Yes your right Birdy. My point is invalid, Kart life I think has a couple 11yr olds.
I hope I get back in town for this 11yr old entertainment SUNDAY. I'll be trying very hard to win, and pick a realistic car at a realistic track for a realistic combo. Hope this isn't to immature for a certain individual. So sorry kid, hooked on phonics might be some good reading material. I'm I whining too, oops.
I can vote now, I'll go with the VW @ HSR.
Just kinda sad I spend a lot of money on wheels, chair, console etc. GT the real simulator, think that's what they call the game, and not the real FAKE simulator. I do race with other leagues and I know I don't have to race here, but the competition is the best here.
Sorry if I pee'd in anyone's Wheaties, just that one individual that had to start name calling, needs a good