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  • Thread starter zer05ive
What if it was their intent to "outbrake" the ahead car and caused contact? At what point in the pass does the passer become the ahead car?

:D:lol: No, fool. Didn't want to @ Ed or ed on the forum so stuck a space in there.
For the second question, I'd say once the passer is completely ahead of the car they were passing, and that they are exiting the corner with stability. I'm not sure the best answer to the first question, other than try to avoid contact at all costs.
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@LLOYDZELITE69 I just watched your YouTube video "from 14th to 1st in one lap" and that was just fantastic. I know it helped a lot 90% of the racers making those corners wide as heck while you take perfect race lines but I was truly amazed. Do you teach?
Just a heads up to anyone that has a submitted time trial. I'm waiting on the steward summary to be posted so that I can do all the updates to the driver's list at one time. Everyone will be receiving their placement message no later than Sunday morning (pacific time). Thank you for your patience.

Agreed with @JLBowler. The posts where people are calling out other drivers here are getting ridiculous. If you think you're doing the right thing in posting about it, you're not a part of the solution. Take it to PMs, find a solution there, and be done with it. This doesn't look good on SNAIL when this seems to happen each and every day. Grow up.

And the worst part of it with this batch is that it's guys who aren't even showing up and racing on Sunday nights.
Again, in case you you did not hear me the first time


I will be hosting division 6 on Sunday night. Our regular host has asked that he be excused due to connection problems as of late, and our backup will not be around this weekend. Please ensure that you send a friend request if i am not already on your list or you will not be able to race. Thanks in advance for your cooperation.

9: Defensive Driving:


Leading cars have the right to choose their own line down a straight. They can change their racing line once while driving down a straight (Move from the outside line to the inside, or vice versa). As they approach the next corner, they can return to the racing line of their choice. However, they are not allowed to change their line when the behind driver is directly behind and changes his line to try and make a pass. If your movement causes an accident, you are responsible.

This happens quite often inn public rooms.
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Cant wait to race tommorow ... it will be one hour earlier with the winter time change for me ... wich is a plus instead of 3.30 in the morning its 2.30 lol
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View attachment 244556

Awesome fun in the yellow room last night! Thanks for hosting Wolf!

Here are some pictures to go along with it. If you have not tried the Yellow Room, give us a try next Thursday.
Excellent practice room to run in a pack!

Red Bull Ring by W0lfsatz, on Flickr

Red Bull Ring_1 by W0lfsatz, on Flickr

Yellow Lap Re-'Packing'
Red Bull Ring_2 by W0lfsatz, on Flickr

Red Bull Ring_3 by W0lfsatz, on Flickr

Red Bull Ring_4 by W0lfsatz, on Flickr

Red Bull Ring_5 by W0lfsatz, on Flickr

Cape Ring - Periphery_10 by W0lfsatz, on Flickr

Cape Ring - Periphery_9 by W0lfsatz, on Flickr

Cape Ring - Periphery_7 by W0lfsatz, on Flickr

Cape Ring - Periphery_6 by W0lfsatz, on Flickr

Another Yellow Lap Regrouping!
Cape Ring - Periphery_5 by W0lfsatz, on Flickr

Yellow Flag Yellow Flag
Cape Ring - Periphery_4 by W0lfsatz, on Flickr

Cape Ring - Periphery_3 by W0lfsatz, on Flickr

Cape Ring - Periphery_2 by W0lfsatz, on Flickr

Cape Ring - Periphery_1 by W0lfsatz, on Flickr

Cape Ring - Periphery by W0lfsatz, on Flick
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Here are some pictures to go along with it. If you have not tried the Yellow Room, give us a try next Thursday.
Excellent practice room to run in a pack!

Red Bull Ring by W0lfsatz, on Flickr

Red Bull Ring_1 by W0lfsatz, on Flickr

Yellow Lap Re-'Packing'
Red Bull Ring_2 by W0lfsatz, on Flickr

Red Bull Ring_3 by W0lfsatz, on Flickr

Red Bull Ring_4 by W0lfsatz, on Flickr

Red Bull Ring_5 by W0lfsatz, on Flickr

Cape Ring - Periphery_10 by W0lfsatz, on Flickr

Cape Ring - Periphery_9 by W0lfsatz, on Flickr

Cape Ring - Periphery_9 by W0lfsatz, on Flickr

Cape Ring - Periphery_7 by W0lfsatz, on Flickr

Cape Ring - Periphery_6 by W0lfsatz, on Flickr

Another Yellow Lap Regrouping!
Cape Ring - Periphery_5 by W0lfsatz, on Flickr

Yellow Flag Yellow Flag
Cape Ring - Periphery_4 by W0lfsatz, on Flickr

Cape Ring - Periphery_3 by W0lfsatz, on Flickr

Cape Ring - Periphery_2 by W0lfsatz, on Flickr

Cape Ring - Periphery_1 by W0lfsatz, on Flickr

Cape Ring - Periphery by W0lfsatz, on Flick

Pretty sexy pics!

Race Date - Sun Oct 19 2014
Penalty Rate 69%
Banner by dabneyd

Below are the results of the 32 incidents the stewards reviewed.

Division 1 - 2 incidents on file
  • Round 2 - Race 2 - Level 4 - 14 points. 4 weeks probation.
  • Round 2 - Race 1 - Level 3 - 9 points. 3 weeks probation.

