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  • Thread starter zer05ive
So close, a couple of things need to be sorted, formats for the gaps (remove the +) and total time.

I was close! Only my first time so I should've expected something to go wrong!

Edit: it won't let me put in total time!
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Your Monday Stewards Update

This week's prize winners are clear to make their selections. Good racing!

Target deadline for all reviews is Friday with the Summary deadline of Saturday. We are currently tracking 8 Incident Reports with SNAILIRR.
Combo #2 will be changing to this:

Super GT Nissan GTR's. This includes the Xanavi, Yellowhat, and the Calsonic. This cars are triplets so we should be able to use all of them.
This is the place you should get your cables. Dirt cheap and quality.

Dang! That is cheap, dabneyd! I will run a 100' of string first, but setting up a second TV for wired PS3 (or PS4..) use makes much more sense.


Are the Super GT's definitely identical?

When we ran NASCAR awhile back, we had to limit to certain brands or models to stay even.

--- edit #2 ---

Keep your hands off that pretty little Lotus, man!

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I was close! Only my first time so I should've expected something to go wrong!

Edit: it won't let me put in total time!

You should have access to update the Results sheet now.

Enter the Total Time in Row 6, columns L, Q, W, AB, AH and AM. The drivers Total time will calculate from that time.

You'll need to fix the Gaps as will, just enter them like this, 2.227, not +02.227

Thanks 👍
Dang! That is cheap, dabneyd! I will run a 100' of string first, but setting up a second TV for wired PS3 (or PS4..) use makes much more sense.


Are the Super GT's definitely identical?

When we ran NASCAR awhile back, we had to limit to certain brands or models to stay even.

--- edit #2 ---

Keep your hands off that pretty little Lotus, man!


No. The only ones that are identical are the Nissan Super GT GT-R's which are Xanavi, Yellowhat, and Clasonic. I will make it go bye bye one day.
Want to go fast an inch off the ground? Join us for Karts in the Division2 Lounge tonight at 9:00 P.M. Eastern Time.

Here's what we'll be running tonight:

Kart Space II in the 125
3/8 mile oval in the 125 - this is available from the SNAIL_Division2 account for download
Cote d'Azur in the 125

15 minute races.
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Since everyone I've talked to spoke so highly of the G27, I've just place an order for one! After looking around, I went with TigerDirect and picked it up for $240 shipped. Hopefully it'll be here in time to use it this weekend!
Dang! That is cheap, dabneyd! I will run a 100' of string first, but setting up a second TV for wired PS3 (or PS4..) use makes much more sense.


Are the Super GT's definitely identical?

When we ran NASCAR awhile back, we had to limit to certain brands or models to stay even.

--- edit #2 ---

Keep your hands off that pretty little Lotus, man!


I will do a quick check on the Super GT Nissans just to be sure they are identical in every way. It is really my only job as the technical director for SNAIL.
The three Super GT cars that can be used are as follows:

Xanavi Nismo GT-R '08
Yellow Hat YMS Tomica GT-R '08
Calsonic Impul GT-R '08
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This post will no longer be updated effective 8/6/2015. The new version can be found in the SNAIL policy and guidelines thread.

SNAIL Penalty Guidelines

Level 1 (1 – 4 point penalty) - Likely caused by a lapse of concentration.

A bump

Passing through a ghosted car (1 pt. /car)

Shortcutting the track boundaries (1 pt. /incident)

Level 2 (5 – 8 point penalty) - Showed a lack of situational awareness.
A shove

This may be the result of carrying too much speed into a corner or braking too late, causing moderate to major contact.

An unsafe track re-entry also falls here (6 pts. cannot be halved for concession)

Level 3 (9 – 12 point penalty) - Demonstrates a lack of good race craft.

The offending driver was likely too aggressive in a pass, creating a situation where his car met another at a drastic difference in speed.

Excessive blocking or weaving.

This is the lowest level that a “dive bomb pass attempt” would be penalized at.

Level 4 (13 – 16 point penalty) - Clearly showed a lack of judgment and a disregard for the tenets of good race craft.

This is an incident from which complete recovery is realistically impossible.

The offending driver likely came on an overtly aggressive line or made a move that directly put others in jeopardy.

Level 5 (17 + point penalty) - Intention may be believed or even known.

