◆ SNAIL [Spec] Racing - Join now to win a Digit Racing EDGE Masterclass enrollment!!Open 

  • Thread starter zer05ive
Thanks to S.N.A.I.L tonight for the opportunity to race in the Race of Champions.

I am beginning to understand how hard it is to swallow disconnection problems as well. In the race where I was doing my personal best I was disconnected. And this was after I did everything I had been told to do by others to minimize this from happening. I cleared my cache, turned off all my in-game notifications, rebooted my modem, turned off anything that might also be using my Internet Connection, and I had upgraded my connection to the fastest speed available. Since that time I think I might have only had about two or three disconnections in any race or practice session. I guess two others got disconnected from that race as well.

It is SOOOOOO disappointing to have your connection fail during a race. I have not hardly had any disconnections since my upgrade and to have it happen right in my best race was truly a shock. I guess I really need to be ready for the worst at anytime. Maybe it is not a big deal for everyone, but for the rest of you who have had this awful experience, I really feel for you. I hope for everyone that we can find a way to improve this aspect of virtual racing.

Also a very BIG thanks to @chatva for his jumping right in afterwards and helping me with one of the problems I had in one of the other races. You really made me feel better @chatva. After you explained things to me, and then spent quite a bit of time on several tracks helping me to practice what you explained, I felt like it was possible I could minimize this type of disappointment in the future. I really needed that right then, and it really is an example, not just of one SNAIL helping another (which is awesome) but of a racer seeing when another is down and giving them encouragement and following it up with support. Thank you @chatva.

Also, thanks to @jobyone and Nish (sorry --I searched through the driver's list and I think he mentioned he is just joining or just getting back to SNAIL??) for both jumping in and helping me tonight as well with a problem corner I have at Deep Forest and a problem Chicane I have at Apricot Hill.

Although I sincerely believe that I am almost always partly, if not mostly, responsible for an off involving myself and another driver, and I have a lot to learn about not doing unexpected maneuvers, such as overly early braking, or unexpected racing lines (when someone is close or breathing down my neck), and I have to learn to take a more protected racing line, thanks to the racer, tonight, who explained to me that in a few cases you might have to keep track of who it is best to let pass. (Some people might already feel this way about me.) This was another way that I just could not see outside the box and his insight helped me to see another possibility, feel better, and realize one more part to protecting myself. I think I am beginning to realize the reality of racing having many defensive techniques and skills just as it has many offensive techniques and skills.
Thanks to S.N.A.I.L tonight for the opportunity to race in the Race of Champions.

I am beginning to understand how hard it is to swallow disconnection problems as well. In the race where I was doing my personal best I was disconnected. And this was after I did everything I had been told to do by others to minimize this from happening. I cleared my cache, turned off all my in-game notifications, rebooted my modem, turned off anything that might also be using my Internet Connection, and I had upgraded my connection to the fastest speed available. Since that time I think I might have only had about two or three disconnections in any race or practice session. I guess two others got disconnected from that race as well.

It is SOOOOOO disappointing to have your connection fail during a race. I have not hardly had any disconnections since my upgrade and to have it happen right in my best race was truly a shock. I guess I really need to be ready for the worst at anytime. Maybe it is not a big deal for everyone, but for the rest of you who have had this awful experience, I really feel for you. I hope for everyone that we can find a way to improve this aspect of virtual racing.

Also a very BIG thanks to @chatva for his jumping right in afterwards and helping me with one of the problems I had in one of the other races. You really made me feel better @chatva. After you explained things to me, and then spent quite a bit of time on several tracks helping me to practice what you explained, I felt like it was possible I could minimize this type of disappointment in the future. I really needed that right then, and it really is an example, not just of one SNAIL helping another (which is awesome) but of a racer seeing when another is down and giving them encouragement and following it up with support. Thank you @chatva.

Also, thanks to @jobyone and Nish (sorry --I searched through the driver's list and I think he mentioned he is just joining or just getting back to SNAIL??) for both jumping in and helping me tonight as well with a problem corner I have at Deep Forest and a problem Chicane I have at Apricot Hill.

Although I sincerely believe that I am almost always partly, if not mostly, responsible for an off involving myself and another driver, and I have a lot to learn about not doing unexpected maneuvers, such as overly early braking, or unexpected racing lines (when someone is close or breathing down my neck), and I have to learn to take a more protected racing line, thanks to the racer, tonight, who explained to me that in a few cases you might have to keep track of who it is best to let pass. (Some people might already feel this way about me.) This was another way that I just could not see outside the box and his insight helped me to see another possibility, feel better, and realize one more part to protecting myself. I think I am beginning to realize the reality of racing having many defensive techniques and skills just as it has many offensive techniques and skills.
Sorry about the dc at Ascari. I remember you and I got of to a good start 1st and 2nd I believe after the first chicane. I felt like I was holding off a heard of buzzing bees for you while you set sail. I knew we're going to finish well so it sucks you got dc'd.
Also we were both doing well at Spa. I eventually got overwhelmed by the faster guys though. It was a humbling and learning experience all at the same time.
Good luck to you in the new division, you deserve to step up.
1st Race Unofficial Results (Nurburgring)
1st. Martin
2nd. Klutch
3rd. Troggy
4th. Xrad
5th. Fizzer
6th. Serge19
7th. deaconblue
8th. Exosphere
9th. Tex36
10th. Canucklhead
11th. singlepadd
12th. robinhood
13th. elsbury
14th. Rinnfah (DNF/Disco)

