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  • Thread starter zer05ive
Could someone point me in the right direction for the snail livery, that I believe I can add to my cars? I know you guys had gone to the huge effort to produce one. Any help is appreciated.

Thank you.
Could someone point me in the right direction for the snail livery, that I believe I can add to my cars? I know you guys had gone to the huge effort to produce one. Any help is appreciated.

Thank you.

Snail Livery is a blank canvas. There are a few decals available that have been shared via the game "discover"
The Snail LOGO SnailRacing.org Decal and I uploaded and Turbo Snail.

the Green Jalapeño liveries above are created from scratch in free form.

Shouldn't you be testing for Prize A or something ?

If Head Minion starts playing during work time, then all the minions are going to play too and no production will follow. Chaos will break and the end of civilization as we know it.

I was planning to keep testing tonight... but ehhh... Who can view the available times at Alsace?
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Snail Livery is a blank canvas. There are a few decals available that have been shared via the game "discover"
The Snail LOGO SnailRacing.org Decal and I uploaded and Turbo Snail.

the Green Jalapeño liveries above are created from scratch in free form.


If Head Minion starts playing during work time, then all the minions are going to play too and no production will follow. Chaos will break and the end of civilization as we know it.

I was planning to keep testing tonight... but ehhh... Who can view the available times at Alsace?
Cheers Wolf!
If Head Minion starts playing during work time, then all the minions are going to play too and no production will follow. Chaos will break and the end of civilization as we know it.

I was planning to keep testing tonight... but ehhh... Who can view the available times at Alsace?

That's why my desk is set up in a way that any of the minions that come into my office can't see what's on my screens. Even my manager that shares the office with me can't see what's on my screens. I can have my email open on one screen, work on a second, and play on the third one.
That's why my desk is set up in a way that any of the minions that come into my office can't see what's on my screens. Even my manager that shares the office with me can't see what's on my screens. I can have my email open on one screen, work on a second, and play on the third one.
3 screens?! I thought I was fancy with my measly 2
3 screens?! I thought I was fancy with my measly 2

And they are all 24". I work with a lot of data entry and management along with a microscope that displays on the screen to inspect product. The multiple / bigger screens are supposed to help with eye strain.
I have 3 on my desk, the middle one is vertical and the other two are horizontal all in a line. The horizontal ones are cloned together so I can have another person at my desk to pair program and we each see the same thing. We also have 2 keyboards and 2 mice for each desk so its all just ready to go.
Ok. Let's get to the task at hand... who can provide or knows the available race times for Alsace?

They won't let me have a PS4 at work.

I can understand having 3 but 6?? what are they security guards?
Probably programmers of some kind or dealing with complex auto cad or other blueprint program. I have done some stuff with flow charts in Visio where three just barely does the job.
I only have two screens, however, I am in my own office in the building, so when the door is shut, that means "Do Not Disturb", and I rarely have anyone knocking on the door, so I really can't complain. Not too mention everyone knows I usually browse the net on a regular basis(usually GTPlanet, Kijiji,E-bay) but not before the work is done, or sometimes being done at the same time, Lol.
Hello there fellas! I hope you are all well and I have to apologise for falling out of contact over the last few months. For a number of positive reasons, mainly business related, it just became impossible to stay up the crazy early Monday morning hours to race with SNAIL so I had to come to the tough decision to pull away from the series.

After roughly 3 and a half years racing with SNAIL and making so many new friends it wasn't an easy decision and I do miss racing with you guys. I'm delighted to see the growth in membership now that GT Sport has finally landed and perhaps I'll get a chance to drop in to say hello and get some tracktime during one of your practice sessions at some stage.
Prize A Announcement -
Porsche 911 GT3 RS 2016 (253K) @ Alsace 09:00 Cloudy (for photo reasons)
Lap times: 02:10

This is the Road Car version... some got the racing version yesterday as it has almost an identical name.

Question to the BoD - With the 2 lap qualifier we are saving a bit of time. When we have combos that barely go over the 2 min lap time, it seems that we should be able to increase it to 6 laps given the savings of the new qually procedure.

This was brought up yesterday during the test session.

Are the combos posted yet? :dopey:
Without stepping on too many toes, may I ask the BoD why the qualifying has been cut down in the first place? I might not have been around when it was made public knowledge.
Prize A Announcement -
Porsche 911 GT3 RS 2016 (253K) @ Alsace 09:00 Cloudy (for photo reasons)
Lap times: 02:10

This is the Road Car version... some got the racing version yesterday as it has almost an identical name.
Oh Boy..I knew you were gonna do that...I gotta go home early today and start practicing, Lol.
Prize A Announcement -
Porsche 911 GT3 RS 2016 (253K) @ Alsace 09:00 Cloudy (for photo reasons)
Lap times: 02:10

This is the Road Car version... some got the racing version yesterday as it has almost an identical name.