Incidents of this caliber are race-ending and reputation-scarring.

This level of penalty would require extensive discussions by the Stewards, and would be open to any penalties as we see fit up to and including placement on the last chance list.


- These levels are guidelines for us and you, and other penalties may be assessed as deemed necessary.

- Any of these penalties except for level 5 and unsafe re-entry could be halved with the proper concession after the fact during the race. Ghosting violations and shortcut violations can be eliminated with proper on track concession. Penalties will only be assessed in whole point values. Example: A driver receives a 7 pt. penalty and makes a proper concession, they would be assessed a 4 pt. penalty (7/2=3.5 rounded to 4).

-A proper concession consists of a separate and deliberate act on the part of the offending driver to return any position gained or to negate any time gained during the incident. Ending up in the grass or sand trap and losing time because of your own action is not considered a concession.

-If a driver chooses to report a violation of the SNAIL OLR that they committed themselves, that action will serve to cut the value of the penalty in half. This would apply to all penalties including unsafe re-entry to the track. This would still not apply to any level 5 penalties.

- Each of these penalties will bring about a probation period based on the level. A level 1 penalty will bring a 1 week probation period; level 2 brings 2 weeks, etc. The probation period doubles the effect of any incurred penalties.

- Multiple penalties in one week will be added to create a longer probation period: i.e. Level 1 + Level 3 penalties = 4 week probation.

- Multiple penalties during one week will not double the penalty points for that week.

- Drivers earn their way off of probation by racing without a reported incident for a full race night. Each night raced will remove one week of probation. In order for a night to be considered a full race night, a driver must compete in at least 4 of the 6 races in a single night. If a driver is observed pulling off the track and not racing then that race will not be counted toward the 4.

- Penalties for ghosting violations and corner cutting will be totaled for each race. Four shortcuts or ghosting violations in one race would equal a Level 1 penalty worth four points. Five shortcuts or ghosting violations in one race would equal a Level 2 penalty worth 5 points. Any time an OOB violation is reported, the stewards will look at that driver's entire race for other possible violations.

-Stewards have the ability to assess penalties that are found during race reviewing, but we will not actively look for things to penalize (except in rare instances and only by decision of the chief steward). Any violations discovered by the stewards during review will not be subject to the filing deadline for race complaints. As a result of this, penalties levied in this instance will not affect prize winners for that week.

-Special note concerning the use of the known pause button glitch: If it's determined by the reviewing stewards a driver has used the pause game cheat, or any other cheat, the penalty is a flat Level 5 18 points and will trigger a vote which will be at the Stewards discretion as to whether it's LCL, Suspend or Ban. Should a driver be discovered to use this, or any other cheat in the game, multiple times in one race, the penalty will be scored at 18 points for each occurrence and voting will be done accordingly.

Last Chance List Policy

-Once a driver reaches the maximum six week probation period or receives one level 5 penalty an automatic stewards vote is triggered to determine if the driver goes on the last chance list.

-Once on the last chance list, any penalty would trigger another vote by the stewards to determine what action should be taken. Those options will be: no action, suspension of a duration to be determined by the stewards, or a ban from SNAIL. In addition to these options the stewards will have at their disposal the use of any other stipulation to membership that they wish to assign to a driver on a case by case basis.

-If a driver is found to have used a glitch or cheat while racing the stewards will have the option to place that driver on the LCL, suspend the driver for a duration to be determined by the stewards, or ban the driver from SNAIL upon the first offense.

-During any stewards vote, the stewards would have until noon Eastern Time on the first racing Sunday after the vote was triggered to cast a vote and the majority of those voting would make the decision.

-In order for a driver to work their way off the last chance list, they must race without incident for how ever many number of weeks of probation they have and they must attend a steward hosted race craft clinic. These clinics will be scheduled once a month.
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Im glad I get to try new cars that I've never driven before (especially those GT-R's :D) but Im sad to see the Lotus leave. :( Fun little thing. Guess I should win Prize A of B to bring it back. :sly:
Division 3 data is finally complete, as in done done!

On a unrelated note:
As I was looking at the races a bit and watching what I did to lose a couple spots and such I came across one of our very one giving me a place! Video is a bit cr@p but best I could do!


I think HusamOne needs a round of applause! I have never seen anyone just give up a position like that!

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