick big tyres, to make the cars slide. That would be a bloody fantastic spectacle, I can tell you. We would take corners one gear lower than we do now, and get the cars sideways. You know, people still rave about Ronnie Peterson in a Lotus 72, and I understand that. I agree with them.
That's the kind of entertainment I want to give the crowds. Smoke the tyres ! Yeah ! I [care about the fans], because I used to be one of them ! I believe the crowd is really losing out at the moment, and that's


Enzo Ferrari Quote:

" ...and when they presented me with this tiny Canadian, this miniscule bundle of nerves, I instantly recognized in him the physique of the great Nuvolari and I said to myself, `let's give him a try."


Rene Arnoux Quote:

"It was terrible when Gilles died. I cried that day and the next one, too, even though I had to race ...and I remember the feeling that we were all starting equal, from now on. Villeneuve was gone. We all knew he had a
talent beyond our reach."


Alain Prost Quote:

" ...with me and my competitors it's battle for pole position as that's important but with Gilles you will see a battle for everything ...[including] 10th place ..."
"He made the fastest start of anybody here. I thought he must know a trick ...all season he had quicker starts, no one could compare"

"Gilles was the last great driver. The rest of us are just a bunch of good professionals."


Juan Manuel Fangio Quote:

"He will remain as a member of the family of the truly great drivers in auto racing history. Mr Enzo Ferrari, who is an authority on these matters, has compared Villeneuve to Tazio Nuvolari. Nuvolari in my younger days was the great idol. All drivers wanted to equal the great Nuvolari. They struggled to match but could only imitate him. To be compared to Nuvolari is to receive the highest praise. Villeneuve did not race to finish, he did not race for points. He raced to win. Although small in stature he was a giant."


Keke Rosberg Quote:

"To Gilles, racing truly was a sport, which is why he would never chop you. Something like that he'd look on with contempt. You didn't have to be a good driver to do that, let alone a great one. Anyone could do that.
Gilles was the hardest ******* I ever raced against, but completely fair. If you'd beaten him to a corner, he accepted it and gave you room. Then he'd be right back at you at the next one! Sure, he took unbelievable risks - but only with himself - and that's why I get ****ed off now when people compare Senna with him. Gilles was a giant of a driver, yes, but he was also a great man."


Gilles Quote:
On Snowmobiling

"Every winter you would reckon on three or four big spills - and I'm talking bout being thrown onto the ice at 100 mph. Those things used to slide a lot, which taught me a great deal about control. And the visibility was terrible! Unless you were leading, you could see nothing, with all the snow blowing about. Good for the reactions - and it stopped me having any worries about racing in the rain !"

Salut Gilles!
Fantastic post, brought back some memories.
Growing in up in Canada of course you would expect your sports heroes to come from the hockey world. But for me it was racing and Gilles Villineuve. There was not a lot of names in racing that came from Canada back then, so he became a true national hero to me and a lot others in my country at the time. Growing up in the 70s and 80s I did not know that F1 existed until he came along.
I may be biased but I think he truly would've been one of greats if he didn't die so tragically like so many others. I still remember that day and how stunned I was hearing the news of his death.
He is the main reason, to this day why I love all forms of motor racing.

So thanks for the memories and the passion Gilles... Salute!!!
Question for the guys who are doing well in round two for the GT academy...in the last set of corners the S curve thing. Are you taking that in 2nd or 3rd? Tried both and neither seem to be making a difference. Exit speed is about 66-67 MPH but i think it needs to be 2-3 MPH faster in order to not lose time.

I keep losing about 2 tenths on that corner alone, currently 15th in the US 217th overall which is pretty good....trying to crack the top ten for the US though.

Also any advice on the tight corner in Sector two after the long straight, can't get the rear end out in the corner like i see the leaders doing.

any ideas?
Attention D1 drivers. Your division needs a replay uploader and a backup replay uploader. Replays are vital to the Stewards to be able to do their job. Replays and data are vital to me to do my job when it comes to promotion and relegation. SNAIL only runs because it's members step up and do the work that needs to be done.

Get together, figure it out, and have a primary and a backup replay uploader in place by the time we race on Sunday. Let @ExoSphere64 know who they are so he can update the team SNAIL page. There is no reason that the stewards should be sitting around on Thursday waiting for replays to be uploaded.

