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  • Thread starter zer05ive
Did your PS3 wipe the backup save as well? There's no file at all in the game save utility?

No backup save, and no game save at all. I exported replays. Then when to copy replays to a flash drive. After the first replay was copied, I continued. On the second replay the PS3 hard froze and it rebooted it self. All of my game save data was then gone along with the replays. I even had to redownload all the updates which is whats happening now.

So needless to say I will not be downloading any replays from GT6. I'm just going to use my PVR to capture replays.

Edit: I've got my micro credit back which is good. So money isnt the issue. Just have to grind the licensing now.
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If anyone is on in a couple hours I may have another room up. We shall see how long it take me to grind the damn National A license.
No backup save, and no game save at all. I exported replays. Then when to copy replays to a flash drive. After the first replay was copied, I continued. On the second replay the PS3 hard froze and it rebooted it self. All of my game save data was then gone along with the replays. I even had to redownload all the updates which is whats happening now.

So needless to say I will not be downloading any replays from GT6. I'm just going to use my PVR to capture replays.

Edit: I've got my micro credit back which is good. So money isnt the issue. Just have to grind the licensing now.
Don't forget to back up your game this time. I have multiple saves on USB sticks and my computer!
Don't forget to back up your game this time. I have multiple saves on USB sticks and my computer!

I wont forget this time.. lol.

Edit: I am now officially setup to race again on sunday. Took me nearly 5 hours to grind to get thru National A license. But I was also doing all the races and side mission also.
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You're making me nervous Fox. First thing I'm going to do when I get home this afternoon is check my game saves, then back them up. I already have several, but I've not backed it up in a few days.

I have a couple now. I didnt think about it before. But after losing the replays and gt6 game save folder I will keep my eye out. I wont be exporting replays till they do something to fix it. I know I had a working Round 2 Race 2 replay But once the PS3 froze it was game over.
I have a couple now. I didnt think about it before. But after losing the replays and gt6 game save folder I will keep my eye out. I wont be exporting replays till they do something to fix it. I know I had a working Round 2 Race 2 replay But once the PS3 froze it was game over.

@fastfox400 - Did you try to export all the replays as a batch? The functionality exists, and I almost tried it last night with the D2 round 1 races, but for some odd reason, didn't.
@fastfox400 - Did you try to export all the replays as a batch? The functionality exists, and I almost tried it last night with the D2 round 1 races, but for some odd reason, didn't.
I used the batch function last week and I guess got lucky. Won't be doing that again.

I used the batch export for all 5 working replays. I didnt have issues until i went to copy them from XMB to a flashdrive. That was when it hard froze.
I think I used the batch function (where you select multiple replays for export) last week and it worked just fine. Although my PS3 froze when watching my own replays a few times. I'm not sure if anyone else reviewed any of the D3 replays I uploaded though. That being said, I'm not sure if I will be uploading replays this week :/
Free Google accounts have free cloud storage. PlayStation plus members do not enjoy anything free. They pay for such in advance or over the course of their memberships.

I think I used the batch function (where you select multiple replays for export) last week and it worked just fine. Although my PS3 froze when watching my own replays a few times. I'm not sure if anyone else reviewed any of the D3 replays I uploaded though. That being said, I'm not sure if I will be uploading replays this week :/

There were no reported incidents from D3 this week.
The biggest reason I have it!

Hrm... What does that run?

I had a retro-tech thought...

Too bad there is not some simple one paragraph of standing info that the Host can add in room settings beyond the title. something that someone entering a lobby could read about who/what is expected. Save in room settings...

That would be one "pop-up" of customizable text for newly entering room that would be VERY worthwhile, IMHO, with only Open Lobbies available,
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Free Google accounts have free cloud storage. PlayStation plus members do not enjoy anything free. They pay for such in advance or over the course of their memberships.


There were no reported incidents from D3 this week.

Considering I have games that non plus members would pay over $50 for. Multiple free games. That in itself offsets the cost. I also have a PS4 and to play online. You have to have plus. So it isn't an option at this point. However they offer a multitude of free stuff for being a member that will indeed offset the cost. In essence making it free and then some. ;)

Room Set Up Video Tutorial:

Love the settings vid, Owens!

If I put the upgrade on HandlebarMustash will my son's acct on the same PS3 also have online backup?

It was nice he was given the 15th Anniversary benefits like I did, not that he will play it much.
Looking now Handlebar.


My sons account under my name doesn't have the cloud save. However he does have access to all games I got from PS Plus.

So the cloud back up is only available to the PSN user that purchased it.
I noticed that fastfox400 self-reported last week about leaving the track. I understand the case of self-reporting when you cut the track (whether it was intentional or not), but what about the case where you leave the track by accident, but don't cause any shift of positions or issues for other drivers? For example, I grazed the outer edge of a high speed turn at Suzuka last week, spun madly off track, and coasted to a stop back on the inside of the track, off the racing line. My error didn't cost anyone a position or give me an advantage (I lost 6 positions), but it could have conceivably cost someone time if they were following a less-than-ideal line. I don't recall if anyone had to turn at all to navigate around me (couldn't tell during the spin and I didn't remember to record the race, being new), but I doubt it. Would this be something worth reporting?
If you leave the track and don't gain anything by doing so then there is no penalty. If you leave the track and while coming back on, you impede the progress of another driver, there is a penalty for that.