Question to the BoD - With the 2 lap qualifier we are saving a bit of time. When we have combos that barely go over the 2 min lap time, it seems that we should be able to increase it to 6 laps given the savings of the new qually procedure.

This was brought up yesterday during the test session.

Are the combos posted yet? :dopey:

The short answer is no. The reason for cutting qualifying time is to deal with random visitors and connection issues and to not allow some divisions to take extra qualifying time. If the future brings private lobbies then the time for races may be revisited.
The reason for cutting qualifying time is to deal with random visitors

Does anyone know if they've fixed the "friends only" lobby bugs? Maybe with the latest update? I know there was talk of using this when Sport first launched but was scraped because it was buggy. If its fixed then we wouldnt have issues with any non snails joining lobbies on race night and having the potential of them botching your qualifying lap.
I have a scaled down version of her that deals with any calls or visitors from the outside. She doesn't let anyone through without checking with us first on the phone or in person. As for the internal people, they can just walk in whenever but certain individuals know better then to bring me their problems. Those individual's problems that they perceive to be my problems are really just their own issues that they haven't handled and they know that I will tell them that so they don't usually bother as it just makes more work for them.

That may sound bad but my position in dealing with warranty claims is the turn around point in the process. I make the decision on weather or not something is covered under warranty. If I haven't made that decision yet, it's because someone hasn't given me all the information yet. That is the only time people really bother me, when I haven't given a disposition yet. Once I make the decision, I send it on to the next person that has to deal with it and then track the progress so I end up having to follow up and get these other people to finish their job. Nothing like trying to get a salesmen to tell a grower that we are not going to give you all new product because your irrigation system isn't designed for what you're trying to do. They need a little kick in the hind parts to get them to deliver that message.

Does anyone know if they've fixed the "friends only" lobby bugs? Maybe with the latest update? I know there was talk of using this when Sport first launched but was scraped because it was buggy. If its fixed then we wouldnt have issues with any non snails joining lobbies on race night and having the potential of them botching your qualifying lap.

While the "friends only" lobby seems like a nice idea, it was kind of a pain when we used it in the past. What if the regular host or backup isn't racing? There's a scramble to get everyone on the friends list of another host. Previously you had to accept the friend request and both players had to leave the game and relaunch before the system would recognize the two as friends and show the room. It was a mess. If all of that was fixed and we knew that the host or backup would always be there, it could work. I think "friends only" rooms are limited to fixed host as well. That presents another set of issues. While it may help with some connection issues, fixed host does not fix the connection issues, it just shows them in a different way. Additionally, it makes the whole room dependent upon one connection which can be a good thing or a bad thing.
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I worked in service at a couple of places...making that warranty call can be great fun ;) On one hand you want to take care of the good customers and give the techs some easy warranty work, on the other hand the manufacturer doesn't take kindly to abuse of this either.
I worked in service at a couple of places...making that warranty call can be great fun ;) On one hand you want to take care of the good customers and give the techs some easy warranty work, on the other hand the manufacturer doesn't take kindly to abuse of this either.

We are the manufacturer. We work under the premise that if it's our fault, we will take care of the customer. If it's not our fault, we'll tell you why it's not and tell you how to fix your problem but you're not getting anything replaced under warranty.
I have a scaled down version of her that deals with any calls or visitors from the outside. She doesn't let anyone through without checking with us first on the phone or in person. As for the internal people, they can just walk in whenever but certain individuals know better then to bring me their problems. Those individual's problems that they perceive to be my problems are really just their own issues that they haven't handled and they know that I will tell them that so they don't usually bother as it just makes more work for them.

That may sound bad but my position in dealing with warranty claims is the turn around point in the process. I make the decision on weather or not something is covered under warranty. If I haven't made that decision yet, it's because someone hasn't given me all the information yet. That is the only time people really bother me, when I haven't given a disposition yet. Once I make the decision, I send it on to the next person that has to deal with it and then track the progress so I end up having to follow up and get these other people to finish their job. Nothing like trying to get a salesmen to tell a grower that we are not going to give you all new product because your irrigation system isn't designed for what you're trying to do. They need a little kick in the hind parts to get them to deliver that message.

This is great, it sounds just like my workplace. Most of what I deal with is people that just can't quite function within our rules based on their own personal agenda. I've actually found it to be surprisingly entertaining as the years have passed. I've also mastered the skills of exposing a persons inability to accept responsibility for their actions or behavior.

While the "friends only" lobby seems like a nice idea, it was kind of a pain when we used it in the past. What if the regular host or backup isn't racing? There's a scramble to get everyone on the friends list of another host. Previously you had to accept the friend request and both players had to leave the game and relaunch before the system would recognize the two as friends and show the room. It was a mess. If all of that was fixed and we knew that the host or backup would always be there, it could work. I think "friends only" rooms are limited to fixed host as well. That presents another set of issues. While it may help with some connection issues, fixed host does not fix the connection issues, it just shows them in a different way. Additionally, it makes the whole room dependent upon one connection which can be a good thing or a bad thing.