I vote we try to use them. What about allowing each monthly divisional winner create a custom track? they could then be shared and chosen by winners the following month.
Gamble, Tez, Iroqouis and I ran a custom toscana track last night in a variety of Evos and Stis and I had a blast. My wagon was bringing up the rear but it was fun being on a unique track I did not have memorized.
fzappaI vote to give custom tracks a try. Something different.
ForcednduckshnHey Gents, I am posting on my Iphone at work so I will keep this short and sweet. I am hoping to do some races with you guys from time to time and would like to join your group as a member of SNAIL. I believe that online spec racing with talented drivers that race hard but clean is a fantastic learning experience and mega fun! I won' be able to make every Sunday but would love to start hopping on occasionally as time allows. I haven't played GT5 since the GT Academy finals this year (lol) so my goal is to try and keep up with the mega Veloci2nr, JoeyFast, Nic-Kl, Deltanuef(whatever screen name he chooses to hide behind nowadays ) and other Martians running now. I am mega-impressed by the organization and "I-racing" level of scrutiny that is applied to ensure a good, legitimate driving experience for all skill levels. Please let me know what I need to do join and we'll get er' done.
👍👍I was kind of thinking the same thing. Example: each of the five division winners for November could design one track. It would have to be submitted by Dec. 15 and could not be chosen until after the first week in Jan. Repeat this process each month and we could have a library of tracks to choose from rather quickly.
Mazda Atenza Sport 25Z '07 it is
X3. I have to say any type of Tōge racing, with lots of elevations changes with the right car is great fun. Closest thing we could get to rally, without having poor racecraft , and it is somewhere I really succeed as a driver.
Oshawa, I'll beat you to the pics for examples of corner cutting. These are all from D1 this week. The colors have been changed to protect the identity of the guilty except for the one that is in color. That was me and it shows how little you have to be off to get a penalty. I probably gained next to nothing but it cost me a point.
Hey Gents, I am posting on my Iphone at work so I will keep this short and sweet. I am hoping to do some races with you guys from time to time and would like to join your group as a member of SNAIL. I believe that online spec racing with talented drivers that race hard but clean is a fantastic learning experience and mega fun! I won' be able to make every Sunday but would love to start hopping on occasionally as time allows. I haven't played GT5 since the GT Academy finals this year (lol) so my goal is to try and keep up with the mega Veloci2nr, JoeyFast, Nic-Kl, Deltanuef(whatever screen name he chooses to hide behind nowadays ) and other Martians running now. I am mega-impressed by the organization and "I-racing" level of scrutiny that is applied to ensure a good, legitimate driving experience for all skill levels. Please let me know what I need to do join and we'll get er' done.
What about allowing the ability to pick custom tracks to only those who who accomplish a somewhat difficult feat? For example, if a driver wins Prize A or Prize B (or a combination of both) in one season, then they could then be allowed to create a custom track that could then be added to the list of eligible tracks that can be selected. Then, if they win Prize A (or Prize B) again in that same season, they would be allowed to actually pick the track that they've already created (and was already added to the divisional accounts in advance).
This would allow said custom track to be added to the divisional lounged weeks or even months before it is actually selected. That fact alone would alleviate the problem of me having to race to get a randomly and hastily created tracked uploaded to each division in time for the practice races on Wednesday night.
Or what about letting the D1 champion from a given season be allowed to create a customer track?
Or what about letting the driver with the most "best racecraft" votes get to create a custom track?
I can tell you right now that getting everyone to install a new custom track on such short notice is not going to result in a good outcome.
However, if we slowly add custom tracks to the "list", then drivers would have plenty of time and to download the track. Thoughts?
JoeWWhile I have had some fun on a select few custom tracks racing in public rooms run by some friends of mine. I would not be the happiest camper if we had to run custom tracks in SNAIL.
It is just a time issue with the ring. Kinda hard to do qualifying in 10 minutes. Also the race would only be one lap But I do love the NurbWe cannot race Nurb Nord but considering running customs? Hmmm....hmmm....hmmm...
jobyoneIt is just a time issue with the ring. Kinda hard to do qualifying in 10 minutes. Also the race would only be one lap But I do love the Nurb
zeromisfit999We can run the nurb in the after midnight races
SirhankysurFor cars with race modifications do i have to break it in before i do the rm or does it not matter?
HandlebarBreak em in. 200 miles or so.
tezgm99If Nords is picked, count me out. Fine for doing TT's but terrible for racing since you can't go side-by-side anywhere other than the long straight.
So break in before rm?