◆ SNAIL [Spec] Racing - Join now to win a Digit Racing EDGE Masterclass enrollment!!Open 

  • Thread starter zer05ive
I must apologize for my lack of judgment and respect during last nights practice!

I'll quote JLBowler here as it clearly identifies me!

"Wouldn't it fall under the realm of common sense that if you know you are entering a competition with a bunch of experienced drivers and you don't have a lot of experience that it would be in your, and everyone else's, best interest to just drive around in the back and get used to the new environment? You have to ask yourself, is it more important to come out and win right out of the gate, or is it more important to learn how to race with others and save the winning for later?"

Ok, I clearly think at times that I can! But that's a chance! When it works, I learn latter that it was at the expense of another! (Self discovery after watching the replay), oh F--K, he was right!

As I have gotten more experience and gotten faster, I clearly must slow down and think!
My mentor AJK-VAIL has told me time and time again EXACTLY what Bowler said but when that green flag drops I seem to loose it!
AJK-VAIL has been so patient with me up until last night, after I aggressively took a corner, pushed him to the edge, I was (reprimanded) in a way that I didn't think was warranted!, UNTIL I WATCHED THE REPLAY!
To ALL in last nights practice, I beg forgiveness and I truly apologize!


You two were having an awesome battle! I didn't have the Alfa so I was watching you two and it was intense! 👍

I saw you force him off track a time or two, and when he got a run on you into turn 2 I KNEW what was about to happen. Chat you and I have raced together in another lounge for the better part of 2 years together and had many good close battles, and we've also had our run in where we agreed to disagree. You are a good hard nosed driver and I appreciate it. But you have to understand that when you force someone completely off the track instead of giving them room to race around you that it's going to come back to you one way or another.
If anyone wants to practice some clean racing join me here for some low pp shuffle racing.
room # 1472-6399-8494-1425-2861. Hosted by watermelon punch.
Riding in the back will not gain you any experience racing with a group. I don't understand how that would be beneficial to anyone unless the backmarker just entered the race so he could save the replay and learn from that.

You have to be involved in the door to door or at least be close enough to see others doing it in order to learn it. I think the issue is trying to find a balance. You have to be aggressive enough to stay with or in the pack, but passive enough not to barge your way into and through everyone else.

If you are a rookie and come in with the sole intention of being as clean and respectful as possible then it seems you'll be alright.

When I say ride around in the back, I really mean follow and observe what others are doing and how they are racing and interacting with other cars on the track. I don't mean to ride around by yourself behind everyone. It's actually fairly standard practice on the dirt tracks I run at for a new driver to give up his assigned spot on the grid and start in the back just so he can run without the risk of ruining another drivers night and gain some experience. The same thing applies here. If a driver doesn't have the skills or desire (whichever the case may be) to race in a tightly grouped pack, or to make passes without having to dive inform three or four car lengths back and using the other car as a guard rail, then they need to get out of the pack and be an observer until they learn what it's all about.

The driver that shows up and strives to be as clean and respectful as possible is going to run in the pack and if something happens, they are going to back off and figure it out on their own a whole lot faster than the driver that puts winning and making up every position possible at any cost above being clean and respectful.

There haven't been a lot of the second type of driver that I mentioned come through SNAIL, but when they have shown up, they have either made drastic changes almost immediately or they have left the group either on their own or with some assistance.
I'm going to be a little blunt here ...

S.N.A.I.L. provides everyone that joins this league with enough information to know what to expect when you race with us.

Everyone is given links to the S.N.A.I.L. OLR (the S.N.A.I.L. Bible), the Good Racecraft Guide asked to complete the S.N.A.I.L. OLR and Racecraft Test and the first post has a link to an excellent iRacing Good Racecraft video.

When you've completed your time trial and are placed in a division, we send you a pm confirming the PSN friend request is sent, but also ask you to confirm you have read the 'Rules' section of our original post and you understand how seriously we take clean racing.

And now we need to put a group together (more time from an already hard working Team S.N.A.I.L.) to hand hold people that didn't read or take seriously the plethora of information already presented. To quote an over the fence guy from a few years ago 'I don't think so Tim'.

