If there's no objection from Kcheeb and Zer05ive, the next "R U FASTER THAN A S.N.A.I.L. REDNECK" will take place next friday, May 17th at the Grand Valley Speedway East Track Reverse at 10:00pm (7:00 pacific)
I know that unfortunately, some friends will not be able to make it but i'm sure that a lot of Snailers will want to try SNAIL'S top "racist" competition.
I will soon post the rule book with the only change to the initial format as the "525" class will be replaced by a lower pp one with a mandatory timeline so we can bring to the competition the true spirit of American muscle cars... the beasts from the 70's.
For whoever is interested, you can start signing up....... RIGHT NOW, mentioning if you want to be part of the rednecks team or imports team.