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  • Thread starter zer05ive
I'm not a big fan of Gimp. There is a free version of PS out there now. Adobe released it as a free download. It's an older version but its easier to use than Gimp.

I'll have to chase this down. I prefer PS.

However GIMP isn't "bad" considering.
Just wanted to pass along some annoying and troubling behaviour from last nights Kart races.

Seems the first time you hit the brakes in a race you hear the button press sound effect. Wasn't sure what was happening at first til @Chiochan pointed it out.

We had both rooms lock up at the end of a race. For @dabneyd room a random joined mid-race and the room wouldn't exit the after race loading screen until he left.

In my room we had a Kart racer join mid-race and after the race we got stuck at the loading screen. We asked him to leave and come back but it didn't change anything. Then we found out @goofytyler was still on track and basically idling around. Usually the timer would have kicked in and we'd be back at the lounge menu. Wouldn't do that until goofy exited.

Looks like we have some shiny new stuff and some more broken stuff :(
Just wanted to pass along some annoying and troubling behaviour from last nights Kart races.

Seems the first time you hit the brakes in a race you hear the button press sound effect. Wasn't sure what was happening at first til @Chiochan pointed it out.

We had both rooms lock up at the end of a race. For @dabneyd room a random joined mid-race and the room wouldn't exit the after race loading screen until he left.

In my room we had a Kart racer join mid-race and after the race we got stuck at the loading screen. We asked him to leave and come back but it didn't change anything. Then we found out @goofytyler was still on track and basically idling around. Usually the timer would have kicked in and we'd be back at the lounge menu. Wouldn't do that until goofy exited.

Looks like we have some shiny new stuff and some more broken stuff :(

I've had that button noise happening to me since just after christmas. I got a new headset and thought it was a sound from it...interesting:confused:
I can see it now: "According to the formula, the combo to be eliminated will be....the Oregon Ducks!!"

We Oregonians are pretty wary of that there BCS formula. :lol:
I think every college football fan on the planet is/was wary of the BCS formula. Of course, some more than others. ;) But yeah, it was quite possibly one of the most hated things in sports world (perhaps not the formula itself, but the system overall). If you ever get a chance, or are so inclined, check out a book called The BCS Must Die. It confirmed what everyone suspected all along, which was that those arguing that the BCS was the best option for student athletes, were really just guys who didn't care about anything other than lining their pockets with the millions that the BCS enabled them to collect. Because of the amount of evidence the the authors of the book were able to obtain, the book actually played a significant role in killing the BCS. 👍
I think every college football fan on the planet is/was wary of the BCS formula. Of course, some more than others. ;) But yeah, it was quite possibly one of the most hated things in sports world (perhaps not the formula itself, but the system overall). If you ever get a chance, or are so inclined, check out a book called The BCS Must Die. It confirmed what everyone suspected all along, which was that those arguing that the BCS was the best option for student athletes, were really just guys who didn't care about anything other than lining their pockets with the millions that the BCS enabled them to collect. Because of the amount of evidence the the authors of the book were able to obtain, the book actually played a significant role in killing the BCS. 👍

I'll have to get that book. It sounds like my kind of geeky 👍
Still mired at the kid's science fair, so no racing or anything for me tonight. I will be prepared to keep trying on the replays tomorrow.
I've had that button noise happening to me since just after christmas. I got a new headset and thought it was a sound from it...interesting:confused:

I seem to notice it every first race of any online room, just chalked it up as another little GT6 public beta glitch. Personally, I like the new PD philosophy of releasing unfinished games on time compared to the old one of continuously pushing back release dates ;)
While we're on the topic, who did D2? I think I see a mistake. It appears that no one was credited for third place in the sixth race, and Drrgreenthumb isn't placed at all. I'm guessing he got 3rd, but I'm not in front of my PS3 to check the replay.
I seem to notice it every first race of any online room, just chalked it up as another little GT6 public beta glitch. Personally, I like the new PD philosophy of releasing unfinished games on time compared to the old one of continuously pushing back release dates ;)

Yeah, I'd rather them release an unfinished game on time than an unfinished game late. With Kaz at the helm those are about the only two options.
So, you are a fan of the current state of online racing, replays, the community features and course maker?

Funny, I feel like I paid full price for a partial idea that was sketched on the back of a wrinkled napkin and I don't recall hearing anything from PD remotely like a commitment to fix anything in any format like a timeframe.

I sure wouldn't try their version of setting or meeting goals and timeframes in a business meeting, personally. Of course, Sales may approve of "promise them Hawaii and give them a used t-short with a picture of Hawaii...."

