◆ SNAIL [Spec] Racing - Currently Recruiting for GT7 - JOIN TODAY!!Open 

  • Thread starter zer05ive
For those of us, truthfully in the Wooden Pencil Generation - who have no clue what those numbers mean, or what to do with them (careful, this is a family show).

Please provide some instructions about installing those numbers.

A good place to start is www.portforward.com. This site lists just about every router out there and instructions for how to log into the router and how to put the port numbers in. It will also walk you through how to give your PS4 a Static IP.
Important Announcement

With the update to GTS and whatever physics change was made with it, the time trials that were run by all drivers before 1.06 are no longer an accurate benchmark for placing incoming drivers. We need all active drivers to run the time trial and submit your time via the form that is linked right here. We would like for everyone to do this as soon as possible so that we have a reliable data set to compare new drivers to and place them more accurately.

Nobody will be moved between divisions based solely on this time trial. It is only to help the league with new driver placement.

A reminder to all who have not done this yet. If you are tagged in this post, you have until the start of next season to finish this. If you are not tagged in this post, you don't need to run a time trial. That date is going to be 1/5/18 @ 11:59 PM ET. This represents the cut off for new time trials to be placed for racing on 1/7/18 which will be the start of the Jan. season. Failure to complete this by the deadline will result in you being moved to inactive status and you will have to complete the entire registration process over again.

@DutchRacer_GT @src_ej6 @nmcp1 @ScorpionTopaz @USERID_77a23 @afrojcactair @Wolfsatz @Handlebar @Wardez @Adventuruss @z06fun @vovik05 @Nicktune @ConnorWolf @Ph1sh @David_Z @XR_RACER_11 @Deal24 @AtomicVersion19 @IceManFan_7 @DMacs13 @MrTwo192 @JonnyWolf @Ratsaladd @Engmatic1 @InfinteChaos @fzappa @basswerks1 @DBUCKEYES @Alexrider007 @DrE60Nummz @BayouSimDrifter @DVD @Zowy52 @PlatinumRolex @Proudad1977 @StacysMom2 @Pichon617
Lol. Its funny how life skills change through the generations. I bet you guys having issues with the network stuff have no problem adjusting a carb, or cutting a mortise and tenon.
Yup, and set the timing by ear, Lol but I have no idea how to do anything with my modem......if the lights are green, I'm happy, if one is red im not!
Date, Division, Round, and Race is not difficult. It makes it a whole lot easier on the stewards to get to a specific race when it's time to review as each race is identified uniquely.

It doesn't get much simpler than that for both sides that have to use it. The search boxes may not be mandatory to share a replay in game but they are mandatory to share a replay for SNAIL and keep you division eligible for prizes.

The tags and search, when done correctly, is an absolute success and like I said date, division, round, and race is not difficult or complicated. It takes less than 30 seconds to add it which is a whole lot quicker than the old way of doing things.

That is the end of the portion of this post directed at wolfsatz.

@Raw10_2u could you please go back and retag your replays with the correct SNAIL naming convention.

Only by searching snailracing.org or searching for specific track and car was I able to find them.

@Raw10_2u in the tag feature is where you need to document the searchable text @JLBowler is looking for (20171210r3r1r1) it looks like you tagged snailracing.org. I made the same mistake a few times myself as you will see if you search snailracing.org under replays

I apologize,I put the naming convention in the wrong place....DUHHHH! I will fix it when I get home.
I apologize,I put the naming convention in the wrong place....DUHHHH! I will fix it when I get home.

Thanks @Raw10_2u

We also had a naming problem in D5 this week. The naming convention had been working perfectly up until this week. I'm not trying to blame anyone for anything. We have a naming convention that, when it's used, makes it very easy for the stewards to find a specific replay very quickly. For those that don't know, the steward position can be very time consuming. GTS has given us the ability to make the uploader's job and the stewards job much easier. We just have to use the tools that are available. With that being said, the proper procedure for sharing replays is in the SNAIL OLR Policies and Guidelines thread under section 6.1. That portion of the policy is also copy and pasted right here:

All replays must be shared in game and be "tagged" under search tag #1 using the following naming convention: YYYYMMDDdxrxrx To break that down YYYY = year of race, MM = month of race, DD = date of race, dx = division#, rx = round#, rx = race#. An example of this would be 20171203d1r3r2 = 2017 Dec. 3 Division 1, Round 3, Race 1.