Granted people have varying levels of experience when it comes to racing online and mistakes will be made. S.N.A.I.L. is a great place to gain that experience and also a great place to learn good racecraft. It's UP TO YOU to take the materials we give you and apply it to YOUR RACING. It's not UP TO S.N.A.I.L. to make you comfortable racing online or in a pack. Although, if you spend some time with us and have some patience, you will gain in both regards.

S.N.A.I.L. is an Online Racing League that spells out what's expected from the get go, yet people are surprised when they run afoul of our system. I don't understand how that can be ...


Pretty simple question here....where do I start? 👍

Welcome Jared93,

Thanks for your interest!

We would love to have you in the league. Here's what you need to know and do in order to join:

We run a clean league by enforcing a strict penalty system based on the S.N.A.I.L. OLR (which is a modified version of the GTP OLR). We also expect all of our drivers to know and follow The Good Racecraft Guide.
Please become versed in both if you aren't already. Once that is complete, please follow the steps below to complete your entry into the league:

1. You take the S.N.A.I.L. OLR and Racecraft Test
2. You run the Time Trial. (NOTE: The tires selected for this have more grip than our current tire regulations allow, but please follow the directions exactly anyways).
3. You PM kcheeb with your time from the time trial (no Sunday racing until this is completed).
4. We assign you to the division that we feel will give you the closest competition. kcheeb will add you to the drivers list.
5. We send you a you a PSN friend request from the corresponding SNAIL_Division1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 account. That PSN account's lounge is where you will race on Sunday night.
6. You drive fast and clean on Sunday 👍

The original post has everything you need to know about what to expect on Sunday night and what you will need to have completed in order to be competitive. If you have any questions, please feel free to post your question on the thread.

Please note that we often race DLC from three add-on packs:

Racing Car Pack
Course Pack
Twin Ring Motegi Pack

If you don't have these add-on packs, you will need to sit out the races in which they are used.

If you have a preference for car/wheel colour and racing number, please follow the instruction contained here.
To avoid duplication, the currently claimed combinations can be found here.

During the week we run a number of different events, we encourage all SNAILs to join as many as possible.

Welcome to S.N.A.I.L. :cheers:
I still remember my first week. I started in D5 and was so worried I would screw up. I started cautiously and waited to see how things played out. It was a small field and I ended up doing well but more importantly than that I did it without incident.

I do wish that we would stress to people how important it is to race cleanly in their first week. I would go as far as saying they can not score points until they have one incident free night.
I still remember my first week. I started in D5 and was so worried I would screw up. I started cautiously and waited to see how things played out. It was a small field and I ended up doing well but more importantly than that I did it without incident.

I do wish that we would stress to people how important it is to race cleanly in their first week. I would go as far as saying they can not score points until they have one incident free night.

Sounds like you approached it in the proper way 👍

Luckily for myself, I have a considerable amount of experience racing cleanly online. I've dealt with quite a few dirty players in the past who will insist that they're in the right to those they wronged, so I know how it can be sometimes.
I still remember my first week. I started in D5 and was so worried I would screw up. I started cautiously and waited to see how things played out. It was a small field and I ended up doing well but more importantly than that I did it without incident.

I do wish that we would stress to people how important it is to race cleanly in their first week. I would go as far as saying they can not score points until they have one incident free night.

I had this same thing happen to me my first night! I was always braking early trying to not hit anyone and then trying my hardest to never get two wide in a turn because I was worried I would end up doing something wrong and me or someone else would end up in the grass( or sand as I'm about to explain). My first race went alright it was the Pontiac solstice at Laguna seca and I started around middle of the pack and worked my way to dead last from early braking and letting people by, when there verse grid came around I was starting near the front and on the turn to the back straight I had done what I didn't want to do and went two wide with someone and ended up not giving him enough space and made myself get forced off track and let me yet again get a end of the pack finish!

