◆ SNAIL [Spec] Racing - Currently Recruiting for GT7 - JOIN TODAY!!Open 

  • Thread starter zer05ive
@JLBowler The link for the TT is not working.

Pretty sure that it is. Five other guys have submitted one today and I just checked the link in my post above.

Are you not getting to the form or is the form not submitting? If the form is not submitting, make sure you have all the required fields filled in correctly.
Livery for the Porsche this week.

Lots of technical issues tonight for me when joining the SNAIL Lobby. Stuck to the track 3x's (sorry guys) and then blue screen errors when attempting to rejoin the room after leaving. :banghead:

Everyone going for Thursday Practice should follow the same sunday protocol. Always reset your equipment and clear cache. It HELPs!

I think next week i will be limiting the practice room size to 14. we need an alternate host. Secondly, while I am usually very good at multitasking... having a TEXTER helper to deal with the room helps a lot. Where that talking Penguin when you need one?

Blue screen? GTSport runs on Windows98?

Windows 3.1
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Everyone going for Thursday Practice should follow the same sunday protocol. Always reset your equipment and clear cache. It HELPs!

I think next week i will be limiting the practice room size to 14. we need an alternate host. Secondly, while I am usually very good at multitasking... having a TEXTER helper to deal with the room helps a lot. Where that talking Penguin when you need one?

Windows 3.1

In just 3 weeks time, i will be helping to be the alternate host for the 2nd room for Thursday night practice. Will be a blast racing against you all again. I know first thing i will do will be the circuit experiences then driving school 2nd. Mission challenges to be last. Will look to see on official race nights how the room is run before i offer to host for that division. To get used to the physics as well of the game.
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Hey SNAIL crew. Beginning tomorrow night I will be live streaming all of my sim racing efforts via my YouTube channel. I don't expect many people to watch al the way through as the endurance events are lengthy in total time but please subscribe if you are mildly interested to pop in every once in a while. It will be quite the challenge to drive and commentate my own efforts but should be a fun challenge.

It will start out simple, but I have plans to broaden the visual interest of the on screen action.

Practice was brutal for me last night. I know there was only one qually, but when I caught the car in front of me, after leaving about 6-7 second gap, I found myself having to race-to-pass, a fellow Snailer on the qually!!! It all went down hill from there, and I'm surprised a couple of the hits I took didn't knock me into the next lobby.
Maybe I'm am misinterpreting the rule as I read them, but if you get caught on qualifying, aren't you supposed to allow the faster car by, WITHOUT racing for position? Or is practice night based on a different set of rules?
The rule for Sunday is that if you get caught in qualifying, you pull over. With mixed divisions on Thursday, it might be a good idea to line up for qualifying from D1 to D5 so the chance of catching someone is minimized.

Additionally, the rule for Sunday is that if you go off track at any time during the out lap or hot lap, you pull over and abandon your qualifying effort.

We are talking about Thursday practice here so it's not identical to Sunday night but courtesy should still apply.

One more thing. We don't discuss racing incidents in the thread. If you had an issue with someone in the practice room, take it up with them privately. It is practice and some don't have a level of familiarity with the car or the track yet so a simple conversation might go a long way toward explaining anything that may have happened on track.
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Hey so I got super busy with the holidays and didn't have time to really do the time trial more or less be able to race. Is it cool if I get the invite again so I can join this time
Hey so I got super busy with the holidays and didn't have time to really do the time trial more or less be able to race. Is it cool if I get the invite again so I can join this time


Here's your official SNAIL Welcome Post!
Thanks for your interest!
Here's what you need to know (and do) in order to join SNAIL Racing League:

We run a clean league by enforcing a strict penalty system based on the SNAIL OLR (which is a modified version of the GTP OLR). We also expect all of our drivers to know and follow The Good Racecraft Guide. Please become versed in both if you aren't already. Once that is complete, please follow the steps below to complete your entry into the league:

1. You start a conversation and add @CoachMK21, @JLBowler, @nmcp1,@zer05ive ,@Rednose58 &, @MajorBlixem as participants.

The conversation title should be "Request To Join".

2. SNAIL Administrators will respond with specific instructions on what you need to accomplish to join the SNAIL [Spec] Racing.

3. Place the following links (URLs) in the favorites (or bookmarks) in your web browser for quick reference. Please make every effort to read and understand the following links. Over the years a great deal of time and effort has gone into creating this league and we would like nothing more than to have you but we ask that you take the time and effort to do your homework. 99.9% of any question you may have about SNAIL can be found in the posts below.
4. You drive fast and clean on Sunday 👍

Again, the original post has everything you need to know about what to expect on Sunday night and what you will need to have completed in order to be competitive. If you have any questions, please feel free to post your question on the thread. If you have a preference for car/wheel colour and racing number, please follow the instruction contained here.