@leadfootedbud, @K1utch, @fizzer, @CarCzar, @Nicktune, @ParkerMO125, @chuyler1, @serge19, @ptslopoke, @martin20az, @dgaf95integra, @redsoxboy80, @WhalesNPals, @fastfox400, @hillracing, @Panos Argitis, @scca_ziptie, @irmopars, @Benz-27, @zstovall, , @GumballCGT, @VELOCI_2NR, @fiestauk, @Ph1sher, @dangerzone641, @Adventuruss
Question for the guys who are doing well in round two for the GT academy...in the last set of corners the S curve thing. Are you taking that in 2nd or 3rd? Tried both and neither seem to be making a difference. Exit speed is about 66-67 MPH but i think it needs to be 2-3 MPH faster in order to not lose time.

I keep losing about 2 tenths on that corner alone, currently 15th in the US 217th overall which is pretty good....trying to crack the top ten for the US though.

Also any advice on the tight corner in Sector two after the long straight, can't get the rear end out in the corner like i see the leaders doing.

any ideas?
I watched few of the fastest laps, and they were all taking it in 3rd with a track out speed of 71mph. Don't ask me how they were doing it, I thought it was absurd. My fastest exit has only been 63.

You can go to the list in GT6 and watch the laps of the top 10 for better details.
Question for the guys who are doing well in round two for the GT academy...in the last set of corners the S curve thing. Are you taking that in 2nd or 3rd? Tried both and neither seem to be making a difference. Exit speed is about 66-67 MPH but i think it needs to be 2-3 MPH faster in order to not lose time.

I keep losing about 2 tenths on that corner alone, currently 15th in the US 217th overall which is pretty good....trying to crack the top ten for the US though.

Also any advice on the tight corner in Sector two after the long straight, can't get the rear end out in the corner like i see the leaders doing.

any ideas?
From the ones that I seen. Up to on the leader boards they take it in 3rd
My round 2 buzz killer is the righthand corner at the end of the back straight. I watched replays of the big boys to see how they do it. Hopefully with some more practice I will get it this weekend.... between that an SNAIL practice it's going to be a busy weekend
ya i checked out a few of the leaders, they all take it in 3rd, just wondering if anyone else saw any success doing anything different. I have no clue how they get out of the corner that fast.

The first corner, the tight hairpin and the last corner is where i lose all my time. If I total all of my best sector times i am within .2 of first place, so i know i have the speed...just going crazy trying to get all of them in one lap.
Attention D1 drivers. Your division needs a replay uploader and a backup replay uploader. Replays are vital to the Stewards to be able to do their job. Replays and data are vital to me to do my job when it comes to promotion and relegation. SNAIL only runs because it's members step up and do the work that needs to be done.

Get together, figure it out, and have a primary and a backup replay uploader in place by the time we race on Sunday. Let @ExoSphere64 know who they are so he can update the team SNAIL page. There is no reason that the stewards should be sitting around on Thursday waiting for replays to be uploaded.

@leadfootedbud, @K1utch, @fizzer, @CarCzar, @Nicktune, @ParkerMO125, @chuyler1, @serge19, @ptslopoke, @martin20az, @dgaf95integra, @redsoxboy80, @WhalesNPals, @fastfox400, @hillracing, @Panos Argitis, @scca_ziptie, @irmopars, @Benz-27, @zstovall, , @GumballCGT, @VELOCI_2NR, @fiestauk, @Ph1sher, @dangerzone641, @Adventuruss
does anyone know if this can be done with the ps3s browser and a usb stick? If so i will do it. Have no pc and smart phone broke using old flip phone. Ps3 browser freezes on somethings so didnt know if google docs works on there
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ya i checked out a few of the leaders, they all take it in 3rd, just wondering if anyone else saw any success doing anything different. I have no clue how they get out of the corner that fast.

The first corner, the tight hairpin and the last corner is where i lose all my time. If I total all of my best sector times i am within .2 of first place, so i know i have the speed...just going crazy trying to get all of them in one lap.
Yea takin it in 3rd help me a hole lot just got to get the brakin point right and the turn in point right
Attention D1 drivers. Your division needs a replay uploader and a backup replay uploader. Replays are vital to the Stewards to be able to do their job. Replays and data are vital to me to do my job when it comes to promotion and relegation. SNAIL only runs because it's members step up and do the work that needs to be done.

Get together, figure it out, and have a primary and a backup replay uploader in place by the time we race on Sunday. Let @ExoSphere64 know who they are so he can update the team SNAIL page. There is no reason that the stewards should be sitting around on Thursday waiting for replays to be uploaded.

