this is less a SNAIL vs TURTLE thing and more about Psycho and his patsy, ph1ster. Damn, ph1sher. Now, obviously, spec car racing is far beyond an original concept. I mean, PD made a tune prohibited setting before any of these leagues started, and spec racing is an old concept in motorsports regardless. Its not that he took one idea from SNAIL, he took the WHOLE thing, quite literally verbatim. After zer0 called Psycho out of it, he began rewriting things. But no lie, from the mispellings to the language, he straight copy and pasted everything from SNAIL to his league. While an idea or two is not original, the tire restrictions, the penalty system we use, the points system, all of these were unique to SNAIL, among other things. And has been said, as annoying as that was, we had moved on and let it go. Its not until ph1sher attacked zer0 and the overall snail community because of some misinformation that Psycho apparently whispered into his ear that things once again came to a head.
Now, all of this I wouldn't have had to explain, if you had read a little bit more. But its ok, this is a fast moving thread, and people are far to important, buzy and impatient to be bothered doing that kind of research.