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  • Thread starter zer05ive
I have a question and request for those of you that have a buttkicker. I will be getting one from my wife for Christmas and will be building a new rig with a real car seat that I will get from a local source. I want to know how you went about mounting the buttkicker to the seat and what materials you would recommend. I am most comfortable with using wood because I have all the tools at my house. I have metal working tools at the race shop but then I would have to lug a wheel back and forth to do test fitting as I'm building. My rig will be sitting on carpet so I'm thinking I will isolate the seat mounting from the rig using a foam rubber material at all contact points.

Any help that can be offered would be greatly appreciated. It would probably be better to start a private conversation with any suggestions to keep from cluttering the main thread.
I will show you details on my rig+buttkicker in a conversation.
This should get you to my flickr photostream. There are pictures that shw the underside of the seat, and some of the buttkicker mounted. I used a socket and a bolt, with washers, and wingnut to tighten it down. I added a rubber washer inside the socket and bolt. Hope this helps.

okay. Found the pictures but they changed flickr and I can't get it to show.
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Thought this was interesting out of the Manual:
"When you start the game for the first time, you will receive a message from the Gran Turismo Association, asking you to enter your name. Once you have done so, you can learn about the basics of driving and how to proceed through the game by following the Association's guidance."

I wonder if "your name" means a new online ID, or the one used in GT-5?
If it is a new name ....... wonder if SNAILS would want to have a League ID? SNL_TEX-36 or something.
Just a Pre-Launch thought.

It is what the game will call you.. "Now listen up (insert name here), this is going to take some focus..."
For those of you that preordered with Gamestop with in-store pickup, have you gotten a reminder email or anything? I have no emails from them other than the confirmation when I placed the order, I just want to make sure everything's all set for me to pick up and get my preorder bonus codes tomorrow.

Also, last night I was a spectator for my first SNAIL endurance race. I might have to check it out next time...

I got a text about an hour ago. I then realized my local store does not open at noon like I had feared, but opens at 10 am.

Looks like I am having some food poisoning (acute, miss one day of work) for dinner in a little bit.
After reading the manual for GT6 something occurred to me, there is no mention of private lounges. Hmm......

Just paid the balance on my pre-order! So I have that going for me, which is nice.(one of my favorite Carl Spackler quotes)
Thanks Jared, but I apologize for not being more clear. I wasn't trying to ask you run laps to report times, I was simply asking if you could look in Column K and for the fastest lap for each of tonight's combos. Sorry if you weren't planning to run laps etc.

No worries :lol: it didn't take long plus I was curious to see what I could come up with anyway.

Fastest lap with Elise RM - 2:42.025

Fastest lap with NSX RM - 1:26.579

Tonight? YOu got a gamestop open past midnight? I called and tried several different excuses to try and get my copy today, no dice. But buying the download won't get you playing today, according to those that did get it off the PSN say that when they try to get the game running, its says something to the affect that the game is locked until Dec 6 00:00

Yep, That I do. 👍 It's like, 5 minutes away & they do midnight releases for all new games. Odd...not at all surprised though
Hmmmm - the Honda NSX RM '91 must have been before my time. Don't have it anywhere in the garages. Guess I'll catch up on the Honey-Do list tonight. Always plenty of that this time of year.
Hmmmm - the Honda NSX RM '91 must have been before my time. Don't have it anywhere in the garages. Guess I'll catch up on the Honey-Do list tonight. Always plenty of that this time of year.
Are you sure of that TEX? I recall you chasing me at Motegi.
After reading the manual for GT6 something occurred to me, there is no mention of private lounges. Hmm......

Just paid the balance on my pre-order! So I have that going for me, which is nice.(one of my favorite Carl Spackler quotes)
You can make online rooms only available to friends I believe.
After reading the manual for GT6 something occurred to me, there is no mention of private lounges. Hmm......

This is one of my biggest hopes for the GT6.. Managing the friends lists of five divisions is a major PITA. If GT6 allows our divisions to race together without everyone needing to have access to a particular lounge, then I will be :bowdown: to Kaz.
No worries :lol: it didn't take long plus I was curious to see what I could come up with anyway.

Fastest lap with Elise RM - 2:42.025

Fastest lap with NSX RM - 1:26.579

Either way, much appreciated!

Yep, That I do. 👍 It's like, 5 minutes away & they do midnight releases for all new games. Odd...not at all surprised though

Dang, you're very lucky to have this. Very jealous!
The wife just informed me that I too have received my call from Gamestop! Took the day off from work tomorrow for some daddy time and will be standing outside Gamestop at 9:45 sharp! If anyone needs me tomorrow they can find me in my rig after 10...:D:cheers:

15 hours and counting.....

EDIT: only 105 to go...:P;)
Went in to my gamestop here with a plan to wheedle my copy out of them early. Attempted to leverage the crappy weather expected here tomorrow morning and even planned to offer to buy a standard copy of the game extra, but when approached, dude nuked me with the line, "Man, I'd love to but, I'll lose my job and be fined $10,000." My paltry plan of offering to buy the second copy, pretty much died right there, before it ever saw the light of day. Got a voicemail from gamestop sometime today letting me know my copy will be ready for pick up tomorrow.

Amazon order still as follows;

Tracking Information:
Status: Not yet shipped
Latest Event: Order Received - Nov 13, 2013 5:44:22 PM
Description: We've received your order, but we haven't started preparing it for shipment yet. The amount of time your order spends in this status can vary based on the availability of the item(s) and the selected delivery.

I think I know now what happened with the Amazon order. Went to view the order number and discovered my payment had not been accepted. Had an alert to retry payment. Did so. Estimated delivery, if payment is accepted this time, appears to be 10 DEC. More on this BS later.

Would like to nab a TOTPP
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Haven't heard anything about my preorder :(

Going there at 9 am in -40C with the wind chill, anyone got an extra layer they can loan me?