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  • Thread starter zer05ive

Due to recent visits by GTP moderators on Friday as well as here and here, SNAIL management has requested, and been granted, authorization to revoke posting privileges from anyone who makes inflammatory and/or inappropriate posts. Posting privileges can be revoked temporarily or indefinitely. Revocation of posting privileges does not mean you cannot race. It only means you will not be allowed to post in this thread. You will, however, be able to read everything others post.

We sincerely hope that we won't ever have to use this new capability to police our thread, but we will do so without hesitation if anyone posts anything that we deem to be inflammatory, inappropriate, or otherwise disruptive to our thread or the SNAIL vibe in general. It's been a long time coming, but now we'll no longer be at the mercy of anyone's selfish desire to inject unwanted drama into our thread. Those days are officially OVER!!
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Rugby is the sport I played and now coach. So it was with great surprise and delight that I bumped into the South Africa Rugby team last Thursday week. They stayed in my town, Kilkenny, which is about an hour and a half away from the hustle bustle of Dublin where they were to play Ireland the following Saturday. I told them "Jy kan die Engelse geklop, maar jy sal nooit die Ierse klop!" It turned out to be the truth! :lol:
I played rugby till I was 33. The the mind was still willing but the body not so much.
Let's wait and see what happens in the World Cup next year.

Due to recent visits by GTP moderators on Friday as well as here, here, and here, SNAIL management has requested, and been granted, authorization to revoke posting privileges from anyone who makes inflammatory and/or inappropriate posts. Posting privileges can be revoked temporarily or indefinitely. Revocation of posting privileges does not mean you cannot race. It only means you will not be allowed to post in this thread. You will, however, be able to read everything others post.

We sincerely hope that we won't ever have to use this new capability to police our thread, but we will do so without hesitation if anyone posts anything that we deem to be inflammatory, inappropriate, or otherwise disruptive to our conversation or the SNAIL vibe in general. It's been a long time coming, but now we'll no longer be at the mercy of anyone's selfish desire to inject unwanted drama into our thread. Those days are officially OVER!!
Obviously if you want to be part of this community, and I still want to, you have to respect and follow this very restrictive rules but the truth is that it feels almost like Cuba here! If you disagree with Fidel you're probably dead!
I totally agree that inappropriate language, insulting and inflammatory comments against other racers is an absolute no-no but what it's called "unwanted drama" is known in democracy the right to have an opinion, the right of disagree and the right of voice against injustice and with all the respect, this thread and gtp in general feels a lot like "smile, pretend everything is OK or just shut your mouth."
By inappropriate posts (as of late that I've seen), this refers to things that really don't belong and have been deleted anyways. I don't see it as a deterrent from the fun we have in posts, but a consequence that people should think about before posting something up that might not belong. If they don't think twice, then we won't have to worry about future behaviour from them. If you're not dumb and don't post stupid things, then you're ok.
This is not a democracy here. It happens to be Jordan's house. He can run it however he likes. The First Amendment does not apply. At present, this thread is the room Jordan has set aside, in his house, for SNAILs to hang out in. You are free to come and go as you please. While you're here, you are not free to tear up the walls, piss on the carpet or generally try to treat this room as your own personal Geraldo Rivera show.

You have a right to your opinion. You have a right to keep it to yourself. You have a right to express that opinion here. We now have the right to push you out the door and you can exercise your rights elsewhere.
This is not a democracy here. It happens to be Jordan's house. He can run it however he likes. The First Amendment does not apply. At present, this thread is the room Jordan has set aside, in his house, for SNAILs to hang out in. You are free to come and go as you please. While you're here, you are not free to tear up the walls, piss on the carpet or generally try to treat this room as your own personal Geraldo Rivera show.

You have a right to your opinion. You have a right to keep it to yourself. You have a right to express that opinion here. We now have the right to push you out the door and you can exercise your rights elsewhere.

I couldn't resist

You have a right to your opinion. You have a right to keep it to yourself. You have a right to express that opinion here. We now have the right to push you out the door and you can exercise your rights elsewhere.

What a nice beautiful way to answer back a fellow Snail that expressed his opinion in an educated manner.
Just beautiful from someone that proved already he's way better than that. :cheers:
Well, I do find it interesting that many of the guys in the cool kids club of SNAIL Sunday night racing are on the end of the political spectrum that wants less government and yet they embrace the exact opposite here.

I can't wait to see just how touchy you guys are about opinions not aligning with yours...how quickly will you jump on the censor button.

It makes my avatar all the more apropos.

T.H.I.N.K before you post.

T - truthful
H - helpful
I - insightful
N - necessary
K - kind

By following this formula your post is most likely not offensive to anyone. It's really not about politics but more about treating eachother with respect both on and off track (in this forum)

My 2 cents worth
Obviously if you want to be part of this community, and I still want to, you have to respect and follow this very restrictive rules but the truth is that it feels almost like Cuba here! If you disagree with Fidel you're probably dead!
I totally agree that inappropriate language, insulting and inflammatory comments against other racers is an absolute no-no but what it's called "unwanted drama" is known in democracy the right to have an opinion, the right of disagree and the right of voice against injustice and with all the respect, this thread and gtp in general feels a lot like "smile, pretend everything is OK or just shut your mouth."
I'll just be blunt with you, Schmiggz. A few of your posts played a role in the creation of the rule up TOPP. Please don't try to spin this into a "we can't disagree or express our opinions" thing because it isn't about that. This thread has more than 74K posts in less than three years, and that simply doesn't happen when everyone agrees with everyone else. Disagreement between our members is and always will be a constant theme. The more people involved in a group, the more likely there will be differing opinions within the group. Not only have we always had disagreements, but we have actually thrived on disagreements.

The difference is that there's an appropriate way to express opinions and there an inappropriate way to do it. For example, you called people "morons" in one of your posts and it in-part led to a moderator having to delete posts and lock the thread temporarily. This of course led to hours of wasted time between not only SNAIL management, but also GTP management, wading through the crap to sort out what posts should and shouldn't be deleted. So let me ask you, which takes priority? Someone's desire to call people names, or everyone else's desire not to have to wade through a pile of immature name-calling and unwanted drama?

Disagreements are one thing, but personal attacks that affect the atmosphere of this community are something else entirely. With our new capability to prevent people from posting in our thread, we've created a deterrent to those who don't consider the rest of the community before they post. This thread is no longer anyone's personal space to call people names or to air out personal grievances. If anyone doesn't like it, they can simply leave. After all, this is nothing at all like Cuba.
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I'm not sure if I can express myself clearly to you or if you really have some trouble understanding my line of thinking.
I said I agree in being though regarding disrespectful comments towards anybody else. I felt you're though words to me when I did that.
What bothers me sometimes is people here tagging others, me included, of bringing useless drama when trying to let out issues that really need to be adressed.
Anyways... It's not the biggest problem in life.
Ummm...I just wanted to give a heartfelt thank you to @Wolfsatz for the encouragement and advice last night in the chill room. I really appreciate it. :cheers:
Prior to my joining SNAIL I was a "time trial warrior" sick of the wheel to wheel racing in online lobbies. Now i enjoy racing in gt6 like never before. I know i have alot to work on and am learning and through people like @Wolfsatz and @Rednose58 and everyone here who gives freely of their advice and experience to help others i am going in the right direction. My ultimate goal is to race in my division as clean and as fast as i can manage and i am having fun trying to do just that! so to all, i thank you for your patience, knowledge, experience, and understanding.:bowdown:

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