◆ SNAIL [Spec] Racing - Currently Recruiting for GT7 - JOIN TODAY!!Open 

  • Thread starter zer05ive
Planning on opening a practice room for the Scooby soon. Anyone interested?

:cheers: anyway let's try it out, open lobby or community stuff?
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Where am at, so far on the last round of 2015 GT Academy, still need to push I have major potential...

Last night I was 1700 in the world which( if I didn't miss anyone) was 11th in Canada. I think I counted @RobbiefromBC in 5th for team Canada :sly:
.....Too bad we don't qualify :lol:

....don't know if I'll try again that was almost 2hrs and I got 3 clean laps in
You have really good skills.
While I didn't get Bronze on round 1 because I can't get used to the fact that the NISMO GTR weighs more than a Honda Odyssey.

Yeah true this car gives me a hard time, but i'm actually getting used to it, the only thing i'm really scared of is those cones.... :/ :nervous: :grumpy: and thanks for that I appreciate it.. :gtpflag:
I had to retry sooo many times and I still am, red.. red.. red RED RED RED!!!!!!! hahaha lol.
For me it's all the first sector. I always 🤬 something up. I don't ever want to see the fast lap red lol. I always restart , restart restart:lol:. Other than the 3 laps that counted I probably went around the whole track 2 other times. And before I put that third lap in I was about to start smashing things in my house.:banghead:
Last night I was 1700 in the world which( if I didn't miss anyone) was 11th in Canada. I think I counted @RobbiefromBC in 5th for team Canada :sly:
.....Too bad we don't qualify :lol:

....don't know if I'll try again that was almost 2hrs and I got 3 clean laps in
@USERID_77a23 @RobbiefromBC @Mike Lobban
Team Canada...that would be the "eh? Team" right Hannibal? With Robbie as "B.A." and Mike Lobban as "Howlin' Mad" Murdoch or face man...take your pick...
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Where am at, so far on the last round of 2015 GT Academy, still need to push I have major potential...

For sure dude, keep at it and you'll get it. It's such a long, difficult to complete lap I'm sure a lot of people have invalidated more fast laps than they've finished. (Me included)

For me it's all the first sector. I always 🤬 something up. I don't ever want to see the fast lap red lol. I always restart , restart restart:lol:. Other than the 3 laps that counted I probably went around the whole track 2 other times. And before I put that third lap in I was about to start smashing things in my house.:banghead:

Oh man the number of times I've hit the cone for the right turn onto the straight while .5 faster than my PB is infuriatingly high xD (I finally nailed it on my current lap but it took foreverrrrr)

Best way to get in a fast lap is to get in a lot of laps even if they're red, eventually you'll get more comfortable with the car and track limits. Try to keep it clean and smooooth (and very patient with the throttle) in the first sector and the last where the cones are the most punishing, and restart as little as possible (especially if you're near the end of the lap) It's better to start a lap still in the rhythm of the car than to restart. Plus the first braking point from the restart is in a totally different place than from a hot lap.

It's such a long lap, even if you have a "slow" first sector you can make it up in the middle of the track (chicanes, Mulsanne corner, Indianapolis, Porsche curves).

I'm just now getting to the point where I'm comfortable getting the car to go fairly close to the cones, and that's after at least 6 full hours total in the car. (3hrs opening night, 3hrs during the day yesterday)

Once you're more comfortable doing laps, focus on improving one sector at a time.

I threw away soooo many 29s and 28s before I ever got one, several on the LAST CONE on the final chicane. The car really needs to be slowed down more than normal for an LMP for the slow corners, and you hardly need brakes for the Porsche curves at all if you get the lines right.

One more tip: The hybrid system dumps it's power starting at ~120mph (118? would be 190km/h), so it's best to shift into 3rd just before that and have the wheel straight to make best use of the power dump.
Might give the time trial a go again later tonight... My fast lap was my only clean lap lol I hope to be able to break into the 28's after I familiarize myself with the car. Very interesting car for sure, lots of trail braking seems like the way to go
Assetto Corsa coming to PS4 next year. Kaz needs to get GT7 out and it needs to be a huge step up from the unfinished game that is GT6. If PD doesn't make some serious advancements in force feedback, tire model, AI, and physics they are going to fall into the same category of Need 4 Speed and be nothing more than an arcade game. They had the console all to themselves for a long time. Now there is real competition and other games are showing us what is possible.
Jeez JL, i really hope that's true because from what I've watched before on YouTube, Assetto also looks like really, really good sim.
And, i agree with your thoughts regarding GranTurismo. If PD doesn't make a real efford to bring the game to a new level, they're dead! This embarrassing Peogeot VGT is an excellent example of how outdated this game is. Did you guys had a laugh with the downshifting sound like i had???
You know... Sometimes I wonder if Kaz still gives two 🤬 about this franchise or if he's way more into enjoying his immense bank account traveling and having fun with wife and kids.
I know, it's a double post, gimmy the fishies....

My 1st attempt at banners, if they're sub-par, I'll understand.









Awesome, more contributing!
For banner photos, try to keep the car away from the edge of the picture. Also, try to use the rule of thirds. If you drew a tic tac toe board over your image, dividing it into 9 sections, try to put the subject on one of the intersections.
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Better late than never, right? Banners for the past! Rednose with the hat trick here. Want to see some more pictures to choose from for this weeks combos!

Photo credit to @Rednose58
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Photo credit to @Rednose58
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Photo credit to @Rednose58
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Updated Combo table. I still need a few things to finalize the settings (Post oil PP and HP for the Subie). It certainly will be a strong Japanese flavour for the weekend with all three cars and one track coming from Japan.
Thanks guys! The lineup post has been updated! :gtpflag: