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  • Thread starter zer05ive
I stay steady with my choices. The fun of the trans cammer through the bus stop. That would make D1 happy. Timing and accuracy for sure.

I actually loved the trans cammer, the feeling that the car could bite you in the butt at anytime was incredible, and if you get the first turn right it's just an amazing feeling.
His post says do both!?! (I can't really read) I want to keep the track and change the car.

You get to provide options, new car and new track for the rest of S.N.A.I.L. to decide on :)
BMW M3 GTR Race Car '01 @ GVS/R


The OCD most likely cycle Wednesday night and then it will be a hassle to get. IIRC It's over a million which means no trade. Have to use borrow glitch.

:) Great pick too. Little pushy but not bad really.
Does the OCD change in the morning or afternoon? I'm swearing into the army tomorrow and have no idea when I'll be home so answering this question would be greatly appreciated!
Alright D4, Car and Track Suggestions are now closed.​

Received the following, give me 5 minutes and I'll have a form up with the choices 👍

Record my Suggestion as Amuse Nismo 380RS Super Leggera or (the Trans Cammer on) High Speed Ring

subaru cusco dunlop impreza @ daytona road course.

BMW M3 GTR Race Car '01 @ GVS/R

Voting is now Open for the Combinations Suggested

Please cast your vote here

Votes are coming in 👍

Remember, voting closes at Midnight Eastern tonight, get 'er done!
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Alright D4, Car and Track Suggestions are now closed.​

Received the following, give me 5 minutes and I'll have a form up with the choices 👍

Voting is now Open for the Combinations Suggested

Please cast your vote here

Is this for D4 only?
Don't forget about the shiny new S.N.A.I.L. Weekly Kart Series starting tonight!

Bring your Junior Kart for a tour of the world 15 minutes at a time:

Race 1 - Top Gear Test Track - 9 laps
Race 2 - Suzuka East - 12 laps
Race 3 - London - 13 laps
Race 4 - Rome - 8 laps

Starts in 10 minutes in the SNAIL_Division2 lounge
really, back then a 91 was a medic? When I got out in 2010, they just reassigned all the "allied trades" to 91 series. so an A I believe is a tank mechanic, a B is a wheeled vehicle mechanic, so one and so forth. They where previously 63 series.
BTW, if you were an LT, you would have been commissioned, not enlisted. Just saying.
And on that note, Bandit, if you are signing up, everything the recruiter is saying is a lie, and regardless of what any enlisted guy says, sign up to be an officer, green to gold, OCS, whatever, just get that commision. far, far better off that way.
really, back then a 91 was a medic? When I got out in 2010, they just reassigned all the "allied trades" to 91 series. so an A I believe is a tank mechanic, a B is a wheeled vehicle mechanic, so one and so forth. They where previously 63 series.

No that's the 92 series... I believe lemme check

Edit: nvm you were right... 92 is supply

I'm going for 88m though, I had considered 91b
88m? ohhhh man. SMH, ok, maybe its a place to start, but that is one of the worst jobs in the army. Lets break it down like this. You only drive and PMCS, so if there is no mission, and your truck is in good order, which is not a lot and should be all the time, then you have a lot of down time. down time in the army = stupid details. Stupid details = pulling weeds out of rock beds, pick up cigarette butts, sweeping the motorpool... again...
do yourself the favor and reconsider being a driver. To add to that, it is also one of the more dangerous MOS's in our current battlefield. More attacks are done with IED's than anything else. if your going to deal with being blown up, do something fun like EOD. My suggestion seriously though is become an officer. Less BS to deal with and more money. And they will pay your schooling.
You haven't left for basic yet, its not to late to change it up. Make that recruiter work for his money.
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No that's the 92 series... I believe lemme check

Edit: nvm you were right... 92 is supply

I'm going for 88m though, I had considered 91b

Good luck, I just hope that you have research all your options; the recruiters are not the best source.

Bubblehead here!

Here are some PIX for the Stallion around High Speed Ring.

Dont mind the scratches, I was just feeding the Stallion with nutritious grass and makes for good drama effect.

The light is pretty strange in this track, you always have very dark spots even when it is supposed to be in the sunny side. Both side are always too dark.

Can I get directions to the bridge please?