During the week we run a number of different events, we encourage all SNAILs to join as many as possible.
Welcome to SNAIL :cheers:
1st time in GT that I actually got a decent Birthday Gift.

I got the Ferrari LaFerrari last night after practice and running the daily race @ Laggo Maggiore with the LiL Porsche. Got 2nd there.

Practice was brutal for me last night. I know there was only one qually, but when I caught the car in front of me, after leaving about 6-7 second gap, I found myself having to race-to-pass, a fellow Snailer on the qually!!! It all went down hill from there, and I'm surprised a couple of the hits I took didn't knock me into the next lobby.
Maybe I'm am misinterpreting the rule as I read them, but if you get caught on qualifying, aren't you supposed to allow the faster car by, WITHOUT racing for position? Or is practice night based on a different set of rules?

Just talking from experience... Practice use to be divided into Red and Blue rooms for (D1-D2) and (rest of mortals) to try to avoid this type of incidents. We may need to do that in the future.

IMO, my personal approach to Thursday practice is to have a Chill Night, race but work in your race craft instead. Work on passing cleanly slower traffic, etc.

Additionally, the rule for Sunday is that if you go off track at any time during the out lap or hot lap, you pull over and abandon your qualifying effort.

We are talking about Thursday practice here so it's not identical to Sunday night but courtesy should still apply.

I don't remember who I originally heard this from... But I thought that if you get off track during the 'outlap' you could continue after having all the other traffic go by. You only needed to pull to the side during the 'hot lap'. Kind of makes sense. Is that wrong?

I also thought that if you get caught up during qually, you allow them to pass freely.. but that doesn't mean having to pull over. ???

I like the idea of having D1, D2 start at the front for Qually and then D3, 4, etc.
Here is the qualifying procedure as it was posted. Yes, if you go off during the out lap, you're done. Pull off the track and wait. I had to do it twice the last time I raced on Sunday. You will also notice that it is stated in there that this procedure should be followed on Thursday night as well so my suggestions from above are actually rendered moot as it should have already been done. If you do get caught, it says to leave room for the driver to pass. This should mean that you let them pass without racing them or slowing them down.


As a continuing effort by the BoD to streamline our procedures to ensure everyone has an enjoyable experience racing SNAIL we are introducing the following Qualification Rules effective immediately.

These rules should be followed on Thursday night during official practice so we can test and adjust where necessary.

New Qually Rules

Upon entering prior to the first race of the night or upon having the room reset before the first race of the next combo, immediately drive to a spot beyond turn one that is well off the racing line and line up single file. The host will remain on pit road during this time.

Once the driver count has been verified, the host will give instructions to start qualifying and leave pit road to join in at the back of the line. Drivers should give 5 seconds between the driver in front of them leaving and when they start. Drivers should always keep an eye on the map. Do not take-off if another driver is approaching from behind on his hot lap.

Qually is not the race. If you get caught from behind on qually be kind enough not to block. Leave room for the driver to pass.

All drivers will complete an out lap and one hot lap for qualifying.

If, at any time during the out lap or the hot lap, a driver leaves the racing surface for any reason, they are to pull completely off the track and out of the way and wait for the qualifying session to end. They are not to attempt to re-enter the track for any reason.

Once drivers have completed their hot lap, they are to stop on the track far enough past the start finish line as to not be a distraction to anyone finishing a lap.

Once the host has completed his hot lap, he will check that no non-members have entered (kick as necessary) and start the race.

This can be modified for shorter tracks or to change from 5 seconds if deemed necessary.

Failure to comply with Qually Rules will result in a disqualification for that specific race.
One more thing. We don't discuss racing incidents in the thread. If you had an issue with someone in the practice room, take it up with them privately. It is practice and some don't have a level of familiarity with the car or the track yet so a simple conversation might go a long way toward explaining anything that may have happened on track.

You're absolutely right, My mistake.:banghead:
and I'm in a much better mood now anyway, so lets move on :cheers:

MSgtGunny Twitch on Google+

My BD Gift today.
20171201172644 by Wolfsatz, on Flickr

20171201172654 by Wolfsatz, on Flickr

20171201172729 by Wolfsatz, on Flickr

And some pictures from Last nights Practice

20171201175741 by Wolfsatz, on Flickr

20171201175752 by Wolfsatz, on Flickr

20171201175818 by Wolfsatz, on Flickr

20171201175827 by Wolfsatz, on Flickr

20171201175838 by Wolfsatz, on Flickr

20171201175802 by Wolfsatz, on Flickr
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