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  • Thread starter zer05ive
D1 drivers heard me state that I had no practice this week and after qualifying dead last in the first race and finishing over 30 secs back, I voluntarily moved out of the way despite starting on the pole for race 2. I hoped to redeem myself at Nurburgring.

After a dismal qualifying outing and loss of control midway through the first lap, I bailed. Not only was I a liability on the track, I wasn't having fun.

While I'm positive the lack of practice had a significant impact on my (lack of) performance last night, I just don't like the lack of grip resulting from the new tire schedule.

That, coupled with my focus on another tuning prohibited series coming up, will likely mean my participation will be limited with SNAIL in the future. While I'll make events as I can, I can't guarantee I'll make every Sunday as required to avoid relegation. I'll be facing demotion anyway, if I stay, so ultimately it's not a big deal.

Good luck with everything. I hope things continue to prosper.

Hey Hogster,

Sorry to hear you're scaling back your S.N.A.I.L. activities. I'll update the drivers list to reflect that. Feel free to partake when you can.

If you could give us some notice when you're able to race Sundays it would be appreciated!


At that point I'm leading, and Dabney is charging his way through the pack. My palms start sweating. At one point I was up to 1.5 seconds ahead, but I was driving conservatively. Trying to save tires and not have an off. After Dabney got around Tez, it was obvious he wasn't racing for 2nd. He put the pressure on. Drafting up behind me... sticking a nose in here and there... totally clean, though. We swapped positions a couple of times, and I had the lead half way through the last lap, but with tires going away, I got loose coming out of a corner and that was all Dabney needed to scoot around me. I briefly thought about throwing a blocking move, but I knew that I was beat.
That was the most fun I've had with the SNAILS since that night of cat n mouse when Diabolic almost lapped me, but I came back and blew through everyone in the last turn. Thanks for the good times!

I don't know how I kept it clean; I passed you just before the hairpin, and I hit the grass right at the braking point. Somehow I managed to not spin it and not hit you. I have to watch it when I get home. Great racing!
I didn't have any time to practice (or participate in other events) this week. I was out of town on business. I got home Friday evening, bought the Alfa and set Bob loose on it, packed our stuff, and then got up and took the family camping on Saturday. I thought I already had a Mazda Roadster broken in, but I found out at the start of qualifying last night that it had engine tuning :/

So my expectations were pretty low, but it actually turned out to be a very fun evening. I got a good start in the first race and hung onto someone's draft (Psycho maybe?) for dear life and was able to keep pace pretty good finishing near the front. This put me near the back for the start of the 2nd race and just couldn't seem to make passes. Being a couple of HP down from the other "broken in" cars probably slowed me down a little, but I think it was more mental than anything.

I don't remember anything specific from races 3 and 4, but I do remember great battles throughout. Then I got my first taste of the Alfa. Wow. I actually hopped out of qualifying to make sure I had the correct tires. :) I remember getting a good mid-pack start in race 5 and slowly working my way forward. I was actually driving well, then I got complacent and dropped 2 tires in the grass. Ended up sliding into the sand, getting stuck, and getting passed by everyone.

Then race 6. Tez and I come out of turn 1 side by side. Even in the Alfa with cold tires, we manage to keep it civil through the sweepers... each leaving room for the other, but neither one backing down. I just knew we were both going to end up in a heap before it was through, but we kept it clean. At that point I'm leading, and Dabney is charging his way through the pack. My palms start sweating. At one point I was up to 1.5 seconds ahead, but I was driving conservatively. Trying to save tires and not have an off. After Dabney got around Tez, it was obvious he wasn't racing for 2nd. He put the pressure on. Drafting up behind me... sticking a nose in here and there... totally clean, though. We swapped positions a couple of times, and I had the lead half way through the last lap, but with tires going away, I got loose coming out of a corner and that was all Dabney needed to scoot around me. I briefly thought about throwing a blocking move, but I knew that I was beat.
That was the most fun I've had with the SNAILS since that night of cat n mouse when Diabolic almost lapped me, but I came back and blew through everyone in the last turn. Thanks for the good times!

