◆ SNAIL [Spec] Racing - Join now to win an Almeida Motor Racing Checklist enrollment!!Open 

  • Thread starter zer05ive
My number 1 favorite movie! I watch it once a week and know every single line!

I'm on the east coast like many others but would definitely be interested if we can work out the communication details.

that movie is good, but the Cannonball Run is better :dopey:

The communication is still in the works, but I did just meet up with Dabneyd and Dangerzone on Google+

I still think Skype would be ideal so maybe you could start an account on one of those.
:gtpflag:Ok, I have a couple of questions regarding driving wheels for gt5. I know the g27 is one of the best wheels out there but, I cant spend that kind of money on a wheel. So is the Gt force by logitech a good starter wheel? And also,does it help in improving your driving skills? Its got to be better than using the controller. I know alot of you guys use the wheel and all of you pretty much smoke me in the races ive been involved in. I was just wondering if I just suck that bad or if the wheels give a slight advantage over controller. Im really enjoying racing and practicing with all of you just want to be more competitive.
:gtpflag:Ok, I have a couple of questions regarding driving wheels for gt5. I know the g27 is one of the best wheels out there but, I cant spend that kind of money on a wheel. So is the Gt force by logitech a good starter wheel? And also,does it help in improving your driving skills? Its got to be better than using the controller. I know alot of you guys use the wheel and all of you pretty much smoke me in the races ive been involved in. I was just wondering if I just suck that bad or if the wheels give a slight advantage over controller. Im really enjoying racing and practicing with all of you just want to be more competitive.

One of my favorite subjects!

1) A wheel will not necessarily make you faster. In fact you will be a slower for a few weeks or longer. Some guys will always be faster with a controller and go back to it for TTs where every tenth counts.

2) Get the best wheel you can afford. There is nothing worse the have to repurchase something because you are not satisfied. Having said that, some of the fastest -D1G fast guys on GTP have used or are using the DFGT. Don't feel like you need to spend extra money to go faster.

3) I was fairly good with the controller but all it took was to borrow a friends G25 for a weekend and I realized I could never go back to the controller full time. It completely changes the game and feels like you are actually driving the cars. I think the skills needed to play using a wheel more closely match the skills needed in real life driving. After all, how many race cars etc do we drive in real life with buttons and joysticks? That's why some fast controller users never quite make the leap 100% to the wheel.
A solid mounting solution for wheel and pedals is important. Be sure to factor that in on your decision.
My transition from controler to wheel was a bit dramatic as suddenly i went from winning races to be last with no time to even finish the race. It was the time of spinning 3 times per lap and lose my mind. Then came phase 2 where i could drive but i was still tremendously slower than before but i end up catching up and joined snail in the meantime so right now i'm the best i ever was but it took me some good 4 months to recover my old lap times. I have a GT force and just cant complain.
Switched to a wheel for GT Academy 2011. Never matched my controller times in that period. After a year I went back and got gold in all the License tests with relative ease. Where as with the DS3 I had only a few golds.
:gtpflag:Ok, I have a couple of questions regarding driving wheels for gt5. I know the g27 is one of the best wheels out there but, I cant spend that kind of money on a wheel. So is the Gt force by logitech a good starter wheel? And also,does it help in improving your driving skills? Its got to be better than using the controller. I know alot of you guys use the wheel and all of you pretty much smoke me in the races ive been involved in. I was just wondering if I just suck that bad or if the wheels give a slight advantage over controller. Im really enjoying racing and practicing with all of you just want to be more competitive.

Gonna chime in on this myself. First off, having never even considered playing GT5 with a controller and my wife and son got me this rig for Christmas 2011, DFGT with native clamps to a Wheelstand Pro.


I will say I started out horribly in my online career and is somewhat detailed here.

After starting in SNAIL late last summer and having little success in the opening months I began lusting after a G27. Was hoping to get that rig as a gift last Christmas and as that didn't occur, I bought it myself the first part of January and have been happily using it since. The differences in the wheels are both subtle but profound.

From my perspective the DFGT is a great wheel for kids. As in children under the age of 16. It was designed specifically for the PS3 and has corresponding buttons with consistent labeling. The G27 however is tailored for a more grown up market, was designed for PC gaming and as such requires specific software support and the ability to consider alternate button labeling and mapping.

Current Amazon pricing places the DFGT at $124.40 and the G27 will hit your accounts for $235.00. I was lucky enough last January to catch the G27 on sale for under $200.

In either case if your looking for a fairly stable platform that is stowable I would recommend the Wheelstand pro. The deluxe version is wider and longer and since the DFGT doesn't have mounting holes to screw it down should fit easily on the deluxe version. The standard version easily tips sideways when attempting severe countersteering motions.

Here's a picture illustrating the differences in both stand and wheel.

My wife summed up the DFGT with this question after I bought the G27, "So, we wasted our money on that?" while looking forlornly at the DFGT rig, and I replied "Pretty much, yeah." While speeding around the track with the G27.

