◆ SNAIL [Spec] Racing - Currently Recruiting for GT7 - JOIN TODAY!!Open 

  • Thread starter zer05ive
Quite a few pylons down in that video. Remember that you are not allowed to strike any off track objects such as brake markers, cones, and pylons. Still an impressive time. I only saw two or three spots that would be on the edge of being OB and only two spots where he would have hit a pylon if it were still there. I guess you have to weight your options and ask if a few seconds is worth the possibility of losing 5 points?

There were a number of us in there through the evening. I know that while searching for a faster line, I murdered a few cones... Was a great learning room there for sure, thanks again K1utch for letting brntguy do up the video of you and your torqued chassis. :)
There were a number of us in there through the evening. I know that while searching for a faster line, I murdered a few cones... Was a great learning room there for sure, thanks again K1utch for letting brntguy do up the video of you and your torqued chassis. :)
Lol yea my chassis was horribly distorted. The car was fighting me all around the track and bouncing out wide on alot of the corners. Yea the cones were brutally destroyed since we were in a practice lobby so I was trying to avoid them. I did get a little too tight on the right hander where a cone was supposed to be but other than that I think it was a clean run. I pushed the boundaries to the limit and went for it cause that is where all the time Is on this track so no complaints. Next time if I ever get another chance to record a lap again I'll work on my instructions of the track and talk more about the layout and braking points plus the OB sections of the track. Either way it was a blast. So hope I can be more helpful in the future. See everyone later
Quite a few pylons down in that video. Remember that you are not allowed to strike any off track objects such as brake markers, cones, and pylons. Still an impressive time. I only saw two or three spots that would be on the edge of being OB and only two spots where he would have hit a pylon if it were still there. I guess you have to weight your options and ask if a few seconds is worth the possibility of losing 5 points?
Every race I've been in I come around on the second lap and there are pylons all over the road!
I try and miss them and usually can but last night I barley clipped one, it's a very fine line!
Lol yea my chassis was horribly distorted. The car was fighting me all around the track and bouncing out wide on alot of the corners. Yea the cones were brutally destroyed since we were in a practice lobby so I was trying to avoid them. I did get a little too tight on the right hander where a cone was supposed to be but other than that I think it was a clean run. I pushed the boundaries to the limit and went for it cause that is where all the time Is on this track so no complaints. Next time if I ever get another chance to record a lap again I'll work on my instructions of the track and talk more about the layout and braking points plus the OB sections of the track. Either way it was a blast. So hope I can be more helpful in the future. See everyone later
Just Pm me to setup another time/track to do for the next installment of K1utch's Hot Tips!


As the co-series director , we are happy to announce the formation of the new Project CARS World Road Racing Challenge! Taking the lessons learned from both the RCS and TCS series, we bring you the first official SNAIL weekly series using the new Project CARS platform.

The new Project CARS World Road Racing Challenge takes the best from both TCS and RCS as this 4 week per season will feature three 25 minute races each week using different classification of racing cars each week on some of the best tracks Project CARS has to offer.

Below are some of the following details
  • Using PS4
  • Season 1 starts Tuesday June 9th, 2015 (pre-season race starts this week 6/2/15)
  • Tuesday Nights starting @ 8:00pm eastern (KOQ) with Main Event starting @ 9:00pm eastern
  • Season 1 Schedule - Nurburgring Sprint, Watkins Glen Short, Dubai Autodrome International & Le Circuit Bugatti
  • Season 1 Car - BMW M3 Gr.A (E30)

We currently have 17 drivers confirmed with only a couple spots remaining. We are now accepting new drivers by signing up at the official World Road Racing Challenge thread in the Project Cars Sub-forum here at GTPlanet

The first season starts in a few days and would be happy to have some quality SNAILS join the fun. Space is limited so if your interested, don't delay.

If you have any questions about the series, please let me know. Hope to see you on the track.

Regards, Grim, Zii & Warden
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Hi Snail, may I join please, thanks, Jim. 52yrs, long time GT player, Logitech GTFB wheel, quite quick, very clean : )


Here's your official SNAIL Welcome Post!
Thanks for your interest!
Here's what you need to know (and do) in order to join:

We run a clean league by enforcing a strict penalty system based on the SNAIL OLR (which is a modified version of the GTP OLR). We also expect all of our drivers to know and follow The Good Racecraft Guide. Please become versed in both if you aren't already. Once that is complete, please follow the steps below to complete your entry into the league:

1. You start a conversation and add @CoachMK21, @Dragonwhisky, @JLBowler, @nmcp1 & @zer05ive as participants. The conversation title should be "Request To Join".