2nd. Race (Ascari)
1st. Fizzer
3rd. K1utch
5th. Canucklehead
6th. Exosphere
7th. Xrad
8th. Troggy
9th. Tex36
10th. deaconblues
12th. elsbury (DNF/DISCO)
13th. Robinhoon (DNF/DISCO)
14TH. Rinnfah (DNF/DISCO)

3rd Race (Spa)
1st. Klutch
2nd. Martin
3rd. Fizzer
4th. Troggy
5th. Serge19
6th. Canucklehead
7th. Rinnfah
8th. Robinhood
9th. Exosphere
10th. singlepaddy
11th. Xrad
12th. Tex36
13th. deconblues
14th. elsbury (DNF/DISCO)

K1utch 90
Serge19 72
CanuckleheadII 60

Congratulations to @martin20az our first SNAIL Champion of Champions!

NO live streaming for this one. I dont have the technical capabilities for it. I will take pictures we need a videographer for the next one.

Director's Report
We had a little delay from technical difficulties, had to restart and left the hosting to Tex. Everyone had a lot of fun and raced pretty clean. A few suffered from discos but most were able to finish without issues. The room lagged at times but not much. It was a great start that should be repeated next month.

There are some new ideas that were given and will shared here with everyone.

It would be great to have someone do a livestream of the race. Thanks to everyone that raced!
Race Hard, Race Clean, Race Snail!
Congrats to @martin20az on being the March (and inaugural) Champion of Champions!! :cheers:

Also, congrats to everyone who was able to participate in this epic event! Getting an invite to the ROC now seems to be an extra incentive and reward for being a division champion. 👍

And last but not least, I want to give HUGE props to @Wolfsatz for conceptualizing and directing this epic event! Way to go!! :bowdown:
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As you all know, we'll be starting April season tomorrow night. Now that the stewards have completed the reviews from last week, I'd like to officially conclude the March season. While a complete summary of the points standings can be found here, please allow me to congratulate the division champions:

Division 1
@fizzer / fizzer82

Division 2
@ptslopoke / PTslopoke

Division 3
@Xradkins / Xrad-11

Division 4
@Daniel Pinho / dpinho1975

Division 5
@hooker4 / hooker4

Division 6
@TEX36 / TEX-36

Division 7
@rob1nh000d / rob1nh000d

Division 8
@deaconblues82 / deacon-blues082

West Coast
@GranStand Bill / GranStand_Bill

Congratulations to all nine of you! :cheers:
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Sorry about the dc at Ascari. I remember you and I got of to a good start 1st and 2nd I believe after the first chicane. I felt like I was holding off a heard of buzzing bees for you while you set sail. I knew we're going to finish well so it sucks you got dc'd.
Also we were both doing well at Spa. I eventually got overwhelmed by the faster guys though. It was a humbling and learning experience all at the same time.
Good luck to you in the new division, you deserve to step up.

I love the way you said 'set sail'! Thank you very much. You must have held them off gallantly, because I only noticed one getting closer after the first two laps, and one, maybe two after the next two laps. Sorry the bees got to you, maybe I should have found a way that we could have held them off together. I have heard of some of the top level drivers doing such things together. Maybe we can both get to that level, and GET EM. :)

:gtpflag:DIVISION SEVEN .:gtpflag:
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I think it's appropriate, being as it's from Get Smart(ass). :sly:

I think it's appropriate, being as it's from Get Smart(ass). :sly:

I really love the multi-media replies I've seen in this forum. Very funny and creative! Where do you guys find this stuff?? lol
And how long have you been collecting it to have such choice selections? 👍

True :) and I still have to give you guys the credit for very funny and creative associations.

Not to bring any glory to me, but did you guys catch the "big Balls" AC/DC reply a few days ago? I know you did @BayouSimDrifter. It awesome the way a creative association can transcend words and go right to the heart of the matter with a topping of class and kick ass!
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Race Date - Sun Mar 30 2014
Penalty Rate 50%
Banner by dabneyd

The Polyphony Digital Gran Turismo 6 Replay Lottery still appears to have the lights off and doors shut. Thankfully. Now, it appears we have some divisions that aren't uploading their replays.

Below are the results of the 28 incidents the stewards reviewed. Some were invalidated for inaccurate information and some were not reviewable for lack of replays.