To clarify - my ire is for PD and their no-comment style coupled with no-fix performance, not at racefan.
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While we're on the topic, who did D2? I think I see a mistake. It appears that no one was credited for third place in the sixth race, and Drrgreenthumb isn't placed at all. I'm guessing he got 3rd, but I'm not in front of my PS3 to check the replay.

Green did finish third in that race. I looked and fixed it in the directors document. It still needs to be changed in the results document though.

The strange part about that is that when I read the points at the end of the night, Green was in the right spot. I remember it clearly because Joe and I were right together at the bottom.
Green did finish third in that race. I looked and fixed it in the directors document. It still needs to be changed in the results document though.

The strange part about that is that when I read the points at the end of the night, Green was in the right spot. I remember it clearly because Joe and I were right together at the bottom.

Fixed the results doc.
Newest S.N.A.I.L. & GTPLANET sponsored paint job:



Awesome paint job, Owens! The S.N.A.I.L. banner looks great draped across the hood like that! :cheers:

Wait.. I'm not going to get a huge bill in the mail for sponsorship money, am I? :lol:
Hello my fellow SNAILS Im starting a NASCAR PRO MONDAYs it will be hosted in SNAILS weekly events if I get enough interest from the SNAIL community here is the info.

Races will be hosted in a lobby hosted by me. Make sure that PICHON617 is added on your PSN friends list. Race Start Time Mondays 8:00 PM EST Room opens 1 hour earlier!
View attachment 108249


1 - PICHON617 - 42
2 - SPEER9892007 - 48
3 - VINNYBEAR-o1 - 24


View attachment 108251
Car regulations

1. Only the 2013 "Gen 6" Nascars will be permitted for use
2. Cars will be restricted to the following PP-627/HP-892
3. You may NOT use any other tire compound (softer or harder) other than the one listed
4. Tuning allowed on ovals only
5. No Tuning on Road Courses

Racing Rules

  1. Are for multi-car incidents
  2. Are not for single car spin outs
Two tires must remain in contact with the track at all times.
  1. At Daytona and SSRX, the "apron" (area between the bottom yellow line and the grass/paved runoff) is NOT track and you may NOT run on it to make a pass.
  2. On road courses, curbing/rumble strips and most hard surfaces attached to white boundary lines are track; different considerations may be made at certain tracks.
  3. Concrete patches, "greencrete", or turf and other run off is not considered to be track.
  4. When exiting pit road, you may merge onto the racing line as soon as it is safe to do so. You must make certain that you will not impede any other cars while merging.
  5. Harsh penalties will be applied to those who cause an accident while exiting the pits.
  6. The same thing applies for drivers rejoining the track after spinning or otherwise leaving the racing surface.
  7. Lapped Drivers may not impede the progress of the lead lap cars. They may, however, choose to help a lead lap car by bump drafting, etc.
  8. Bump drafted is permitted on all tracks, provided it is safe to do so.
  9. If you cause an accident for any reason that causes another driver to spin out, you must wait for all affected drivers to rejoin the track, and allow them to overtake you before returning to race speed. Doing so proves it was unintentional, and will lessen any penalties applied to you.
  10. Slight bumping and rubbing is inevitable and permitted, but intentionally punting a driver out of the way ("bump-and-run") to overtake him, or worse, intentionally spinning him out, is strictly prohibited.
  11. Penalties will be applied for any and all punts, and there will be zero tolerance for dumping another driver.
  12. If you have any issue with another driver send me a PM
Lobby settings
  1. Room Mode - Practice/Qualifying/Race
  2. Room Privacy - Friends Only
  3. Race Quality - High
  4. Voice Chat Quality - Low (kept on to aid communication while racing in tight packs; may be turned off at least for Road Courses if lag is an issue)
  5. Non-Fixed Room Host
  6. Maximum Number of Participants - 16
Race Settings
  1. Start type – Manual Double File Rolling Start
  2. Boost - Off
  3. Penalty - None
  4. Tire Wear/Fuel Consumption - Fast
  5. Grip Reduction on Wet Track/Track Edge - Real
  6. Minimum Number of Pit Stops – Depending how many laps per race
  7. Require Tire Type Change – RS
  8. Race Finish Delay - 180 seconds
  9. Visible Damage - ON
  10. Mechanical Damage - Light
  11. Slipstream Strength - Real
Car Selection Method: Garage; Car Filter: Filter by Performance Settings
  1. PP Limit - 627
  2. Max Power Limit - 892
  3. Minimum Weight (kgs):1565
  4. Drivetrain - FR
  5. Tires – Racing Soft
  6. Tuning allowed in ovals
  7. No tuning in road courses
Driving Options
  1. Skid Recovery Force - Prohibited
  2. Active Steering - Prohibited
  3. Active Stability Management (ASM) - Prohibited
  4. Driving Line - Prohibited
  5. Traction Control - Prohibited
Qualifying & Racing Grid Set-up
  1. 5 Minutes before the race, solo qualifying
  2. Every race will have a formation lap and rolling start.
  3. The formation lap is used to sort all cars into proper grid order before the race
  4. The pole sitter chooses which lane he wants before the race starts. The 2nd place car will lead the lane not chosen.
  5. All other cars will be in their assigned lane regardless of which lane the pole sitter chooses. Odd numbered cars will start on the inside, Even numbered cars on the outside.
  6. The start is not staggered; 1st and 2nd will start directly beside each other, as will 3rd and 4th, 5th and 6th, etc.
  7. Maintain a pace speed of 60 mph / 100 km/h
  8. Absolutely no weaving on the formation lap; it does more harm than good
  9. Unless otherwise noted, the start line in the game will be where the pole-sitter accelerates
  10. You may not attempt to pass any car in your lane until you cross the start line (don't jump out of line except to avoid a wreck)
Points and Championship
1st place - 35 points
2nd place - 33 points
3rd place - 31 points
4th place - 29 points
5th place - 28 points
6th place - 27 points
7th place - 26 points
8th place - 25 points
9th place - 24 points
10th place - 23 points
11th place - 22 points
12th place - 21 points
13th place - 20 points
14th place - 19 points
15th place - 18 points
16th place - 17 points