Ahhhh Spooble, you were in dog fights all night. I was watching you and Dabney at the end of the 6th race. What a finish. I was hoping you could hold Dabney off because then we would have been tied for 1st. I was right behind you and Dabney until the last chicane corner were I slid a bit and finished about 3 seconds behind you for 3rd. Great racing last night!
Hey S.N.A.I.Ls, don't forget tonight is Monday Mayhem! Got a new Muscle Car dirty race that we will be trying out. followed by the great game on the track, Cat and Mouse!
At this point all I can say is WOW! I have to say that this has been a very difficult week for me and I even considered not racing tonight, but I am SO glad that I didn't wuss out. Last week I was allowed to stick a toe into Div 2 but I knew I was clearly not ready. As cool as it was I am glad to be back in Div 3. Here are some of my highlights of this evening:

1. I really, REALLY tried hard to race as clean as I could and tried to back off when I made a bad pass or couldn't pass cleanly. If anyone has an issue with my racing tonight I will humbly and gladly take a DQ for any grievances...

2. I really had some great moments tonight. A hole shot or two and actually led a few laps, only to throw it away due to lack of focus and general spastic tendencies! My point is that I was just having too much fun!

3. I am not sure what was going on but Garris and I seemed to find each other on several occasions and we had a couple of dogfights that were the most fun of the entire night. Garris, sir, you are an awesome racer and really look forward to battling with you again! As said before, if I was out of line at any time, I will gladly step down.

4. Who the heck was it that suggested that &^%$ 8C?? Oh yea, it was Sharky!! I have been cursing this evil machine all week. But....... After racing her tonight I understand what a cruel mistress she can be (and what an Evil Genius you are) I honestly have to say that all I could think about was as soon as I had the chance, I was gonna vote this car off the island. As of now, I really hope the 8C makes the cut. It really made me pay attention to everything and although it is by far one of the most difficult cars I have raced so far, I am determined to master the finesse it takes to drive something like this and I hope it sticks around for awhile! Nice choice!

Again, thank you all for a great night of racing. It really lifted my spirits and can't wait until next week!


Thanks for sharing this, Exo. I'm glad you didn't wuss out either! Just goes to show that when you're having a bad week and racing is the last thing you want to do on Sunday night, it's actually the one thing you should do! I'm really glad the night lifted your spirits - it's called S.N.A.I.L. therapy! :cheers:
I was hoping that Tez was going to hold you off! I knew I had to beat you by two places.

To be fair, that thought never crossed my mind; I just let both of you guys go past since I didn't want to ruin your races :)

Then I blew it on the last lap to wind up last anyway :lol:
Okay... several pages.

Devious, as to the lessons, I think just general driving lessons would be nice. There is nothing wrong with the course break down, but from my point of view, I understand the theory. I know most of the lines. I know what the car should be doing. I'm just not very good at getting it there.

Mind you, I haven't been able to making the tutoring sessions.

As to the races last night...

I hate the penalty system!

So, I watched the replay, and I thought I was going to file a protest, but I really can't see how that will work. So I'll just explain the whole thing now. And yes, I'm going to mention the drivers by name, they can weigh in. If anyone wants to watch the replay, I'll be uploading it shortly.

Last race of the evening, and we are going into the first two turns on the first lap. In the previous three races, I've always left the first turn several places down from where I started, simply because I'm being very cautious. And people are usually passing through me. This particular race was notably worse.

JaySin is infront of me. His back end gets loose and he starts sliding sideways. I slow down to keep from hitting him. Aubdogg is behind me, and Chief is behind him. Chief hits Aub and Aub hits me. This forces me to hit JaySin.

I now get a collision penalty! It wasn't my fault. If not for the dominoes behind me, I wouldn't hit anything.

To make the situation worse, Aubdogg is now ghost. He passes through me because I'm under speed restriction.

Fine, I can live with the fact that we aren't professional drivers and Jay got sideways and Chief and Aubdogg stuffed me. That is just racing, that is the name of the game. But then I get penalized twice over.

JaySin, the one that started going sideways, gets out of the corner before me. I catch back up to him half a lap later. He gets sideways again. It is on a straight, and I see him going to the right. So, I move a little to the left.

Yes, as would be my luck, he catches the grass and the wall and shots back infront of me. I hit him, and my car is totaled.

Fine, I can live with that. That is racing. Stuff happens. It wasn't my fault at all, but it was racing.