2. SNAIL Administrators will respond with specific instructions on what you need to accomplish to join the SNAIL [Spec] Racing club. Sunday races are organized exclusively through the GT6 Community features within the game.

3. Place the following links (URLs) in the favorites (or bookmarks) in your web browser for quick reference. Please make every effort to read and understand the following links. Over the years a great deal of time and effort has gone into creating this league and we would like nothing more than to have you but we ask that you take the time and effort to do your homework. 99.9% of any question you may have about SNAIL can be found in the posts below.
4. You drive fast and clean on Sunday 👍

Again, the original post has everything you need to know about what to expect on Sunday night and what you will need to have completed in order to be competitive. If you have any questions, please feel free to post your question on the thread. If you have a preference for car/wheel colour and racing number, please follow the instruction contained here.

During the week we run a number of different events, we encourage all SNAILs to join as many as possible.
Welcome to SNAIL :cheers:
Hi again, thanks for the above but when I try to start the 'Request To Join' conversation I get,

'The following recipients could not be found: @CoachMK21, @Dragonwhisky, @JLBowler, @nmcp1 & @zer05ive'

As is customary with all Europeans, please note that the start time is in the middle of the night for you. We have a bunch of Old Continent drivers, some even farther East than the UK (maybe @STEAMER62, @Engmatic1 and @turnupdaheat can share some secrets on doing it), but it's a commitment on very early Monday morning.
@brntguy how did you get the commentary and record the lap?
I have HD capture and can either upload as I run or upload a replay!
I just spectated him in the online lobby those guys were running in. I have my settings so if I don't have my mic setup the lobby chat comes thru the speakers on my tv. Which is thru my pvr pass through, so I record that feed which picks up the lobby chat pretty clearly. Of course I have the racing/ambient sounds down a bit too. That was a live lap and his commentary live to it,no replay.
I just spectated him in the online lobby those guys were running in. I have my settings so if I don't have my mic setup the lobby chat comes thru the speakers on my tv. Which is thru my pvr pass through, so I record that feed which picks up the lobby chat pretty clearly. Of course I have the racing/ambient sounds down a bit too. That was a live lap and his commentary live to it,no replay.
ok thanks @brntguy what's "PVR"?
I'm about to get on and attempt the same with @dgaf95integra
Been a while since I've posted one of these.


Click the table above for more detail. If would like to add or edit your data please click this link.
Been a while since I've posted one of these.

View attachment 378814

Click the table above for more detail. If would like to add or edit your data please click this link.

I won't change age categories until next year, thank goodness.


SNAILS - Different question... Ok - wife realizes I loathe the minivan - driven it twice since I took my son's car as a backup - and "Lola" can't be my only DD runner, we have two kids, with overlapping pickup and carpool issues.

I want 1 car at home to have the ability to carry 8' 2x4 studs or similar, but infrequently. My wonderful and far better half has a Subaru Outback she loves, we should be good on my requirement. The other, non-Subaru car has to be able to take 4 people for a 500 mile road-trip comfortably. With...Outside chance of 5 people.... The fifth being my 89 year old mother in law joining my over 6' son and nearly 6' daughter in the back. The need for legroom in the back is real.

I am considering a 2001-2003 M5 or maybe an M3 of some era. I wondered about a WRX Sti - not sure on space in back and occasional cargo. I had been looking at a Mazda speed 3 (with Turbo) for cargo, but when I found the cargo worked in my wife's car, I was happy to consider other ideas!

Unsurprisingly...My 'second agenda' is to have a backup DE or Autocross car. I will sell or trade my 2007 Odyssey, but I don't want to go hog wild - I need to leave "Lola" some allowance for new dancing shoes, etc. I am good with RWD as I do not need to commute in snow.

Given the limits above...What would you recommend for... $20,000 or so? DE Capable, 4/5 passenger, 4 door?
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Is there any chance of doing the TT today?? I have been busy with work this week and have not had a chance to practice.
If you've been invited to the club all you should need to do is accept the invite and the New Driver TT will be available for you to complete.

If that was your concern anyway.