Bonus Points

+1 for winning pole
+1 for leading a single lap
+1 for leading the most laps on an oval
+1 for the fastest lap on a road course
+5 for winning a triple crown race Drivers Championship

  1. After 12 rounds, the driver with the highest points total wins the championship
  2. A drivers 2 lowest scoring rounds will be dropped. Round 12 cannot be dropped.
  3. If there is a tie in points, the driver with the most wins wins the tiebreaker. Then 2nd, 3rd, etc.
Teams Championship
  1. The top 2 cars from each team per race will score points towards the team championship
  2. Bonus points scored by drivers do not count towards the Team Championship
  3. All point penalties incurred by drivers, however, do count towards the Team Championship.Retirements
  4. If a driver wants to give up, under a non-emergency situation, they should find clear track (no cars) and proceed safely to the pits.
  5. Park your car in the stall by pushing "start" as you're entering pit lane.
  6. Do not simply push start after you decide to quit and leave it be.
  7. This causes your car to become a potentially dangerous moving obstacle. This will be grounds for a disqualification for the race and possible follow up penalties.
  8. Positions for multiple DNF drivers will be ranked according to time of retirement.

Penalties for this series will be handled with a basic point penalty system for offenses. The worse the offense, the more points will be deducted.

Minor infractions - 1 pt

  1. Repeated Accidental corner cuts (3-5)
  2. Reckless/Aggressive driving - not causing a collision (includes excessive blocking, dive-bombing, etc)
  3. Causing an avoidable collision - stopping and letting the affected drivers overtake you
  4. Passing out of bounds and not giving back the position
Minor infractions in 2 separate races will result in probation.

Moderate infractions - 3 pts

  1. Repeated Accidental corner cuts (5-7)
  2. Causing an avoidable collision - not slowing to let affected drivers overtake you
  3. Rejoining track from out of bounds/pit exit resulting in blocking/impeding race traffic
  4. Illegal blocking/impeding the progress of a lead lap car
Moderate infractions will result in probation for the next race.

Severe infractions - 6 pt

  1. Deliberately causing a collision (punting in an attempt to overtake, etc.)
  2. Repeated accidental corner cuts (7 or more)
  3. Deliberate corner cuts
  4. Sustained aggressive/reckless driving
  5. Causing multiple avoidable collisions
Severe infractions will result in AUTOMATIC PROBATION for the remainder of the championship.

Extreme infractions
- Disqualification from race + possible suspension from 1 or more races (up to and including championship exclusion)

  1. Committing any infraction while on probation
  2. Deliberately causing multiple collisions/Deliberately wrecking a driver
  3. Driving backwards on the track for any reason
  4. Multiple Deliberate corner cuts
  5. Using an illegally modified/hacked car
Just wanted to pass along some annoying and troubling behaviour from last nights Kart races.

Seems the first time you hit the brakes in a race you hear the button press sound effect. Wasn't sure what was happening at first til @Chiochan pointed it out.