But I got another collision penalty! So yes, in addition to my car being totaled for an accident that wasn't my fault, I get a penalty.
You've got the worst luck, Vol. I don't think I've gotten a single collision penalty during any of the S.N.A.I.L. races that I've been in, and I've now been in quite a few.
Normally, I just get short cut penalties because I am spinning out of control or trying to avoid an accident infront of me. Again, I get a penalty when I'm already suffering. :/
I think the Penalty system is what it is, needed, but flawed. While it doesn't take care of every situation, it does many things we take for granted that are important. like shortcuts for one. I do understand and sympathize with you Garris.
Okay... several pages.

Devious, as to the lessons, I think just general driving lessons would be nice. There is nothing wrong with the course break down, but from my point of view, I understand the theory. I know most of the lines. I know what the car should be doing. I'm just not very good at getting it there.

Mind you, I haven't been able to making the tutoring sessions.

As to the races last night...

I hate the penalty system!

So, I watched the replay, and I thought I was going to file a protest, but I really can't see how that will work. So I'll just explain the whole thing now. And yes, I'm going to mention the drivers by name, they can weigh in. If anyone wants to watch the replay, I'll be uploading it shortly.

Last race of the evening, and we are going into the first two turns on the first lap. In the previous three races, I've always left the first turn several places down from where I started, simply because I'm being very cautious. And people are usually passing through me. This particular race was notably worse.

JaySin is infront of me. His back end gets loose and he starts sliding sideways. I slow down to keep from hitting him. Aubdogg is behind me, and Chief is behind him. Chief hits Aub and Aub hits me. This forces me to hit JaySin.

I now get a collision penalty! It wasn't my fault. If not for the dominoes behind me, I wouldn't hit anything.

To make the situation worse, Aubdogg is now ghost. He passes through me because I'm under speed restriction.

Fine, I can live with the fact that we aren't professional drivers and Jay got sideways and Chief and Aubdogg stuffed me. That is just racing, that is the name of the game. But then I get penalized twice over.

JaySin, the one that started going sideways, gets out of the corner before me. I catch back up to him half a lap later. He gets sideways again. It is on a straight, and I see him going to the right. So, I move a little to the left.

Yes, as would be my luck, he catches the grass and the wall and shots back infront of me. I hit him, and my car is totaled.

Fine, I can live with that. That is racing. Stuff happens. It wasn't my fault at all, but it was racing.

But I got another collision penalty! So yes, in addition to my car being totaled for an accident that wasn't my fault, I get a penalty.

I haven't watched the replay yet, but I'm sorry you had to be the one I got in the way of. Both times even, talk about luck... If I remember correctly, I was pushed off the road the first time, which caused me to spin out (Don't know by who though). The second time was just driving error on my part, at a spot I'm usually pretty good at even. Just wasn't used to that car I guess.

I do agree though, the penalty system is horrible. I've been on the wrong end of that stick many times. Then the people doing the bumping and shoving seem to get away without penalty most of the time.
If people are bumping and shoving, put up a complaint. Whether or not it changes any of the standings in any of the divisions is irrelevant. We want this to be the cleanest league hosted on :gtplanet:, so we'll see to it that things are set straight.

The penalty system is certainly flawed. In general, ghosting is stupid. On the other hand, though, I have made a few stupid moves that would have caused a lot of people frustration and loss. Thankfully, the penalty system ghosted me as I went sailing through them after missing a braking point, hurtling me…and only me…into the nearest wall, where I could pay penance for my wrongdoings.

A necessary evil, I believe.
I agree with garris. The penalty system needs work. There are pros and cons to both using it and not using it, but if put to a vote, I would vote to turn penalties off.

- Ghosting cars. Might be ok for Pub rooms, but has no place in SNAIL.
- Collision penalties. Same deal. We police this ourselves. Don't need the system to do it (incorrectly most times).
- Shortcut Penalties. The only thing it comes close to getting right, but even that isn't 100%. We have our own guidelines for edge of track boundaries and it doesn't match up with the penalty system, anyway. Plus, our steward network is already in place to review allegations.

The only tough spot is how to self-penalize if you accidentally cut a corner too tight. But I think if everyone knows that the penalty for taking advantage of a short cut is a DQ, then they'll be sure to slow up enough to "give back" any time that they gained via the dirty corner.
There's definitely pros and cons to the penalty system. Does anyone else hate the penalty system as much as Vol does? If so, now's the time to speak up!

Vol, it seems like you need to let off some steam.. Monday Mayhem is just what the doctor ordered! You should jump in here!

EDIT: Ninja'd by spooble, almost verbatim in some places! :lol:
btw spooble.. this is one of my favorite posts ever!

My favorite line: "After Dabney got around Tez, it was obvious he wasn't racing for 2nd."

just plain awesome 👍
I agree that the penalty system is pretty awful, but then again thats likely just because, using the DS3 as I do, it's hard to clip an apex just right without unintentionaly shortcuting the corner. Idealy I'd like to see penalties go away, but the system we'd have to replace it with would have to be even more harsh to have any sort of "deterent" effect.

Also, I'd like to appologize to kcheeb for the run-in we had in race 5. I'm not sure who was at fault there, but I do know that, despite my best efforts to give him room, cheeb ended up in the grass. I'm gonna go over that replay again to see if I can figure out exactly what happened.
Also, I'd like to appologize to kcheeb for the run-in we had in race 5. I'm not sure who was at fault there, but I do know that, despite my best efforts to give him room, cheeb ended up in the grass. I'm gonna go over that replay again to see if I can figure out exactly what happened.

I'm not sure it was you racefan. I remember clinging to a vague semblance of control and watching it slip through my fingers! I was glad I didn't take anyone with me!

Also, devious I watched the replay from race 4, that also was my own doing. I was enjoying racing you and being able to keep you somewhat at bay and then missed a brake point and turn in, went wide and got a deserved penalty. Thanks for waiting, at the time I wasn't sure if you got a penalty too by following my bad lead or you were waiting. I should have said something, sorry.
Also, race 4 was by far the most intense experience I've ever had with GT5. Trying to hold on to the lead with the top drivers in the league doing everything they can to catch you is not an easy thing to do. I'm honestly suprised I pulled that one off, but it was SO much fun :)

Edit: That's good to know cheeb, I guess we were just all out of control on that first run with the 8C
Also, race 4 was by far the most intense experience I've ever had with GT5. Trying to hold on to the lead with the top drivers in the league doing everything they can to catch you is not an easy thing to do. I'm honestly suprised I pulled that one off, but it was SO much fun :)

Edit: That's good to know cheeb, I guess we were just all out of control on that first run with the 8C

That's so much fun hey and congrats on holding them off 👍 When you're in a group and racing clean the adrenalin is phenomenal.

I've said it before but it takes me a good hour of unwinding to get to sleep after the races.
Well, my PS3 is dead.

It was looking pretty normal leading up to the race last night. I hadn't restored my a_garris data, yet, because I didn't want it to ruin anything else. I only had one case of an incomplete boot (just a wave, no XMB menu).

This morning, I boot it up to copy off the replays. Again, I get the wave and nothing else. I force it to shut down and boot it again. It lets me in. I copy off the replays (and save my Vol_Jbolaz GT5 data) and it shuts down normally.

Now, it won't boot. Just a wave. I force it down and into safe mode. I tell it to rebuild the filesystem. It tries over and over and over again, but it keeps falling back to trying to fix the file system. Sometimes it even gets to 100%, but then when it reboots itself, it gets the same, "The hard disk's file system is corrupted and will be restored."

I put it into safe mode one more time to rebuild the databases, but it can't find the OS. I'll have to completely restore it again, and then install everything again.

I'll have to see if it is still under warranty. See if replacing the HDD is an option, or if my only option is to replace the entire thing. I know I'll be out on Tuesday. No idea how much longer I'll be out.
Well, my PS3 is dead.

It was looking pretty normal leading up to the race last night. I hadn't restored my a_garris data, yet, because I didn't want it to ruin anything else. I only had one case of an incomplete boot (just a wave, no XMB menu).

This morning, I boot it up to copy off the replays. Again, I get the wave and nothing else. I force it to shut down and boot it again. It lets me in. I copy off the replays (and save my Vol_Jbolaz GT5 data) and it shuts down normally.

Now, it won't boot. Just a wave. I force it down and into safe mode. I tell it to rebuild the filesystem. It tries over and over and over again, but it keeps falling back to trying to fix the file system. Sometimes it even gets to 100%, but then when it reboots itself, it gets the same, "The hard disk's file system is corrupted and will be restored."

I put it into safe mode one more time to rebuild the databases, but it can't find the OS. I'll have to completely restore it again, and then install everything again.

I'll have to see if it is still under warranty. See if replacing the HDD is an option, or if my only option is to replace the entire thing. I know I'll be out on Tuesday. No idea how much longer I'll be out.

That bites garris, I hope you get it sorted quick!