@leadfootedbud, @K1utch, @fizzer, @CarCzar, @Nicktune, @ParkerMO125, @chuyler1, @serge19, @ptslopoke, @martin20az, @dgaf95integra, @redsoxboy80, @WhalesNPals, @fastfox400, @hillracing, @Panos Argitis, @scca_ziptie, @irmopars, @Benz-27, @zstovall, , @GumballCGT, @VELOCI_2NR, @fiestauk, @Ph1sher, @dangerzone641, @Adventuruss

I can be replay uploader for most Sundays. Shouldn't be a problem. Sorry I didn't grab this weeks though...
does anyone know if this can be done with the ps3s browser and a usb stick? If so i will do it
No it cannot. In order for google to accept all the files involved with a replay, it must be compressed to a .zip or .rar file type. I don't think a tool exists to make these files on the PS3.
I watched few of the fastest laps, and they were all taking it in 3rd with a track out speed of 71mph. Don't ask me how they were doing it, I thought it was absurd. My fastest exit has only been 63.

You can go to the list in GT6 and watch the laps of the top 10 for better details.

and @ptslopoke I don't what you guys mean by track out speed of 71 or 65 - 67 is not enough, are you talking about the exit speed of the complex before the final corner? where are you taking the reference for the "track out speed"? I look more at the apex speed and when you meet the exit curb assuming that you're close to having the steering wheel unwinded, that's my "track out speed" and I've only see 64 or so at best.
I have the host of the West Coast division wrote down. The person is vitalik79 I believe.
Actually he has not raced in a while. Send one to jobyone71

We are also looking for additional hosts as I will only be racing part time for a while
and @ptslopoke I don't what you guys mean by track out speed of 71 or 65 - 67 is not enough, are you talking about the exit speed of the complex before the final corner? where are you taking the reference for the "track out speed"? I look more at the apex speed and when you meet the exit curb assuming that you're close to having the steering wheel unwinded, that's my "track out speed" and I've only see 64 or so at best.

Hey Neo, I guess I am not meaning exit speed, more like mid-corner/Apex Speed, basically the second i start turning my wheel straight is when i glance to check my speed. You and @K1utch are a few hundredths ahead of me overall (getting really tired of seeing your name appear on that last corner. That is where i realize how much time i am losing.
and @ptslopoke I don't what you guys mean by track out speed of 71 or 65 - 67 is not enough, are you talking about the exit speed of the complex before the final corner? where are you taking the reference for the "track out speed"? I look more at the apex speed and when you meet the exit curb assuming that you're close to having the steering wheel unwinded, that's my "track out speed" and I've only see 64 or so at best.
My track out speed check is the instant my foot is flat on the floor and there is absolutely no chance for the rear to step out.

Generally I use an apex speed check only, but this car can step out so easily, I have to actually pay attention to how well I've gotten the power down from apex to exit.
And don't necessarily take any of my ramblings as advice. I'm quite happy keeping my time in the top 10k. :cheers:
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Hey Neo, I guess I am not meaning exit speed, more like mid-corner/Apex Speed, basically the second i start turning my wheel straight is when i glance to check my speed. You and @K1utch are a few hundredths ahead of me overall (getting really tired of seeing your name appear on that last corner. That is where i realize how much time i am losing.
My track out speed check is the instant my foot is flat on the floor and there is absolutely no chance for the rear to step out.

Generally I use an apex speed check only, but this car can step out so easily, I have to actually pay attention to how well I've gotten the power down from apex to exit.
And don't necessarily take any of my ramblings as advice. I'm quite happy keeping my time in the top 10k. :cheers:

These are my reference points as far as the exit from the esses is concerned. 1) I look at my final apex speed, 2) the average speed between the apex and the exit curb, 3) the speed I am at when I hit full throttle and 4) the position where I can get on full throttle

The first 2 gives you how well your track out is and the latter 2 tells you how well you will do on the short straight to the last corner.

For me, the last corner is really all about throttle control. I make tiny throttle adjustments combined with fine steering adjustments to balance the car from turn-in to halfway to the apex or even to the apex, depending how well I did it. averaging a mid 98 mph at the end of the exit curb, a good one might get me up to high 98 or 99.

In contrast though, Dholland breathes the throttle at 95-97% at turn in and then stays full throttle all the way and ends with a high 99 to 100mph at the end of the exit curb.

Working on the tight hairpin right now, trying to swing the rear to get a 4 wheel drift, that's probably worth at least 3 tenths combining shaving time on entry and exit. If anyone here is able to do it, I'd like to know how lol. I can only at the most initiate the slide slightly but it quickly regains traction and I'm then left with 90 degree steering lock in order to make the apex.

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