- 525
- Michigan
- dcschwinn
Just to add
Just to add, the tire/fuel setting for the next season will be set to fast. The intent is to make pit strategy come into play and I try to get it so that there are options depenidng on how you drive and want to play it out. For example, tonight everyone except 2 went with two pit stops. the other two drivers went with 1 stop. It worked for one driver posting two 3rd place finishes while it did not work for the other driver who finished 8th due to running out of fuel. This past season we had races where you had plenty of fuel to make it on 1 stop but the tires took a beeting whire other tracks, it was fuel that ran out but the tires help up fine.
As for taking new signups, once I get all the season ending stuff done, we should have a few open spots for next season. Will post it Friday if we do.
Just to add to his add!!... All the leagues I have tried or am in are well run, organized and a blast!.. with that said Grims in different atmosphere when it comes to stats, organization and everything else you can think of!! If you can put it into it pie chart or a graph of some sort he will do it.! Nothing is left unturned and it's nice to go back and see hopefully your progress which in my case are very small variables in his epic charts he makes but they do help!! Not to mention it's a very fun type of racing.... It just sucks I have to wait a couple weeks before I get to race in it again!. I know he will make season 3 bigger and better than the previous two..! just hoping the car that I would personally like to see get voted in for season 3 does!!!