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  • Thread starter zer05ive
I've read that zero, thanks, but that pertains to Sunday night only, here's another thought I was thinking, keep Sunday like it is, like zero said, that's what separates this group from others. Then, change the weekly events to allow aids, these events, like last night, were for fun only, right? So why not let the ones who need aids, have them, I would be willing to bet the top guys and gals would never use them, and would still win the events. Just a thought.

I'm of the opinion that if you can't race without the driver's aids on, you need more practice. I also think that if you're not willing to read the forum, you shouldn't show up and waste everyone else's time. You don't have to read every post, just don't show up to a lobby and ask "what cars are we running tonight?"
I've read that zero, thanks, but that pertains to Sunday night only, here's another thought I was thinking, keep Sunday like it is, like zero said, that's what separates this group from others. Then, change the weekly events to allow aids, these events, like last night, were for fun only, right? So why not let the ones who need aids, have them, I would be willing to bet the top guys and gals would never use them, and would still win the events. Just a thought.

There are no real rules limiting what's done on the weekdays, as all of them are unofficial events. So the rules are up to the host to decide on. As you can see though, we sure aren't key on aids. Some events aren't aid friendly either, such as Monday nights events.
To wade in on the driving aids issue ... or maybe it's jump in with both feet :)

Most of the driving games I've played in the last few years, I've used aids of some sort. What they did was mask my inabilities and not allow me to feel what was happening to the car. Once I recognized those facts, through some urging of my friends, I slowly started dropping the aids down, the two hardest and ones I struggle with from time to time are abs and tc.

Well really, it's more like I fight locking em up and spinning em up :lol:

I guess what I'm trying to say is, without aids you soon start to develop a better sense of what's happening with the car and are able to react to it (throttle control and brake modulation). A nice by product is you'll be faster and more in control :)
Yeah. If I'm hosting a weekday event I'm sure as ...err...snot... not going to allow any aids beyond ABS.

If you're unwilling/unable to drive without aids practice until you can.

I, for one, have never used them and find them horribly annoying. All this from day one until present. Aids didn't make me fast. I'm not fast because I don't use aids. I'm "fast" because I play the hell out of this game.

C.I.P. I spent three hours yesterday working on getting the gold at the SLS Nürb Dry Full Lap Challenge. God it felt good to waltz in over a second under the limit when I finally did it.

Practice, my man. Practice.

P.S. We're now in second place in Clubs and Leagues and only 440 from first. hehehehe :D

Active league is active.
I'm of the opinion that if you can't race without the driver's aids on, you need more practice. I also think that if you're not willing to read the forum, you shouldn't show up and waste everyone else's time. You don't have to read every post, just don't show up to a lobby and ask "what cars are we running tonight?"

Just passing by and in complete agreement with Dabney. I'm not sure what it pertains to, but I agree with it. :)

On the job front...they closed the position w/o hire. I inquired with my former supervisor (who currently has the job I'm after) and the next slot will be opening "shortly" whatever that means.

I was depressed, but I gained a reference so not all bad. On a more positive note, I have had and additional week+ to hone my "thank you for giving me this opportunity" face. Its looking something like this >> :mischievous:

Just noticed that Diabolic Friday is still linked up on the weekly schedule. Eventually Ill be hosting, but if all goes well I'll be out of town training for a couple months in the near future. (crosses fingers)
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Thanks for the thorough explanation you provided for GlennGolfer1. Sums it up nicely. 👍

Coming from you, that means a lot. Thank you.

Why do so many of you capitalize the "z" in my handle? I am confounded by this. :P

Simple, because while you view as a handle, but to some of us it's still a your Username. Granted, it's not a "Proper Name", but make not mistake, it's still Your Name - here on GTP as well as on PSN. Therefore, out of respect, it's capitalized, because it's being used to identify you, specifically, as a person - just like "Daddy" or "Mommy" is used to identify a person and those names/titles get capitalized. ...and like it or not, you are the father of the SNAIL group. LOL Deal with it. :D Just be thankful you don't get hit up for Child Support. LMAO
Just passing by and in complete agreement with Dabney. I'm not sure what it pertains to, but I agree with it. :)

'Yes man' ;)

On the job front...they closed the position w/o hire. I inquired with my former supervisor (who currently has the job I'm after) and the next slot will be opening "shortly" whatever that means.

Politics, my most hated element of work to deal with. I scream in my head 'DO WHAT'S RIGHT!' to no avail.

I was depressed, but I gained a reference so not all bad. On a more positive note, I have had and additional week+ to hone my "thank you for giving me this opportunity" face. Its looking something like this >> :mischievous:

I think you've hit on something there, try this one :dopey:

Chin up man, anything worth going after, is worth fighting for 👍
My response would be, "ARGH! This 🤬 isn't worth it! I'm going into business for myself."

...and here I stand messing about on :gtplanet: all day.
My response would be, "ARGH! This 🤬 isn't worth it! I'm going into business for myself."

...and here I stand messing about on :gtplanet: all day.

Sounds like you have the best job ;)

Although I do mess around here a bit during the day. Oh no, boss over shoulder ...
I'm not 100% sure how the divisions work out, but I would hope D3 would be where new guys can learn to drive without aids. I'm average type skill but I hate driving with Skid Force or ASM. With them on all of a sudden it feels like I'm playing Mario Kart throwing the car around corners trying to avoid bananas. Maybe a D4 is needed if the skill level in D3 is too high that new guys don't enjoy it? I dunno.

Skid force makes you faster for sure. I wouldn't use ASM if you paid me.

I am starting to think a D4 would be a good idea as well. That way D3 would be clean with all drivers competing equally.