We had both rooms lock up at the end of a race. For @dabneyd room a random joined mid-race and the room wouldn't exit the after race loading screen until he left.

In my room we had a Kart racer join mid-race and after the race we got stuck at the loading screen. We asked him to leave and come back but it didn't change anything. Then we found out @goofytyler was still on track and basically idling around. Usually the timer would have kicked in and we'd be back at the lounge menu. Wouldn't do that until goofy exited.

Looks like we have some shiny new stuff and some more broken stuff :(
1) sorry for sticking the snoot in here as usual eavesdropping on the thread (can you blame me you have interesting conversations sometimes? And I'm hoping to get more information shared & maybe figure out this stuff :()

2) what is a "button press sound effect"? Is this a sound effect in the game or something you're describing or what? I haven't noticed this - but I don't know what it is I would've noticed if I did.

3) I've only noticed the 1st race glitch of... "puts the host on the way way way back of the grid for the first race" (that takes place in a new lobby). This has happened since... well since as long as I can remember doing the MMShuffle races - because we use RGO for that, not any qualifying at all.
Because of this, and because *I* of all people do NOT need that kind of a handicap :odd::lol:... I've always started doing a "reset" race, to fix it (on Madrid Mini - I just keep that as the track on the load save).
I found the other day, that I could also do the reset race ALONE, and it fixes it too - so if I get in the room early I can do it alone. And just set it on autopilot while I make preps (or coffee).
But... for the first time yesterday... and @Chiochan I think can vouch for this... he asked if maybe the update fixed that... and we started the race... and not only did the host (me) wind up way way way back on the grid... but 2 other drivers wound up all the way around the corner way way back. Like several car lengths behind me - and I was way way way back on the grid. Which was actually new. Usually it was just me (the host) who would wind up way way back.
No problems in the next (1st official) race though, with the grid, so far as I noticed.

4) Today in @CC570 's VCRC event we had the room lock up at the end of the race at the results screen after one of the races.
NOT black screen - I mean it was the results screen... and it was like the autopilot in the background was speeded up, if that makes sense? Running too fast. Well faster than those cars - untuned Bluebird rally car & R8 Gordini... should've run on autopilot on Eiger dirt. :odd:
We were able to go to the ps3 screen & msg each other on psn while this occurred. Well I was still in the room when I was doing the messaging (I just assumed the others were too.)
Eventually it told me I was disconnected from the server. After being stuck in the results screen for a long, long time.
I have no idea if cc570 forced his game closed & he was the host and maybe it was fixed... I don't know, he'd have to specify what happened on his end, because I didn't ask, and we didn't really discuss it beyond "PD is being silly again" & just continued racing where we left off (when cc570 made a new room)
I also have no recollection if anyone entered the room during the race. Someone could have randomly entered the room. I know someone did during some race, but I don't remember if that was the one. Maybe someone else there remembers if it happened during that particular race.

5) Yesterday's MMShuffle lobby was totally flunky dubious in general. I very much suspected it had something to do with the recent update getting things all akimbo or something.
We just had more invisible car problems than usual. There were also reports of intermittent small & brief lag bomb drops in at least 2 of the races. Ironically - not at Daytona SS - but we managed to have a race incident anyway, so go figure, but someone got disconnected at the start of the Daytona race.
We also seemed to have the room locking up on the track loading screen after I'd do the settings... But we had a couple of spots open for awhile so there were random people showing up. And I wound up having to kick a few people.

6) Speaking of kicking people... I really hate that you can't kick people when the room is stuck. In gt5, if the room was stuck on track loading, the host could still kick people. Not so anymore, it also freezes your ability to kick.
Somewhat unrelated - I also hate the fact that you can't kick someone once the countdown has started to start the race. Which means I have to be pretty aggressive about kicking random people who show up and fail to get into the proper car. I can't trust that they'll just spectate, in other words.

Anyhow... sorry for kind of venting here with walls of text. But I was hoping someone else would maybe benefit from this info, or maybe have something to share with me regarding it.

The Steward Summary will be postponed until 11:00 PM Eastern, Thursday 30 January 2014. This is to allow any stewards that are willing, to download the replay for the incident in D8, that's just been transferred to the D8 Folder.

Under normal race weeks, this type of delay will not be workable. The fact there are no official races this coming Sunday, is the only reason we have the luxury of postponing this much. In the future, if those that want to get the next week's combos squared away for the official Thursday practice session, we will need all Division's replays uploaded no later than the Monday night following racing. Please remember, the stewards have lives outside of SNAIL and we do our level best to get the reviews done in a timely fashion. The replays are critical to that effort. Especially when prize candidates are involved.