This one makes a pretty good Desktop Background Picture.
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88m? ohhhh man. SMH, ok, maybe its a place to start, but that is one of the worst jobs in the army. Lets break it down like this. You only drive and PMCS, so if there is no mission, and your truck is in good order, which is not a lot and should be all the time, then you have a lot of down time. down time in the army = stupid details. Stupid details = pulling weeds out of rock beds, pick up cigarette butts, sweeping the motorpool... again...
do yourself the favor and reconsider being a driver. To add to that, it is also one of the more dangerous MOS's in our current battlefield. More attacks are done with IED's than anything else. if your going to deal with being blown up, do something fun like EOD. My suggestion seriously though is become an officer. Less BS to deal with and more money. And they will pay your schooling.
You haven't left for basic yet, its not to late to change it up. Make that recruiter work for his money.
Why does everyone hate 88m... my whole family is against it I scored around a 75 on my ASVAB and have security clearance! I can literally go any mos I want... I've thought about UAV pilot, intelligence analyst's, etc... 88m really appeals to me and I have about... 14 hours till I swear in!

I just wanted to say, I'm proud of you. You're enlisting in the Army and you should be proud of yourself and it doesn't matter what you do. Your signing up to protect the greatest country in the world, yes I'm bias, and be part of the greatest military in the world, bias again.

Every job has menial tasks in one form or another but the difference is you will be wearing a U.S. Army uniform and no menial tasks take away from that. If you want to be a driver, do it. So what. That's what you want to do and that's all that matters. If you were my son, I'd be proud of you no matter what you did. You're doing a great service for your country, thanks!

I give you a hardy handshake and a thank you for your service:cheers:
I'll take this offline with you later man. I spent my time enlisted as a 63b and worked side by side with your MOS. especially since I was part of S&R.
That said, done quick advise, pay attention to your drill instructors. Be serious, but try to enjoy basic, it's probably the most fun you will have doing army type stuff. The point is to get smoked, so get smoked often. Run a train. Be awake first. and never call your drill sergeant sir, they work for a living...
Also, don't get married! Trust me. Watch your peers, see the stupid crap they will do (you will see the craziest things man, especially over seas) and try not to do something your rank can't afford.
The army will take you places, but it will make you suffer through some stupid crap too.
Good luck, and thanks for volunteering.
Oh, also, the gt score, that is the important one from that test. That is the one that determines MOS and school eligibility.

Military service is a very personal experience. There are as many opinions about it as there are vets. What you get out of it will be yours alone. Regardless of what branch you decide on, Your time doing the nations business is one of the finest foundations to build a life from. Whether you become a lifer or just do your 4 and separate. My time in the service was one of the greatest adventures of my life. I have been out for quite some time but all of the lessons I learned while on active duty still serve me well.

"This We'll Defend" 👍👍
Good luck, (...)
Here are some PIX for the Stallion around High Speed Ring.

Dont mind the scratches, I was just feeding the Stallion with nutritious grass and makes for good drama effect.

The light is pretty strange in this track, you always have very dark spots even when it is supposed to be in the sunny side. Both side are always too dark.


MAN! Those are some nice pictures. 👍 I need to step up my game. haha
KART NIGHT is so much fun guys. Consider stopping by and giving it a go. Good racing with lots of fun. Loaded with great personalities.
Attention D4 Drivers that raced on September 22nd

CanuckleheadII is unable to make his pick for Prize B this week. As a result, the following drivers:


will have until 8:00 P.M. Eastern Time to provide S.N.A.I.L. with suggestions for replacing the:

Grand Touring Garage 1970 Ford Mustang Trans-Cammer @Grand Valley Speedway / Reverse combo.

For your suggestion please provide a Car AND a Track.

Once 8:00 P.M. Eastern Time rolls around, I'll compile the list of suggestions and put a Google doc form up so the rest of S.N.A.I.L. can choose one of your suggestions, a Car OR a Track.

The voting will close at Midnight Eastern Time at which point I will post the results. In the event of a tie, it will be broken by me.


The results are in :

  • 9 - Car - BMW M3 GTR Race Car '01
  • 3 - Car - Subaru Cusco Dunlop Impreza
  • 2 - Car - Amuse Nismo 380RS Super Leggera
  • 1 - Track - Daytona Road Course
  • 1 - Track - Grand Valley Speedway Reverse
  • 1 - Track - High Speed Ring

The new combo is :

BMW M3 GTR Race Car '01 @Grand Valley Speedway / Reverse

Thanks to everyone that voted 👍
Navy, ABS aboard the USS Constalation 1976 to 1981, flight deck crew! I caught aircraft.
20 hour days but looking back, what a great expierience!

Good luck bandit and learn all you can to be all you can!

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