Division 2 - 1 incident on file
  • Round 3 - Race 2 - Level 2 - 8 points. 2 weeks probation.
Division 3 - 11 incidents on file
  • Round 1 - Race 2 - Level 2 - 7 points. 2 weeks probation
  • Round 3 - Race 1 - Level 3 - 9 points doubled to 18 for probation violation.
  • Round 2 - Race 2 - Level 4 - 16 points doubled to 32 for probation violation.
  • Round 3 - Race 2 - Level 3 - 10 points doubled to 20 for probation violation.
  • 70 points total and 6 weeks probation. This level of driving is not tolerated here.
  • Round 3 - Race 1 - Level 1 - 4 points. 1 week probation
  • Round 1 - Race 1 - Level 1 - 4 points. 1 week probation.
Division 6 - 7 incidents on file. The majority of these were tossed out for inaccurate information.
  • Round 3 - Race 2 - Level 1 - 1 points. 1 week probation.
Division 7 - 4 incidents on file
  • Round 1 - Race 1 - Level 1 - 4 points halved to 2 for self report. 1 week probation
  • Round 1 - Race 1 - Level 2 - 6 points halved to 3 for self report. 2 weeks probation.
  • Round 1 - Race 1 - Level 1 - 4 points. 1 week probation.
  • Round 2 - Race 1 - Level 1 - 2 points. 1 week probation
Division WC1 - 2 incidents on file
  • Round 2 - Race 2 - Level 3 - 9 points. 3 weeks probation.
  • Round 2 - Race 2 - Level 2 - 8 points halved to 4 for self report. 2 weeks probation.

These results can be viewed on the SNAIL Steward Review Sheet.

* * * * * * * * * * * * *
Thanks to JLBowler, Neovre, Oshawa-Joe and tezgm99 for their reviews this week
Don't forget to claim your $hells for completing reviews.

* * * * * * * * * * * * *​

These changes affect the final standings.
Full final results can be found here. .@zer05ive & @kcheeb, these adjustments have been made in the director's and results sheets.
***If you were penalized and would like further explanation regarding the incident, PM your Division Steward and they will let you know what the stewards saw and our opinions on it.***​
Thanks to the stewards for all your hard work! We're nothing without you! :bowdown:

And to all you early birds who buried my TOTPP, the March champions are posted above! :sly:
-I have an announcement-

In addition to the winner of the GranStand Challenge, I will award the person who scores the most points in the April season a Premium membership! I have already explained what a 1-year membership (you can't buy lifetime anymore) will get you here.

The only rule that I have is that those who are already premium members are ineligible.

To encourage everyone to participate, points from Sunday nights races will be totaled up at the end of the April season and the winner will receive their prize within a few days (or if someone is willing to keep track of the numbers and tells me who gets it, that would be appreciated).
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Thanks to the stewards for all your hard work! We're nothing without you! :bowdown:

And to all you early birds who buried my TOTPP, the March champions are posted above! :sly:
You tried Zero. You tried. I think several people sit up in the morning refreshing the page, waiting for someone to blink. Then all hell breaks loose :D

Banners will probably be done by tonight. I'm not sure that I saw any post-practice pictures, so if you posted pictures, do you mind quoting them for me?(I'll be at work all day so I won't be able to easily search.

(@shmibal_GT @Wolfsatz @KTR5
You tried Zero. You tried. I think several people sit up in the morning refreshing the page, waiting for someone to blink. Then all hell breaks loose :D

You forgot that I am practically nocturnal now, so I saw it like it was normal to me.
I would like to get in on this!
Thanks for your interest! If you hurry and run your time trial you can start the new season tomorrow.
We would love to have you in the league. Here's what you need to know and do in order to join:

We run a clean league by enforcing a strict penalty system based on the S.N.A.I.L. OLR (which is a modified version of the GTP OLR). We also expect all of our drivers to know and follow The Good Racecraft Guide.
Please become versed in both if you aren't already. Once that is complete, please follow the steps below to complete your entry into the league:

1. You take the S.N.A.I.L. OLR and Racecraft Test

2. You run the Time Trial and submit your information by 23:59 EST on Saturday night if you want to race this Sunday.

3. @JLBowler PM's you with your assigned Division that we feel will give you the closest competition. You will be added to the drivers list.

4. The Race Director or Primary Host from the corresponding SNAIL Division will send you a PSN friend request. Sunday night you will need to sort the online lobbies by friends and join the lobby named 'snailracing.org Division_(x) based off your Division placement from JLBowler. That lobby will be where you race Sunday.

5. You drive fast and clean on Sunday 👍

The original post has everything you need to know about what to expect on Sunday night and what you will need to have completed in order to be competitive. If you have any questions, please feel free to post your question on the thread.

If you have a preference for car/wheel colour and racing number, please follow the instruction contained here.
To avoid duplication, the currently claimed combinations can be found here.

During the week we run a number of different events, we encourage all SNAILs to join as many as possible.

Welcome to S.N.A.I.L. :cheers:
Any news on new driver placements ?

I said new driver placements and promotion and relegation would all be done on Saturday. Saturday just started and it will be done by the time the day is over for me. Please notice what time zone I'm in and take that into consideration when I say what day something will be done.