If money was no obstacle I would likely buy a more expensive rig altogether.

To be brutal about it the DFGT is a toy and feels as such when compared to the G27 and likely to any other wheel in or above it's class. I sincerely wish Logitech would choose to stay in the console wheel market and build one that blows the doors off Fanatec and Thrustmaster, as I've heard the latter two companies have randomly poor customer support. Since I just had experience with Logitech's customer support, whereby they replaced a power supply for my out of warranty headset, at no charge to me, I would certainly choose their products over anything anyone else had to offer.

I will have to agree with Oshawa-Joe though. There are aliens galore out there running with the DFGT mounted to what might as well be TV trays and running circles around me. So it still boils down to natural talent and skill acquired through experience.

I would recommend if at all possible, you save up the $110.00 difference and go for the G27. For me, it just feels better all the way around.
How do I get signed up here at snail? Time trial instructions please.

Hi agentorunge,

You've taken the first step in joining. Below are the instructions for running the time trial.

We would love to have you in the league. Here's what you need to know and do in order to join:

We run a clean league by enforcing a strict penalty system based on the S.N.A.I.L. OLR (which is a modified version of the GTP OLR). We also expect all of our drivers to know and follow The Good Racecraft Guide.
Please become versed in both if you aren't already. Once that is complete, please follow the steps below to complete your entry into the league:

1. You run the Time Trial. (NOTE: The tires selected for this have more grip than our current tire regulations allow, but please follow the directions exactly anyways).
2. You PM kcheeb with your time from the time trial (no Sunday racing until this is completed).
3. We assign you to the division that we feel will give you the closest competition. kcheeb will add you to the drivers list.
4. We send you a you a PSN friend request from the corresponding SNAIL_Division1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 account. That PSN account's lounge is where you will race on Sunday night.
5. You drive fast and clean on Sunday 👍

The original post has everything you need to know about what to expect on Sunday night and what you will need to have completed in order to be competitive. If you have any questions, please feel free to post your question on the thread.

Please note that we often race DLC from three add-on packs:

Racing Car Pack
Course Pack
Twin Ring Motegi Pack

If you don't have these add-on packs, you will need to sit out the races in which they are used.

If you have a preference for car/wheel colour and racing number, post your choices in a visitors message here.
To avoid duplication, the currently claimed combinations can be found here.

During the week we run a number of different events, we encourage all SNAILs to join as many as possible.

Welcome to S.N.A.I.L. :cheers:
:gtpflag:Ok, I have a couple of questions regarding driving wheels for gt5. I know the g27 is one of the best wheels out there but, I cant spend that kind of money on a wheel. So is the Gt force by logitech a good starter wheel? And also,does it help in improving your driving skills? Its got to be better than using the controller. I know alot of you guys use the wheel and all of you pretty much smoke me in the races ive been involved in. I was just wondering if I just suck that bad or if the wheels give a slight advantage over controller. Im really enjoying racing and practicing with all of you just want to be more competitive.

I appreciate all the responses. It rwally has helped in my desicion. Is there a little lag in the steering with the wheel? Or is it more of a different style of driving? I guess what im asking is the response on the wheel instantanious, with the car on the screen?
I appreciate all the responses. It rwally has helped in my desicion. Is there a little lag in the steering with the wheel? Or is it more of a different style of driving? I guess what im asking is the response on the wheel instantanious, with the car on the screen?

Yes. Instant I don't feel any delay or lag.
My personal experience with my wheel is pretty much along the same lines as everyone else, going from finally being able to compete online with a ds3, but when I got my wheel it felt like I had lost all of that progress I had made. Eventually with practice and patience I personally am 10x better than what I was with the controller, to give you an example I now win races online instead of just being middle of the pack, and when I do contend for top position I can drive cleaner and make awesome passes, I remember the 1st day it happened. It happens all of the sudden too, it literarily dawns on you like "oh hey, how come I'm winning?" It's a great feeling, I recommend getting a wheel because it makes the game that much more fun!

Also if you are wondering I have a fanatec gt3 rs v2 wheel with a csr shifter and csr pedals mounted to a csl seat
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In the discussion of Wheel Stands - I think everyone should consider the PRO-AM RACING WHEEL STAND. It is produced by one of our SNAIL members, Garagefather (Div 2).
I have been using it since March 2013 and have had a "better driving experience" since that time. A solid and adjustable foundation for both the wheel and shifter, if you have the G-27.
Check out his GT Planet site - numerous photos of the unit that further indicate the quality workmanship that he puts into each and every unit.
One other rig you might want to look at is the GranStand since it's made by a fellow SNAIL. Haven't used one myself but they look nice.