Division 2 - 3 incidents on file
  • Round 1 - Race 2 - Level 2 - 6 points doubled to 12 for probation violation. 5 weeks probation remain.
  • Round 3 - Race 2 - Level 2 - 5 points doubled to 10 for probation violation.
  • Round 3 - Race 1 - Level 1 - 2 points doubled to 4 for probation violation. Halved for Self Report.
  • 12 points total and 4 weeks probation remain.

Division 3 - 1 incident on file
  • Round 1 - Race 2 - Level 2 - 7 points. 2 weeks probation.

Division 4 - 9 incidents on file
  • Round 3 - Race 1 - Level 1 - 3 points.
  • Round 3 - Race 2 - Level 2 - 5 points.
  • Round 2 - Race 2 - Level 2 - 6 points.
  • 14 points total and 5 weeks probation.
  • Round 3 - Race 1 - Level 1 - 4 points halved to 2 for on-track concession. 1 week probation
  • Round 3 - Race 2 - Level 3 - 9 points doubled to 18 for probation violation. Halved for self report. 4 weeks probation remain.

Division 5 - 6 incidents on file
  • Round 2 - Race 1 - Level 1 - 1 point doubled to 2 for probation violation.
  • Round 2 - Race 2 - Level 1 - 3 points doubled to 6 for probation violation.
  • Round 3 - Race 1 - Level 1 - 4 points doubled to 8 for probation violation.
  • Round 3 - Race 2 - Level 3 - 12 points doubled to 24 for probation violation.
  • 40 points total and 6 weeks probation remain.
  • Round 3 - Race 2 - Level 1 - 2 points. 1 week probation.

Division 6 - 6 incidents on file
  • Round 2 - Race 1 - Level 2 - 6 points doubled to 12 for probation violation. 6 weeks probation remain.
  • Round 2 - Race 2 - Level 2 - 6 points. 2 weeks probation.
  • Round 2 - Race 1 - Level 2 - 6 points halved to 3 for self report. 2 weeks probation.

Division 8 - 4 incidents on file
  • Round 2 - Race 2 - Level 3 - 11 points.
  • Round 2 - Race 1 - Level 2 - 6 points.
  • 17 points total and 5 weeks probation.
  • Round 1 - Race 1 - Level 1 - 3 points. 1 week probation.

These results can be viewed on the SNAIL Steward Review Sheet.

Four drivers cleared probation this week. One of them has raced off 4 weeks worth. Good work!

* * * * * * * * * * * * *
Thanks to Handlebar-Man, JLBowler, tezgm99 and USERID_77a23 for their reviews this week.
Don't forget to claim your $hells for completing reviews.

* * * * * * * * * * * * *​

These changes affect the final standings.
Full final results can be found here. @zer05ive & @JLBowler, these adjustments have been made in the director's document and results sheets.
***If you were penalized and would like further explanation regarding the incident, PM your Division Steward and they will let you know what the stewards saw and our opinions on it.***


  1. Are you dedicated to racing within the confines of the SNAIL OLR, with the highest level of sportmanship?
  2. Can you commit 1-3 hours, or more, a week, to SNAIL, over and above what you may already be commited for?
  3. Do you possess the necessary equipment to view and edit Google Documents and Spreadsheets, download and transfer replay files for viewing?
    1. Computer
    2. USB Flash Drive
  4. Do you have the fortitude and stamina to expose your opinions regarding your peer's, friend's and league member's on track behavior?
If you answered yes, without qualification or hedging, to all of the above questions, please consider volunteering to be a SNAIL Steward. Be advised, asking to become a Steward doesn't automatically mean you will become one. Volunteers for stewardship are approved by committee. Should you decide to walk this path, please send a PM to myself, @zer05ive, @CoachMK21, @JLBowler or any currently active steward shown here.​
I used up my practice time today on the Red Bull TT :ouch:. Anyone that knows me will understand I couldn't resist the temptation of some Red Bull. Hopefully can meet up with the chill lounge later tonight.
I used up my practice time today on the Red Bull TT :ouch:. Anyone that knows me will understand I couldn't resist the temptation of some Red Bull. Hopefully can meet up with the chill lounge later tonight.

The " CHILL LOUNGE" was awesome tonight!:cheers: Thanks for hosting Wolf!:cheers:
May I suggest that a Probation List be "published" each week? I know my memory "ain't what it used to be" - but I had completely forgotten that I was on probation.
I know "personal responsibility" - it's My Job to care enough to be aware of it, and motivated enough to get off the list.
But it would help if I was reminded each week.

Don't think it would become a "SNAIL's MOST WANTED" or "SNAIL's WORST DRIVERS" list.

Just a thought - and one that was probably presented, discussed and dismissed in the past.

Oh well, back to trying to make the jumps at Cape Ring without hitting someone.
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May I suggest that a Probation List be "published" each week? I know my memory "ain't what it used to be" - but I had completely forgotten that I was on probation.
I know "personal responsibility" - it's My Job to care enough to be aware of it, and motivated enough to get off the list.
But it would help if I was reminded each week.

Don't think it would become a "SNAIL's MOST WANTED" or "SNAIL's WORST DRIVERS" list.

Just a thought - and one that was probably presented, discussed and dismissed in the past.

Oh well, back to trying to make the jumps at Cape Ring without hitting someone.
At the moment, the process for finding out the details of your probation consist of contacting your division steward, or me, and we'll let you know your current probationary state.