I went out with a bang, what a great night. In 8 months, I never saw that many drivers on sunday. It was awesome.
Thanks for the wishes Owens, but I'm not gone for good my semester ends in mid december and then I'm a month and a half at home. We'll probably race again on GT6. 👍
It's been a pleasure to help such a great league and team who keeps the league running well and constantly improving. I also want to thank you and the organizers (kcheeb, exo and company) for putting work every week to keep the league running. You guys do a stellar job and we don't say it as often as we should.

SNAIL gave me lots of great racing so it's just normal that I gave back to SNAIL. 👍 And thank you for the compliment, I wish we had a GT academy up north, I would have atleast tried.
It's that time, time to turn off the ignition... It's been a great moment racing with you D1 guys. Owens, you are the cleanest racer I've ever encoutered keep it up. Martin, you gave me a hard time with your sheer speed, a pleasure to race against you.
I don't want to forget anyone, qwietstorm, dgafaboutany, racefan, hillracing and gumball, had some heated battles with everyone of you and you fought well and clean. Keep it up guys.
As for me, I want to thank everyone for the wishes for school. New experiences await me out there and I can't wait to begin. I'll try my best to race again in december that's for sure.
PS: I'll keep an eye on this thread.
Race hard, race clean, race SNAIL.