D4 could have whatever aids make sense. I do not think SFR should be allowed because any driver that gets promoted out of D4 could be a real nuisance after turning it off.

It would be very inviting to new drivers and they would learn good race craft as well. All in all, a win win. 👍

A fourth division may sound good in theory, but we don't have the numbers to support it. Right now we average about 10 drivers in each division on Sunday night. If we split into four divisions, that would mean only 7-8 drivers in each division and that's an undersized grid IMO. Even if this fourth division was used purely as a D-league (and not steal drivers from the other divisions), it's hard to learn good racecraft when there's only two or three drivers on the grid with you.

As far as it being a win win, I'm not so sure about that. There is a whole lot of planning and coordination that's required for each division, both publicly and behind the scenes. For that reason, the need for a fourth division would have to be pretty overwhelming in order to justify creating it. Otherwise, I'd prefer to have three divisions of 14 drivers rather than four divisions of 10 drivers.
I strongly agree with zero. I have been in Snail for 2+ months and in D3 the entire time. I have several observations that may help anyone new to the league. In D3, if people are experienced with our style of racing they get promoted, mostly they are in D3 for their first week, never to be seen in D3 again. If you have never raced without aids before SNAIL and it is you first Sunday night you probably will not get promoted. It could be an intense and possible frustrating experience. Some people in this case don't show up the next week. The ones that do show up week after week are markedly better. I don't know if i will ever get promoted to D2 but every week i aspire to get there by driving my brains out Sunday night. Hard work pays off.
Perhaps I'm missing something obvious, but at what time does the racing start on Sunday? I don't see that in the first post or on the schedule.
Perhaps I'm missing something obvious, but at what time does the racing start on Sunday? I don't see that in the first post or on the schedule.

Sundays races start at 10 eastern time.

Had this question a couple of times recently, gonna have to look into the layout.
Hey zer0,

Just sending level 7, 8, 10 & 11 tickets to SNAIL_Divison1.

EDIT: Can only send one per day, doh.
S.N.A.I.L. Wednesday Practice Session

We'll be running the session in an open lobby starting at 10 p.m. Eastern. tcrash will be hosting with hos faster than light internet :) He'll post the room number when it's all set up.

I'm having issues with my accelerator again. I may or may not make it depending on if I can get it to cooperate. Sigh, hardware.

EDIT: Fixed, had to steal parts from the other set. Now to contact Fanatec for replacements.
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I've read that zero, thanks, but that pertains to Sunday night only, here's another thought I was thinking, keep Sunday like it is, like zero said, that's what separates this group from others. Then, change the weekly events to allow aids, these events, like last night, were for fun only, right? So why not let the ones who need aids, have them, I would be willing to bet the top guys and gals would never use them, and would still win the events. Just a thought.

Unlike some, I'm personally not opposed to the use of aids during the weeknight events. Like you said, it's they are just for fun/practice and aren't official like Sunday night. However, I'm a firm believer that people who use driving aids are doing themselves a HUGE disservice. Like many have said already, you are sooo much better off turning them off cold turkey. The rate you will learn and improve will be exponential faster when you aren't using those ego-protecting crutches. :yuck:
S.N.A.I.L. Wednesday Night Session

We had a great night!!
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For those who may not know, it is Teacher Appreciation Week.

I feel compelled to call out the excellence of Sharkie. Simply put, I am not a natural driver. She has helped me improve significantly, and with measured, accurate, and effective feedback from a great TEACHER, she has helped me give up on 'aids' that I didn't need, see lines I didn't understand before, and continue playing a game that is frustrating... And a game that is rewarding for not giving in to early problems, but taking away a lesson learned.

I nominate her for my Teacher of the Week (and then some)!
What are the Wednesday night races? I happen to have a free night tonight and I would like to participate, if possible of course!
Unlike some, I'm personally not opposed to the use of aids during the weeknight events. Like you said, it's they are just for fun/practice and aren't official like Sunday night. However, I'm a firm believer that people who use driving aids are doing themselves a HUGE disservice. Like many have said already, you are sooo much better off turning them off cold turkey. The rate you will learn and improve will be exponential faster when you aren't using those ego-protecting crutches. :yuck:

Zero, I agree totally with what you said, personally for me, I feel like my behind has been out, when I've been racing here, and that gives me even more reason and drive to get better, but not everybody is like that, and I get that we can't hold every crybabies hand and help them along, but, to be rude to some guy who enters the room looking for fun was something I really wasn't fond of, you saw it too, people writing in all caps, "read the forum" was uncalled for in my opinion, it would have taken no more effort to just give the guy the answer he was looking for, was it annoying, of course, but we don't know his situation, maybe he came home from work, and jumped on the ps3 , looked in the room and saw people were in there, came in and was treated like a jerk. It just felt wrong to me, but I guess I'm a pushover, I don't know. Then the guys saying that if you don't know how to drive with them off, you need to practice more, well, good point Sherlock, but practicing in a room by yourself is much different than with 15 guys who are faster than you, my times are like fifteen seconds faster when I'm by myself, I think some people forget that different people progress in different ways, just because you did something one way, doesn't mean that's the best way for others. And about ego, it seems to me that every game I play there are guys who think they are better than whoever because they do it this way, or that way, I really never understood that logic, where does it end? Are people who drive faster cars better than slower cars? What about wheel vs controller, I mean who cares, let's race and have fun, that's all I'm saying. And by the way I'm lovin the GT academy, what fun it is, I've retried over 2300 times, lol. Talk about practicing, Sharkie accepted my friend request, and she beat me at all of them, and probably tried once, lol, if anybody else wants to friend me, please do, I really like seeing everybody's times, and trying all night to beat them:crazy: