I cannot wait for the snow and ice to melt!
(Which will allow me to empty my side of the garage when it's not freezy cold or snow)
I ignominiously begin with...
"Dexter, the gutless scum puppy from hell." I told girls I had a blue, '79 'Vette and hoped it was dark enough they couldn't tell. It seldom worked. Somehow, I drove this cross country. By myself. Through two snow storms. 2,800 miles, 4.5 days. $50 left in my pocket when I arrived. No wipers. Someone needed to grow up. Oops. Still haven't.
When Dexter got shaky, I was given my grandfather's car:
1963 Dodge Dart. The Transmission... OK... kinda different....
When the neighbor (un)helpfully killed that car (long story, but I have a rule - I always win - clean or dirty, or just a big surprise, and this was no different), I was going into the Army after college so I bought a 'cheaper than a Honda' - Hyundai Sontata. Ooops. Get whatcha pay for.
That didn't last long, so I picked up a Saturn SW2 for a couple of years, then I gave it to my wife and my wife drove it into the ground.
Once we had kids, I needed something better, so she ditched her old car, took the Saturn, and I grabbed our first Subaru. Once again, I drove it for several years and then when the Subaru finally dies, my wife takes this one finishes it off (she has 75 miles of DC / Beltway and stop'n go daily, she's good at the car-killing).
My current ride is strictly utilitarian - it works. 1.8 miles and 2 lights to work, and OMG of traffic to practices and scouts. The ... Yawn... Honda Odyssey. Can't wait until the kids both go to college...
Once she killed the old Subaru three years ago, my lovely wife picked up a new Outback. That car is going to take some serious work to get hurt - seriously seems bulletproof. Her mom - 85 years old - bought a car two years ago, got rid of the '83 Bonneville and picked up a '11 Subaru Outback as well to get to work.
OK - that is it... and once I get the garage cleaned out to get something
fun... You guys have better rides, I can't wait to get a car for
me, and not Boy Scouts, Soccer, Girl Scouts, and everything else.
That, and I'll miss all the stuff in the paragraph or two above. Get me a cool car to drive and try to forget the other things I wish I still had.