As far as the wheels go I think you can be fast with anything. What the difference is to me is the way you feel with each wheel. Racing is in my mind a large part mental. If you feel confident with the wheel you have you will do better than if you don't like it. For me I don't like the DFGT even though I've been pretty fast with it at times. I like the feel of the T500 and so seem to go faster on it. Other fast guys I know hate the T500 and swear by the G27. I haven't tried a G27 yet myself but there are a lot of aliens on them.
Is there a little lag in the steering with the wheel?
If you make the transition from ds3 to wheel,you will feel a lag...It's the lower precision of your input when you start on the wheel (It's gonna feel like a lag).
Thanks for all the help guys:tup:. I guess my biggest hurdle at this point is money :yuck:. Been out of work with knee surgery. SNAIL is a great group of guys and I thank you all for letting me be a part of this group. :)
Hey guys. This is a request to join your league. I got an invitation on my ps3 system to join your league. Just curious.....what made you decide to send me this invite?

Thanks in advance

Rick Cummins (ffbbsou812 in GT5)
I was thinking about building a triple screen setup in the near future and was wondering if anyone had a suggestion on types of displays that work best. At first I thought a tv but then I thought maybe a monitor would work better. It's just not an area I know much about. Any advice would be appreciated. I wish I asked if the GT6 demo would work on triples or not.
I was thinking about building a triple screen setup in the near future and was wondering if anyone had a suggestion on types of displays that work best. At first I thought a tv but then I thought maybe a monitor would work better. It's just not an area I know much about. Any advice would be appreciated. I wish I asked if the GT6 demo would work on triples or not.

TV's would be cheaper for a similar size. I would recommend a display with a 16x9 aspect ratio. All TV's will be 16x9, but some monitors are not. PS3 doesn't do a great job with 16x10 displays.
Hey guys. This is a request to join your league. I got an invitation on my ps3 system to join your league. Just curious.....what made you decide to send me this invite?

Thanks in advance

Rick Cummins (ffbbsou812 in GT5)

Hi ffbbs,

Thanks for your interest!
We would love to have you in the league. Here's what you need to know and do in order to join:

We run a clean league by enforcing a strict penalty system based on the S.N.A.I.L. OLR (which is a modified version of the GTP OLR). We also expect all of our drivers to know and follow The Good Racecraft Guide.
Please become versed in both if you aren't already. Once that is complete, please follow the steps below to complete your entry into the league:

1. You run the Time Trial. (NOTE: The tires selected for this have more grip than our current tire regulations allow, but please follow the directions exactly anyways).
2. You PM kcheeb with your time from the time trial (no Sunday racing until this is completed).
3. We assign you to the division that we feel will give you the closest competition. kcheeb will add you to the drivers list.
4. We send you a you a PSN friend request from the corresponding SNAIL_Division1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 account. That PSN account's lounge is where you will race on Sunday night.
5. You drive fast and clean on Sunday 👍

The original post has everything you need to know about what to expect on Sunday night and what you will need to have completed in order to be competitive. If you have any questions, please feel free to post your question on the thread.

Please note that we often race DLC from three add-on packs:

Racing Car Pack
Course Pack
Twin Ring Motegi Pack

If you don't have these add-on packs, you will need to sit out the races in which they are used.

If you have a preference for car/wheel colour and racing number, post your choices in a visitors message here.
To avoid duplication, the currently claimed combinations can be found here.

During the week we run a number of different events, we encourage all SNAILs to join as many as possible.

Welcome to S.N.A.I.L. :cheers:
I am and will always be using the wheel even though I know I am slower than the controller but someday I will driver faster with loads of practices. GT5 is a racing simulator after all.
I was thinking about building a triple screen setup in the near future and was wondering if anyone had a suggestion on types of displays that work best. At first I thought a tv but then I thought maybe a monitor would work better. It's just not an area I know much about. Any advice would be appreciated. I wish I asked if the GT6 demo would work on triples or not.

When I investigated mine I was thinking about monitors. The largest I could find locally were 30" and well over a 1200 dollars each. I ended up with 42" tv's for about the same as one monitor. They result in from what I've read near life size images.

Check out the hardware section of gtplanet, lot's of good info and opinions 👍
Not going to be able to make it Sunday. My father is coming back from vacation and needs a ride from the airport. It's a late flight.
Speaking of practice, there were apparently quite a few snails in D1 last Friday night. Should we just turn Friday night into another official practice night or is there any desire for a new S.N.A.I.L. series? We got quite a variety of different types of racing throughout the week, but please speak up if there's another type of racing that you're craving for. :)

With an open night, it would be nice to not have events scheduled for the same time on the same night during the week. It's possible to do multiple events on the same night if the start times are staggered to allow for participation in both but it's not a good idea to have two events competing with each other for the smaller base that is available on weeknights.
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Speaking of practice, there were apparently quite a few snails in D1 last Friday night. Should we just turn Friday night into another official practice night or is there any desire for a new S.N.A.I.L. series? We got quite a variety of different types of racing throughout the week, but please speak up if there's another type of racing that you're craving for. :)

Wen/Friday pratice sounds good to me 👍 who else is going to be in ?