Moving forward, if this policy is not followed and the replays shared by 8PM ET on the Monday following race day, any division that does not meet the deadline with correct replays will be declared ineligible for prizes for that week.
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hello Daniel.. Sunday racing is only in GTS.. I know there is a series on PC2 on Mondays???

How is the Autobahn? ;)

When you don’t get Stau (traffic jam) I must say it is evething people say about it! Actually it is really good to drive without authorities saying what you should do and the best of all, free of charges. But I am really interested in trackday at Nordschleife. Season starts next April and costs peanuts to get into.

Thanks for your reply.
At least it's a smaller car. It might make for a little more racing room. There's also the hope that the invisible extensions of walls and terrible frame rate through half the track has been fixed from GT6 to GTS. GT6's version of the track left such a bad taste that I haven't done a single lap there in GTS.
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Hello everyone.
After 2 years and a lot of life changes (from Brazil to Portugal and now Germany), I've finally established my new home so I want to come back to racing.
Setup is PS4 - PCars 2 with T300RS

How should I proceed from here, I wish to run Sunday night again

Thank you all.

@Daniel Pinho

Here's your official SNAIL Welcome Post!
Thanks for your interest!
Here's what you need to know (and do) in order to join SNAIL Racing League:

We run a clean league by enforcing a strict penalty system based on the SNAIL OLR (which is a modified version of the GTP OLR). We also expect all of our drivers to know and follow The Good Racecraft Guide. Please become versed in both if you aren't already. Once that is complete, please follow the steps below to complete your entry into the league:

1. You start a conversation and add @CoachMK21, @JLBowler, @nmcp1,@zer05ive ,@Rednose58 &, @MajorBlixem as participants.

The conversation title should be "Request To Join".

2. SNAIL Administrators will respond with specific instructions on what you need to accomplish to join the SNAIL [Spec] Racing.

3. Place the following links (URLs) in the favorites (or bookmarks) in your web browser for quick reference. Please make every effort to read and understand the following links. Over the years a great deal of time and effort has gone into creating this league and we would like nothing more than to have you but we ask that you take the time and effort to do your homework. 99.9% of any question you may have about SNAIL can be found in the posts below.
4. You drive fast and clean on Sunday 👍

Again, the original post has everything you need to know about what to expect on Sunday night and what you will need to have completed in order to be competitive. If you have any questions, please feel free to post your question on the thread. If you have a preference for car/wheel colour and racing number, please follow the instruction contained here.

During the week we run a number of different events, we encourage all SNAILs to join as many as possible.
Welcome to SNAIL :cheers:
Is this something we should all be looking into? Or is it more for hosts? @Adramike maybe this will help your issues if you're still having them

Have not had a single problem since I switched from my $250 modem that I had purchased back to the basic Xfinity one.. But thank you for thinking of me. If I run into any problems in the future I will do the port forwarding.
I'm opening a OMGFDnoBOP room using the newly released Atenza Gr3 road car which can be purchased in the mileage exchange area of the game.

Full Power Full Damage tire wear x3 on SS tires

0474 6116 8272 8781 6260

This is a friends only room to keep out the public joe

10 min sprints at Maggiore II

Ill Join you shortly! Not first without presenting the 'Wolfstein' created by the one and only Sir OMG!
Awesome creation; very well executed and definitely I will be racing this on Sunday!
Words cannot express my gratitude! Thanks!

20171212204947 by Wolfsatz, on Flickr

20171212205005 by Wolfsatz, on Flickr

20171212205018 by Wolfsatz, on Flickr

20171212205030 by Wolfsatz, on Flickr
I'm opening a OMGFDnoBOP room using the newly released Atenza Gr3 road car which can be purchased in the mileage exchange area of the game.

Full Power Full Damage tire wear x3 on SS tires

0474 6116 8272 8781 6260

This is a friends only room to keep out the public joe

10 min sprints at Maggiore II
on our way
The 86 is ready to be shipped down under for this weekend's races

Major Toyota.jpg
Only by searching snailracing.org or searching for specific track and car was I able to find them.

@Raw10_2u in the tag feature is where you need to document the searchable text @JLBowler is looking for (20171210r3r1r1) it looks like you tagged snailracing.org. I made the same mistake a few times myself as you will see if you search snailracing.org under replays

Well we know it's 20th century so why not cut 20 out and make it just 17. As administrative ppl in the group y'all would know 17, 18, 19, etc, means.
Use friends only... rooms were missing a quartet... the Wolf ate them

0474 6116 7982 9678 7012

My friends only isn't showing anyone in a room, but the lobby logo shows two people. I tried to follow you the old fashion way and didn't work either.