I would like to thank the stewards, who have put in a herculean effort this week, for getting the majority of the reviews done. Not only did we play the PD Replay lottery multiple times, we dealt with just getting the replays to our PS3s, so we could review. The Summary will go out tomorrow night, with or without that last incident.
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1) sorry for sticking the snoot in here as usual eavesdropping on the thread (can you blame me you have interesting conversations sometimes? And I'm hoping to get more information shared & maybe figure out this stuff :()

2) what is a "button press sound effect"? Is this a sound effect in the game or something you're describing or what? I haven't noticed this - but I don't know what it is I would've noticed if I did.

3) I've only noticed the 1st race glitch of... "puts the host on the way way way back of the grid for the first race" (that takes place in a new lobby). This has happened since... well since as long as I can remember doing the MMShuffle races - because we use RGO for that, not any qualifying at all.
Because of this, and because *I* of all people do NOT need that kind of a handicap :odd::lol:... I've always started doing a "reset" race, to fix it (on Madrid Mini - I just keep that as the track on the load save).
I found the other day, that I could also do the reset race ALONE, and it fixes it too - so if I get in the room early I can do it alone. And just set it on autopilot while I make preps (or coffee).
But... for the first time yesterday... and @Chiochan I think can vouch for this... he asked if maybe the update fixed that... and we started the race... and not only did the host (me) wind up way way way back on the grid... but 2 other drivers wound up all the way around the corner way way back. Like several car lengths behind me - and I was way way way back on the grid. Which was actually new. Usually it was just me (the host) who would wind up way way back.
No problems in the next (1st official) race though, with the grid, so far as I noticed.

4) Today in @CC570 's VCRC event we had the room lock up at the end of the race at the results screen after one of the races.
NOT black screen - I mean it was the results screen... and it was like the autopilot in the background was speeded up, if that makes sense? Running too fast. Well faster than those cars - untuned Bluebird rally car & R8 Gordini... should've run on autopilot on Eiger dirt. :odd:
We were able to go to the ps3 screen & msg each other on psn while this occurred. Well I was still in the room when I was doing the messaging (I just assumed the others were too.)
Eventually it told me I was disconnected from the server. After being stuck in the results screen for a long, long time.
I have no idea if cc570 forced his game closed & he was the host and maybe it was fixed... I don't know, he'd have to specify what happened on his end, because I didn't ask, and we didn't really discuss it beyond "PD is being silly again" & just continued racing where we left off (when cc570 made a new room)
I also have no recollection if anyone entered the room during the race. Someone could have randomly entered the room. I know someone did during some race, but I don't remember if that was the one. Maybe someone else there remembers if it happened during that particular race.

5) Yesterday's MMShuffle lobby was totally flunky dubious in general. I very much suspected it had something to do with the recent update getting things all akimbo or something.
We just had more invisible car problems than usual. There were also reports of intermittent small & brief lag bomb drops in at least 2 of the races. Ironically - not at Daytona SS - but we managed to have a race incident anyway, so go figure, but someone got disconnected at the start of the Daytona race.
We also seemed to have the room locking up on the track loading screen after I'd do the settings... But we had a couple of spots open for awhile so there were random people showing up. And I wound up having to kick a few people.

6) Speaking of kicking people... I really hate that you can't kick people when the room is stuck. In gt5, if the room was stuck on track loading, the host could still kick people. Not so anymore, it also freezes your ability to kick.
Somewhat unrelated - I also hate the fact that you can't kick someone once the countdown has started to start the race. Which means I have to be pretty aggressive about kicking random people who show up and fail to get into the proper car. I can't trust that they'll just spectate, in other words.

Anyhow... sorry for kind of venting here with walls of text. But I was hoping someone else would maybe benefit from this info, or maybe have something to share with me regarding it.

No need to be sorry @watermelonpunch, drop in any time, set a spell :)

The button press sound effect I was talking about was when you're navigating the menus and you press X to enter a function on the main menu, or O to back out. You get a sound effect, kind of like 'boing'. Every race last night, the first time I went to brake I could hear it. Hopefully that makes sense :crazy:

We raced last week and everyone was out of order on the grid, totally messed up. Had it set to fastest first and people were all mixed up. Not sure if that's what you're talking about.

Maybe it's this, last night at Laguna Seca it didn't appear everyone was lined up in the start positions properly. You know how it has the lines for starting position, everyone was not in sync with it. Everyone was line up nicely in a grid order, just not matching what was on the pavement.

Last night we had a couple of big 'lag bombs' (good description) I think it was @goofytyler that 'exploded'.