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  • Thread starter zer05ive
S.N.A.I.L. Color and Number Combo Entry Form!

With everyone gearing up for the first official race on GT6, as well as the new additions coming into our ranks, I feel it is high time, and past time, to give everyone a little refresh on the procedure for entering you combo and number. It is super easy.
Step one: Follow this link
Step two: Fill out the form
Step three: Submit the form.
That's it, I bet it took longer to decide on a color combo then it will take to fill out this form.

Good luck out there everyone. Race clean, and keep it fun.

Submited it form. Let me know if any SNAIL with seniority has conflict with my colors combo.

I am racing tonigt!
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Hey fellow SNAILS,
I've been busy and couldn't join the past 4 to 6 weeks. I miss it and would like to return tonight if that is not an overcrowding problem. Shoot me an email to billyray44@hotmail.com and let me know if I can join, and which lounge.
Tcrash, myself and a few other did some more testing tonight and this is what we discovered. Some of this may have already been stated.

If you're not the friend of the host and the room is set to friends only, you will not see the room in the server listings, at all.

Reverse grid settings sequence;
At the end of the first race of each combo, the host/director needs to make the following settings in this order;
  1. Ensure noone is on track/in pit
  2. On the Qualifier Settings page, change Race Alone to Race Together
  3. On the Basic Settings page change to Practice/Race
  4. On the Race Settings page change Grid Order to Reverse Grid Based on Previous Race Results
If this order is not followed precisely, when setting the room for the second race in each combo, it's highly likely the room will remain in race alone and no one will be able to see anyone else.

I would also advise everyone to do the following before joining tonight;
  1. clear your GT6 Caches,
  2. shut down all devices using your network,
  3. reboot your modems and routers,
  4. boot up your PS3 and launch GT6,
  5. boot up other network devices
  6. leave all other unnecessary devices turned off, or at the very least, not connected to your network, ie shut down your phone's wifi connection.

This should help with lag related events for everyone in the room.
Ok, got home early and just had something to eat. Will be going online for 8:30 and learn the new track. However, there is a good chance I will have to leave early due to family reasons. Nothing to do with Michael Jordan.
Ok, got home early and just had something to eat. Will be going online for 8:30 and learn the new track. However, there is a good chance I will have to leave early due to family reasons. Nothing to do with Michael Jordan.


@Oshawa-Joe what room you be in dude?
If you're not the friend of the host and the room is set to friends only, you will not see the room in the server listings, at all.

So this means that I need to be friends with whoever the D1 host is (assuming I'm still in D1 if we go to 4 divisions, anyway), right? Is that dabneyd?
So this means that I need to be friends with whoever the D1 host is (assuming I'm still in D1 if we go to 4 divisions, anyway), right? Is that dabneyd?

Someone can correct me if I'm wrong but I believe we are setting up the room as public and the room numbers will be posted here.
Hey fellow SNAILS,
I've been busy and couldn't join the past 4 to 6 weeks. I miss it and would like to return tonight if that is not an overcrowding problem. Shoot me an email to billyray44@hotmail.com and let me know if I can join, and which lounge.

Hey Raymann, no problem joining, it looks like we'll be alright tonight 👍

Guys who will be hosting D3, could that person please add me as a friend i_max


You guys won't need to be friends with the host, the room will be public and the number will be posted here for you to join 👍

As has been alluded to, we're close to having to expand to 4 divisions, but that won't be happening tonight. In fact we'd prefer it to happen for the January season, but if we have to we can get it dealt with prior to then.

At any rate, please join the Public Lobby for the Division you are currently assigned to. If you can't join because the room is full, please post here and we'll make arrangements. We may be a little behind in getting started tonight if we end up having to shuffle drivers, but we'll get there :) Your patience is appreciated.


Im not sure if I am suppose to head to D2 or D3....

You're in D2, the Drivers List tells me so ;)
Okay, with just over half an hour until race time, here are the number of drivers that have said they will race:

Division 1 - 9
Division 2 - 12
Division 3 - 13

There might be a few more who race (but just haven't stated their intentions), but it looks like we'll be okay with three divisions.

We will be racing in the Open Lobby so please keep an eye on the thread for your division host to post your division's room number. Your divisions hosts for tonight are:

Division 1 - @OwensRacing
Division 2 - @fzappa
Divisoin 3 - (still pending)
Okay, with just over half an hour until race time, here are the number of drivers that have said they will race:

Division 1 - 9
Division 2 - 12
Division 3 - 13

There might be a few more who race (but just haven't stated their intentions), but it looks like we'll be okay with three divisions.

We will be racing in the Open Lobby so please keep an eye on the thread for your division host to post your division's room number. Your divisions hosts for tonight are:

Division 1 - @OwensRacing
Division 2 - @fzappa
Divisoin 3 - (still pending)

If Beal does not open or show in the next 5 or so minutes, I will open D3