So with no further beating around the bush, how do we deal with the sandbaggers?
I don't know if anyone sandbagged their time trials or not.
I'm a terrible time trialer and a better racer, as is DrGreenThumb and a few others that I'm aware of. That could certainly explain some of the anomalies.
But, calling people that are currently doing well, sandbaggers, you risk alienating them.
As I've said, we've dealt with the obvious cases and to my knowledge they were not sandbaggers. When approached about being moved up, they were all for it as they themselves recognized that they were not in the right division.
We've even had it go the other way, where people did well in a division, were promoted and promptly fell flat. Even though the times they ran in their prior division were as good as the the times in the current division.
Some people do better in certain types of cars and worse in others. Not to mention tracks. For me, put me in a race car and I'll be able to compete with almost anyone here, put me in a sloppy street car and my comparative performance suffers. Similarly, put me on a track I've not figured out, done deal.
With respect to auto-promoting someone, I don't know if you can say, when a and b happen c must be done. Except of course for the obvious cases. And I don't really think this month we had a clear cut obvious case.
Then add into the mix the numbers of drivers in each division, and and a need to have drivers on the grid for each of the divisions ...
To my thinking, what's really at stake here? Someone wins, someone picks cars and tracks and we race them.