In you example where you lose control and leave the track surface, there would be no penalty for that situation. The only time leaving the track would be a penalty is when you are making the distance shorter or you are carrying more speed by leaving the track. Most spots that you can carry more speed are known and someone will usually be checking those areas of the track looking for those taking advantage.
It sounds like you my have committed a unsafe track reentry. Going off the track isn't a problem(for others), it is
how you reenter the track that could be considered poor racecraft.
It is generally customary to wait to reenter the track when it is safe any you will not get into anyone's way. This may require you to come to a complete stop.
Also note that if you got your tires dirty it will cause you to lose traction upon reentry and slow your acceleration down. Keep all this in mind when reentering the track.
The spin actually left me back on the track at the end of it. I tried to get out of the way as much as possible. However, while I was stopped sideways on the inner part of the track, people may have had to alter course to go around me, allowing those behind them to gain on them.
I'm not a steward but I don't think you would be penalized if you lose control and end up on track unintentionally. I've seen a few instances of unsafe track entry in my limited time with SNAIL but I don't think that really counts. I would be interested in what a steward would have to say.
Considering I have games that non plus members would pay over $50 for. Multiple free games. That in itself offsets the cost. I also have a PS4 and to play online. You have to have plus. So it isn't an option at this point. However they offer a multitude of free stuff for being a member that will indeed offset the cost. In essence making it free and then some. ;)

I'm not refuting the value of a PS+ membership. I also can't argue that PS+ members aren't getting a mighty discount on a fairly vast array of content. What I'm having a problem with is anyone saying that content or provided service is free. It's not, even if it's only for pennies the content or service is provided.

I noticed that fastfox400 self-reported last week about leaving the track. I understand the case of self-reporting when you cut the track (whether it was intentional or not), but what about the case where you leave the track by accident, but don't cause any shift of positions or issues for other drivers? For example, I grazed the outer edge of a high speed turn at Suzuka last week, spun madly off track, and coasted to a stop back on the inside of the track, off the racing line. My error didn't cost anyone a position or give me an advantage (I lost 6 positions), but it could have conceivably cost someone time if they were following a less-than-ideal line. I don't recall if anyone had to turn at all to navigate around me (couldn't tell during the spin and I didn't remember to record the race, being new), but I doubt it. Would this be something worth reporting?

While JLBowler and others have addressed this in a more general form, I'm going to quote a few things from the SNAIL OLR;

01: S.N.A.I.L. OLR General Rules:
D:You are expected to drive responsibly in a way that's not likely to ruin the racing enjoyment of your fellow drivers.​

13: Recovering from an incident:
A:It is the responsibility of the driver recovering from any incident to take all necessary care to not interfere with any cars still on the track and not part of the incident. A relevant incident may include, but is not limited to -
  • Being spun out
  • Facing the wrong way,
  • Perpendicular to the track
  • Going abnormally slow for where you are on the track.
  • Getting penalized for any amount of time by the penalty system
If you are off the track then the rules on "Re-entering to the track after running off" apply.​

14: Re-entering to the track after running off:

A:It is the responsibility of the car returning to the track to ensure there are no collisions so that no other drivers have to maneuver or brake suddenly to allow you to resume racing. If there's a chance of a collision, wait and be patient as other drivers have the right of way.

B:An off track incident includes:
  • Being stuck or pinned to a wall or railing.
  • More than two tires leaving the track at any one time
  • Any situation where the car may lose control and create cross traffic

C:Do not reverse back onto the track unless it is necessary. If you are backing up away from a wall first look around you to avoid a collision and as the collision would be your fault.

D:Re-enter the track parallel to the road, slowly and gently, and always with great care. This gives you the best opportunity to see what's coming up the track behind you, and it also gives drivers coming up on you the best chance to orientate themselves to your situation.
With all that being said, if you want, I'll be happy to take a look at the specific event you are concerned with, and I invite all other stewards to do so as well. We'll just need to know the Round, Race, Lap and overall time of the event you're curious about, so we can get the replay (if you have a working copy of that, we may need to make arrangements to get it from you). We'll let you know what we find. I would suggest you PM those details to your division steward and myself. Check the links in my signature to find out who your division steward is.
I hear that GT6 is on sale for $40 at GameStop and Amazon and some people are even getting the anniversary edition packs. Seems like a giant "**** you" to those of us that preordered or bought the game as soon as it came out.
I hear that GT6 is on sale for $40 at GameStop and Amazon and some people are even getting the anniversary edition packs. Seems like a giant "**** you" to those of us that preordered or bought the game as soon as it came out.

And all the folks that bought it by Christmas.