This just goes to say that nothing, IMO, gets you ready for your first race even though I had practiced with some other S.N.A.I.L.s right before those sunday races had started! Now that I have gotten better and been practicing I have not just gotten better but I have started winning races and even won D4 last month and now promoted to D3 with a first place overall, not because I'm running people off the track, but because I have learned and practiced and have finally gotten over all my race day jitters!
Haha, I hope I didn't steal the TOTPP from ya zer0, anyway, if no one goes to the front page often, you should, take a look at the weekly rewind. The founding father is the member of the week! Congrats zer0, I look forward to the interview!
It's astounding to see how much this league has evolved, and the community it has created. Thanks for putting this on zer0.
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Haha, I hope I didn't steal the TOTPP from ya zer0, anyway, if no one goes to the front page often, you should, take a look at the weekly rewind. The founding father is the member of the week! Congrats zer0, I look forward to the interview!
It's astounding to see how much this league has evolved, and the community it has created. Thanks for putting this on zer0.

Cool, we'll have to count how many times he mentions S.N.A.I.L. in the interview :lol:
I'm not sure I can wait very long for that interview to drop. I actually stalled out my painting (yes, the cans made it today) efforts to come read that Rewind. Congrats Zer0!

Well, now that the logistics crew has finally got some supplies for the paint department to work with, I reckon I better get out there and "supervise".

1 can down.
2.5 cans down.
4 cans applied. Had 5 to spray but one failed after about 30 seconds.
24 hour cure time started. Don't know if I can wait that long.
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No abs huh?

Yep no abs. Might as well us the load cell like its supposed to be used. Managed to pick up .3 avg a lap at GVS. Consistently 4.3-4.6's for 20 laps.

Now to move on to combo #2

Spending some time on my own has allowed to find errors in my driving and fix them to become more consistent. I have found that too much throttle to soon or to late is the same you can still come out of the turn way to slow. Sometime less actually equals more..
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Thank you Chatva, you are a stand up guy for the kind words you expressed in your post!
Last night a few of us lower division drivers had the honor and privilege to be on the track with the best drivers in this awesome league and the WORLD! To somewhat paraphrase Tex, this is an incredible opportunity for us little guys to look, learn and listen to what they have to offer!
Thanks to Bowler and the others that have chimed in with their words of wisdom! I for one, really appreciate it!
I will share this thought with you all to ponder................
If given the opportunity to spend the day on a real life track with your favorite professional driver, would you challenge him right off the get go, or would you spend the day following him learning his techniques?
Thank you and good day!:cheers:

PS Congratulations to our fearless leader ZerO5ive for becoming the newest inductee into the Member of the week Hall Of Fame!!
PSS Hoping Skills and his family are safe and dry!
Gonna drag out my wheel. What are the D1, full fuel / no draft times for combos 2 and 3?

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Thanks. I need to know what to aim for otherwise I feel good about what I'm doing and end up on Netflix.
Good stuff 👍

I've been wanting to update the S.N.A.I.L. Intro video. With you, driftin and me we could record a bunch of clips that I can then edit into the new video. They don't have to be live, just record the replays.

What say you two?

Woo! Finally found it! :D

What happened to the gameplan cheeb? I just remembered while rummaging through my kitchen. :lol:
Woo! Finally found it! :D

What happened to the gameplan cheeb? I just remembered while rummaging through my kitchen. :lol:

Sorry, it kept getting pushed back :(

I'll share my thoughts with you and Rally later tonight and well go from there 👍

Got a CFL football game to watch tonight, Go Stamps Go :D
Thanks. I need to know what to aim for otherwise I feel good about what I'm doing and end up on Netflix.

I can tell you what I have been running. I'm slow compared to aliens in area 51 but I have run a best of 2:17.916 in the Alfa. Consistently running low 18.2-18.3's. The GTr my best is a 1:30.765 with a average around a 1:31.1
I can tell you what I have been running. I'm slow compared to aliens in area 51 but I have run a best of 2:17.916 in the Alfa. Consistently running low 18.2-18.3's. The GTr my best is a 1:30.765 with a average around a 1:31.1

You are faster than me. I couldn't get on track since Sunday night. My times for combo 1 are way off my pace from Sunday. I pretty much suck. Its been a long week and I'm feeling a bit frustrated at the moment.
Well just get some laps in. It will come back to you.. Tomorrow night if you want some pre sunday race practice I'll be on tomorrow night to get in a few more laps in with the GTR. I have about 40 in the Elise/ Alfa thus far. Only 10 or so in the GTR. I'd like ot get some more in tomorrow.